Chapter 3: Theoretical Models of Personality Development

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B. Offer family therapy sessions

From an interpersonal theory perspective, which intervention would a nurse use to assist a client diagnosed with major depressive disorder? A. Encourage discussion of feelings B. Offer family therapy sessions C. Discuss childhood events D. Teach alternate coping skills

B. Developmental deficits in earlier life stages have impaired the clients adult functioning.

A 29-year-old client living with parents has few interpersonal relationships. The client states, I have trouble trusting people. Based on Eriksons developmental theory, which should the nurse recognize as a true statement about this client? A. The client has not progressed beyond the trust versus mistrust developmental stage. B. Developmental deficits in earlier life stages have impaired the clients adult functioning. C. The client cannot move to the next developmental stage until mastering all earlier stages. D. The clients developmental problems began in the intimacy versus isolation stage.

C. Phallic

A 6-year-old boy uses his fathers flashlight to explore his 3-year-old sisters genitalia. According to Freud, in which stage of psychosocial development should a nurse identify this behavior as normal? A. Oral B. Anal C. Phallic D. Latency

B. Learning to delay satisfaction

A nurse observes a 3-year-old client willingly sharing candy with a sibling. According to Peplau, which psychological stage of development should the nurse recognize that this child has completed? A. Learning to count on others B. Learning to delay satisfaction C. Identifying oneself D. Developing skills in participation

C. The differentiation subphase of the separationindividuation phase

When a mother brings her 9-month-old to daycare, the child smiles and reaches for the daycare caregiver. The nurse should recognize that according to Mahlers developmental theory, this childs development is at which phase? A. The autistic phase B. The symbiotic phase C. The differentiation subphase of the separationindividuation phase D. The rapprochement subphase of the separationindividuation phase

B. The structure and dynamics of the personality

When assessing clients, a psychiatric nurse should understand that psychoanalytic theory is based on which underlying concept? A. A possible genetic basis for the client problems B. The structure and dynamics of the personality C. Behavioral responses to stressors D. Maladaptive cognitions

B. The autistic phase

A 1-month-old infant is left alone for extended periods, has little physical stimulation, and is malnourished. Based on this infants history, in which phase of development according to Mahlers theory should a nurse expect to see a potential deficit? A. The symbiotic phase B. The autistic phase C. The consolidation phase D. The rapprochement phase

A. Industry versus inferiority

A 10-year-old child wins the science fair competition and is chosen as a cheerleader for the basketball team. A nurse should recognize that this child is in the process of successfully accomplishing which stage of Eriksons developmental theory? A. Industry versus inferiority B. Identity versus role confusion C. Intimacy versus isolation D. Generativity versus stagnation

D. Developing skills in participation

A 12-year-old girl becomes hysterical every time she strikes out in softball, falls down when roller-skating, or loses when playing games. According to Peplaus interpersonal theory, in which stage of development should the nurse identify a need for improvement? A. Learning to count on others B. Learning to delay satisfaction C. Identifying oneself D. Developing skills in participation

C. The not me

A client has flashbacks of sexual abuse by her uncle. She had not been aware of these memories until recently, when she became sexually active with her boyfriend. A nurse should identify this experience as which part of Sullivans concept of the self-system? A. The good me B. The bad me C. The not me D. The bad you

C. Identifying oneself

A father of a 5-year-old demeans and curses at his child for disobedience. In turn, when upset, the child uses swear words in kindergarten. A school nurse recognizes this behavior as unsuccessful completion of which stage of development according to Peplau? A. Learning to count on others B. Learning to delay satisfaction C. Identifying oneself D. Developing skills in participation

A. The id

A female complains that her husband only meets his sexual needs and never her needs. According to Freud, which personality structure should a nurse identify as predominantly driving the husbands actions? A. The id B. The superid C. The ego D. The superego

C. Intimacy versus isolation

A jilted college student is admitted to a hospital following a suicide attempt and states, No one will ever love a loser like me. According to Eriksons theory of personality development, a nurse should recognize a deficit in which developmental stage? A. Trust versus mistrust B. Initiative versus guilt C. Intimacy versus isolation D. Ego integrity versus despair

C. Intimacy versus isolation

A married, 26-year-old client works as a schoolteacher. She and her husband have just had their first child. A nurse should recognize that this client is successfully accomplishing which stage of Eriksons developmental theory? A. Industry versus inferiority B. Identity versus role confusion C. Intimacy versus isolation D. Generativity versus stagnation

D. The role of leader

A nurse directs the client interaction and plans for interventions to achieve client goals. According to Peplaus framework for psychodynamic nursing, what therapeutic role is this nurse assuming? A. The role of technical expert B. The role of resource person C. The role of teacher D. The role of leader

