Chapter 25: Metabolism

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In glycolysis, each molecule of glucose that is catabolized gives a net yield of how many molecules of ATP?


In severe dehydration or blood loss, what would be the levels of ADH and what would be the urine flow rate?

ADH - high; low urine flow rate (0.25 ml/min)

In overhydration, what would be the levels of ADH (high, normal, or low) and what would be the osmolarity of the urine?

ADH - low; 100 mOsm (urine)

Which of the following statements about ADH (antidiuretic hormone) is correct?

ADH is released by the posterior pituitary gland.

Which energy-rich molecule produced by cellular respiration directly powers cell work?


Citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle)

Acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, where it undergoes a series of reactions to generate ATP, NADH, FADH2, and carbon dioxide. This cycle occurs in the mitochondrial matrix.

The attachment of an anime group in the synthesis of an amino acid is called


When considering the chemicals in the nutrient pool, which chemical is LEAST likely to be broken down to supply energy for the cell?

Amino acids

Removal of the amino group from amino acids in the first step of their catabolism requires a coenzyme derived from vitamin


Which of the following statements describe the absorptive state?

Blood glucose is high. Triglyceride levels are high in the blood stream.

What is the correct general equation for cellular respiration?

C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP energy

Which lipoprotein carries dietary triglycerides to the liver?


Which of the following is a nitrogen-containing compound that is important for energy storage in muscle tissue


What is the basis for the labeling of low-density lipoproteins (LDLs) as "bad"?

During transit, cholesterol transported by LDLs to peripheral tissues may contribute to atherosclerosis.

The vitamin that prevents breakdown of vitamin A and fatty acids is vitamin


What is the term for an amino acid that either cannot be synthesized or is not synthesized in adequate amounts in the body?

Essential amino acid

What is an important energy source during periods of starvation, when glucose supplied are limited?

Free fatty acids

Which process in the metabolism of glucose is NOT part of aerobic metabolism?


Which of the following is NOT a mineral required by the body


Which statement describes the citric acid cycle?

This process produces some ATP and carbon dioxide in the mitochondrion.

Which statement describes glycolysis?

This process splits glucose in half and produces 2 ATPs for each glucose.

What lipoproteins transport cholesterol to cells of the body?


Which statement describes the electron transport chain?

This process uses energy captured from electrons flowing to oxygen to produce most of the ATPs in cellular respiration. Submit

Why is it that lipids can not provide large amounts of ATP in a short period of time?

Lipids are insoluble in water, and it is this difficult for water-soluble enzymes to reach them. Lipids reserves are difficult to metabolize. Most lipids are processed in mitochondria, and mitochondrial activity depends on the availability of oxygen.

The synthesis of lipids is called __________


Although small quantities of lipids are normally stored in the liver, most of the synthesized triglycerides are bound to __________.


What chemical in the catabolism of glucose enters the mitochondria?


What is the primary role of the citric acid cycle in the production of ATP?

Removal of electrons from substrates

Electron transport chain (ETC)

The NADH and FADH2 produced during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and the citric acid cycle donate their electrons to the electron transport chain, located in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This generates a proton gradient, which drives ATP synthesis through oxidative phosphorylation.

The period following a meal when nutrient absorption is underway is ________

The absorptive state

How is ATP used in our bodies?

The energy released from ATP is converted into kinetic energy to do work

What exactly is the link between the extra glycogen associated with carbohydrate loading and enhanced performance in endurance sports?

The extra glycogen serves as a reservoir for glucose, which serves as the main fuel molecule for increased cellular respiration, resulting in more available ATP.


The process by which an amino group from one amino acid is transferred to a carbon compound to form a new amino acid.

Synthesis of fatty acids starts with __________.


Metabolism refers to __________.

all the chemical reactions in the body

The attachment of an amine group in the synthesis of an amino acid is called __________.


