Chapter 4 MGT 332

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How Attitudes Relate to behavior

- Attitude Specificity: the range of attitudes from general to specific (the more specific the better to predict) - Attitude Relevance: how relevant something is to your own self interest - Timing of Measurement: The time between when we ask about the attitude and take a measurement (EX: If I ask you if you want to save the whales and want u to donate, ur more likely to donate if I ask you right after speaking to you than if I ask you a month later) - Personality Factors: Personality influences attitudes and behaviors - Social Constraint: peer pressure

Attitudes at Work: Negative Extra-Role Behaviors

- Counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs): Behavior that violates organizational norms and causes harm to the organization and/or employees - Types: 1) production 2) property 3) political 4) personal - Unethical pro-organizational behaviors (UPBs): 1) CWBs harm organizational goals 2) UPBs contribute to organizational goals

Types of Values: Terminal

- Influence the goals to be achieved or the end states of existence - Examples: 1) Happiness 2) Equality 3) Wisdom 4) Achievement

Attitudes at Work: Positive Extra-Role Behaviors

- Organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs): Behavior above and beyond the call of duty - Targets: 1) The organization (OCB-O) 2) Individuals within the organization (OCB-I)

Attitudes at Work: Job Satisfaction

- Pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences - Satisfaction with: 1) Supervision 2) Coworkers 3) Pay 4) Promotional opportunities 5) Work itself

Types of Values: Instrumental

- Shape acceptable behaviors that can be used to achieve some goal or end state - Examples: 1) Honesty 2) Ambition 3) Helpfulness 4) Courage

Attitudes at Work: Organizational Commitment

- Strength of an individual's identification with an organization 1) Affective: •Based on an individual's strong desire to remain in an organization 2) Continuance: •Occurs when an individual cannot afford to leave 3) Normative: •Based on an individual's perceived obligation to remain with an organization

Emotions at Work: Emotional Intelligence

- The ability to recognize and manage emotion in oneself and others - Assessing emotional intelligence: 1) Tests contain 30-141 questions 2) Questions may involve viewing photographs, listening to music, watching video clips or reading brief scenarios

Emotional Labor

- Work that employees do to control their feelings and expression of emotions in the workplace - type of emotion regulation - Display Rules: deep acting versus surface acting - surface acting can result in emotional dissonance (there's a discrepancy in how we actually feel and how we are acting)

Emotional Contagion

- a dynamic process through which the emotions of one person are transferred to another, either consciously or unconsciously, through nonverbal channels - 3 step process: 1) automatic, unconscious mimicry 2) Emotional feedback 3) iterative "catching" of emotion

emotional intelligence

- ability to recognize and manage emotions in oneself and others - 4 types of abilities: 1) perceiving, 2) understanding, 3) facilitating 4) regulating - popularized in 1990's by Dan Goleman - extensive debate on what emotional intelligence is and isn't

How are attitudes changed

- characteristics: 1) source 2) target 3) message Elaboration Likelihood Model: - 2 cognitive routes to persuasion 1) central 2) peripheral Central: high elaboration; careful processing; attitudes change depending on faulty of arguments Peripheral: low elaboration; absence of careful processing; attitudes change depending on source characteristics or non-substantial aspects of the message


-Classified as positive or negative and made up of various emotions -Last longer than emotions -Do not have a specific cause

How attitudes are formed

1) Direct Experience - attitudes held more strongly & confidently - more resistant to changer 2) Social Learning - attitudes learned from models - 4-Step Process: 1. attention 2. retention 3. reproduction 4. motivation

VALUES (ethics at work)

Enduring beliefs that a specific mode of conduct or end state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end state of existence


Involves acting in ways consistent with one's personal values and the commonly held values of the organization and society


a psychological tendency that is expressed when we evaluate a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor ABC Model: 1) affect - emotion 2) behavioral intent - what you intend to do 3) cognition - thought ** to understand an attitude we need to cover all 3 components

Measuring Emotional Intelligence Example: Andre moves away from the city his friends and family are in. He finds his friends make less effort to keep in contact than he thought they

a)Try to adjust to life in the new city by joining clubs and activities there. b)He should make the effort to contact them, but also try to meet people in his new city. c)Let go of his old friends, who have shown themselves to be unreliable. d)Tell his friends he is disappointed in them for not contacting him. Answer: B

Which of the following best describes a person-organization fit? a. It is the match between an individual's values and an organization's values. b. It is the desire of an employee to remain in an organization. c. It is the strength of an individual's identification with an organization. d. It is the ability of employees to control their feelings and expression of emotions in the workplace.

a. It is the match between an individual's values and an organization's values.

