chapter 37

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The summer of 1968 was one of the hottest political seasons in the nation's history. Johnson's heir for the Democratic nomination was ____. Senators Humphrey and Kennedy battled it out. On June 5th 1968 Kennedy was shot to death. Angry anti-War zealots streamed into Chicago for the Democratic Convention. Mayor Richard Daley responded by arranging ____ as well as police and National Guard reinforcements. Humphrey secure the nomination with such ease because the nominating procedures left most of the power over delegates election in the hands of state and local party Essentials. The hungry forces blocked the McCarthy attempt to secure for anti-war platform. Scenting victory over the ____, the Republicans convened in Miami Beach when ____ rose to win the nomination. Adding color and confusion to the campaign was a third party ticket headed by ____ in the American ____ Party. He called for prodding the blacks into their place. Between the positions of the Republicans and the Democrats on Vietnam there was little choice. Both candidates were committed on ____. Nixon won handily in 1968. He faced Congressional majorities of the ____ in both houses and carried not a single major city. By 1966 Johnson was sinking into the Vietnam quicksands. The War cost sucked ____ into the military machine. The war on poverty met resistance and eventually went ___. The struggles of the 1960s against Racism, poverty, and war in Vietnam had momentous _____. Everywhere in the 1960's in Americans took newly negative attitude took towards all kinds of ___. Dissolution by the discovery that American society was not free of racism and sexism many young people lost their traditional moral rudders. Neither family nor churches nor School seem to be able to ____ and shape Behavior. The nation's ___ denominations lost their grip. The ____ churches suffer the most. They ceded religious authority to conservative evangelicals while surrendering cultural authority to secular professionals and academics social scientist. A new cultural divide began to take shape as educated Americans became ____ and less-educated became ____. The second Vatican Council passed reforms aimed at ____ church practices and encouraging interaction with other faiths. Skepticism about Authority had _____. Movies and novels show this. The disaffection of the young grew as the _____ reached college-aged. One of the first organized protests against the authority took place at the _____. Students objected to administrative ban on the use of Campus space for ____. Social upheaval in the 1960s was hardly confined to the US. The Newfound power of popular ___ proved Global in its reach. 1960s also witness the _____. Without a doubt the introduction of the _____ made unwanted pregnancies much easier to avoid. The Mattachine Society was a pioneering advocate for _____ as gay men and lesbians increasingly demanded sexual tolerance. A brutal attack on gay men by police officers proved a turning point when the victim spot back and what became known as the ____. Widening worries in the 1980s about STDs slowed but did not reverse the sexual Revolution. Launched in youthful idealism, much of the cultural revolution sputtered out in ____. ____ had by decade's end spawned a clandestine terrorist group called The Weather Underground. Peaceful demonstrations gave way to urban riots. Guardians of respectability denounced the Romanticism of the flower children as the beginning of the end of modern civilization. The upheavals could largely be attributed to the ____ of baby boomers, protest Against Racism and Vietnam War, and the prosperity that seemed permanent on postwar America.

Hubert H Humphrey; barbed wire barricades; badly divided Democrats; Richard M Nixon; George C Wallace; Independent; carrying the war; opposing party; tax dollars; down to defeat; cultural consequences; authority; Define values; Protestant; liberal Protestant; more secular; more religious; modernizing; deep roots in American culture; baby boom generation; University of California at Berkeley; political debate; youth Culture; sexual Revolution; birth control; gay rights; Stonewall Rebellion; violence; Students for a Democratic Society; population bulge

