Chapter 4: Incident Command System
What must be included in the initial report the the first arriving Officer gives?
-Unit identification -Description of the building, occupancy, and emergency scene -Summary of fire/emergency conditions -Plan of action -Establishment of command including location (Page 4 and 6)
What are the Ten Command functions of ICS?
1. Assume an effective command position and confirm operations 2. Rapidly size-up the situation 3. Initiate, maintain, and control the communications process 4. Identify the overall strategy and develop an attack plan and assign crews 5. Develop an effective fire ground organization 6. Provide continuing command within the framework of department Standard operating procedures 7. Coordinate the transfer of command as required 8. Review, evaluate, and revise attack plan as required 9. Request and assign additional crews as required 10. Terminate operations/command and return crews to service (Page 6)
What 7 issues does the ICS Accountability Worksheet address?
1. Accountability 2. Outline of emergency site plan 3. Plan of attack 4. Progress 5. Available Resources 6. Transfer of command 7. Final report. (Page 14 and 15)
After the initial units are dispatched, how many additional units may be requested by command before the incident is automatically upgraded to a second alarm?
2 (Page 11)
what are the strategic choices that command can use to address the responsibilities of command?
An offensive interior attack A defensive exterior attack A hold-in-place strategy (Page 9)
What is a minor crew?
An officer and one firefighter (Page 11)
What is a major crew?
An officer and two or more firefighters (Page 11)
how must command be transferred?
Face to face (Page 10)
Who's role/responsibility is to Inform Incident command of situational changes and progression of event?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to provide for life safety?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Coordinate immediate critical incident stress debriefing if required?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Forecast and obtain future resource needs (coordinated with the Planning Officer)?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Obtain specialized equipment or expertise?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Provide and manage any required supplies or equipment?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Provide any other logistical needs as required?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
What are the three command modes?
Nothing showing mode Fast attack mode Command mode (Page 7)
What are the responsibilities of Command?
Personnel Safety Rescue Fire Control Salvage operations (Page 5)
Who's role/responsibility is to Manage assigned tactical activities?
Sector Officer (Page 12)
who must be notified of the arrival of the first District Chief assuming the role of safety officer?
The ERCC (Page 10)
who must be notified of the arrival of the second District Chief at the scene and that District Chief will assume to role of Incident Command
The ERCC (Page 10)
how many types of staging are there?
2 (Page 11)
ideally, how many sides of the building or emergency scene should command have a view of?
2 (Page 6)
What is the Incident Command System (ICS)?
A model for the command, control, and coordination of personnel and resources both responding to and on scene during an emergency. (Page 4)
in terms of communication, what is instrumental during any emergency operation?
Common terminology (Page 9)
what critical information must be shared when command is transferred?
Current attack plan Deployment of crews The effectiveness of attack The need for additional apparatus (Page 10)
What are the roles and responsibilities of Fire Command?
Determine Strategy and strategic priorities Develop and implement the plan of action
Who's role/responsibility is to Analyze and manage legal risk for incidents (i.e. hazardous materials clean-up)
Finance Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Document for compensation and claims for injury?
Finance Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Document for possible cost recovery for services and/or supplies?
Finance Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Procure services and/or supplies from sources within and outside the fire department or city as requested by command (coordinated with logistics)
Finance Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to document all financial costs of the incident?
Finance Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Assign resources to tactical areas based on the tactical priorities?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Determine Strategy and strategic priorities?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Develop and implement the plan of action?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Manage the evolution of his plan of action and subsequent tactical activities?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Provide tactical objectives for sectors?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to consult with and inform the incident commander as needed?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to control staging?
Fire Command (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to determine needs and request resources as necessary?
Fire Command (Page 12)
What are the advantages of ICS?
Flexible for any size emergency Systematic approach lessens confusion Allows for informed decisions Deployment of resources are easier, and Provides accountability for all resources (Page 5)
Who's role/responsibility is to Determine Priorities?
