Chapter 30 Fill in the blanks

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San Fransisco

A center for the counterculture movement was the Haight-Ashbury Neighborhood in the city of ________.

My Lai

In 1968, American soldiers massacred more than 100 South Vietnamese civilians near the village of _________.


In 1969, Four months after the great music festival at Woodstock, a rock concert at _________ resulted in the deaths of four people, including one from injuries sustained from the security guards.

Daniel Ellsberg

In 1971 the so-called Pentagon Papers were leaked to the press by _________.


In 1972 President Nixon ordered the heaviest and most destructive air attacks on North Vietnam in what came to be called the "__________ bombing."

Wounded Knee

In 1972, Indian activists seized the town of ________, the site of an 1890 massacre of Sioux by federal troops

Cesar Chavez

In the 1960s, the United Farm workers was founded and led by ______.


In the 1972 presidential election, George McGovern carried only the state of _______ and the District of Columbia.

University of California at Berkeley

In the early 1960s, the Free Speech Movement came into being at the __________ to help secure the political rights of students.

Democratic Society

One of the early and major organizations of the New Left was the students for a __________


President Nixon expanses the Vietnam War by moving the fighting into neighboring _____ and Laos.

Yom Kippur

The 1973 _______ war demonstrated American dependence on Arab Oil.


The Vietnam war caused the deaths of 1.2 Million Vietnamese soldiers, countless additional civilians, and _________ Americans.

Stonewall Riots

The beginning of the gay liberation movement was marked by the _______ of 1969.

Saturday Night

What became known as the "________ massacre" saw president Richard Nixon order the firing of Archibald Cox.

Warren Burger

When Earl Warren retired, President Nixon appointed ___________ to replace him on the Supreme Court.

James W. McCord

______ was the watergate burglar who agreed to cooperate with the grand jury and Senate investigating committee looking into the Watergate break-in.

Sandra Day O'Connor

first female supreme court justice

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