Chapter 25 fluid

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60) Define acidemia and alkalemia. (Module 25.7A) A) Acidemia is when pH decreases below 4.8 and alkalemia is when pH increases above 11.4. B) Acidemia is when pH increases above 7.45 and alkalemia is when pH decreases below 7.35. C) Acidemia is when pH increases above 11.4 and alkalemia is when pH decreases below 4.8. D) Acidemia is when pH decreases below 7.35 and alkalemia is when pH increases above 7.45.

Acidemia is when pH decreases below 7.35 and alkalemia is when pH increases above 7.45.

36) The hemoglobin buffer system exists in A) intracellular fluid only. B) extracellular fluid only. C) both intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid.

both intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid.

43) Hypoventilation leads to A) respiratory acidosis. B) respiratory alkalosis. C) metabolic acidosis. D) metabolic alkalosis.

respiratory acidosis.

15) Consuming a meal high in salt will A) drastically increase the osmolarity of the blood. B) result in a temporary increase in blood volume. C) decrease thirst. D) cause hypotension. E) decrease renin secretion

result in a temporary increase in blood volume.

37) Which buffers/buffer system exist(s) only in intracellular fluid? A) plasma protein buffers B) the hemoglobin buffer systemC) amino acid buffersD) the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system E) the phosphate buffer system

the phosphate buffer system

16) Antidiuretic hormone does notA) inhibit water intake. B) increase thirst. C) cause water to shift out of the ICF. D) increase ECF volume. E) increase ECF sodium concentration.

cause water to shift out of the ICF.

12) The ions in highest concentration in the extracellular fluid are sodium and A) chloride. B) potassium. C) calcium. D) magnesium. E) phosphorus.


45) Which of the following descriptions best fits the acid-base disorder respiratory alkalosis? A) consequence of hyperventilation, for example in fever or mental illness B) consequence of prolonged vomiting C) consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to COPD D) consequence of tissue hypoxia, for example in ischemic conditions

consequence of hyperventilation, for example in fever or mental illness

25) Normal K+ concentration in extracellular fluid is ________ mEq/L. A) 1.5 B) 1.5-3.0 C) 3.5-5.0 D) 5.5-7 E) 135


41) A person who consumes large amounts of sodium bicarbonate (ʺbaking sodaʺ) to settle an upset stomach risks A) respiratory acidosis. B) respiratory alkalosis. C) metabolic acidosis. D) metabolic alkalosis.

41: metabolic alkalosis.

4) In an adult female, the body consists of about ________ percent water. A) 60 B) 50 C) 40


55) Which organs are primarily responsible for regulating the potassium ion concentration in the ECF? (Module 25.5A) A) lungs B) kidneys C) adrenal glands D) lymph nodes E) intestines

55: kidneys

2) In an adult male, the body consists of about ________ percent water. A) 60 B) 90 C) 40


32) The normal pH range for extracellular fluid is A) 6.95-7.00. B) 7.15-7.25. C) 7.25-7.35. D) 7.35-7.45. E) 7.45-7.55.


49) Describe a fluid shift. (Module 25.2B) A) A fluid shift is a slow transfer of water from the ECF into the ICF. B) A fluid shift is a slow transfer of water from the ICF into the ECF. C) A fluid shift is the rapid movement of water from the ECF and ICF into the solid components in response to an osmotic gradient. D) A fluid shift is the rapid movement of water from the solid compartments into the ECF and ICF in response to an osmotic gradient. E) A fluid shift is the rapid movement of water between the ECF and ICF in response to an osmotic gradient

A fluid shift is the rapid movement of water between the ECF and ICF in response to an osmotic gradient

58) When is your body in acid-base balance? (Module 25.6A) A) when the loss of hydrogen ions is offset by the production of bicarbonate ions and pH becomes alkaline B) when the production of hydrogen ions exceeds the loss of hydrogen ions and pH becomes acidic C) when the loss of hydrogen ions exceeds the production of hydrogen ions and pH becomes alkaline D) when the production of hydrogen ions is precisely offset by the production of sodium ions and pH remains within normal limits E) when the production of hydrogen ions is precisely offset by their loss and pH remains within normal limits

when the production of hydrogen ions is precisely offset by their loss and pH remains within normal limits