B. Childhood

A nurse is caring for a hospitalized client who is quarrelsome and opinionated and has little regard for others. According to Sullivans interpersonal theory, the nurse should associate the clients behaviors with a previous deficit in which stage of development? A. Infancy B. Childhood C. Early adolescence D. Late adolescence

D. The nurse applies principles of human relations to the problems that arise at all levels of experience.

A nursing instructor is teaching about the application of Peplaus theory to nursing care. Which student statement indicates that learning has occurred? A. The nurse assumes the role of a parenting figure, instructing the client in good health practices. B. The nurse is concerned more about psychosocial functioning than physiological functioning. C. The nurse bases the client care plan on standardized nursing approaches and physician orders. D. The nurse applies principles of human relations to the problems that arise at all levels of experience.

D. Establishing a career, personal relationships, and societal connections

A physically healthy, 35-year-old single client lives with parents who provide total financial support. According to Eriksons theory, which developmental task should a nurse assist the client to accomplish? A. Establishing the ability to control emotional reactions B. Establishing a strong sense of ethics and character structure C. Establishing and maintaining self-esteem D. Establishing a career, personal relationships, and societal connections

B. Client symptoms are viewed as responses to anxiety arising from interpersonal relationships.

A psychiatric nurse uses Sullivans theories in group and individual therapy. According to Sullivan and other theorists like him, how are client symptoms viewed? A. Client symptoms are viewed as learned behaviors that are maintained because they are reinforced. B. Client symptoms are viewed as responses to anxiety arising from interpersonal relationships. C. Client symptoms are viewed as internal conflicts arising from early childhood trauma. D. Client symptoms are viewed as the misinterpretations of experiences.

A. To decrease anxiety and develop trust

Danny has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. On the unit he appears very anxious, paces back and forth, and darts his head from side to side in a continuous scanning of the area. He has refused to eat, making some barely audible comment related to "being poisoned." In planning care for Danny, which of the following would be the primary focus for nursing? A. To decrease anxiety and develop trust B. To set limits on his behavior C. To ensure that he gets to group therapy D. To attend to his hygiene needs

B. We need to examine how your relationships affect your ability to cope.

Which statement is most likely to be made by a nurse practitioner who shares the philosophy of an interpersonal theorist? A. Lets discuss your use of defense mechanisms. B. We need to examine how your relationships affect your ability to cope. C. It is important that you take the medications that I have prescribed for you. D. Your genetic background is a factor in your predisposition to mental illness.

A. The effects of social processes on personality development

Which underlying concept should a nurse associate with interpersonal theory when assessing clients? A. The effects of social processes on personality development B. The effects of unconscious processes and personality structures C. The effects on thoughts and perceptual processes D. The effects of chemical and genetic influences

D. She has internalized rage and fears of abandonment.

Janet, a psychiatric client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, has just been hospitalized for threatening suicide. According to Mahler's theory, Janet did not receive the critical "emotional refueling" required during the rapprochement phase of development. What are the consequences of this deficiency? A. She has not yet learned to delay gratification. B. She does not feel guilt about wrongdoings to others. C. She is unable to trust others. D. She has internalized rage and fears of abandonment.

B. Childhood. He has not learned to delay gratification.

John is on the Alcohol Treatment Unit. He walks into the dayroom where other clients are watching a program on TV. He picks up the remote and changes the channel and says, "That's a stupid program! I want to watch something else!" In what stage of development is John fixed according to Sullivan's interpersonal theory? A. Juvenile. He is learning to form satisfactory peer relationships. B. Childhood. He has not learned to delay gratification. C. Early adolescence. He is struggling to form an identity. D. Late adolescence. He is working to develop a lasting relationship.

A. Personality is the characteristic way in which a person thinks, feels, and behaves. B. Personality is the ingrained pattern of behavior that evolves as ones style of life. D. Personality develops both consciously and unconsciously.

Which concepts are included in the definition of personality? Select all that apply. A. Personality is the characteristic way in which a person thinks, feels, and behaves. B. Personality is the ingrained pattern of behavior that evolves as ones style of life. C. Personality is developed in sporadic stages that vary from person to person. D. Personality develops both consciously and unconsciously. E. Personality is inborn and cannot be influenced by developmental progression.

A. Encourage a life review of triumphs and disappointments.

Which is a nursing intervention to assist a client to achieve Eriksons developmental task of ego integrity? A. Encourage a life review of triumphs and disappointments. B. Provide opportunities for success experiences. C. Focus on embracing the future. D. Foster the development of creativity.

