chapter 3 KNES a

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muscular strength

Ability of the muscle or group of muscles to produce force in one max slide 5

muscular endurance

Ability of the muscles to exert repetitive tension over an extended period Rate of muscular fatigue is related to the endurance level of the muscle slide 5

specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID)

Body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation

cardiorespiratory endurance

Involves activities that use large muscle groups to engage in dynamic exercise at moderate or higher levels of intensity for an extended period of time slide 6

muscle spindles

Lie parallel to muscle fibers Stretch in conjunction with the muscle When stimulated, spindle sensory fibers send impulses to the spinal cord initiating a reflexive muscle contraction (end result - stretch is inhibited) slide 4

Golgi tendon organs

Located in tendons and joint ligaments Respond to muscle tension, not muscle length When stimulated, the response is a reflexive inhibition in the antagonist muscle slide 4


Physiological improvements occur only when an individual physically demands more of the body than is normally required If demands are not great enough (e.g. too little exercise), improvement will not take place

when to stretch

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that stretching exercises be performed a minimum of 2-3 days per week, but more optimally, 5 to 7 days per week; muscles should be _____________ when warm, so the best time for stretching is following exercise (E.g., after a cardiovascular endurance activity; after a weight training session; the end of a practice session); it is contraindicated to __________- muscles that are cold (i.e. prior to activity), as it can increase the risk of injury (i.e. tearing) of the muscles 26


Total range of motion at a joint that occurs pain-free in each of the planes of motion KEY: joint ROM is dependent on normal joint mechanics, mobility of soft tissues, and muscle extensibility Slide 3


_____________ is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to produce force in one maximal effort 26

muscle hypertrophy

______________ refers to hte increase in the size of muscle fibers i nresponse to physical activity

legal issues

__________________ concerning protective equipments are a major concern for every organized sport or physical activity program; an organization's duty to ensure the proper use of protective equipments is usually a shared responsibility among the members of the athletic staff

nonmodifiable injury risk factors

___________________ include: gender (females more prone to musculoskeletal injury 2-8 times) previous history of injury

concentric contractions

a _________________- involves a shortening of muscle fibers, which decreases the angle of hte associated joint; _____________ work to accelerate a limb

isotonic training (variable speed/fixed resistance)

a common method of strength training is _________________, or progressive resistive exercise, as it is sometimes called; in this technique, a muscle contraction generates a force to move a constant load through the ROM at a variable speed; both concentric and eccentric contractions are possible with free weights, elastic or rubber tubing, and weight machines

diffuse injuries

an example of a low-velocity, high-mass forces is an individual falling on the ground or ice, or checked into the side-boards of an ice hockey rink, thereby absorbing the forces over a larger area, and leading to _____________ (i.e. injuries spread over a larger area, such as a concussion) 33


another principle that warrants attention is __________________; form various perspectives it is important to recognize that each participant is potentially different; as such, individual participants will have different responses to a conditioning program

muscular endurance training

duration: the development of muscular endurance requires 12-20 repetitions per set; the number of sets can very from 1-3 with a period of rest from 3-5 minutes between sets 30

proper technique

instruction of ________________ requires knowledge of the basic biomechanical principles to esnrue that structures within the body are not sustaining forces taht will cause soft or bony tissues to fail (i.e. rupture of soft tissue; fracture of bone)

muscular strength

more a function of the nervous system, Large muscle group movements (multi-joint movements: squats, dead lifts, military press, bench press)


muscles contain two primary __________________ that can be stimulated during stretching, namely the muscle spindles and the Golgi tendon organs 25

athletic trainers

regarding equipment liability, _______________ may be responsible for properly fitting the equipment based on manufacturer's guidelines, instructing and warning the individual about proper use of the equipment, regularly inspecting the protective equipment, and keeping accurate records of any repair or reconditioning of the equipment 34