18) Which hormone stimulates the thirst mechanism? A) ADH B) epinephrine C) aldosterone D) natriuretic peptides E) norepinephrine


54) What effect does aldosterone have on sodium ion concentration in the ECF? (Module 25.4B) A) Aldosterone increases urinary sodium retention and therefore decreases sodium ion concentration in ECF. B) Aldosterone decreases urinary sodium retention and therefore increases sodium ion concentration in ECF. C) Aldosterone decreases urinary sodium retention and therefore decreases sodium ion concentration in the ECF. D) Aldosterone does not affect urinary sodium retention and therefore has no effect on sodium ion concentration in ECF. E) Aldosterone increases urinary sodium retention and therefore increases sodium ion concentration in ECF.

Aldosterone increases urinary sodium retention and therefore increases sodium ion concentration in ECF.

6) Which body system is not involved in fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance? A) cardiovascular B) muscular C) integumentary D) endocrine E) All systems produce metabolic wastes and therefore are involved in fluid and electrolyte balance.

All systems produce metabolic wastes and therefore are involved in fluid and electrolyte balance.

62) Summarize the relationship between PCO2 levels and pH. (Module 25.7C) A) A direct relationship occurs between the levels of PCO2 and pH. B) An inverse relationship occurs between the levels of PCO2 and pH. C) A direct relationship occurs between the levels of PCO2 and pH when the pH is below 7.35.

An inverse relationship occurs between the levels of PCO2 and pH.

69) What would happen to the blood PCO2 of a patient who has an airway obstruction? (Module 25.10A) A) Blood PCO2 would increase, resulting in respiratory acidosis. B) Blood PCO2 would increase, resulting in respiratory alkalosis. C) Blood PCO2 would decrease, resulting in respiratory acidosis. D) Blood PCO2 would decrease, resulting in respiratory alkalosis.

Blood PCO2 would increase, resulting in respiratory acidosis.

50) Explain dehydration and its effect on the osmotic concentration of blood. (Module 25.2C) A) Dehydration occurs when water gains outpace water losses causing the osmotic concentration of blood plasma to decrease. B) Dehydration occurs when water losses outpace water gain causing the osmotic concentration of blood plasma to decrease. C) Dehydration occurs when water gains outpace water losses causing the osmotic concentration of blood plasma to increase. D) Dehydration occurs when water losses outpace water gain causing the osmotic concentration of blood plasma to increase.

Dehydration occurs when water losses outpace water gain causing the osmotic concentration of blood plasma to increase.

70) How would a decrease in the pH of body fluids affect the respiratory rate? (Module 25.10B) A) Respiratory rate would increase. B) Respiratory rate would decrease. C) Respiratory rate would not change.

Respiratory rate would increase.

9) With regard to fluid balance, water gains occur primarily in the A) cardiopulmonary system. B) digestive tract. C) kidneys. D) lungs. E) liver.

Digestive tract

8) Rapid water movement between the extracellular fluid and the intracellular fluid is termed A) fluid balance. B) fluid compartmentalization. C) dehydration. D) buffering. E) fluid shift.

Fluid shift

57) Define hypokalemia and hyperkalemia. (Module 25.5C) A) Hypokalemia is defined as blood Na+ levels below 136 mEq/L and hyperkalemia is defined as blood Na+ levels above 145 mEq/L. B) Hypokalemia is defined as blood Na+ levels above 145 mEq/L and hyperkalemia is defined as blood Na+ levels below 136 mEq/L. C) Hypokalemia is defined as blood K+ levels below 3.5 mEq/L and hyperkalemia is defined as blood K+ levels above 5.0 mEq/L. D) Hypokalemia is defined as blood K+ levels above 5.0 mEq/L and hyperkalemia is defined as blood K+ levels below 3.5 mEq/L.