Which of the following people would not likely be in positive nitrogen balance

an elderly grandmother


an ingested substance needed by the body for growth, maintenance, or repair

Growth and repair involve primarily what type of reactions?


A balanced diet is important to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients to ensure physiological functioning. What is the name of the process where new organic molecules are synthesized?


proteins are made by

binding amino acids together with peptide bonds

The electron transport system doesn't produce ATP directly instead it uses the hydrogen ion gradient to drive


LDLs contain _______.

cholesterol and protein

step 4 in glycolysis

cleavage into 2 molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P), also called PGAL


clusters of lipids associated with proteins that serve as transport vehicles for lipids in the lymph and blood

What is the term for the direct transfer of heat energy through physical contact?


The trace element needed as a cofactor for hemoglobin synthesis is



creation of ketone bodies

If the cells are catabolizing amino acids for energy, what is the first step in amino acid catabolism?


The removal of the amine group from an amino acid, resulting in the formation of an ammonium ion, is __________.


Which of the following is NOT a way your body generates or conserves heat

decreased metabolic rate

Which of the following occurs when water is released (lost) during a reaction?

dehydration synthesis

Very Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDLs)

deliver triglycerides to the adipose tissue for storage (synthesized by liver) (8% protein, 55% triglycerides, 20% cholesterol, 17% phospholipids)

Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDLs)

delivers cholesterol to the cells (bad) (20% protein, 6% triglycerides, 53% cholesterol, 21% phospholipids)

step 6 in glycolysis

dephosphorylation (phosphate is removed from one end of the molecule then the other, added to ADP to form 2 ATP molecules) (2 molecules of pyruvic acid (pyruvate) are formed)

The series of integral and peripheral proteins in the inner mitochondria that takes NADH, FADH2, and oxygen and produces ATP and water is the __________.

electron transport system

Which of the following processes represent(s) catabolism?

endocytosis intracellular transport contraction

The cholesterol determination is _______.

enzymatic and colorimetric

Linoleic acid and linolenic acid are examples of

essential fatty acids


excess ketone bodies in the blood from starvation and diets that do not contain enough carbohydrates


excess ketones in blood


excess ketones in the urine

Why is hypervitaminosis involving water-soluble vitamins relatively uncommon

excessive amounts of these vitamins are readily excreted in the urine

What process(es) occur(s) during beta oxidation?

fatty acids are converted into molecules of acetyl-coA

what does carbohydrate catabolism involve?

glycolysis pyruvate oxidation citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) electron transport chain (ETC) glycogenolysis

Select the correct sequence of steps as energy is extracted from glucose during cellular respiration.

glycolysis → acetyl CoA → citric acid cycle → electron transport chain

About 40 percent of the energy content of nutrients is captured as ATP. The remainder is lost as __________.


What is the osmolarity of the filtrate at the end of the proximal tubule?

isotonic - 300 mOsm

During the postabsorptive state, the liver catabolizes lipids and amino acids to produce acetyl-CoA. Which of the following can build up in the blood when levels of acetyl-CoA in the liver increases?

ketone bodies

The synthesis of lipids is called __________.


endocrine regulation of lipid metabolism

lipogenesis, lipolysis, ketogenesis

lipid anabolism

lipogenesis, liver cells and adipose cells synthesize lipids from glucose or amino acids, occurs when more calories are consumed than needed for ATP production

Fat-soluble vitamin overdoses primarily affect which organ?


glycogen can be found in the

liver and muscle cells

Hypocholesterolemia is linked to _______.

low levels of serotonin


metabolic reactions that consume energy and construct more complex molecules from simpler ones. these reactions are performed for growth, repair, maintenance, and production of secretions.


metabolic reactions that produces energy and break down complex molecules into simpler ones. these reactions are performed to provide energy for body function.

All the chemical reactions that occur in an organism are called __________.


Which of the following foods are deficient in dietary fiber

milk and meat

The citric acid cycle occurs in the

mitochondrial matrix

In what organelle would you find acetyl CoA formation, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport chain?


