Chapter 28: The Onset of the Cold War

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5. Name the program which proved President Truman's determinations to spend whatever was necessary to win the Cold War.

nsc-68 (?)

12. Name the United States admiral calling for United States military assistance to prevent a French defeat in Vietnam in 1954.

Arthur Radford.

2. Name the individuals Secretary of State George Marshall relied heavily on.

Dean Acheson and George Keenan.

6. Know a significant aspect of the American response to the Communist triumph in China.

Decision to focus on Japan as its major Asian ally.

13. Know President Eisenhower's actions during the Cold War.

End the Korean war, accept USSR domination in East Europe, authorize spy flight over USSR, remain calm in times of distress, NOT authorize CIA to overthrow Iraq government.

3. Identify an outcome of NATO.

Intensified Soviet fears of the West and increased level of international tensions.

10. Name the leading figure of the Red Scare of the early 1950s.

Joseph McCarthy.

9. Know an outcome of the Julius and Ethel Rosenberg case.

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for passing American atomic secrets to the Soviet Union.

11. Know what the United States' military relied mainly on during the Eisenhower administration.

The Air Force and its nuclear striking power.

4. Identify the dominant branch of the American armed forces because of the result of Cold War military reforms.

The Air Force became the dominant branch of the American armed forces because of Cold War military reforms.

14. Explain in detail the policy of "containment". Who were its leading proponents, and how did they implement this policy between 1947 and 1950.

The policy of "containment" was to stop the spread of communism. This policy was a response to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to enlarge communist influence in Eastern Europe, China, Korea, Africa, and Vietnam. It represented a medium between compromise and surrender. The leading proponents were George F. Kennan and Harry Truman. Harry Truman implemented this policy by the pledge known as the Truman Doctrine and by supporting non communist nations and preventing NEW nations from becoming communist (such as Korea and Vietnam). Kennan wrote an article, foreign affairs, establishing guidelines that would shape Americans role in the world and consolidated the evolving postwar anticommunism. He provided a policy that looked towards halting Soviet aggression and in the long run he believed the US could force the Soviet Union to adopt more reasonable policies. Harry Truman was also an advocate for containment with creating The Truman Doctrine which was a step towards containment with the British by asking congress for $400 million for military and economic assistance for Greece and Turkey. Believed there could be no compromise with a major power. First country to be contained was greece, and helped since it would have been a doorway to other continents. Established Marshall plan to help countries in Europe to recover from ww2, which would help with the cold war later on. Also established NATO to help defend against soviets. Russians tried to get all of berlin, americans stayed to try and stop them. Sent planes filled with materials to east berlin.

8. Identify an outcome of Truman's handling of the Berlin Blockade.

Truman's handling of the Berlin Blockade was an important factor in his victory in the election of 1948.

1. Know the crucial issue discussed at the Potsdam Conference.

War reparations were the most crucial issue discussed at the Potsdam Conference.

7. Know a characteristic of General Douglas MacArthur during the Korean War.

Was overconfident and gave Truman bad advice.

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