With President Kennedy dying the presidency passed to _____. As President Johnson quickly shed the conservative coloration of his Senate years to reveal the liberal underneath. After a lengthy conservative Buster, Congress passed the landmark ____. This banned racial discrimination in _____. It strengthened the federal government's power to end segregation in schools and other public places. Title 8 of the act barred employers from discriminating based on race or national origin in ____ and empowered that equal employment opportunity commission to _____. When conservatives try to derail the legislation by it adding a Prohibition on sex and _____ the tactic backfired. The Bill's opponents calculated that liberals would not be able to support a bill that threatened to wipe out laws that singled women for ____. But the act's title 7 passed with the sexual clause intact. It proved to be a powerful instrument of federally enforced _____. Johnson struck another blow for women and minorities in 1965 when he issued an executive order requiring all federal contractors to take ____ against discrimination. Johnson also rammed Kennedy's tax bill through Congress and added proposals of his own for a billion-dollar war on _____. The initial political impetus board the anti-poverty campaign came from Michael Harrington's the other America. This revealed that 20% of the population suffered from poverty. Johnson took up the cause and his war on poverty compose one element of a far-reaching reform program that he called _____. Johnson's nomination by the Democrats in 1964 was a conclusion. Thanks to him the Democrats stood _____. The Republicans nominated Senator Barry Goldwater. He did not like the Great Society. His nomination was due to a growing conservative movement in the middle-class suburbs of the Sunbelt. Led by William F Buckley and his staff at National Review magazine, conservative activists in the early 1960s formed groups like Young Americans for freedom and volunteered for the Goldwater movement. They were well received in the _____ where civil rights movement was disrupting typical loyalties. Johnson rode a spectacular victory. The voters were herded into Johnson's column by _____. Johnson's huge Victory temporarily smashed _____ of Southern Democrats and Northern Republicans. A legislative Road stretch before Great Society programs. Congress poured out flood of legislation. Confident that a ____ gave a lot of room for maneuver, Johnson delivered Democratic promises. Congress doubled the appropriation of the office of Economic Opportunity to two billion and granted more than 1 billion to redevelop the Hills and Hollows of Appalachia. He also prodded congress into creating two new cabinet offices: the Department of ____ and the Department of _____, to which he named the first black cabinet secretary Robert C Weaver. Even more impressive were the big four legislative achievements. aid to ____, ____ for elderly and indigent, immigration reform, and new ____ Bill. Johnson avoided the thorny question of separation of ______ by channeling education Aid to students, not school. Medicare for the elderly accompanied by medical for the poor became a reality in 1965. Medicare and Medicaid conferred right on certain ______ in perpetuity, without the need for repeated Congressional approval. Immigration reform was the third of Johnson's Feats. The ______ of 1965 abolished the National Origins quota system in place since 1921. This double the number of immigrants allowed to enter, while for the first time setting limits on immigrants from the ____. This further provided for the admission of ____ of US citizens outside of America limits. To the surprise of many more than a hundred thousand persons per year took advantage of this family unification provision. Even more surprising the sources of immigration shifted from Europe to ____. Great Society programs came in for political attack in later years. Conservatives charged at 4 billion spent for social engineering had simply been flushed down the waste-pipe. You have the poverty rate declined. Medicare made dramatic reductions in the incidence of poverty. Other anti-poverty programs improve the educational performance of the youth.

Lyndon Baines Johnson; Civil Rights Act of 1964; private facilities open to public; hiring; enforce the law; sexual discrimination; special protection; gender equality and Racial equality; affirmative action; poverty; Great Society; together in the liberal platform; Democratic South; fondness of Kennedy's Legacy; conservative Congressional Coalition; growing economy; Transportation; Housing and Urban Development; education; medical care; voting rights; church and state; categories of Americans; immigration and nationality Act; Western Hemisphere; close relatives; Latin America and Asia