Incident Commander (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Establish a liaison with other integral agencies and officials, outside agencies (police, utilities), property owners and or/tenants
Incident Commander (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Provide on-going review of the overall incident?
Incident Commander (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Review and evaluate the attack plan and initiate change as necessary?
Incident Commander (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Review the organizational structure and initiate change or expansion as needed?
Incident Commander (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Suggest direction as to the tactical priorities?
Incident Commander (Page 12)
When an emergency escalates to a multiple alarm, additional dispatched resources report to _________?
Level 2 staging (Page 11)
Who's role/responsibility is to Provide fuel and repairs for equipment?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Provide medical aid for incident personnel and manage rehab sector?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Secure any needed facilities, fixed or portable?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to provide food and associated supplies for emergency responders?
Logistics Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Coordinate with any outside agencies for planning needs?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Ensure adequate resources are on scene?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Evaluate future resource requirements?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Evaluate tactical priorities, specific critical factors and safety?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Forecast possible outcomes?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Maintain incident records?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to evaluate the current strategy and develop an incident action plan with the Incident Commander?
Planning Officer (Page 13)
at an EFRS fire event, what are the four benchmarks that must be met for an emergency to be considered complete?
Primary search complete Fire under control Secondary search complete Fire out (Page 5)
Who's role/responsibility is to Coordinate information between command and the media?
Public Information Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Coordinate public safety announcements pertaining to the emergency event?
Public Information Officer (Page 13)
Who's role/responsibility is to Advise Fire Command of safety concerns and the overall welfare of EFRS personnel on the emergency scene (scene safety)
Safety Officer (Page 12
Who's role/responsibility is to Assign tasks and lead firefighters within their sector?
Sector Officer (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Coordinate assigned tactical activities with Fire Command or other Sector Officers as required?
Sector Officer (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Determine additional needs and request resources as necessary?
Sector Officer (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Develop and implement the plan of action with their sector crew?
Sector Officer (Page 12)
Who's role/responsibility is to Ensure safety of firefighters within their sector?
Sector Officer (Page 12)
Designations for assigned resources can be identified by:
Single Resource - personnel, vehicle and/or equipment Task Force - combination of single resources within the span of control amassed for a task Strike Team - a combination of a number of units that are of the same type and purpose (Page 10)
To maintain an effective span of control, the fire ground is organized on three levels, these levels are:
Strategic levels - these are command functions Tactical levels - these are sector functions Task levels - these are the tasks of the firefighters within a sector (Page 9)
Who must assume the role of safety officer, and what are his responsibilities at an event?
The first arriving District Chief. He is responsible for the safety of overall site safety, including all on scene emergency responders. (Page 4)
who must assume command at an emergency scene?
The first arriving Officer (Page 4)
who assumes the role of the staging officer?
The first arriving officer at the level 2 staging area, unless another has been previously assigned. (Page 11)
What is the primary objective of the ICS?
The management of assigned resources for the effective and efficient control of any emergency situation regardless of size or complexity. (Page 4)
Define "Incident Commander"
The person with the overall responsibility and authority for the management of a second or multiple alarm incident. (Page 5)
Define "Fire Commander"
The person with the overall responsibility to manage dispatched resources at an emergency event. This person is also responsible for developing the initial strategy, determining tactical priorities, and assigning personnel to sectors for the successful mitigation of the emergency. (Page 5)
In the escalation of an event to a multiple alarm, who assumes the role of Incident Commander, and what authority does he have over the emergency?
The second arriving District Chief. He has ultimate authority over the emergency (Page 5)
What three methods does command use to gain information on the fire ground?
Visual factors Reconnaissance factors Pre-fire assessment factors (Page 8)
When will Fire Command terminate an incident?
When the incident no longer requires and EFRS resources (Page 11)
What is the principle benefit of the ICS?
dividing an emergency into manageable sections consistent within out accepted span of control practices. The management of those resources can simply be referred to as "Resource Management" (Page 4)
upon arrival, all initially dispatched units report their location to Fire Command and assume ___________________?
level 1 staging (Page 11)