During starvation,

muscle proteins are used as an energy source.

All the available nutrient molecules distributed in the blood form a

nutrient pool

Which of the following choices below is NOT one of the five basic food groups?


In terms of the movement of electrons, the gain of electrons is called reduction, whereas the loss of electrons is called __________.


step 5 in glycolysis

oxidation (loss of electrons) and addition of phosphate group (2 hydrogen atoms and one proton are lost from the PGAL and picked up by NAD+ to form NADH+H+)

The vitamin that is a constituent of coenzyme A is

pantothenic acid

step 1 in glycolysis

phosphorylation of glucose (requires ATP molecule) (phosphorylated glucose cannot diffuse out of the cell) (maintains low concentration of glucose in the cell so that more glucose will diffuse into the cell)

step 3 in glycolysis

phosphorylation to form fructose 1,6-biphosphae (requires ATP molecule) (prevents 2 phosphorylated halves to diffuse out of the cell)


production of glucose from a non-carbohydrate source (when glycogen levels are low, glucose is necessary to maintain normal blood glucose levels; can be produced from amino acids or lipids)

protein uses in the body include

structural components hormones enzymes contractile proteins (myosin, actin) transport vessels antibodies plasma proteins

The period following a meal when nutrient absorption is underway is __________.

the absorptive state

Why are minerals, vitamins, and water classified as essential nutrients

the body cannot synthesize these nutrients in sufficient quantities

The carbon dioxide of respiration is formed during

the citric acid cycle.

Milk and eggs are complete proteins because they contain

the essential amino acids in sufficient antities

Which vitamin is required for the synthesis of visual pigments

vitamin A

Which vitamin is required for the synthesis of visual pigments?

vitamin A

The element that is necessary for the proper function of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase is


Which of the following enables infants to produce or conserve heat

lipolysis of brown fat

Which of the following enables infants to produce or conserve heat?

lipolysis of brown fat Remember that this involves a special form of adipose tissue.

Which of the following tissues contains NO reserves of carbohydrates, lipids, or proteins and can metabolize only glucose?

neural tissue ' Remember that this tissue is very metabolically expensive.

A cell with excess carbohydrates, lipids, and amino acids will break down carbohydrates in order to __________.

obtain energy

For each glucose molecule converted to two pyruvates, the anaerobic reaction sequence in glycolysis provides a net gain of __________.

two ATP for the cell

Phoebe grew up in Alaska's interior and played with her friends at recess in temperatures just above 20 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, administrators would not close her school until temperatures reached 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Which of the following terms describes her adaptation to Alaska's frigid winter climate


Catabolizing fatty acids by beta-oxidation results in the formation of what product?


In the nutrient pool, which chemical is best suited for storage of energy content?

Fatty acids

What happens to a glucose molecule as a result of the reactions of glycolysis?

Formation of two molecules of pyruvic acid

the two types of metabolism include

anabolism, catabolism

The minimum resting energy expenditure of an awake, alert person is the

basal metabolic rate

The minimum resting energy expenditure of an awake, alert person is the __________.

basal metabolic rate

The process in which fatty acids are broken down into two-carbon fragments is __________.


The first step in a sequence of enzymatic reactions in the tricarboxylic acid cycle is the formation of __________.

citric acid


double sugars (sucrose, lactose, maltose) (composed of two monosaccharides)

The flow and transformation of energy is called __________.


What is the term for an amino acid that either CANNOT be synthesized or is NOT synthesized in adequate amounts in the body?

essential amino acid

The mechanism of heat loss that involves the skin and alveoli of the lung is


Which process in the aerobic metabolism of glucose takes place in the cytosol?


The lipoprotein that transports cholesterol to the liver is __________.

high-density lipoprotein

The trace minerals found in extremely small quantities in the body include

iron, zinc, copper, and manganese

Which of the following contains the most energy that can be used to make ATP?

