Chapter 24 Life Science

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Definition -The biosphere is the top portion of the Earth's crust, all the waters that cover Earth's surface, and the atmosphere that surrounds Earth. The Sahara Desert is part of the biosphere.


Definition- A community is all the populations of all species living in an ecosytsem. Beluga whales can be apart of the arctic community.


Definition- A habitat is the place in which an organism lives. A natural habit for a lion is the savannah.


Definition- A population is made up of all organisms of the same species that live in an area at the same time. The population of elk is being less and less due to hunters killing them.


Definition- An ecosystem is all the organisms living in an area. Fish, plants, turtles, and deer live in this ecosystem.

biotic potential

Definition- Biotic potential is the highest possible rate of growth for a population. The biotic potential for deer went down because of the big blizzard.

Carrying capacity

Definition- Carrying capcatiy is the largest number of individuals of one species that an ecosytem can support over time. If the carrying capacity of buffalo increases, there will be less grass because they will eat more.


Definition- Consumers that eat only plants. The herbivore concoured the plant with its whopping jaw by eating it.


Definition- Ecology is the study of interactions that occur among organisms and their environments This ecologist is studying the ecology of weather change in the rainforest effecting the humingbirds.

limiting factor

Definition- Limiting factor is anything that restricts the number of individuals in a population. The coyotes gave the cows a limiti

population density

Definition- Population density is a measure of the number of organisms that make up a population in a confined area The population density of the cows in the pasture is causing cows to lose weight.

exponential growth

Definition- The larger a population gets the faster it grows. The rabbits exponential growth increases because rabbit reporduce rapidly

sample counts

Definition- Used to estimate population size in larger areas. Divide area into equal sections, count number of animals in one section and multiply Farmers use sample counts on one row of corn for corn bores.


Definition-A food chain is a simple model of the feeding relationships in an ecosystem. A food chain can start with a plant and end with a large creature.


Definition-A symbiotic re- lationship in which one organism benefits and the other is not affected is called commensalism. The commensalistict relationship with the sting ray and the fish is that the fish gets a protector and the sting ray gets nothing.


Definition-A symbiotic relation ship in which both species benefit is called mutualism. The plants mutualism with humans is that we help give carbon dioxide and they give us oxygen.


Definition-A symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits but the other is harmed is called parasitism. The tics parasitisct relationship with the dog is that blood is taken from the dog and it harmed the dog.


Definition-An organism's niche is its role in its environment—how it obtains food and shelter, finds a mate, cares for its young, and avoids danger. The bats niche in the environent is to eat bugs that are annoying.


Definition-Any close relationship between species is called symbiosis. The symbiosis relationship with with plants and humans is exponentially helpful.


Definition-Behavior by two or more individuals that leads to mutual benefit. The two squirrels used cooperation to help each other out with the winter coming.


Definition-Consumers that eat both plants and animals. Bears are catagorized as omnivores because when they cant find meat they eat plants.


Definition-Consumers that eat only animals The carnivore devoured the cows meat.


Definition-Organisms that break down the dead remains of other organisms. The fungus is a decomposer that breaks down dead organisms for nutrients


Definition-Organisms that cannot make their own energy- rich molecules are called consumers. All mamals are consumers because we dont use the sun for food.


Definition-Organisms that use an outside energy source like the Sun to make energy-rich molecules are called producers. The producers used photosynthesis to make their food.


Predator Definition-An animal that hunts other animals for food Prey Definition-An organism that is killed and eaten by another organism The predators prey was the little turtle hiding under the log.

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