In the context of values, which of the following is true of the baby busters? a. They value family life and time off from work. b. They embrace a live-to-work approach. c. They place a huge emphasis on achievement values at work. d. They have a more work-oriented value system than baby boomers.

a. They value family life and time off from work.

Which of the following statements is true of low-Mach individuals? a. They value loyalty and relationships. b. They are not concerned with others' opinions. c. They are more likely to engage in unethical behavior. d. They manipulate others for personal gain.

a. They value loyalty and relationships.

The statement "I like movies" reflects the _____ of an attitude. a. affective component b. logical component c. cognitive component d. behavioral intent component

a. affective component

_____ are those values that influence individuals' perceptions of right and wrong on the job. a. Cultural values b. Work values c. Terminal values d. Instrumental values

b. Work values

The attitude-behavior link is stronger when: a. organizational citizenship behavior is directed at different facets of an organization. b. the time between the attitude measurement and the observed behavior is short. c. the social context does not reinforce the attitudes and cultural belief systems. d. rewards are valued by employees and but are not directly tied to performance.

b. the time between the attitude measurement and the observed behavior is short.

_____ is an employee's intention to remain in an organization because of a strong desire to do so. a. Continuance commitment b. Normative commitment c. Affective commitment d. Regulative commitment

c. Affective commitment

_____ is an employee's tendency to remain in an organization because he or she cannot afford to leave. a. Normative commitment b. Regulative commitment c. Continuance commitment d. Affective commitment

c. Continuance commitment

_____ can be defined as any voluntary, attitude-driven behavior that violates organizational norms and causes some degree of harm to an organization, coworkers, or supervisors. a. Emotional contagion behavior b. Organizational citizenship behavior c. Counterproductive work behavior d. Cognitive consonance behavior

c. Counterproductive work behavior

In the context of the ABC model of an attitude, which of the following is true of affect? a. It reflects a person's perceptions or beliefs. b. It does not influence a person's behavior. c. It can be measured by physiological indicators. d. It cannot be measured by self-report questionnaires.

c. It can be measured by physiological indicators.

Which of the following statements is true of job satisfaction? a. It is highly influenced by pay. b. It is not affected by the degree of supervision. c. It does not have a clear relationship with performance. d. It cannot be measured.

c. It does not have a clear relationship with performance.

_____ is the willingness of an individual to make decisions when all that needs to be known cannot be known and when the ethical issue has no established, unambiguous solution. a. Cognitive dissonance b. Counterproductive work behavior c. Tough-mindedness d. Organizational citizenship behavior

c. Tough-mindedness

_____ motivates individuals to change either their attitudes or their behavior to maintain consistency. a. Machiavellianism b. Discord c. Defensive behavior d. Dissonance

d. Dissonance

Identify a true statement in the context of persuasion and attitude change. a. Individuals who are trustworthy must be perceived as more persuasive than individuals who are attractive. b. Individuals who are in a good mood are more difficult to persuade than are individuals who are in a bad mood. c. Individuals with low self-esteem are less likely to change their attitudes in response to persuasion than are individuals with high self-esteem. d. Individuals who hold very extreme attitudes are more resistant to persuasion than are individuals who hold moderate attitudes.

d. Individuals who hold very extreme attitudes are more resistant to persuasion than are individuals who hold moderate attitudes.

Asterix Solutions, an IT firm, is downsizing to reduce its fixed costs. Erin, an employee at the firm, notices that several competent employees are being laid off while those who are incompetent are being retained. Erin decides to take revenge against her manager by sabotaging the project reports on her manager's computer. Erin is engaging in _____. a. altruistic behavior b. organizational citizenship behavior c. ethical behavior d. counterproductive work behavior

d. counterproductive work behavior


mental states that include feelings, physiological changes, and the inclination to act - short-lived and intense reactions - have a specific and known cause

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