1 gram of fat

four classes of lipoproteins

1. Chylomicrons 2. Very Low-Density Lipoproteins (VLDLs) 3. Low-Density Lipoproteins (LDLs) 4. High-Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)

For each glucose molecule processed during aerobic cellular respiration, the cell gains __________.

36 molecules of ATP

an average protein has

400 amino acids in its chains

The efficiency rate for the complete catabolism of glucose is about __________.

42 percent

The basal metabolic rate (BMR) is

70 cal/hr or 1680 cal/day in the average individual

What is meant by the term balanced diet

A balanced diet supplies all ingredients to maintain homeostasis

The lipoprotein that transports cholesterol to the liver is __________

High-density lipoprotein

Pyruvate oxidation

In aerobic conditions (presence of oxygen), pyruvate enters the mitochondria, where it is converted into acetyl-CoA. This reaction generates NADH and carbon dioxide as byproducts.

Glycolysis yields two molecules of pyruvate. Which of the following statements best describes what next happens to pyruvate?

In the presence of oxygen, pyruvate enters a mitochondrion.

Where in the cell does the electron transport system occur?

Inner mitochondrial membrane

Which part of the cell is most heavily involved in energetics?


Where in the cell does the citric acid cycle occur?

Mitochondrial matrix

The two most important coenzymes for glycolysis and the citric acid cycle are

NAD and FAD.

The concentration of circulating thyroid hormones is an indirect method of determining BMR. Which of the following explanations best describes why?

Thyroid hormones can travel through the cell membranes and bind to receptors that activate mitochondria to produce ATP. Additionally, thyroid hormones bind to DNA receptors and activate genes associated with metabolic processes.

All nutrients can be used by the mitochondria to provide energy. In what form are these nutrients "fed" into the mitochondria?

Two-carbon fragments

diabetic ketoacidosis

a condition that may occur in diabetics with severe insulin deficiency. (metabolic acidosis develops from accumulation of ketones)


a group of carbohydrates composed of more than three molecules of monosaccharides (starch, glycogen)

Which of the following individuals would lose heat the fastest in a cold room?

a newborn infant


breakdown of glycogen stored in the liver into glucose (happens between meals when blood glucose levels fall below normal values) (In addition to breaking down glucose, cells can also break down glycogen, a storage form of glucose, to provide a quick source of energy. This process involves the enzymatic cleavage of glycogen into glucose monomers, which can then enter glycolysis.)

protein catabolism

breakdown of protein to amino acids

the six types of nutrients

carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, minerals, water

products of cellular respiration

carbon dioxide, water, and ATP

The process that breaks down organic substrates, releasing energy that can be used to synthesize ATP or other high-energy compounds, is __________.


In resting skeletal muscles, a significant portion of their metabolic demand is met through the __________

catabolism of fatty acids

The energy stored in ATP comes from which of the following?

food molecules


formation of glycogen (animal starch)

protein anabolism

formation of peptide bonds between amino acids to produce new proteins

Levels of which endocrine hormone are high during the postabsorptive state?


What is glycogenolysis stimulated by?

glucagon and epinephrine

ketogenesis is stimulated by

glucagon, human growth hormone, glucocorticoids, epinephrine

The process of synthesizing glucose from noncarbohydrates is called


The synthesis of glucose from noncarbohydrates is __________.


Which of the following is not one of the N compounds (nitrogen-containing compounds) in the body


Which of the following molecules is broken down in cellular respiration, providing fuel for the cell?


Which of the following is NOT one of the N compounds (nitrogen-containing compounds) in the body?

glucose Remember that this is a simple sugar. purines and pyrimidines are

triglycerides are composed of

glycerol and 3 fatty acids

phospholipids are composed of

glycerol, 2 fatty acids, and a phosphate group

What is a reserve form of glucose that is utilized when muscles are contracting?