A. Ive been a girl scout leader for troop 259 for 7 years.

Which statement describes achievement of Eriksons generativity versus stagnation developmental stage? A. Ive been a girl scout leader for troop 259 for 7 years. B. I feel great that I could pay for my bike with my paper route money. C. My parents are so pleased that John and I are going to be married. D. Ive had a very full life. Im not afraid to leave this world.

D. To achieve established life goals and consider the welfare of future generations

According to Eriksons developmental theory, when planning care for a 47-year-old client, which developmental task should a nurse identify as appropriate for this client? A. To develop a basic trust in others B. To achieve a sense of self-confidence and recognition from others C. To reflect back on life events to derive pleasure and meaning D. To achieve established life goals and consider the welfare of future generations

B. I dont ever cheat on tests; it is wrong.

According to Freud, which statement should a nurse associate with predominance of the superego? A. No one is looking, so I will take three cigarettes from Moms pack. B. I dont ever cheat on tests; it is wrong. C. If I skip school I will get in trouble and fail my test. D. Dad wont miss this little bit of vodka.

C. The role of surrogate

According to Peplau, a nurse who provides an abandoned child with parental guidance and praise following small accomplishments is serving which therapeutic role? A. The role of technical expert B. The role of resource person C. The role of surrogate D. The role of leader

A. Establishing a therapeutic nurseclient relationship

According to Peplau, treatment of client symptoms should involve which nursing action? A. Establishing a therapeutic nurseclient relationship B. Using the technique of desensitization C. Challenging clients negative thoughts D. Uncovering clients past experiences

D. Recognizing and discussing the clients use of ego defense mechanisms

According to psychoanalytic theory, treatment of symptoms should involve which nursing action? A. Modifying client behaviors by manipulating the environment B. Expressing empathy and presenting reality C. Encouraging the client to note cause and effects of actions D. Recognizing and discussing the clients use of ego defense mechanisms

B. Strong id, weak ego, weak superego

Adam has antisocial personality disorder. He says to the nurse, "I'm not crazy. I'm just fun-loving. I believe in looking out for myself. Who cares what anyone thinks? If it feels good, do it!" Which of the following describes the psychoanalytical structure of Adam's personality? A. Weak id, strong ego, weak superego B. Strong id, weak ego, weak superego C. Weak id, weak ego, punitive superego D. Strong id, weak ego, punitive superego

B. Learning to delay gratification

Larry, who has antisocial personality disorder, feels no guilt about violating the rights of others. He does as he pleases without thought to possible consequences. In which of Peplau's stages of development would you place Larry? A. Learning to count on others B. Learning to delay gratification C. Identifying oneself D. Developing skills in participation

C. Trust vs. mistrust

Mr. J. has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. He refuses to eat and told the nurse he knew he was "being poisoned." According to Erikson's theory, in what developmental stage would you place Mr. J.? A. Intimacy vs. isolation B. Generativity vs. self-absorption C. Trust vs. mistrust D. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

B. Generativity vs. self-absorption

Mr. J. is a new client on the psychiatric unit. He is 35 years old. Theoretically, in which level of psychosocial development (according to Erikson) would you place Mr. J.? A. Intimacy vs. isolation B. Generativity vs. self-absorption C. Trust vs. mistrust D. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

C. Counselor

The nurse has just admitted Madison to the psychiatric unit. The psychiatrist has diagnosed Madison with major depressive disorder. The nurse says to Madison, "Please tell me what it was like when you were growing up." Which nursing role described by Peplau is the nurse fulfilling in this instance? A. Surrogate B. Resource person C. Counselor D. Technical expert

B. Surrogate

The nurse has just admitted Madison to the psychiatric unit. The psychiatrist has diagnosed Madison with major depressive disorder. The nurse says to Madison, "Some changes will have to be made in your behavior. I care about what happens to you." Which nursing role described by Peplau is the nurse fulfilling in this instance? A. Counselor B. Surrogate C. Technical expert D. Resource person

A. Resource person

The nurse has just admitted Madison to the psychiatric unit. The psychiatrist has diagnosed Madison with major depressive disorder. The nurse says to Madison, "What questions do you have about being here on the unit?" Which nursing role described by Peplau is the nurse fulfilling in this instance? A. Resource person B. Counselor C. Surrogate D. Technical expert

D. Exploring behaviors and defense mechanisms associated with the superego.

The nurse practitioner plans to use a psychoanalytical framework when treating a client diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Which would be the focus of this nursing intervention? A. Correcting inappropriate learning patterns B. Changing a dysfunctional social environment C. Exploring the here and now with the client and family D. Exploring behaviors and defense mechanisms associated with the superego.

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