chapter 3

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5500 slaves per year made trek across the desert

trans Saharan slave trade


"The Silk Roads," the Silk and Sea Roads likely intersected on the coast of which of the following?

Cahokia, Chaco canyon, Mesoamerica, Inca Empire in Andes

AMerican web

Hindu influence in Southeast Asia

Angkor Wat in Cambodia is an example of


The Chinese concept "Mandate of Heaven" was sometimes used to justify

elimination of desire and suffering

The founder of Buddhism developed a religion centered on

major trading city


poet created an academic center in baghdad

House of Wisdom

All were culturally influenced by China.

In the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E., states in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam had which of the following in common?

Trade involved most of the regions bordering the Indian Ocean as well as China.

Indian Ocean Trade

linked in north africa and mediterranean world and people of interior west africa

sand roads

transportation cost where lower, were used for everyday items and for everybody

sea roads

trade route between China and the Mediterranean Sea, goods often carried in large caravans, used for lux products that only the rich could have

silk roads

gender hierarchies, rules, merchants, officials always male, powerful women viewed as dangerous, ordinary women were in agriculture,

status of women in west africa

savanna grasslands and forest areas

sub-Saharan regions with 2 ecological zones

trans-african trade

the Sand Roads as

Indian Ocean network

the Sea Roads as the

built to express the Hindu understanding of cosmos, Hinduism was one of the Khmer Empire's official religion

Ankor wat


Arabs invented what

Sub-Saharan Africa exported gold to the Middle East and Europe.

Before 1450 C.E. which of the following is true of sub-Saharan Africa's commercial economy?

East Asia and the Mediterranean Sea

Between 200 B.C.E. and 1450 C.E., the Silk Roads linked which of the following?

The synthesis of foreign political traditions in the formation of new states

Abbasid reliance on Persian bureaucrats and the introduction of Confucianism to Japanese political institutions both illustrate which of the following processes?


According to the map, "The Sea Roads," which civilization would traders have encountered on the east coast of Africa?

Egypt and Ethiopia

After the expansion of Islam into Africa, an organized Christian presence remained in

loyalty to the ruler, fifial obedience to ones father, respect for the old, chastity by wives

All of the following were part of the Confucian social order

migration of Bantu-speaking peoples with their knowledge of ironworking

By 1200 C.E. Improved agricultural technology had spread throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa primarily through the

Their advanced knowledge of Indian Ocean currents and monsoon wind patterns

Characteristics of Omani merchants?

Agricultural output increased as a result of the use of the new crop strains, iron plows, and expanded irrigation.

Chinas polulation growth 6600-1200 CE

The Crusader states and the Fatimid caliphate

Commerce was a key mode of exchange between which of the following pairs of political entities?

acted as intermediaries between the trade along the coast and people in the more interior part of Africa

East African COast

It led to the expansion and intensification of commerce along already existing trade routes.

Effect of the spread of Islam

peak was in 1250 to 1350, labor power, connect to the growing trade in gold

Great Zimbabwe

a covenant between God and the Hebrew people

Judaism is based on the belief in

The expansion of Islam throughout Afro-Eurasia

Malian Emperor Mansa Musa's pilgrimage to Mecca in 1324

observed the societies they visited through the lens of their own cultural values

Marco Polo and Ibn Battuta

between april and semptember, strong winds

Monsoon winds

They had Muslim diasporic merchant communities.

South and East Asian trading cities on the map

Malay Kingdom dominates trade (670-1025 CE) with resources of gold, spices, and ship taxes.


Eurasian exchange system

The Silk Roads are sometimes referred to as the _________

knoledge of agriculture

The spread of Bantu-speaking peoples over southern Africa can be best explained by their

The area was engaged in regular trade with China, India, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Which of the following best describes Middle Eastern trade in the period 1000 to 1450 ?

Societal relations in Japan were based on Confucian principles of hierarchy.

Which of the following best supports the conclusion that Japan borrowed extensively from Tang and Song China?

Government concern with domestic problems and frontier security

Which of the following contributed to the Chinese government's decision to stop voyages of exploration in the Indian Ocean in the early fifteenth century?

China's population doubled and Chinese urban centers experienced massive growth during the Song period.

Which of the following developments best explains why many historians argue that the Song dynasty period (960-1279 C.E.) was pivotal in the development of China as an economic world power?

Emphasis on harmony between humanity and nature

Which of the following is a key philosophical and religious element of Daoism?

Indian Ocean commerce flourished and was conducted by a mixture of Asian, Middle Eastern, and East African merchants.

Which of the following is true of commerce in the Indian Ocean during the time period 1000-1450?


Which of the following languages came into existence after 1000 as the direct result of expanding global trade patterns?

Islam is a monotheistic religion.

Which of the following statement regarding the tenets of Islam is accurate?

The rise of interregional commerce

Which of the following was a major cause for the growth of cities throughout Afro-Eurasia from 800 C.E. to 1350 C.E.?

Merchants on the trans-Saharan trade routes

Which of the following was most responsible for the initial spread of Islam to West Africa?

It challenged hierarchies based on caste.

Which of the following was the main reason that Buddhist thought had important social implications for South Asia?

The activities of Muslim traders and Sufi missionaries

Which of the following was the most important factor in the spread of Islam in Southeast Asia in the period circa 1250-1500 C.E.?

during Ming dynasty, the Chinese voyages with the big ships used to gain other countries to give tribute to China ended because officials thought it was a waste of resources, ships were called junks

Zheng He expeditions

was the reason trade occured in sand roads across the sahara

arabian camal

swahili civiization had orgins from


guesthouses, located along trade routes from eastern Mediterranean to China


agriculture people

early trade was among

textiles, pepper, timber, rice, sugar, ivory gold

example of products for sea roads

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