Chapter 4 Intro Interpersonal Communications

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Johari Window

A model that describes the relationship between self-disclosure and self-awareness.

Significant Other

A person whose opinion kids important enough to affect ones self-concept strongly

___________ is the part of the _________that involves evaluations of __________.

Self-esteem, Self-concept, self-worth

Other imposed and ________________ are two kinds of self-fulfilling prophecies.


Because parents are ___________, their messages are an early and important influence on the self-concept.

Significant others

When colleagues compliment you on your top sales performance, you claim you got lucky that month. Your desire to be seen as successful yet humble is due to ___________.

Social Expectations

Graham always questions his talent as a writer after seeing news of his Facebook friends' recent publications. What does this scenario illustrate?

Social comparison

reflected appraisal

a mirroring of the judgements of other people; part of how the self-concept develops

social penetration model

A model that describes relationships in terms of their breadth and depth.


A deliberate attempt to hide or misrepresent the truth

Benevolent Lies

A lie that is not considered malicious by the person who tells it.

Wearing either a $10,000 gold Rolex or a $25 plastic Casio watch involves which of the three dimensions of impression management?


You didn't realize that you speak rapidly when you're nervous until your public speaking instructor points it out. What do you scholars call information in this part of the Johari Window?


No longer able to suppress your resentment, you blurt out to your manager that you are cracking from the stress of being overworked and underappreciated. What do researchers call this effort "to get it off your chest"?


What do scholars call the tendency to seek out people who confirm how you see yourself?

Cognitive conservatism

Sharing your recent medical diagnosis with your family is less of a self-disclosure than sharing it with your class due to ______________.


Your boss is demanding and harshly critical of her employees, who are afraid to complain and praise her instead. Consequently, she believes herself to be an excellent manager, an inaccurate self-evaluations due to____________.

Distorted feedback

You tell a friend that her essay on gender roles raised a number of interesting points. Your observation was not literally false, but it avoided noting flaws you saw in her argument. This is an example of ______________, which is a form of _____________ lying.

Equivocation, prosocial

social comparison

Evaluating oneself in terms of or by comparison to others

"You look great! I'm working hard to be as fit and trim as you are." This statement, which simultaneously casts sender and receiver in a favorable light, is an example of _____________.


What do scholars call our verbal and nonverbal actions that attempt to maintain our own presenting image and the images of others?


You earned an A in your math class. Which of the following is a self-fulling prophecy for that achievement?

Feedback from your math professor reassures you about you ability to excel in class.

The fourth type of self-disclosure in the social penetration model- and usually the most revealing one-involves the expression of _____________.



From the time most of us understand language, we are exposed to models who appear to be perfect. The implicit message is " A well-adjusted, successful person has no faults." The naive belief in perfection- either your own or others'- can distort the self-concept.

Reference Groups

Groups against which we compare ourselves, thereby influencing our self-concept and self-esteem

What do scholars call the communication strategies people use to influence how others view them?

Impression management

When you tease your friend about her messy car, she laughs and reminds you that there's a bus stop around the corner. This exchange reflects which characteristic of impression management?

Impression management is collaborative.

You have diabetes that requires insulin shots twice a day, an activity you hide from your coworkers. What do scholars call your diabetes in this case?

Invisible stigma

TMI are disclosures that fail to consider which guideline?

Is the self-disclosure appropriate?

The _______________ model examines __________________ of self-disclosure.

Johari Window, awareness

Because you have to speak and act, the question isn't whether your________ sends a message; rather, it's whether the message is intentional.


Which type of communication can serve as a tool for impression management at levels equal or superior to face-to-face communication.


A diamond is a metaphor for the ___________ nature of the self- concept.


Managing our identity involves two selves: the ____________ self, the person you believe yourself to be, and the ____________ self, the way you want to appear to others.

Perceived, presenting

In most settings, impression management involves balancing the desire to be honest with the goal of maintaining a _________________.

Positive Face

Your _________ self often shifts with the context.


Ethicist Sissela Bok identifies the following circumstances where deception may be justified: doing good, avoiding harm, and _________________.

Protecting a larger truth

"Your self-concept is influenced by the messages you've received throughout your life- both in person and via social media. "This assertion is most closely related to which concept?

Reflected Appraisal

Professional athletes may continue to insist they are essential to the team when they are past their physical prime. This example illustrates that the self-concept is _________.

Resistant to change

Your professor publicly posts student names with their group project grades. You share the news that your team received the highest score with a classmate in another group. why is this NOT an example of self-disclosure?

Self-disclosing messages must contain information that the other person isn't likely to already know.

Self-fulfilling Prophecy

The casual relationship that occurs when a person's expectations of an event and her or his subsequent behavior based on those expectations make the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise have been true.

Privacy Management

The choices people make to reveal or conceal information about themselves.

Obsolete Information

The effects of past failures in school or social relations can linger long after they have occurred, even though such events don't predict failure in the future. Likewise, your past successes don't guarantee future success.


The process of deliberately revealing information about oneself that is significant and that would not normally be known by others.


The relatively stable set of perceptions you hold of yourself

Distorted Feedback

The remarks of overly critical parents, cruel classmates, uncaring teachers, excessively demanding employers, or even rude strangers can have a lasting effect. Other distorted messages are unrealistically positive. For instance, a child's inflated ego may be based on the praise of doting parents, and a boss's inflated ego may come from the praise of brown-nosing subordinates.

When you discover your hidden talent for conflict negotiation and begin meditating disputes among team members at work, this knowledge moves from the ___________ to ____________ area of the Johari Window.

Unknown, open

"Joking friend," " committed volunteer," and "supportive colleague" are roles that suggest which characteristic of impression management?

We strive to maintain a multifaceted identity.

Which of the following statements about the development of the self-concept is TRUE?

While some features of the self are immediately apparent, the significance we attach to them depends greatly on the opinions of others.

"I've always thought you were too inexperienced to earn your promotion," you admit to a colleague. This assertion violates which guideline for self=disclosure?

Will the effect of the disclosure be constructive?

Social Expectations

You probably want to be seen as successful, but also humble. There's often a trade-off between self-promotion and modesty (Scopelliti et al., 2015). Sharing your accomplishments might lead other people to see you as a braggart or egotist. As a result, many people opt to talk freely about (and dwell on) their shortcomings while downplaying their accomplishments.


the part of the self-concept that involves evaluations of self-worth

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