Chapter 28
During the 1950s and Dwight D. Eisenhower's presidency, the Select one: a. United States rejected its former role as protector of the free world. b. United States economy fell into a prolonged economic recession. c. United States experienced a period of economic growth and affluence. d. domestic programs of the Roosevelt and Truman eras were completely eliminated. e. Bay of Pigs invasion failed.
The correct answer is: United States experienced a period of economic growth and affluence.
The government effort to return illegal Mexican immigrants to Mexico was known as Operation Select one: a. Return. b. Rio Grande. c. Wetback. d. Red, White, and Blue. e. Bracero.
The correct answer is: Wetback.
The 1950s political science doctrine which argued that interest groups would hold countervailing power to giant corporations was called Select one: a. capitalist autocracy. b. socialism. c. pluralism. d. political power elites. e. economic democracy.
The correct answer is: pluralism.
Social critics of the 1950s portrayed the United States as a society of Select one: a. rugged individualists. b. "other-directed" conformists. c. "inner-directed" rebels. d. semiliterate comic-book readers. e. violent rebels.
The correct answer is: "other-directed" conformists.
The worst fiasco of the Kennedy administration was the Select one: a. Bay of Pigs invasion. b. construction of the Berlin Wall. c. Cuban missile crisis. d. assassination of Ngo Dinh Diem. e. revelation of his numerous sex scandals.
The correct answer is: Bay of Pigs invasion.
The author of The Feminine Mystique (1963) was Select one: a. Betty Friedan. b. Gloria Steinem. c. Phyllis Schlafly. d. Andrea Dworkin. e. Eleanor Roosevelt.
The correct answer is: Betty Friedan.
French involvement in Vietnam ended with their defeat at Select one: a. Laos. b. Tet. c. Saigon. d. Dien Bien Phu. e. Cambodia.
The correct answer is: Dien Bien Phu.
The founders of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference included Select one: a. Stokely Carmichael. b. Malcolm X. c. Orval Faubus. d. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. e. Strom Thurmond.
The correct answer is: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Chief Justice who wrote the decision in Brown v. Board of Education was Select one: a. Warren Burger. b. Earl Warren. c. Louis Brandeis. d. Felix Frankfurter. e. William Howard Taft.
The correct answer is: Earl Warren.
The mastermind behind the pro-U.S. government in South Vietnam was Select one: a. John Kennedy. b. Richard Nixon. c. Achmed Sukarno. d. Joseph McCarthy. e. Edward Lansdale.
The correct answer is: Edward Lansdale.
____ overthrew Fulgencio Batista and became the Communist ruler of Cuba. Select one: a. Venito Sandino b. Fidel Castro c. Che Guevara d. Daniel Ortega e. Jose Marti
The correct answer is: Fidel Castro
John F. Kennedy's call for American renewal was labeled the New Select one: a. Democracy. b. Freedom. c. Frontier. d. Order. e. Step.
The correct answer is: Frontier.
The Communist leader of the Vietnamese war for independence from France was Select one: a. Mao Tse Tung. b. Ho Chi Minh. c. Ngo Dinh Diem. d. Jiang Jieshi. e. Chen Chang.
The correct answer is: Ho Chi Minh.
The CIA helped to influence political developments in all of the following during the 1950s except Select one: a. Iran. b. Hungary. c. the Philippines. d. Guatemala. e. Lebanon.
The correct answer is: Hungary.
The president first associated with the idea of "flexible response" was Select one: a. Harry Truman. b. John F. Kennedy. c. Dwight D. Eisenhower. d. Lyndon B. Johnson. e. Richard Nixon.
The correct answer is: John F. Kennedy.
Which of the following was not part of the 1950s domestic scene? Select one: a. The federal government funded the construction of an interstate system of high-speed expressways. b. Billions of dollars were allocated for water projects in western states. c. Labor unions became increasingly militant and violent. d. U.S. companies dominated both the national and international marketplaces. e. White Americans moved to the suburbs in large numbers.
The correct answer is: Labor unions became increasingly militant and violent.
The person accused of assassinating President John F. Kennedy was Select one: a. James Earl Ray. b. Lee Harvey Oswald. c. Jack Ruby. d. Sirhan Sirhan. e. Lyndon Johnson.
The correct answer is: Lee Harvey Oswald.
The president of South Vietnam during the Eisenhower and Kennedy years was Select one: a. Ho Chi Minh. b. Mao Tse Tung. c. Ngo Dinh Diem. d. Bao Di. e. Jiang Jieshi
The correct answer is: Ngo Dinh Diem.