the ________________ of a skeletal muscle is determiend by the cross-sectioanl diameter of the muscle ibers; the size of the muscle fiber will increase in response to progressive resistance exercise (i.e. overload); an exercise program cannot increase hte number of fibers; rather it increases the size of hte fibers present

muscular strength

the ability to produce a maximal contractile force

stretch duration

the final position should be held for 15-30 seconds, and repeated-two to four time with a 30-60 second rest period between repetitions; do not underestimate benefits of flexibility on preventing injuries 26

muscle spindles

when stimulated the _____________- sensory fibers discharge and through reflex action in the spinal cord initiate impulses to cause the muscle to contract reflexively and, in doing so, inhibit the stretch; muscles that perform the desired movement are called agonists; muscles that oppose or reverse a movement are referred to as antagonists


Joint ________________is a combination of normal joint mechanics, mobility of soft tissues, and muscle extensibility; for example, the hip joint may have full passive ROM but when doign active hip flexion form a seated position, as in touching one's toes, resistance from tight hamstrings may limit full hip ______________; this type of resistance may be generated fomr tension in muscle fibers or connective tissue; in a similar manner, ________________ in one body part (e.g. the hip joint) does not guarantee nomrla ROM in another body part (e.g. the ankle)

athletic trainers

_______________ duty is to: select appropriate equipment properly fit equipment instruct individual in proper care of equipment warn individual of any danger in using the equipment inappropriately supervise and monitor proper use of equipment slide 9


_______________ refers to the number of exercise sessions per day or week; the number of days in which an individual should engage in a conditioning program will vary depending on various factors (e.g. goals, current fitness level)

Athletic governing bodies

_______________- establish rules governing special protective equipment; these ________________ include the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFSHSA), the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) 34; slide 10

Cardiorespiratory training goals

_______________- no type of training with greater impact on lifespan; disease prevention; reduce risk of coronary artery disease by improving vascular compliance and endothelial functioning; helps mediate inflammatory chemicals in body that can lead to increased risk for hypertension, high cholesterol, obesity, and diabetes; stimulates parasympathetic system leading to lower blood pressure and heart stress; and overall improves quality of life slide6

muscular strength

________________ goals/benefits: improve max strength, maximum force 1 time, endurance, increase metabolism, increase muscle mass, bone mineral density, improve movement economy, improve body composition, improve insulin sensitivity, improve overall ROM

cardiovascular endurance benefits

________________ include: increase in the size (volume/weight) of the heart that improves the strength and pumping efficiency of the heart increase in cardiac output- decrease in heart rate results in less stress on the heart during exercise and at rest; increase in stroke volume results in the heart being able to pump more blood per beat increase in the number of red blood cells in the body enabling a more efficent transport of oxygen throughout the body improved circulatory efficiency that results in the working muscles requiring less blood due to an improvement in the delivery, extraction, and utilization of oxygen reduced blood pressure resulting in a more efficent cardiovascular system as well as decreased susceptibility to hypertension decrease in total cholesterol with an increase in the level of high density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol) increase in the strength of the muscles involved in respiration taht results in more efficent pulmonary function

muscular strength

________________ influences the ability to execute normal activities of daily living and aids in reducing or preventing postural deformities 26

muscular strength

________________ influences the ability to execute normal activities of daily living and aids in reducing or preventing postural deformities 26 Ability of the muscle or group of muscles to produce force in one max slide 5

muscular endurance

________________ is the ability of musclce tissue to exert reperitive tension over an extended period; the rate of muscle fatigue is related to the endurance level of the msucle (i.e. the more rapid the muscle fatigues, the less muscle endurance); a direct relationship exists betwteen muscle strength and endurance; as muscle endurance is developed, density in hte capillary beds increases, providing a greater blood supply, and thus a greater oxygen supply, to hte working muscle; increases in muscle endurance may influence strength gains; however, strength development has not been shown to increase muscle endurance 26 Ability of the muscles to exert repetitive tension over an extended period Rate of muscular fatigue is related to the endurance level of the muscle slide 5


