Chapter 4 study guide

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What is a hacienda

A large estate where cattle and sheep are raised in the borderlands of northern Mexico.

Separatists or Pilgrims

A separatist is a person who left or separated from The Church of England. A pilgrim is a person who makes a journey for a religious reason. Those who refused to separate from the Church of England were not safe. In 1608 the Separatists had moved to Holland, where they could follow their own religion freely. In Holland the Separatists had religious freedom, but they woon worried that their children would not learn English ways. So they decided to go to the Americas, where they would live among English colonists and still be able to follow their own religion. In time, these Separatists came to be known as PIlgrims. Early in 1620 a group in England invited the Pilgrims to join them in their journey to North America. The Virginia Company agreed to pay for the colonists' voyage. In return, the colonists would send the company furs, fish, and lumber.

Where the French settlement was built on St. Lawrence river in a place the Hurons called Kebec.

French merchants jumped at the chance to get rich from the fur trade. Several of them formed a company to start a colony. In 1603 the company sent a cartographer namer Samuel de Champlain to North America to map the places where beavers were found. Champlain explored the forests of what is now eastern Canada, which he called New France. When he returned to Europe, Champlain's reports made more people want to go there. He himself went again. For the next five years, Champlain explored the lands along the St. Lawrence River. He also built a settlement on the St. Lawrence River at a place that the Hurons called Kebec. In 1608 Kebec became Quebec, the first important French settlement.

John Smith

A strong leader of the Jamestown colony. Smith was a soldier, an explorer and a writer. Smith made an important rule for the colonists: Anyone who did not work did not eat. The colonists were soon very busy planting gardens and building shelters. They also put up fences to protect the settlement from attack by Indians. Captain Smith was captured by the Powhatan Indians. A legend says that the chief ordered Captain Smith to be put to death but that the chief's daughter, Pocahontas saved his life. It is not known whether this story is true or not but it is known that fighting continued between the colonists and the Powhatan Confederacy. Jamestown remained a dangerous place to live. *HE WAS A STRONG LEADER WHO SAVED HIS PEOPLE FROM STARVATION

Why did Spain establish a buffer zone in Northern Spain?

As other European countries started colonies in North America, Spain believed it needed to protects its own. To do so, the Spanish created a buffer zone. A buffer zone is an area of land that serves as a barrier. The buffer one north of New Spain came to be known as the borderlands. They stretched across what are today northern Mexico and the southern United States from Florida to California.

Francis Drake

England's best-known sea dog. In 1577 he started his most famous voyage. Sailed through the Strait of Magellan at the southern tip of South America to the Pacific Ocean. Off the western coast of South America, he captured a Spanish treasure ship so loaded with riches that it took the crew four days to transfer all the gold and boxes of jewels to Drake's ship. Worried that Spanish warships would come after him, Drake decided not to follow the same route home. Instead he continued north along the Pacific coast of North America. He stopped near San Francisco Bay in what is now California and claimed the land for England. Drake eventually returned to England by sailing westward. In doing so, Drake and his men became the second crew to sail around the world. Upon Drake's return, Queen Elizabeth made him a knight, and he became known as Sir Francis Drake.

Who did Queen Elizabeth protect because they shared their wealth with English Parliament?

England's queen, Elizabeth I, encouraged English sea captains to attack Spanish treasure ships carrying riches to Spain. English merchants and sea captains used their own money to build ships, hoping to capture Spanish treasure. when they succeeded, they had money to build more ships. The commanders of these English warships were known as sea dogs. They were pirates, but Queen Elizabeth protected them because they shared their wealth with the government.

What were the French Traders eager to get from the Native Americans?

The French traders were eager to get fur from the Native Americans. It became nearly as valuable as fur. Jacques Cartier began to trade with the Huron Indians. The Hurons were as eager for European goods as the French were for furs the Hurons had. Beaver fur, from which hats were made, was especially popular among the French.

Why did the Powhatan Confederacy fight the British Settlers?

The Powhatan Confederacy fought the British Settlers because more than 30 tribes of Eastern Woodlands Inians lived in Virginia. Most were members of a confederation known as the Powhatan Confederacy. Its members were united under one main chief. When the Jamestown colonists heard this, they gave the name Powhatan to all the member tribes, as well as to their chief. The way the colonists behaved toward the Powhatan--seizing their crops for food--put them in constant danger of attack.

What is an armada

A fleet of Spanish warships.

Where was the permanent English settlement in America?

Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. They created the Virginia Company where colonists bought stock in the company and sold cash crops like tobacco. It was located in Eastern Virginia on the shore of the James River. It had it's own legislature known as the Virginia House of Burgess. They elected representatives called Burgesses.

Why did the Separatists or pilgrims leave England?

They left or Separated from the Church of England. At the time, everyone in England had to belong to the Church of England. Those who refused were not safe. In 1608 the Separatists had moved to Holland, where they could follow their own religion. In time, these Separatists came to be known as Pilgrims. A pilgrim is a person who makes a journey for religious reasons.

Why were missions created?

Spain's main interest in settling the borderlands was to protect its empire and to expand its economy. However the Spanish king also said he wanted to "bring the people of that land to our Holy Catholic faith." To do this, missionaries were sent to turn the American Indians into Catholics as well as loyal Spanish subjects. The first successful missionaries in the borderlands were the Franciscans, members of a Catholic religious order. They built missions, or small religious settlements, in what are now the states of Georgia, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California. Their first mission was Nombre de dios "Name of God." It was built near St. Augustine as the first in a chain of missions that would eventually connect the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.

What is the Mayflower Compact

When the Pilgrims landed they were in a place without a government. To keep order, all the men aboard the Mayflower signed an agreement, or compact. This became known as the Mayflower Compact. The signers agreed that "just and equal laws" would be made for the common good of the colony and promised to obey these laws. In other words, they would govern themselves.

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