The program that sent Americans overseas to work on developmental projects was the Select one: a. Green Berets. b. Peace Corps. c. Green Peace. d. Jobs Corps. e. Volunteer Corps.
The correct answer is: Peace Corps.
The black patron who in 1955 refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to a white patron was Select one: a. Rosa Parks. b. Coretta Scott King. c. Marian Anderson. d. Fannie Lou Hamer. e. Ella Fitzgerald.
The correct answer is: Rosa Parks.
The civil rights group most involved in the "freedom rides" of the Kennedy presidency was the Select one: a. Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). b. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). c. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). d. Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). e. Black Panthers.
The correct answer is: Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).
The U.S. corporation that worked closely with the CIA to undermine the Guatemalan government in 1954 was Select one: a. IBM. b. Westinghouse. c. Coca-Cola. d. Ford Motor Company. e. United Fruit Company.
The correct answer is: United Fruit Company.
The National Liberation Front in Vietnam was Select one: a. a group of South Vietnamese nationalists and Communists who opposed the Diem government. b. an organization of pro-French colonialists who supported the return of French rule. c. a Christian missionary group dedicated to liberating Vietnam from Buddhism. d. an anti-Communist movement in North Vietnam. e. a women's rights organization.
The correct answer is: a group of South Vietnamese nationalists and Communists who opposed the Diem government.
John F. Kennedy's foreign policy included all of the following except Select one: a. strong support for West Berlin. b. economic sanctions and assassination plots directed at Cuba. c. establishment of a direct phone line between Washington and Moscow to prevent nuclear war. d. a proposal to pull American advisors out of Vietnam. e. creation of the Peace Corps.
The correct answer is: a proposal to pull American advisors out of Vietnam.
The policy of "flexible response" in Vietnam resulted in Select one: a. using Green Berets as counterinsurgency forces. b. employing social scientists to help in the process of "nation-building." c. revamping South Vietnam's internal security forces. d. sending 11,000 U.S. troops as advisors to the South Vietnamese military. e. all of the above.
The correct answer is: all of the above.
The Eisenhower Doctrine can best be described as Select one: a. an attempt to defend Middle Eastern countries from Communist aggression. b. an attempt to defend Latin American countries from Communist aggression. c. an attempt to defend Western Europe from Communist aggression. d. an attempt to defend Asia from Communist aggression. e. the end of the Cold War.
The correct answer is: an attempt to defend Middle Eastern countries from Communist aggression.
U.S. religious life in the 1950s was characterized by Select one: a. a decline in church membership. b. a growth in and dominance of the Catholic Church. c. the spread of anti-Semitism. d. an emphasis on a pluralistic faith in the Judeo-Christian tradition. e. unusual growth of the Jewish faith.
The correct answer is: an emphasis on a pluralistic faith in the Judeo-Christian tradition.
The 1957 Gaither Report advocated Select one: a. a substantial cutback in federal military spending. b. an immediate increase in federal military spending. c. no changes in military spending. d. the complete militarization of U.S. society. e. the elimination of the military.
The correct answer is: an immediate increase in federal military spending.
In The Organization Man, William H. Whyte, Jr. criticized Select one: a. corporate conformity. b. racial inequality. c. military spending. d. government secrecy. e. poverty in the U.S.
The correct answer is: corporate conformity.
When Hungarian rebels led by Imre Nagy rebelled against the Stalinist regime in 1956, the U.S. Select one: a. sent air support for the rebels. b. supported the communist government. c. was unaware of the rebellion. d. sent the CIA to help the rebels. e. could not provide military support so close to the Soviet Union.
The correct answer is: could not provide military support so close to the Soviet Union.
The urban policies of the Truman and Eisenhower administrations Select one: a. revitalized the inner cities and rated industrial development. b. successfully provided safe, comfortable, affordable housing for low-income families. c. offered loans and subsidies to nonwhites in marginal neighborhoods. d. created low-rent housing projects for people with little hope of economic improvement. e. financed minority families to purchase homes in the suburbs.
The correct answer is: created low-rent housing projects for people with little hope of economic improvement.
John F. Kennedy's popularity was based on his Select one: a. success in getting Congress to pass every bill he asked for. b. mild, diplomatic approach to the Cold War. c. reputation as a deeply religious, Protestant family man. d. image as an intelligent, charming, youthful leader. e. rags-to-riches personal story.
The correct answer is: image as an intelligent, charming, youthful leader.
The water-diversion projects that President Eisenhower supported in the West most benefited Select one: a. small farmers and ranching interests. b. local communities in several western states. c. large-scale agribusiness and ranching interests. d. Native Americans. e. the Democratic Party.