________________ is the total range of motion (ROM) at a joint that occurs pain-free in each of the planes of motion; Joint ________________is a combination of normal joint mechanics, mobility of soft tissues, and muscle extensibility; _________________ can influence performance in physical activity; an absence of _______________ or excessive _______________ can potentially reduce the ability to effectively perform an action or skill and, in doing so, improve or hinder performance of a particular action or skill 24 Total range of motion at a joint that occurs pain-free in each of the planes of motion KEY: joint ROM is dependent on normal joint mechanics, mobility of soft tissues, and muscle extensibility Slide 3

specialized equipment

________________ must be designed to protect the player from: high-velocity, low-mass forces occur, for example, when an individual is struck by a ball, puck, bat, or hockey stick; the low-mass and high speed of impact can lead to forces concentrated in a small area, causing focal injuries (i.e., injuries concentrated in a small area, such as contusion). an example of a low-velocity, high-mass forces is an individual falling on the ground or ice, or checked into the side-boards of an ice hockey rink, thereby absorbing the forces over a larger area, and leading to diffuse injuries (i.e. injuries spread over a larger area, such as a concussion)

isokinetic training (fixed speed/ variable resistance)

________________ or accommodating resistance, allows an individual to provide muscular overload and angular movement to rotate a lever arm at a controlled velocity or fixed speed; theoretically, ___________________ should activate the maximum number of motor units, which consistently overload muscles nad achieves maximum tension-developing or force output capacity at every point in the ROM, even at the relatively weaker joint angles

ballistic stretching

________________- uses repetitive bouncing motions at the end of the available ROM; muscle spindles are repetitively stretched, but because the bouncing motions are of short duration, the Golgi tendon organs do not fire; as such, the muscles resist relaxation; because generated momemtum may carry the body part beyond normal ROM, the muscles being stretched often remain contracted to prevent overstretching, leading to microscopic tears in the musculotendinous unit


_________________ can influence performance in physical activity; an absence of _______________ or excessive _______________ can potentially reduce the ability to effectively perform an action or skill and, in doing so, improve or hinder performance of a particular action or skill 24

equipment design to reduce injury

_________________ includes: increase the impact area transfer or disperse the impact area to another body part limit the relative motion of a body part add mass to teh body part to limit deformation and displacement reduce friction between contacting surfaces absorb energy resist the absorption of bacteria, fungus, and viruses 33/ slide 7

static strength

_________________ involves an isometric contraction; tension is produced by the muscle, but there is no change in muscle length; dynamic strengthening involves isotonic contractions


_________________ refers to the length of a single exercise session; the recommended duration may be stated in terms of minutes or the number of repetitions and sets


_________________ reflects both the caloric cost of the work and hte specific energy systems activated; it refers to the amount of work being done during an exercise; the level of intensity for any given activity sould be based on the component being develope, the current performance level, and desired goals

Overload Principle

_________________- your body adapts to the greatest perceived physiological stress placed upon it, if the stress is no longer considered to be challenging, the body no longer adapts

proper technique

_________________-- is important with regard to efficent and effective skill performance; it is an importnat factor in the prevention of injury; use of improper techniques in executing sport-specific skills has been identified as a factor that can contribute to injury; subsequently, it has been suggested that poor coaching can result in increased injuries

cardiorespiratory endurance

__________________- can be aerobic or anaerobic depending upon the energy system being utilized; an aerobic exercise requires oxygen to produce energy; the aerobic energy system is utilized for activiteis that last longer than several minutes; in comparison, anaerobic exercise does not require oxygen for energy, but rather it uses lactic acid to convert nutrients to energy 30 Ability to sustain prolonged exercise Involves activities that use large muscle groups to engage in dynamic exercise at moderate or higher levels of intensity for an extended period of time slide 6

cardiorespiratory endurance

__________________- can be aerobic or anaerobic depending upon the energy system being utilized; an aerobic exercise requires oxygen to produce energy; the aerobic energy system is utilized for activities that last longer than several minutes; in comparison, anaerobic exercise does not require oxygen for energy, but rather it uses lactic acid to convert nutrients to energy; anaerobic exercises are short, intense bursts of activity that last for less than several minutes 30

proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF)