Nixon lashed out during the campaign at the ____ under chief justice ____. Following his appointment, Warren had led the court into a series of decisions that drastically affected sexual Freedom, rights of criminals, practice of religion, civil rights, and structure of political representation. In Griswold V Connecticut the court struck down a state law that prohibited the use of ____. The court proclaimed the right of privacy that provided the basis for decisions protecting women's _____. In 1963 the Court held that criminal defendants were entitled to ____ even if they were too poor to afford it. We're controversial were the decisions in two cases, Escobedo and Miranda, that ensured the right of the accused to ____ and enjoy other protections. The latter case gave rise to the ____, that arresting police officers must read to suspect. These Court rulings sought to prevent ____ but they appeared to conservatives to coddle criminals. Conservatives objected to the courts views on ____. Into two decisions the Justices agreed that the First Amendment separation of church and state meant that public schools could not _____. From 1954 on the court came under Relentless criticism. But For Better or For Worse, the justices were grappling with social problems. Fulfilling campaign promises, President Nixon undertook to change the courts philosophical complexion. He sought appointees that would ____. The Senate speedily confirmed his nomination of ____ as chief justice. Get Nixon's to learn the ironic lesson, once Seated on the high bench the justices are free to think and decide according to their own consciences. The Burger court that Nixon shaped proved reluctant to dismantle the liberal rulings of the Warren Court. It produce the most controversial judicial opinion of modern times as it ____. Surprisingly, Nixon presided over significant expansion of the _____ that conservative Republicans denounced. He approved increased Appropriations for entitlements like ____, Medicaid, and Aid to families with dependent children while adding a new program, Supplemental security income to assist the Aged, blind, and disabled. He signed legislation in 1972 guaranteeing Social Security cost-of-living increases to protect the ____ against inflation. Amid much controversy Nixon implemented his ____ requiring construction trade unions to establish schools and timetables for the hiring of black apprentices. Whatever his reasoning the president's new policy had implications. The Philadelphia plan required thousands of employers to meet ____. Nixon's plan altered the meaning of affirmative action. Nixon transformed an escalated affirmative action into a program that conferred _____. The Supreme Court went along with his approach. In Griggs V Duke power Co the justices prohibited _____ that had the effect of excluding minorities or women from certain jobs. The only sure protection against charges of discrimination was to hire minority workers in proportion to their ____. Together the actions open brought employment and educational opportunities for minorities and women. They opened a box of protest from critics. Among Nixon's legacies was the creation in 1970 of the _____ which climaxed two decades of mounting concern for the environment. On April 22nd 1970 millions of environmentalists around the world celebrated the first ____ to raise awareness and encourage leaders to act. In the wake of a became a yearly event the US Congress passed the Clean Air Act of 1970 and The Endangered Species Act of 1973. The federal government also expanded its reach on behalf of workers and consumers. Late in 1970 Nixon signed the occupational safety and health administration into law, creating an agency dedicated to improving ____, preventing work accidents and deaths, and ensuing safety standards. The consumer product safety commission followed holding companies to account for selling dangerous products. Worried about ____, Nixon overcame his distaste for economic controls and imposed a 90-day wage and price freeze. To stimulate the nation's exports he took the US off the gold standard and devalue the dollar. These moves ended the system of international currency stabilization. Appointing conservative Supreme Court Justices, peddling civil rights, and opposing School busing to achieve racial balance we're part of the Electoral approach that Nixon's advisors called the ____.

Supreme Court; Earl Warren; contraceptives; abortion rights; legal counsel; remain silent; Miranda warning; abusive police tactics; religion; require prayer or Bible reading; strictly interpret the Constitution; Warren E Burger; legalized abortion; welfare programs; food stamps; elderly; Philadelphia plan; hiring quotas; privileges on certain groups; intelligence tests or other devices; presence in the population; Environmental Protection Agency; Earth Day; working conditions; inflation; southern strategy