Hypokalemia is defined as blood K+ levels below 3.5 mEq/L and hyperkalemia is defined as blood K+ levels above 5.0 mEq/L.

64) Which fluids are buffered by the phosphate buffer system? (Module 25.8B) A) ECF, blood plasma B) ICF, blood plasmaC) ICF, ECF, blood plasma D) ECF, urine E) ICF, urine

ICF, urine

3) About two-thirds of the bodyʹs fluid is within cells and is termed ________ fluid. A) intracellular B) intercellular C) extracellular D) interstitial


66) Describe metabolic acidosis. (Module 25.9A) A) Metabolic acidosis occurs when pH decreases due to an impaired ability to remove CO2 by the lungs. B) Metabolic acidosis occurs when pH increases due to faster CO2 elimination by the lungs than production. C) Metabolic acidosis occurs when pH decreases due increased numbers of fixed and metabolic acids, from bicarbonate loss, or from depletion of bicarbonate reserve when hydrogen ions are not adequately excreted by the kidneys.

Metabolic acidosis occurs when pH decreases due increased numbers of fixed and metabolic acids, from bicarbonate loss, or from depletion of bicarbonate reserve when hydrogen ions are not adequately excreted by the kidneys.

67) Describe metabolic alkalosis. (Module 25.9B) A) Metabolic alkalosis occurs when pH decreases due to an impaired ability to remove CO2 by the lungs. B) Metabolic alkalosis occurs when pH increases due to faster CO2 elimination by the lungs than production. C) Metabolic alkalosis occurs when pH decreases due increased numbers of fixed and metabolic acids, from bicarbonate loss, or from depletion of bicarbonate reserve when hydrogen ions are not adequately excreted by the kidneys. D) Metabolic alkalosis occurs when pH increases due to the removal of hydrogen ions when bicarbonate ion concentrations are elevated.

Metabolic alkalosis occurs when pH increases due to the removal of hydrogen ions when bicarbonate ion concentrations are elevated.

51) Define mineral balance. (Module 25.3A) A) Mineral balance occurs when the blood plasma concentration of sodium is equal to potassium. B) Mineral balance occurs when the blood plasma concentration of sodium is equal to chloride. C) Mineral balance occurs when ion gains are equal to ion losses. D) Mineral balance occurs when the minerals in the ICF are isotonic to the minerals in the ECF.

Mineral balance occurs when ion gains are equal to ion losses.

56) Identify factors that cause potassium excretion. (Module 25.5B) A) Potassium excretion is caused by an increase in aldosterone stimulation and when the pH of the ECF increases. B) Potassium excretion is caused by an increase in aldosterone stimulation and when the pH of the ECF decreases. C) Potassium excretion is caused by a decrease in aldosterone stimulation and when the pH of the ECF increases.

Potassium excretion is caused by an increase in aldosterone stimulation and when the pH of the ECF increases.

59) What is the primary challenge to acid-base homeostasis? (Module 25.6B) A) The primary challenge is the difficulty exhaling CO2 causing accumulation of acid. B) The primary challenge is that buffer systems only work within tissues not in the blood plasma. C) The primary challenge is that blood pH must be maintained at exactly 7.0. D) The primary challenge is that the body generates a variety of acids during normal metabolic operations causing a decrease in pH.

The primary challenge is that the body generates a variety of acids during normal metabolic operations causing a decrease in pH.

28) ________ play(s) a key role in maintaining acid-base homeostasis by eliminating carbon dioxide. A) The respiratory system B) The urinary system C) Buffer systems D) Metabolically active cells E) All of the answers are correct.

The respiratory system

48) Identify routes of fluid loss from the body. (Module 25.2A) A) Water can be lost during the production of saliva and gastric secretions, and by urination and in feces. B) Water can be lost during anabolism, and in the production of bile and gastric secretions. C) Water can be lost during urination, evaporation at skin and lungs, and in feces. D) Water can be lost during catabolism and anabolism.