___________________ promotes and hastens the response of hte neuromuscular system through stimulation of the proprioceptors; these exercises increase flexibility in one muscle group (i.e. agonist) while simultaneously improve strength in another muscle group (i.e. antagonist); while ______________ exercises can be very effective in increasing flexibility, the coach should only perform _______________ having been appropriately trained by a qualified professional to do so

other testing agencies for protective equipment

____________________ include the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Hockey Equipment Certification Council (HECC) of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA); these agencies have established material standards for equipment, such as protective eye wear, ice hockey helmets, and face masks 34 other equipment (i.e. protective eye wear, ice hockey helmets, and facemasks) ASTM- American Society for Testing and Materials HECC- Hockey Equipment Certification Council CSA- Canadian Standards Association slide 10

static stretching guidelines

____________________ include: 1. stretching is facilitaited by warm body tissues; therefore, a brief warm-up period is recommended; if it is not possible to jog lightly, stretching could be performed after a superficial heat treatment 2. in the designated stretch position, the individual should move to a position in which a sensation of tension is felt 3. there should be no bouncing associated with the stretch; the stretch position should be held for 10 to 30 seconds until a sense of relaxation occurs; the individual should be aware of hte feeling of relaxation or letting go; a stretch should be repeated six to eight times 4. breathing should be performed rhythmically and slowly; the individual should exhale during the actual stretch 5. it is important to avoid being overly aggressive in stretching; increased flexibility may not be noticed for 4 to 6 weeks 6. if an area is particularly resistant to stretching, partner stretching or PNF may be used 7. vigorous stretching should be avoided in the following conditions: after a recent fracture after prolonged immobilization with acute inflammation or infection in or around the joint with a bony block that limits motionwith muscle contractures or when joint adhesions limit motion with acute pain during stretching

specialized equipment

_____________________, when properly used, can protect a participant form accidental or routine injuries associated with a particular sport or physical activity; however, there are limitations to the effectiveness of protective equipment; a natural outcome of wearing protective equipment is to feel more secure; unfortunately, this often leads to more aggressive pla, which can result in injury to the participant or an opponent; in many cases, it is the shared or sole responsibility of the coach to ensure that protective equipments meet minimum standards of protection, are in good condition, clean, properly fitted, used routinely, and used as these were intended

isotonic training (variable speed/fixed resistance)

_______________________- permits exercise of multiple joints simultaneously, allows for both eccentric and concentric contractions, and permits weight-bearing, closed kinetic chain exercises; a disadvantage is that when a load is applied, the muscle can only move that load through the ROM with as much force as the muscle provides at its weakest point

muscular endurance

a direct relationship exists betwteen muscle strength and ____________; as muscle endurance is developed, density in hte capillary beds increases, providing a greater blood supply, and thus a greater oxygen supply, to hte working muscle; increases in muscle endurance may influence strength gains; however, strength development has not been shown to increase muscle endurance 26

muscle spindles

because _____________________ lie parallel to muscle fibers, they stretch with the muscle; when stimulated the spindle sensory fibers discharge and through reflex action in the spinal cord initiate impulses to cause the muscle to *CONTRACT REFLEXIVELY* and, in doing so, inhibit the stretch Lie parallel to muscle fibers Stretch in conjunction with the muscle When stimulated, spindle sensory fibers send impulses to the spinal cord initiating a reflexive muscle contraction (end result - stretch is inhibited) slide 4


concerning legal/ ethical standards of protective equipment, the coach is responsible for: selecting the most appropriate equipment properly fitting the equipment to the individual instructing the individual in proper care for the equipment warning the individual of any danger in using the equipment improperly supervising and monitoring the proper use of all protective equipment

