Chapter 3-4

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How were the new lights and old lights different?

"New Lights" were revivalists who injected emotion and threats of eternal punishment into their messages. "Old Lights" were traditionalists who preached well organized sermons with a well-established litany for services.

Sons and Daughters of liberty

SONS OF LIBERTY - Enforced obedience to non-consumption, non-importation; DAUGHTERS OF LIBERTY - An informal organization that occasionally mocked their male counterparts as insufficiently military; reflected increased mobilization of women;

What were the three major distinguishing factors among the three sections of colonies in ideals and values?

SOUTH: Honor; Family; Faith MIDDLE COLONIES: Mixed more cosmopolitan, more immigrants, greater diversity; NEW ENGLAND: Family; Faith;

What were the major distinguishing factors among the three sections of colonies in Economics?

SOUTHERN: Agriculture was the major enterprise in the South. Tobacco, rice, cotton, indigo were all labor intensive products in agriculture. MIDDLE: Manufacturing, trading, commerce, and skilled crafts dominated the bread basket in the Middle Colonies. NEW ENGLAND: In New England, shipping and the pitch, tar, and other related supplies. Whaling, Fishing, Iron production, Blacksmithing, Specialty Farming were all New England industries.

What were the three major distinguishing factors among the three sections of colonies in families and family life?

SOUTHERN: Often unstable; Short life expectancy because of regional conditions - malaria, cholera, yellow fever, dysentery, and so forth; Family Honor defended at all costs; Women eventually subjected to men and protected by male chauvinism - no insult allowed to women; MIDDLE COLONIES: Diversity; Mix of the two other regions and diversity of those settling in Middle Colonies; NEW ENGLAND: Paternal domination; women submissive roles(Patience, Charity, Hope, Faith as girls' names); Male public life, females private lives; Male Children inheriting father's property and money; Puritan values;

What were the three major distinguishing factors among the three sections of colonies in Social Arrangements?

SOUTHERN: Women at first dominant as they outnumbered men; later lost this edge; 1/3 of brides pregnant at marriage; aristocratic hierarchical society; family and religion the major factors; few children with blood parents at adulthood because of high death rate; Relatively unstable social order; Rampant poverty; Often unhealthy and undernourished people with short life spans; MIDDLE COLONIES: Grain producers; relatively high standard of living with better health and fairly high longevity; NEW ENGLAND: Highest life expectancy of all sections; stable families; religious based Puritan society; mixed culture; somewhat middle class type society;

Why did slavery replace indentured servants as the primary colonial source of labor?

Slave labor was more efficient, dependable, and cheaper than indentured labor because slaves were a permanent possession and could be managed. Slavery in the Indies sugar plantations was extremely brutal and many slaves were worked to death while those in North America had a better and much easier life.

What technology was available on the farm and in the home?

plows, pots, kettles, guns/rifles, wagons/two wheeled carts, axes.

How was the attitude toward salvation different?

salvation by God's grace alone.

What is consumerism?

the protection or promotion of the interests of the consumers.

What was the Great Awakening?

A spiritual revolution. The first mass revolution

What were the three major distinguishing factors among the three sections of colonies in health and longevity?

Average - 34 years SOUTH: Short (10-30); MIDDLE COLONIES: Average (30-34); NEW ENGLAND: Long (42-47):

What were enlightenment's goals/ideals?

*Abolish war, slavery, torture, and capital punishment. *Reduce and eliminate intolerance, especially religious. *Punish only as much as needed to prevent recurrence of the crime. *Capitalism and economic freedom, classic economics of Adam Smith; **Unlimited wealth can be created. **Supply-Demand would regulate economic activities. **Selfish entrepreneurship was a virtue because of the wealth it created. ** Government "LAISSEZ-FAIRE" policies which protected entrepreneurs but didn't regulate them. *Better working conditions; *Return to a purer, more moral, more ethical culture more in tune with nature as more primitive societies were thought to be and/or have. *Political participation for all males; *Protection of the basic human rights; Life, Liberty, Property; *Spread of freedom of assembly, the press, and so forth;

What role did the Indians play and how were they affected in the end of the war.

*Both the French and English engaged Indian allies to help them fight the other. **ENGLISH were helped by the Iroquois and Catawba Cherokee. **FRENCH were helped by the Algonquin tribes (New England, Quebec, Naritimes), Hurons, Ottowas, Mohicans, Susquehanocks, Delawares, Eries, Chippewa, Potawatomi, Miama, Sauk, Shawnees, Mingos, Shawnees, and Fox. THE INDIANS - Iroquois and other Indian tribes more divided than ever by their allegiances in this war. Iroquois were set up for future problems with Britain over their independence. (In one sense, the Europeans had either intentionally or unintentionally divided the already divided Indians and forecast their doom in North America.