Water can be lost during urination, evaporation at skin and lungs, and in feces.

33) When the blood pH falls below 7.35, ________ results. A) acidemia B) alkalemia


19) Which substance plays a central role in determining the rate of sodium reabsorption? A) ADH B) aldosterone C) extracellular fluid D) natriuretic peptides E) epinephrine


22) The amount of potassium excreted by the kidneys is regulated mainly by A) ADH. B) aldosterone. C) parathormone .D) atrial natriuretic peptides. E) glucocorticoids.


34) When the pH rises above 7.45, a state of ________ exists. A) acidosis B) alkalosis


31) A(n) ________ consists of a combination of a weak acid and its associated anion. A) water balance B) exchange pump C) leak channel D) fixed acid E) buffer system

buffer system

30) A chemical that minimizes changes in the pH of a body fluid by releasing or binding hydrogen ion is called a(n) A) electrolyte. B) acid. C) alkali. D) compensation. E) buffer.


61) What intermediate compound formed from water and carbon dioxide directly affects the pH of the ECF? (Module 25.7B) A) bicarbonate B) carbonic acid C) carbonic anhydrase D) hydrogen E) hydroxide

carbonic acid

42) Which of the following descriptions best fits the acid-base disorder metabolic alkalosis? A) consequence of hyperventilation, for example in fever or mental illness B) consequence of prolonged vomiting C) consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to COPD D) consequence of tissue hypoxia, for example in ischemic conditions

consequence of prolonged vomiting

44) Which of the following descriptions best fits the acid-base disorder respiratory acidosis? A) consequence of hyperventilation, for example in fever or mental illness B) consequence of prolonged vomiting C) consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to emphysema D) consequence of tissue hypoxia, for example in ischemic conditions

consequence of reduced alveolar ventilation, for example due to emphysema

11) Which of the following is required as a cofactor for hemoglobin synthesis? A) manganese B) phosphorus C) zinc D) copper E) None of the answers is correct.


20) The release of natriuretic peptides from the heart will cause the following response A) decrease of ADH release. B) increase in aldosterone release. C) increase in epinephrine. D) increase in norepinephrine. E) increase in blood volume.

decrease of ADH release.

17) Increased blood volume will A) decrease natriuretic peptide release. B) decrease sodium loss in urine. C) decrease water loss in urine. D) decrease thirst. E) increase aldosterone release

decrease thirst.

53) What effect does inhibition of osmoreceptors have on ADH secretion and thirst? (Module 25.4A) A) increased ADH secretion and increased thirst B) increased ADH secretion and suppressed thirst C) decreased ADH secretion and increased thirst D) decreased ADH secretion and suppressed thirst E) increased ADH secretion but no change in thirst

decreased ADH secretion and suppressed thirst

39) When the pH of the extracellular fluid drops, the kidneys A) excrete more hydrogen ions. B) excrete more bicarbonate ions. C) reabsorb bicarbonate ions. D) excrete more hydrogen ions and excrete more bicarbonate ions. E) excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions.

excrete more hydrogen ions and reabsorb bicarbonate ions.

21) Homeostatic mechanisms that monitor and adjust the composition of body fluids respond to changes in the A) intracellular fluid. B) plasma membrane. C) extracellular fluid. D) solid components. E) cytosol.

extracellular fluid.

27) A(n) ________ acid is an acid that cannot leave solution and enter the atmosphere. A) fixed B) organic C) volatile D) weak E) hydrophobic


29) Small amounts of ________ acids are generated during the catabolism of amino acids and compounds that contain phosphate groups A) fixed B) organic C) volatile


23) Secretion of potassium into the urine is A) decreased by aldosterone. B) associated with the secretion of sodium from the distal tubules and collecting ducts. C) increased when the exchange pump binds H+. D) increased by aldosterone. E) None of the answers is correct.

increased by aldosterone.