Nearly four years passed since Nixon promised to _____. Yet in the spring of 1972 the fighting escalated to alarming levels. Nixon reacted by launching a massive bombing attack. The continuing Vietnam conflicts spuured the rise of South Dakota Senator _____ in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. After the 1968 debacle in Chicago McGovern had led a party commission taxed with reforming _____ to ensure popular participation in Democratic presidential nominations. The proliferation of primaries marked a shift away from ____ nominating system with decisions made in the political pills to the base of each party. A dark horse candidate at the beginning of 1972, McGovern proved to be the first politician to make use of the new populist system. His promise to pull _____ earned him the support of anti-war people. But his appeal to racial minorities, feminists, leftists, and Youth branded him as the countercultural candidate and alienated the traditional ____. Nixon won the election in a landslide. His victory emcompassed every state except Massachusetts and non-state District of Columbia. The dove of peace took flight after the election. Nixon launched the ___ of North Vietnam in an effort to force the north into a conference table. This pounding drove the North Vietnam negotiators to agree to a ceasefire in the ____ in 1973. Nixon hailed the cease-fire as a peace with honor. The US was to withdraw 27 troops and could reclaim the prisoners of war. The North Vietnamese were allowed to keep troops in South Vietnam where they occupied 30% of the country. The peace was little more than a thinly disguised _____. The constitutionality of his battering of Cambodia had been coming under Fire. In 1973 Americans were shocked to learn that the air force had secretly conducted 3500 bombing raids. The most disturbing feature was that while they were going on, American officials had sworn that ______. Defiance followed secretiveness. After the Vietnam ceasefire, Nixon continued _____ in order to help the Cambodian government and vetoed Congressional efforts to stop him. The years of bombing inflicted wounds on Cambodia shredding its economy and Blasting its people. The long-suffering Cambodians ground under the heel of a _____. Congressional opposition to the expansion of presidential war-making Powers led to the ____. It required the president to report to Congress within 48 hours after ____ to foreign conflicts or _____ to foreign country. The War Powers Act was but one manifestation of what came to be called ____, a mood of caution and restraint. The Middle East erupted anew in 1973 when the Syrians and Egyptians unleash ____ on Israel in attempt to regain the territory they lost. With the Israelis in retreat, Secretary of State Kisinger flew to Moscow to restrain the Soviets ____. Nixon placed America's nuclear forces on alert and ordered an airlift of two billion in more materials to Israel. The assistance help save the day as they turn the tide and threaten Cairo before American diplomacy brought a cease-fire to what became known as the _____. America's policy of backing Israel against its ____ exacted a heavy penalty. Late in October 1973 the OPEC nations announced an _____ to the US and several European allies supporting is real. The oil-rich Arab states cut the oil production. Lines at gas stations grew longer as tempers grew shorter. This shortage triggered a major ____ in America, France, and Britain. The five months after the black male embargo signaled the end of an era, the era of _____. American oil production peaked in 1970 and then began an irreversible decline. Unaware of their dependence on foreign suppliers Americans had more than ____ their oil consumption. The number of automobiles increased by 250%. By 1974 America was oil addicted and vulnerable to any interruption in supplies. That fact deeply colored The Diplomatic and economic history of the next three decades as the Middle East grew ever larger on the map of America's strategic interest. OPEC ____ its price for oil after lifting the Embargo in 1974. Oil bills wildly disrupted the u.s. Balance of international trade and added further fuel to the already raging fires of _____. The United States took the lead in forming the _____ in 1974 as a counterweight and instituted a national speed limit of 55 miles per hour to conserve fuel. But reconciliation was a long time coming.

end the war; George McGovern; state Delegate selection procedures; Elite dominated; American troops out of Vietnam; working class; two-week bombing; Treaty of Paris; American retreat; Cambodia neutrality was being respected; bombing of communist forces; murderous tyrant; War Powers Act; committing troops; enlarging American units; new isolationism; surprise attacks; arming the attackers; Yom Kippur War; oil-rich neighbors; embargo on oil shipments; economic recession; abundant and cheap energy; tripled; quadrupled; inflation; International Energy agency