The correct answer is: large-scale agribusiness and ranching interests.
President Eisenhower supported the Highway Act of 1956 based on Select one: a. its positive impact on the automobile industry. b. national security considerations. c. its role in creating jobs. d. the need to spend the government surplus. e. his bid for reelection.
The correct answer is: national security considerations.
In the 1950s, U.S. policy in Latin America Select one: a. initiated social and economic reforms. b. encouraged and supported the spread of democracy. c. often supported military dictatorships that suppressed leftist movements. d. withdrew support from oppressive regimes. e. supported Communist regimes.
The correct answer is: often supported military dictatorships that suppressed leftist movements.
After great deliberation during the Cuban missile crisis of 1962, President Kennedy ultimately ordered Cuba to be Select one: a. bombed. b. annexed. c. quarantined. d. ignored. e. invaded.
The correct answer is: quarantined.
Eisenhower's administration fought communism by all the following means except Select one: a. increasing the size and power of the CIA. b. giving economic aid to friendly nations. c. funding Radio Free Europe, Voice of America, Radio Asia, and other propaganda agencies. d. threatening the Soviet Union with nuclear attack if U.S. security were threatened. e. refusing to support any government that did not have democratic principles.
The correct answer is: refusing to support any government that did not have democratic principles.
Dwight D. Eisenhower's response to the civil rights movement was Select one: a. reluctant and gradualist. b. aggressive and determined. c. nonexistent. d. radical. e. violent suppression.
The correct answer is: reluctant and gradualist.
Rock 'n' roll music Select one: a. signified the development of a consumer-oriented, middle-class youth culture in the United States. b. was a sinister Communist plot to corrupt American society. c. was the first musical style to appeal equally to all generations of Americans. d. promoted segregation by culturally dividing ethnic minorities from mainstream society. e. was imported from Europe.
The correct answer is: signified the development of a consumer-oriented, middle-class youth culture in the United States.
William H. Whyte, Jr. and David Riesman were both Select one: a. historians. b. economists. c. sociologists. d. journalists. e. politicians.
The correct answer is: sociologists.
Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech at the Select one: a. Montgomery, Alabama statehouse. b. steps of the U.S. Capital. c. 1968 Democratic Convention. d. United Nations General Assembly. e. steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
The correct answer is: steps of the Lincoln Memorial.
In 1961, a U.S.-backed Cuban military force attempting to overthrow Fidel Castro was defeated at Select one: a. the Bay of Cows. b. Guantanamo Bay. c. Havana. d. the Bay of Pigs. e. the Bay of Naples.
The correct answer is: the Bay of Pigs.
All of the following invaded Egypt in October 1956 except Select one: a. Israel. b. France. c. Great Britain. d. the United States. e. none of the above.
The correct answer is: the United States.
Eisenhower's "New Look" argued that Select one: a. the government had to pump more money into the domestic economy. b. Washington had to take a leading role in the struggle for equal rights. c. the defense of the United States would rely less on ground forces and more on cheaper air power. d. federal intervention in the economy would cease. e. the federal government should subsidize the fashion industry.
The correct answer is: the defense of the United States would rely less on ground forces and more on cheaper air power.
According to President Eisenhower in 1961, the greatest danger to the United States was Select one: a. communism. b. Latin American revolutions. c. the Soviet Union. d. the military-industrial complex. e. Middle Eastern terrorists.
The correct answer is: the military-industrial complex.
Eisenhower's American Indian policy included Select one: a. violent suppression of resistance. b. forced removal of Indians to South and Central America. c. increased federal aid. d. a constitutional amendment awarding civil rights to Indians. e. the termination of reservations and tribal states.
The correct answer is: the termination of reservations and tribal states.
Nikita Khrushchev Select one: a. was the Soviet leader who built the Berlin Wall and put nuclear missiles in Cuba. b. greatly admired John F. Kennedy and personally attended Kennedy's funeral. c. refused to meet with any U.S. leaders and cut off diplomatic relations with the United States. d. was the first Russian leader to be educated in the West and to be fluent in English. e. launched the Korean War.
The correct answer is: was the Soviet leader who built the Berlin Wall and put nuclear missiles in Cuba.
John F. Kennedy's foreign policy included all of the following except Select one: a. strong support for West Berlin. b. economic sanctions and assassination plots directed at Cuba. c. establishment of a direct phone line between Washington and Moscow to prevent nuclear war. d. a proposal to pull American advisors out of Vietnam. e. creation of the Peace Corps.
e correct answer is: a proposal to pull American advisors out of Vietnam.