Which of these processes is NOT characteristic of the postabsorptive state?

glycogen synthesis

Which of the following processes takes place in the cytosol of a eukaryotic cell?


lipogenesis is inhibited by

human growth hormone and glucagon

lipolysis is stimulated by

human growth hormone, glucocorticoids, thyroxine, epinephrine (adrenalin)

During open-heart surgery, which of the following thermoregulatory changes will be induced on the patient's body?


The most important factor of good nutrition is obtaining nutrients

in sufficient quantities and qualities

Physicians have found improved outcomes when forcefully cooling specific organs or the whole body prior to surgery in a process called

induced hypothermia

Lucy, a 35-year-old woman, says she cannot lose the fat around her abdomen because it is brown fat. You correct her by saying that brown fat is present primarily in


Which hormone drives the most pathways in the absorptive state?


ketogenesis is inhibited by


lipogenesis is stimulated by


lipolysis is inhibited by


What is glygogenisis stimulated by?

insulin (hormone)

Before the large vitamin B12 molecule can be absorbed, it must be bound to

intrinsic factor

step 2 in glycolysis

re-arrangement of glucose 6-phosphate to fructose 6-phosphate

By keeping the other two variables constant and changing only one at a time, based on the formula: LDL = cholesterol - HDL - (Triglycerides/5), which of the following would have the greatest effect in reducing LDL levels?

reducing cholesterol levels

High-Density Lipoproteins (HDLs)

scavenges up excess cholesterol from the tissues and blood stream and returns it to the liver (good) (50% protein, 5% triglycerides, 20% cholesterol, 25% phospholipids)


series of reactions that break down a glucose molecule (containing 6 carbon atoms) to 2 molecules of pyruvate (each containing 3 carbon atoms)


simple sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose) (composed of 3-7 carbon atoms)

An individual's basal metabolic rate ideally represents

the minimum resting energy expenditure of an wake, alert person

lipid catabolism (lipolysis)

the process of splitting triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol

basal metabolic rate

the rate of metabolism measured under standard conditions; rate at which a quiet, resting, fasting body breaks down nutrients to liberate energy


the sum of all the chemical reactions in the body

lipids cannot be transported in the aqueous blood because

they are hydrophobic

Which of the following is NOT a mineral required by the body?


Why is it necessary to phosphorylate a glucose molecule, creating glucose-6-phosphate?

to trap the glucose molecule within the cell


transport absorbed triglycerides from the small intestines through the lymphatic system to the bloodstream (2% protein, 90% triglycerides, 5% cholesterol, 3% phospholipids)

lipids include

triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols

there are ______different amino acids that compose most proteins

twenty (9 are essential. 11 are not)

there is a net gain of_______ATP molecules for each glucose converted to pyruvate


The production of ATP provides energy to support anabolism as well as other cell functions. Which of the following is NOT supported by energy from ATP?

All of the listed functions are supported by ATP.

Which nutrient in the nutrient pool is most often used to replace structural and functional components of the cell?

Amino acids

Cells in our body are constantly building new molecules to replace worn-out structures. This process is what part of cellular metabolism?


The process in which fatty acids are broken down into two-carbon fragments is __________


What is the term for the direct transfer of heat energy through physical contact


Which process in the aerobic metabolism of glucose takes place in the cytosol?


Excess cholesterol leaves somatic cells and is absorbed by __________, which then transport the cholesterol back to the liver.


What happens to oxygen when it functions as the final electron acceptor in the electron transport system?

It becomes part of a water molecule.

Lipids circulate through the bloodstream as __________

Lipoproteins and free fatty acids

What is he primary focus of nutritional processing in the postabsorptive state?

Maintaining blood glucose levels

NAD, a key coenzyme used in the process of producing ATP, is produced from which water-soluble vitamin


When blood glucose concentrations are elevated, the glucose molecules can be ________

catabolized for energy, used to build energy reserves, and used for growth and tissue repair

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