What major developments were the reason for the spread of consumerism?

*DIVISION OF AMERICAN SOCIETIES BY CLASS. People of means became more intent on demonstrating their own membership in the upper ranks of society. One way to do this was to purchase and display consumer goods. *EARLY STAGES OF INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION. England and Europe were making rapid advances and producing more and more affordable goods for affluent Americans to buy. *ADVERTISING. Merchants and traders began advertising their goods in journals and newspapers


*Desire for self-government in internal affairs; *Direct representation, divided government, and written constitution (all principles in conflict with Britain's views); *Neglect of colonies by Britain for almost 100 years while colonies developed self-government, wrote constitutions and bills of rights, became "Americans": *Most now being born in North America producing significant fundamental differences between British and Americans in belief and culture; *FREEDOM (Desire for): Obvious nature of Britain's intent to use the colonies for her own welfare and not allow them freedom which they desired; *SHIFTING BRITISH POLICY AND AMERICAN REBELLION: Change of British policy after their victory in the French-Indian War toward colonies in order to tax them to pay down their national debt acquired during the war. Colonists were forbidden to have an army so naturally England was responsible to support them. Colonists rebelled in favor of their principles, the ones they thought Britain believed in. *CORRUPTION usually had brought appointment of English officers to the colonies. *Growing intercontinental trade presented the chance for forging eventual colonial unity. The English saw the disunity of the colonists in the Albany Congress and its failure to pass the Albany Plan to deal with the Indians and exhibit colonial unity. This made the British feel the colonists would never unite.

What actions of the British made the problems worse?

*NEW BRITISH COLONIAL POLICY: (Chapter 2 Notes 30-32) British actions tried to tighten control over the colonies while they desired to be free to govern themselves. British measures included the GRENVILLE PROGRAM, the TOWN SHED PROGRAM and the STAMP ACT which brought together the disparate colonies more than anything else had done.

Boston Massacre

Colonists began throwing rocks and snowballs at British soldiers who when one was hit, shot into the crowd and killed five people including Crispus Attucks. The soldiers were stationed at the customs house and that customs officer and what he represented (taxation without representation) was greatly resented by the colonists.

Who were the major diverse groups of the colonial population?


What were the three major distinguishing factors among the three sections of colonies in culture?

Each section developed culture which integrated its economic, social, and political roots. SOUTH: Aristocratic culture with a dominant ruling class, slavery, and a large class of poor whites; MIDDLE COLONIES: More middle class with more people involved in education, industry, commerce, trading, crafts and skilled specialties. NEW ENGLAND: Concentration of money; male aristocracy; Puritan values - honesty, frugality, hard work, helping others, moral purity; religious participation emphasized; male governance; town hall governments as direct democracy;

How did the European balance of power affect the french and Indian war's results?

England gained the upper hand in 1758. *A troop surge, new strategy suiting the frontier, a naval blockade and an alliance with some Native Americans were called for by the English Prime Minister. *An outbreak of smallpox among France Indian allies occurred. *British conquered Forts Ticonderoga and others which became important colonial forces a few year later in the American Revolution. *Quebec fell and by 1760, Britain controlled all of New France.

Boston Tea Party

English were trying to sell/get rid of tea and selling it cheap to colonists. Caused Boston to be a martyr

Regulator movement

Farmers of North Carolina who organized opposition to the high taxes that local (British appointed) sheriffs collected. They finally armed themselves and began resisting tax collections by force when they failed to get resolution of their issues.

How did the flow of more and cheaper goods impact the attitude of the colonists?

Features of a consumer society might include the fact that things once considered luxuries quickly come to be seen as necessities once they become readily available. Tea, household linens, glassware, manufactured cutlery, crockery, furniture and other items helped people to live better.

what are the names of the 5 major colonial cities. What were their major characteristics? What special problems did they face?

GREATEST CITIES: Philadelphia (28,000); New York (25,000); Boston (16,000); Charles Town (South Carolina) 12,000; Newport, Rhode Island (11,000); MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS: *TRADING CENTERS: Farmers traded there while international commerce marketed there. *POLITICAL LEADERS: Generally the merchants with substantial wealth; *INDUSTRIAL CENTERS: Forges, mills, artisans (smiths, carpenters, masons), merchants and traders, shipping technology for importing and exporting, some levels of clothing manufacture and fabric milling, candlemaking, food production and sales; Shoemaking and cabinet making; *LOCATIONS OF MOST ADVANCED SCHOOLS; Diversity of skilled occupations; diversity of interest in "cultural" activities to accompany economic status acquired through the consumer society; diversity in diet and social activities and events; more urban type of life; education and training required to provide skilled and trained workers to make this all possible; *HOME OF SOPHISTICATED CULTURAL ACTIVITIES (Theater; opera; Plays; Orchestras); *HOME OF SHOPS TRADING IN INTERNATIONAL GOODS; Imports - Wine, olive oil, silk, tea, sugar; Exports - rice, tobacco, indigo, lumber, grains; *LOCATIONS GIVING RISE TO NEW IDEAS to be circulated and discussed. Newspapers, books and other publications from abroad led to new intellectual developments. Coffeehouses and taverns provided forums for people to debate. PROBLEMS: **Crime, vice (gambling, drinking, prostitution, fighting), pollution, traffic; **Need for constables/law enforcement, fire departments; *Need to develop systems to help the urban poor who enlarged in number in economic crisis;

