Chapter 4 Quiz

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A feeling caused by a specific event is called​ a(n) ________. A. behavior B. reaction C. action D. emotion E. mood

D. emotion

Several studies have indicated that​ _____________ plays an important role in job performance. A. emotional intelligence B. evaluative measures C. cognitive dissonance D. rational processes E. quantitative evaluation

A. emotional intelligence

Individuals who have trouble regulating their emotions tend to be​ ______________. A. high in neuroticism B. high in conscientiousness C. high in extroversion D. low in neuroticism E. low in conscientiousness

A. high in neuroticism

Teresa is acutely aware of her own emotions and has invested considerable time in learning to read the emotions of others. She has also become adept at understanding the meaning of emotions and how she can best regulate her own emotions.​ Teresa's manager has noticed on more than one occasion that Teresa is very skilled in understanding why she is angry and how to express herself without violating any organizational norms.​ Teresa's manager has determined that Teresa has a high level of​ _____________. A. self awareness B. emotional intelligence C. emotion regulation D. emotional labor E. emotional suppression

B. emotional intelligence

The fact that most people believe that weather impacts​ mood, despite evidence that suggests weather and mood are not​ connected, is an example of​ ________________. A. single event analysis B. illusory correlation C. relative association D. summation of discovery E. vision analysis

B. illusory correlation

Jessica is attempting to regulate her emotions on the job. She has been trying to suppress her anger about being overlooked for a promotion. She has been talking about the situation and her feelings to her significant other who has been extremely supportive. She has also opted not to talk with her manager about the situation now. Jessica is using the emotional regulation technique of​ ____________. A. mindfulness B. social sharing C. emotional suppression D. emotional intelligence E. cognitive reappraisal

B. social sharing

During which point in the week are people in the United States usually in the worst​ mood? A. The day of the week has no bearing on mood B. Later in the week C. Early in the week D. Middle of the week E. On the weekend

C. Early in the week

Which of the following best describes the difference between felt emotions and displayed​ emotions? A. Felt emotions are the emotions that an organization requires an employee to​ show; displayed emotions are the​employee's real emotions. B. Felt emotions are the emotions an employee detects from​ coworkers; displayed emotions are the​ employee's real emotions. C. Felt emotions are the​ employee's real​ emotions; displayed emotions are the emotions an organization requires an employee to show. D. Felt emotions are the​ employee's real​ emotions; displayed emotions are the emotions an employee detects from coworkers. E. Felt emotions are the​ employee's projected​ emotions; displayed emotions are the​ employee's real emotions.

C. Felt emotions are the​ employee's real​ emotions; displayed emotions are the emotions an organization requires an employee to show.

Jennifer and Matthew are colleagues who began work in the accounting department on the same day. At the end of the​60-day probationary​ period, they were both given outstanding ratings and a​ 5% increase. Jennifer was exceptionally happy dancing around the office and planning a celebratory dinner. Matthew said he was very happy and worked diligently in his office for the rest of the afternoon to complete a project and then went home alone. He never shared his news with his coworkers like Jennifer did. Jennifer and Matthew are opposites in their​ ________. A. ​self-awareness B. extroversion C. affect intensity D. emotional stability E. individualism

C. affect intensity

In the United​ States, research on felt and displayed emotions indicates that employees should display positive emotions like​ _________, and suppress negative emotions like​ _________. A. ​excitement; happiness B. ​disgust; loathing C. ​happiness; anger D. ​contempt; fear E. ​apathy; determination

C. ​happiness; anger

Employees are emotionally affected by incidents that occur at work. What theory supports the influence of emotions on job performance and​ satisfaction? A. Emotional intelligence theory B. Transformational leadership theory C. Affective disorder theory D. Affective events theory E. Emotional dissonance

D. Affective events theory

Which of the following best describes the difference between emotional labor and emotional​ dissonance? A. Emotional labor is the work you do while you are​ upset; emotional dissonance is the work you do while you are happy. B. Emotional labor is the set of emotional responses you actually​ feel; emotional dissonance is the set of emotional responses you display. C. Emotional labor is the tension between your displayed and felt​ emotions; emotional dissonance is displaying emotions because your job requires you to do so. D. Emotional labor is displaying emotions because your job requires you to do​ so; emotional dissonance is the tension between your displayed and felt emotions. E. Emotional dissonance is the set of emotional responses you actually​ feel; emotional labor is the set of emotional responses you display.

D. Emotional labor is displaying emotions because your job requires you to do​ so; emotional dissonance is the tension between your displayed and felt emotions.