35) The primary role of the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system is to A) buffer stomach acid. B) buffer carbonic acid formed by carbon dioxide. C) limit pH changes caused by organic and fixed acids. D) buffer the urine. E) increase ventilation.

limit pH changes caused by organic and fixed acids.

68) If the kidneys are conserving HCO3- and eliminating H+ in acidic urine, which is occurring: metabolic alkalosis or metabolic acidosis? (Module 25.9C) A) metabolic alkalosis B) metabolic acidosis

metabolic acidosis

40) Prolonged vomiting can result in A) respiratory acidosis. B) respiratory alkalosis. C) metabolic acidosis. D) metabolic alkalosis.

metabolic alkalosis.

14) Which hormone(s) is released by cardiac muscle cells in response to increased atrial distension? A) ADH B) aldosterone C) PTH D) acetylcholine E) natriuretic peptides

natriuretic peptides

5) When water is lost, but electrolytes are retained, A) the osmolarity of the extracellular fluid falls. B) osmosis moves water from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid. C) both the extracellular fluid and the intracellular fluid become more dilute. D) there is an increase in the volume of the intracellular fluid.

osmosis moves water from the intracellular fluid to the extracellular fluid.

24) All of the following factors are consistent with hypokalemia except A) decreased aldosterone secretion. B) overuse of diuretics. C) kidney failure. D) reduction in sodium reabsorption. E) a potassium level above 7 mEq/L.

overuse of diuretics.

63) Identify the bodyʹs three major buffer systems. (Module 25.8A) A) hemoglobin buffer system, amino acid buffer system, and the plasma protein buffer system B) hemoglobin buffer system, amino acid buffer system, and the protein buffer system C) phosphate buffer system, protein buffer system, and the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system D) renal buffer system, respiratory buffer system, and the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system

phosphate buffer system, protein buffer system, and the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system

10) The principal cation in cytoplasm is A) sodium. B) potassium. C) calcium. D) magnesium. E) chloride.


47) Which solid component makes up most of the body mass? (Module 25.1C) A) carbohydrates B) minerals C) lipids D) vitamins E) proteins


46) Hyperventilation will ________ pH. A) raise (increase) B) lower (decrease)

raise (increase)

52) Identify the electrolytes absorbed by active transport. (Module 25.3B) A) sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphate, and sulfate B) potassium, chloride, iron, and iodide C) hydrogen, bicarbonate, sulfate, and potassium D) chloride, iodide, and nitrate E) zinc, copper, chloride, and calcium

sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphate, and sulfate

65) Describe the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system. (Module 25.8C) A) The carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system uses the hydrogen ions created by the metabolic and fixed acids to generate carbonic acid which dissociates into H2O and CO2, which can be eliminated by the lungs. B) The carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system uses hemoglobin to buffer hydrogen ions. C) The carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system uses the side group, the amino group, and the carboxylate group of amino acids to buffer pH changes.

the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system uses the hydrogen ions created by the metabolic and fixed acids to generate carbonic acid which dissociates into H2O and CO2, which can be eliminated by the lungs.

1. Intracellular fluid is found only within A) blood vessels. B) lymph. C) the cells of the body. D) the interstitial space. E) the cerebrospinal fluid.

the cells of the body.

13) With regard to mineral balance, the primary site of ion loss in the body is A) the epithelial lining of the small intestine and colon. B) sweat gland secretions. C) the skeleton. D) the kidneys. E) the liver.

the kidneys

38) Excess hydrogen ion is eliminated from the body largely by A) sweating. B) the kidneys. C) the liver. D) the feces. E) buffers.

the kidneys.

26) A(n) ________ acid is an acid that can leave solution and enter the atmosphere. A) fixed B) organic C) volatile D) weak E) hydrophobic


7) Metabolic water is A) water consumed as liquid. B) water produced through anabolic processes. C) water produced through catabolic processes. D) water consumed in food. E) the combination of all water consumed per day.

water produced through catabolic processes.

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