Inaugurated on January 29th 69 Nixon urged the American people to stop shouting at each other. But Nixon brought one hugely valuable asset with him to the White House, his broad knowledge and expertise in _____. The first need was to quiet the _____. He announced his policy called ____, to withdraw the troops over an extended period. The South Vietnamese could then gradually take over the burden of fighting their own War. The ____ evolved. It Proclaimed that the US would honor its existing ____ but that in the future allies would have to ____ without the support of large bodies of American troops. But even this much involvement was repugnant to the American doves who demanded a complete withdrawal. Anti-war protesters stage a Massive National Vietnam moratorium. Nixon launched the counteroffensive by appealing to what he called the ___ who presumably supported the war and rejected the counterculture. Nixon's appeal was in fact deeply divisive. His intentions became clear when he Unleashed vice president to attack _____. By January 1970 the Vietnam conflict became unpopular even among troops. Because draft policies Exempted college students and Men the armed forces were largely composed of the ____ Americans. African Americans were disproportionately represented in the Army and accounted for a disproportionately high share of ____. Black and white soldiers alike fought. Drug abuse, Mutiny, and Sabotage stilled the army's fighting Edge. Domestic disgust with the war deepened when Revelations that American troops slaughtered _____ in the village of ____. For several years the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong used ____ as a springboard for troops and weapons. Suddenly without consulting Congress Nixon ordered American forces to join with the South Vietnamese in cleaning out the enemy sanctuaries in Cambodia. Angry students Nationwide responded to this escalation of the fighting with rock-throwing. At ____ in Ohio, members of the national guard fired into a student crowd. Nixon withdrew the American troops after only 2 months but in America, the Cambodian Invasion amplify the bitterness between the ____. The Senate overwhelmingly repealed the check that Congress gave to Johnson. American youths were only slightly modified when the government reduced draft codes and shorten the period of the draft. They were pleased but not pacified when the _____ in 1971 lower the voting age to 18. New combustibles fuel the fires toward discontent when former Pentagon officials leaked to the New York Times the _____, a Top Secret Pentagon study that documented the deceptions of the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. Even as the war in Vietnam ground on Nixon pursue diplomatic Cold War initiative in _____. The two great communist powers, Soviet Union and China, were clashing bitterly. Nixon perceive that the Chinese-Soviet tension afforded the US and opportunity to play off one antagonist against the other. Nixon's thinking was reinforced by his National Security advisor. Nixon announced to a startled nation that he had accepted an invitation to ____. He made his historic Journey. He kept his visit with the Shanghai communique in which the two Nations agreed to ____ their relationship. Nixon next travel to Moscow to play his China cards in a game of diplomacy with the Kremlin. The Soviets were ready to deal, alarmed with the possibility of rivalry with ____. Nixon visits ushered in an era of ____, relaxed tension, with the two communist powers and led to several significant agreements included the anti-ballistic missile treaty and histories of arms reduction negotiations known as SALT, aimed at freezing the numbers of long-range ___. Nixon's diplomacy did de-ice the Cold War. Yet Nixon remained anti-communist when the occasion seem to demand it. He opposed the election of Marxist Salvador Allende to the presidency of Chile. His administration slapped an _____ on his regime.

foreign affairs; public uproar over Vietnam; Vietnamization; Nixon Doctrine; defense commitments; fight their own Wars; silent majority; negativists who demanded a quick withdrawal from Vietnam; least privileged; combat fatalities; innocent women and men; My Lai; Cambodia; Kent State University; Hawks and the doves; 26th amendment; Pentagon papers; Beijing and Moscow; visit China; normalize; American-backed China; detente; nuclear missiles; embargo