Amber noticed that one of her​ employees, Ahmed, was increasingly​ short-tempered at work and​ didn't seem to enjoy his job as much as he used to. After watching Ahmed for a few​ weeks, Amber realized that a change in the way that Ahmed was receiving critical information was leading to frustration and anger. Amber decided to sit down with Ahmed and work through some ideas to reduce his frustration.​ Amber's ability to recognize these emotions in Ahmed is an example of​ __________________. A. social integration theory B. transformational leadership C. affective events theory D. emotional intelligence E. cognitive dissonance

D. emotional intelligence

Jeff was recently hired as a flight attendant. He is expected to use both mind and body to be cheerful on the job.​ Jeff's flight attendant job requires​ ________. A. emotional contagion B. emotion suppression C. emotional intelligence D. emotional labor E. emotion regulation

D. emotional labor

Emotional labor represents an​ employee's _________________. A. inability to control behavior B. cognitive dissonance C. response to social pressure D. expression of organizationally desired emotions E. attitude

D. expression of organizationally desired emotions

A number of researchers have indicated that moral judgments are largely based on​ ____________. A. intellectual consideration B. logic C. cognition D. feelings E. higher order cognitive processing

D. feelings

Sleep quality affects​ mood, and increased fatigue puts​ workers' health at risk of​ disease, injury, and depression. Studies show that adults report sleeping less than adults a generation ago. As a​ result, a large portion of the U.S. workforce suffers from sleep​ deprivation, sleeping​ ________ per night. A. 4 hours or less B. 8 hours or less C. 9 hours or less D. less than 6 hours E. 7 hours or less

D. less than 6 hours

Researchers have indicated that people in a good mood are more creative than people in a bad mood because​____________. A. people in a positive mood are more engaged in critical thinking B. people who worry less perform better C. people in a good mood get others to help them D. people in a good mood produce more ideas E. a positive mood leads to more relaxed people which stimulates creativity

D. people in a good mood produce more ideas

Research conducted on smiling within the workplace has indicated​ _______________. A. subordinates feel the need to smile less if the boss smiles more often B. smiling is always a result of social pressure C. smiling is always unconscious D. your feelings about power dictate whether you return a smile E. there is always a direct relationship between what we express and what we feel

D. your feelings about power dictate whether you return a smile

Which of the following best describes the difference between​ surface-level acting and emotional​ suppression? A. ​Surface-level acting suppresses the initial emotional​ response, while emotional suppression is aimed at suppressing any emotional response both​ long- and​ short-term. B. ​Surface-level acting is less psychologically costly than emotional suppression because the employee is actually trying to experience the emotion. C. ​Surface-level acting creates a​ short-term solution while suppression creates a​ long-term solution. D. ​Surface-level acting​ doesn't change the emotion and the individual simply puts forth what they believe the correct emotional response should​ be, while emotional suppression allows the individual to feel and deal with the​ emotion, but at a later time. E. ​Surface-level acting allows the individual to react to the situation and then develop a response while emotional suppression never allows an emotional response to the situation.

D. ​Surface-level acting​ doesn't change the emotion and the individual simply puts forth what they believe the correct emotional response should​ be, while emotional suppression allows the individual to feel and deal with the​ emotion, but at a later time.

As the manager of a workforce with particularly stressful​ jobs, you plan to present techniques to help your workforce more effectively regulate emotions. Recognizing that these are individuals working in situations where they are not able to control the sources of​ stress, what technique would be most appropriate to teach your​ workforce? A. Social sharing B. Emotional intelligence C. Mindfulness D. Emotional suppression E. Cognitive reappraisal

E. Cognitive reappraisal

EI has been shown by researchers to lead to improved workplace​ performance, yet the use of EI testing may be dismissed and is not always recommended during the selection process because​ ________________. A. EI tests are only valid for salespeople B. EI tests do not measure emotional intelligence C. EI tests have very clear measurements D. EI tests use a Likert scale and are thus unreliable E. EI tests are not necessarily predictive of performance for all types of jobs

E. EI tests are not necessarily predictive of performance for all types of jobs

Peggy and Sean are in terrible moods when they arrive at the office. Which of the following best explains why their coworkers will probably be in bad moods by the end of the​ day? A. Emotional transfer B. Emotional repression C. Emotional dissonance D. Emotional labor E. Emotional contagion

E. Emotional contagion

Which of the following best describes affective events​ theory? A. Job satisfaction affects rational reactions to events at work. B. Job performance affects emotional reactions to events at work. C. Job satisfaction affects emotional reactions to events at work. D. Emotional reactions to events at work affect​ self-esteem. E. Emotional reactions to events at work influence job performance.

E. Emotional reactions to events at work influence job performance.

Which of the following is NOT TRUE of social​ sharing? A. Social sharing can help individuals to regulate their emotions. B. Social sharing is also known as venting. C. Social sharing affects other people. D. Social sharing requires caution when selecting the listener to be sure the individual will respond sympathetically. E. Social sharing involves continuing to bottle up emotions.

E. Social sharing involves continuing to bottle up emotions.

Affect describes​ _______________. A. behavior B. emotional dissonance C. cognitive discovery D. emotional intelligence E. a broad range of feelings and includes both emotions and moods

E. a broad range of feelings and includes both emotions and moods

Positive emotions are related to effective leadership for all of the following reasons EXCEPT​ ____________. A. followers are more creative in a positive environment B. leaders who focus on inspiring followers encourage cooperation C. positive emotions from a leader lead to more positive social interactions from followers D. leaders are more effective when they share positive emotions E. positive emotions in leaders increase analytic performance of followers

E. positive emotions in leaders increase analytic performance of followers

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