what was the impact of consumerism on the colonists?

Growing prosperity and commercialism of more affluent British Americans created both new appetites and new opportunities to satisfy them. This resulted in preoccupation with the consumption of material goods. Goods became more available

Who were the major evangelists?

John and Charles Wesley (founders of the Methodist faith), George Whitefield, powerful open-air preacher from England, and Jonathan Edwards.

Compare the gender roles in the colonies

MEN WOMEN FUNCTIONS: Public Sphere Private Sphere ROLES: Workers Wives and Mothers Bread Winners Family Religious Leaders Secondary; Training Children *LAW AND POLITICS: FUCNTIONS: Elected officials Supporters Active voters Advisors Model for Boys Teaching political roles

How was the education distributed in terms of men and women?

Males got the formal education that was available in most cases as they worked outside the home and needed it more to work practical types of jobs. WOMEN were home educated. They taught their girls music, sewing, painting, and whatever finer skills there were available to them. Both men and women exercised formal speech and usage as examples to others and their children, both male and female.

what issues led to the french and Indian war?

NEW EUROPEAN BALANCE OF POWER: France, Austria, Russia v. Britain and Prussia; *French v. British for control of the North American continent and its resources , trade routes, and territory; *Conflict between France and Britain for control over unsettled Western lands in North America (Ohio Territory); *French felt their traders were there first giving them the right to it. They tried to force out the English by capturing several of their trading posts and destroying an Indian village that supported English traders in 1752. Occupation is the first step toward ownership. *American colonists desired and requested permission to raise an army and end the French threat once and for all. The French Fort built at Fort Duquesne made the English king give the Virginia militia under George Washington authorization to proceed and build Fort Necessity for itself. The French captured the Fort. King James declared war in 1756. For whatever reason(s), the French released Washington from prison and didn't punish the colonists enemies.

Why didn't manufacturing develop even though the colonists experienced a lack of self sufficiency?

One reason was British limitations on what it would buy from colonists. New England lacked adequate farmland for successful agriculture so they turned to lumber, tar-pitch and other shipping supplies and ship building, iron forging, and manufacturing

How was enlightenment related to the scientific revolution?

Spread of scientific knowledge to change the common way of thinking and living;

what was the major issue between colonists and Britain which led to colonial disillusionment with Britain?

Taxation without representation. Stamp Act Tax; Navigation Acts; Closing of Boston Harbor; Coercive or Intolerable Acts AND the Quebec Act; Disagreements based on political principles; Lack of respect for colonists as English citizens; Obvious differences between British goals for colonists in its own interests and colonist goals in the colonies for their own interest; Rise of patriotic fervor and resistance; Re-imposition of colonial policy restrictive on the colonies after the French Indian War;

What actions in the colonies made the problems almost insurmountable without either rebellion of what the colonists desired to have for themselves?

The "GASPEE AFFAIRr", the "BOSTON TEA PARTY", the "BOSTON MASSACRE", ALBANY CONGRESS, SONS OF LIBERTY (vigilantes keeping power for colonists and enforcing boycotts against England), "COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENC" , VIRGINIA RESOLVES, and other events and actions built colonial organization and resistance to British rule and policy.

Compare technology levels in the North, Middle, and Southern colonies.

There was more technology in the North than in the South but that also was limited, Middle were basically entrepreneurs.

What impact did Virginia and Kentucky resolutions have on the relationship between the colonies and Britain?

These two states declared congressional statutes (the Alien and Sedition Acts) null and void. The "COMPACT THEORY" on which this was grounded said that the federal government was created by a "compact" or contract among the states and possessed only certain delegated powers. When it exercised undelegated powers, its acts were "unauthoritative, void, and of no force". When states knew this was the case, they could nullify the appropriate laws.

What effect did the Stamp act have on the relationship between the colonies and Britain?

This tax on all paper goods and mail brought together the colonists under the goal of no taxation without representation and resentment of internal taxation which all had to pay.

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