Modifiable risk factors for injury

fitness (research show that lower levels of aerobic fitness, muscular endurance, and muscular strength increase risk of injury)

muscular endurance training

frequency: a _______________ program requries a minimum of 2-3 days per week; similar to strength training, training days should not be back to back as the muscles must be given time to rest between exercise sessions 30

focal injuries

high-velocity, low-mass forces occur, for example, when an individual is struck by a ball, puck, bat, or hockey stick; the low-mass and high speed of impact can lead to forces concentrated in a small area, causing ___________ (i.e., injuries concentrated in a small area, such as contusion). 33


if the demands are within appropriate physiological limits, the body will adapt and improve its function; as such, if the demands are insufficent (e.g. too little exercise), improvement will not take place; if the demands are too strenuous, there is a risk for injury 23

Golgi tendon organs

if the stretch continues for an extended time (i.e. over 6 to 8 seconds), the _____________ are stimulated; this stimulus, unlike the stimulus from the muscle spindles, causes a reflex inhibition in the antagonist muscles; this sensory mechanism protects the musculotendinous unit form excessive tensile forces that could damage muscle fibers

static stretching

in _________________ movement is slow and deliberate; Golgi tendon organs are able to override impulses from the muscle spindles, leading to a safer, more effective muscle stretch; a stretch must be held for a minimum of 8 seconds for the Golgi tendon organ to activate

eccentric contractions

in ___________________, the muscle resists its own lengthening, so that hte joint angle increases during the contraction; ___________________ work to decelarate a limb and provide shock absorption, especially during high-velocity dynamic activities; ______________ generate greater force than isometric contractions, and isometric contractiosn generate greater force than concentric contractions; in addition, less tension is requried in an _________________


in comparison, _____________ is a decrease in size or a wasting away of muscle fiber; ______________ can be attributed to some common diseases (e.g. cancer; pulmonary disease), but it can also be due to a lack of physical activity; mustlce _____________ results in muscle weakness

specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID)

in developing a physical conditioning program, several basic principles must be addressed; in efforts to develop a specific component of fitness (e.g. flexibility; strength; endurance; particular skill), the _______________ principle or specificity must be followed; the ______________- principle states that the body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation; an exercise program must address the specific needs of the individual with regard to their fitness and skill goals as well as to the various body parts 23

specialized equipment

in many cases, it is the shared or sole responsibility of the coach to ensure that _________________ meet minimum standards of protection, are in good condition, clean, properly fitted, used routinely, and used as these were intended

muscular endurance training

intensity: the intensity of the overload should be a weight that is 40 to 60% of the individual's maximum capacity (1RM) 30

when to stretch

it is contraindicated to __________- muscles that are cold (i.e. prior to activity), as it can increase the risk of injury (i.e. tearing) of the muscles 26

liability/ equipment standards

legal issues concerning protective equipment are a major concern for every organized sport or physical activity program; and organization's duty to ensure hte proper use of protective equipment is usually a shared responsibility among the members of the athletic staff page 34/ slide 9

when to stretch

muscles should be _____________ when warm, so the best time for stretching is following exercise (E.g., after a cardiovascular endurance activity; after a weight training session; the end of a practice session); 26

delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

one major disadvantage of eccenric training is _________________; __________________- is defined as muscular pain or discomfort 1-5 days following unusual muscular exertion; ____________________ is associated with joint swelling nad weakness, which may last after the cessation of pain

athletic trainers

regarding equipment liability, _______________ may be responsible for properly fitting the equipment based on manufacturer's guidelines, instructing and warning the individual about proper use of the equipment, regularly inspecting the protective equipment, and keeping accurate records of any repair or reconditioning of the equipment 34 _______________ duty is to: select appropriate equipment properly fit equipment instruct individual in proper care of equipment warn individual of any danger in using the equipment inappropriately supervise and monitor proper use of equipment slide 9

specific adaptation to imposed demands (SAID)

the ______________- principle states that the body responds to a given demand with a specific and predictable adaptation; an exercise program must address the specific needs of the individual with regard to their fitness and skill goals as well as to the various body parts 23

