Chapter 27 Questions

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Why did the war widen to become a world conflict?

Because of the stalemate on the Western Front, both sides sought to gain new allies. Each side hoped new allies would provide a winning advantage, as well as a new source of money and war goods. Zimmerman telegram - Germany asked Mexico to attack the US. Britain intercepts and tells America what happened, which is the final straw and makes the US finally become involved.

What factors contributed to the start of World War I?

Discuss Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism; Militarism was one of the main causes of the First World War. Britain, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente, while Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy joined in the Triple Alliance.Imperialism is when a country expands its influence and power into a large empire. Some European countries, such as France and Britain, had created large worldwide empires and had become very rich. Other European countries, such as Russia and Germany, wanted to create their own vast empires. nationalism that inspired the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914, an event that led directly to the outbreak of World War I.

Why might the promises of the Bolsheviks have been appealing to the Russian people?

Lenin had promised peace to the Russian people.

What factors and events led to the Russian Revolution?

Russia was unprepared militarily and technologically for the total war of world war 1. Russia had no competent military leaders. Czar Nicholas II insisted on taking personal charge of the armed forces despite his lack of ability and training. Russian industry was unable to produce the weapons needed for the army. Many soldiers trained using broomsticks. Others were sent to the front without rifles and told to pick one up from a dead comrade. Two million soldiers were killed between 1914 and 1916, and another 4 to 6 million were wounded or captured. With the czar at the battlefront, it was rumored that Alexandra made all of the important decisions after consulting Rasputin. The Russian government had started bread rationing in Petrograd after the price of bread skyrocketed. Many of the women who stood in the lines waiting for bread were also factory workers who worked 12-hour days. Exhausted from standing in line, and distraught over their half-starving and sick children, the women finally revolted. Nicholas ordered troops to break up the crowds by shooting them if necessary. Large numbers of the soldiers joined the demonstrators and refused to fire on the crowds. Nicholas II reluctantly agreed and stepped down on March 15, ending the 300-year-old Romanov dynasty.

How did the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand spark the outbreak of war?

The alliances between countries helped start the war. When austria-hungary declares war on serbia, serbia and russia's alliance declares war on austria hungary, germany declares war on russia.

What roles did the assassination of Francis Ferdinand and the existence of prior military plans play in leading quickly to the outbreak of World War I?

The buildup of MAIN did not start WWI. When Francis Ferdinand was assassinated, the combination of MAIN blew up in everyone's faces and the war was started.

What grievances did the Russian people have with the provisional government?

The provisional government, headed by Aleksandr Kerensky, decided to carry on the war to preserve Russia's honor.

What happened in Germany after its military defeat?

They had a mutiny, kaiser william II left Germany, and a democratic republic was created.

What did Wilson hope to accomplish by creating the League of Nations?

To stop another world war from occurring - hoping that the countries would discuss issues before they lead to war.

How was a final settlement of World War I established?

Treaty of Versailles -League of nations - wilsons -Self-determination -Empires broken up/new countries created -Germany pay reparations (pay back for all damage caused) -War guilt clause (germans admit that they started a war) -Germany had to reduce military

How did Russia move from a Czarist regime to a Communist regime?

Under Lenin's direction, the Bolsheviks became a party dedicated to violent revolution. Lenin believed that only violent revolution could destroy the capitalist system. When the Russian provisional government was formed in March 1917, Lenin saw an opportunity for the Bolsheviks to seize power. German military leaders, hoping to create disorder in Russia, shipped Lenin back to Russia. The Bolsheviks reflected the discontent of the people. They promised an end to the war. They also promised to redistribute all land to the peasants, to transfer factories and industries from capitalists to committees of workers, and to transfer government power from the provisional government to the soviets. Three simple slogans summed up the Bolshevik program: "Peace, Land, Bread," "Worker Control of Production," and "All Power to the Soviets." By the end of October 1917, Bolsheviks made up a slight majority in the Petrograd and Moscow soviets. The number of party members had grown from 50,000 to 240,000. During the night of November 6, bolshevik forces seized the Winter Palace, the seat of the provisional government. The government quickly collapsed with little bloodshed. The Bolsheviks renamed themselves the Communists.

What made World War I more devastating than any previous wars?

War of attrition New technology vs old tactics

How did the war on the Eastern Front differ from war on the Western Front?

Western front - On the french, german, and belgium borders. Stalemate created a trench warfare. Eastern front - Russian, German, and Austrian-Hungarian borders. Marked by mobility, could move.

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