Ballot denying devices still barred black people from political process. Beginning in 1964 opening up ____ became the chief goal of the black movement in the South. The ___ abolished the poll tax in federal elections. Blacks join hands with white civil rights workers in a massive voter registration Drive in Mississippi during the _____. In late June, one black and two white Civil Rights workers disappeared in Mississippi. Their badly beaten bodies were found buried beneath the dam. When Mississippi officials refused to ____ under state law, the US justice department won several convictions. Not until four decades later did a Mississippi court convict the Mastermind of the murders. In August 1964 the integrated _____ sent delegates challenging when the old white regulars were denied seats. Early in 1965, Martin Luther King resumed the voter registration campaign in ____. State troopers with gas and whips assaulted the demonstrators. As the nation recoiled in horror before these violent scenes President Johnson delivered ____. Following words with Deeds Johnson passed through Congress the ______. It outlawed ____ and sent Federal voter registrars into several Southern States. The passage of the Voting Rights Act climaxed a century of awful abuse. The act did not _____ but it placed the lever for change in Blacks' hands. Blacks not had power and began to wield it under Federal Protection. The Voting Rights Act March the last major legislative victory of Southern focused nonviolent mobilization. Though the Civil Rights struggles against discrimination and police brutality have been _____ ghost conflicts took on a new ____, National prominence, and ideological coloring in the years. As if to symbolize the shift, 5 days after the president signed the voting law Riot erupted in ____. Blacks enraged by police brutality burned and looted their own neighborhoods for nearly a week. The Christian moderation of Martin Luther King came under heavy fire from the second wave of _____. Embodying this new form was _____. He trumpeted black separatism. In the streets of Oakland California, a socialist _____ brandished weapons intended to resist police brutality while it also established children's breakfast programs. That summer Stokely Carmichael began to preach the doctrine of ____. Some Advocates of black power insisted that they simply intended the slogan to describe an effort to exercise political and economic rights gained. But other African-Americans into the concept of black power. Ironically just as the Civil Rights Movement achieved its greatest triumphs, ____ erupted in Black ghettos and several American cities. A bloody Outburst in the work in the summer of 1967 took 225 lives. Federal troops destroyed order in Detroit after 43 died. As in Los Angeles Black Riders towards their own neighborhoods attacking police officers and firefighters. These outbursts angered many ____. But black concerns had moved ____. Residential discrimination, white _____, and deindustrialization directly affected African-Americans. Despair deepened with the magnetic and moderate voice of Martin Luther King after ____. Hiss killing robbed the American people of one of the most inspirational leaders in their history. Rioters made news but others made history. The voter registration in the South shut up. In several hundred, blacks held _____ in the Old South. By 1972 nearly half of Southern black children sat in _____. A third of black families Rose into the ranks of the ____. While violence at home Eclipse Johnson's legislative Triumph, foreign flare-ups were threatening his political life. The US was sinking deeper into ____. Gorilla Loyals to the North Vietnamese communist call the _____, attacked an American Air Base. The president ordered retaliation with ____ and for the first time order an attack for US troops to land. Johnson had taken the first steps down a slippery path. He believes that a _____ of American force would defeat with minimum loss of life but the enemy marched every increase in American Firepower with more men and more willingness. The South Vietnamese were becoming ____ as the fighting became increasingly American. Corrupt governments succeeded each other with rappity. The American officials continue to talk of defending their _____. Persuaded by panicky thinking Johnson raise the military stakes in Vietnam as he poured more than ____ and 30 billion. America could not defeat the enemy in Vietnam and seemed to be bringing more and more to feed upon itself. _____ grew hostile. Over-commitment in Southeast Asia also tied America's hands elsewhere. Attacked by Soviet-backed Egypt, Jordan, and Syria- ____ stunned the world with a military Triumph in June 1967. When the smoke cleared after the ____ Israel expanded control over new territories. The victory brought Palestinian Arabs under Israel's control while 350,000 refugees fled to Jordan. The Israelis eventually withdrew from the Sinai after signing a _____. Domestic discontent festered as the ____. Anti-war demonstrations begin on a small scale but eventually, these protests mounted to tidal wave proportions. Opposition in Congress to the Vietnam involvement centered in the senate committee of foreign relations. Headed by Senator ___, a constant Thorn on the side of the president, he staged the series of widely viewed televised hearings. Even within the administration doubts were deepening about the wisdom of the war in Vietnam. By 1968 their brutal and futile struggle has become the longest and most unpopular foreign war in the nation's history. The government failed to explain to the people what was supposed to ____. The war was also ripping apart the fabric of American society and threatening to shred the constitution. In 1967 President Johnson ordered the CIA to spy on _____. He encouraged the FBI to turn its counter-intelligence program against the peace movement. As the war dragged on evidence found that America had been ____. Yet Johnson clung to his basic strategy. Illusions that the struggle is about to be won were Shattered by communist offenses launched. At the time when the Vietcong were supposedly licking their wounds, they ____ on 27 key cities. They demonstrated that a victory could not be gained with Johnson's strategy. American public opinion demanded a _____. American military leaders responded to the attacks with a request for 200,000 more troops. The president meanwhile was sharply Challenge from within his own party. Eugene McCarthy emerged as a contender for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination. Events abroad and at home we're not lost in LBJ. In an address he announced a nationwide television that he would freeze American troop levels and scale back the Bombay and then formally declare that he would _____.

polling booths; 24th Amendment; Freedom Summer; prosecute for murder; Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; Alabama; an address; Voting Rights Act of 1965; literacy tests; end discrimination and oppression overnight; occurring for decades; potency; Los Angeles; younger black leaders; Malcolm X; Black Panther Party; black power; riots; white Americans; North; migration to suburbs; he was killed; elected office; integrated classroom; middle class; Vietnam; Viet Cong; bombing raids; step-by-step escalation; Spectators in their own War; Democratic Ally; half a million troops; World opinion; Israel; Six-Day War; peace treaty with Egypt; Vietnamese war continued; William Fulbright; be at stake; domestic anti-war activists; trapped in an Asian Civil War; mounted Savage attacks; speedy end to the war; not be a candidate for the presidency in 1968

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