American College of Sports medicine

the ________________ recommends that stretching exercises be performed a minimum of 2-3 days per week, but more optimally 5 to 7 days a week

National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOSACE)

the _________________ sets the standards for football helmets to tolerate certain forces when applied to different areas of the helmet; currently, baseball, softball, and lacrosse helmets and face masks must be __________________ certified

cardiorespiratory system

the functioning of the __________________ occurs at predictable rates; during rest or light activiteis, the normal heart rate for adults is 60 to 100 beats per minute; for children the normal resting range is from 120 to 140 beats per minute; respiration rate ranges form 10 to 20 breaths per minute for adults and 20 to 25 breaths per minute for children; normal healthy rates for blood pressure are 120/70 to 120/80 mmHg for adults and 125 to 140/80 to 90 for children aged 10 to 18 years; in response to the demands of exercise or strenuous activites, changes in the resting rates occur, including: increased heart rate, increased systolic blood pressure, increased respirations


the principle of _________________ states that physiologic improvements occur only when an individual physically demands more of the body than is normally required; if the demands are within appropriate physiological limits, the body will adapt and improve its function; as such, if the demands are insufficent (e.g. too little exercise), improvement will not take place; if the demands are too strenuous, there is a risk for injury 23 Physiological improvements occur only when an individual physically demands more of the body than is normally required If demands are not great enough (e.g. too little exercise), improvement will not take place

active inhibition techniques

to stretch the hamstring group on a single leg using the three separate PNF techniques, the following guidelines should be followed 1. contract- relax the thigh is stabilized and hte hip passively flexed into the agonist pattern, until limitation is felt in the hamstrings the individual then performs an isotonic contraction with the hamstrings through the antagonist pattern a passive stretch is tehn applied into the agonist pattern, until limitation is felt; the sequence is repeated 2. hold-relax the leg is passively moved into the agonist pattern, until resistance is felt in the hamstrings the individual performs an isometic contraction to hold the position for about 10 seconds the individual should then relax for about 5 seconds a passive stretch is then applied into the agonist pattern, until limitation is felt; the sequence is repeated 3. slow reversal-hold-relax the individual consciously relaxes the hamstring muscles, while doing a concentric contraction of the quadriceps muscles into the agonist pattern the individual then performs an isometric contraction, against resistance, into the antagonist pattern for 10 s

isokinetic training (fixed speed/ variable resistance)

two advantages of ______________ are that a muscle group can be exercised to its maximum potential throughout the full ROM; however, as the muscles fatigue, _______________- decreases

Golgi tendon organs

unlike muscle spindles, ________________ are connected in a series of fibers located in tendons and joint ligaments, and respond to muscle tension rather than length; if the stretch continues for an extended time, the _____________ are stimulated; this stimulus, unlike the stimulus from the muscle spindles, causes a *REFLEX INHIBITION/RELAX* in the antagonist muscles 25 Located in tendons and joint ligaments Respond to muscle tension, not muscle length When stimulated, the response is a reflexive inhibition in the antagonist muscle slide 4

individual providing own equipment

when an __________________, the responsibiltiies of the coach do not automatically change; the coach must ensure that the equipment meets safety standards and is fitted correctly, properly maintained and cleaned, and used appropriately; coaches should know the dangers involved in using sport equipment and have a duty to properly supervise its fitting and intended use; athletes should not be allowed to wear any equipment or alter any equipment that may endanger the individual or other team members 34 When an athlete provides his or her own protective equipment, the responsibilities of the athletic trainer do not change slide 11

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