Chapter 24 FOW

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What extent did the new imperialism result in economic gains and why

Not much before 1914 because the colonies were too poor to buy anything. Offered few investments.

How did Japan modernize (5)

-Abolished decentralized government, strong unified state -Dismantled 4 class system and declared social equality -Legal now to travel in the country -Build railroads and factories -Free liberal society, help sponsor new ideas

Main goal of the Meiji restoration

To meet the foreign threat.

What pattern of migration out of Europe follow in the 19th century

-Britain and Ireland left in large numbers from 1840s on, rural poverty -Germany emigrants declined as industrialization provided good jobs at home

How were governments able to use empires to ease social tensions and domestic political conflicts in the 19th century? 3

-Diverted popular attention from class struggle and create a false sense of national unity. -Imperial propogandists stressed that colonies bennefitted workers as well as captalists, provided jobs and cheap raw materials, raised standard of living -Conquering land got glory and brought nationalism to the country.

Principle the European powers established their claim to an African territory after the Berlin Conference>

-Effective occupation- had to have a presence in the established colony -Pushed relentlessly into interior regions from all sides, no one else would claim it

Result of Berlin Conference

-Established effective occupation

What did Heinrich Von Treitschke say about conquering lands?

-Every virtue to establish colonial power, all great nations had to make marks on lands and those who don't will appear weak.

Why did some people criticize idea of colonial rule?

-Human dignity, economic freedom and political independence were incompatible with foreign rule -Attracted to nationalism, believed that people should control their own destiny

Meiji restoration restored the Japnanese emperor to power and?

-Led to modernization of Japan -

By 1890, How did Japan meet challenge of Western Expansion?

-Opened Korea with gunboat diplomacy -Defeated China in a war over Korea, competed aggressively with European powers for influence and territory in China -Attacked Russia and won, had a foothold in China and became a major imperialist power

How did union of south Africa function differently than any other territory

-United with old cape colony, established a self governing colony -Defeated gradually the Afrikaners and used numerical superiority to take over the British settlers -Most nonwhites lost the right to vote except in the cape colony

Why did Great Britain choose to seize land in Africa and Asia in the late 19th century?

Because France and the US were raising tariffs as a barrier to foreign competition. -Losing economic lead, when France and US took over some land in Asia and Africa, Britian did the same -Worried about economic future

After 1860, why did foreign aggression diminish in China until the end of the century?

Because the Europeans obtained their goal of establishing commercial and diplomatic relations with China.

Kipling White Man's burden

Book is about how the European nations should colonize Africans and make them civilized people. -benefit from industrialization, education, medicine, and Christianity -Prepare the for self government.

What country dominated the 3000 mile archipelago that is now Indonesia?

Dutch dominated this territory\ -Shared some spoils with Britain and Germany.


Idea that people who were native to the country were better than immigrants and should get better treatment -Inspired monitored movement across national boundaries with passports and customs


Kitchener armies found a small French force that occupied village of Fashoda. -France wanted this land, wanted to reach Africa's unclaimed areas -Threat of war, france backed down and Britain took over

Medication effective at controlling malaria?


What did Vladimir Lenin believe about imperialism?

Said that imperialism was the highest stage of capitalism -Predicted decay and collapse of capitalist society

How was emigration related to population growth in the 19th century?

The more crowded the country was, more people left to look for better opportunities. Lead to hunger and overpopulation


Western people misunderstood and described colonial subjects and cultures. -Refers to western views about non westerers around the globe, help spread western superiority -Justified colonial expansion

Goal of the new imperialism of the late 19th century?

To get as much territory as possible. -New land aimed at Asia and Africa

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