Chapter 5

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Similar to all stages of development the _____ of adolescent development is more predictable than the timing.

motor development

Sit, run, walk, and crawl represent a sequence of which milestones?


Stability and _____ is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.


The _____ areas of the cerebral cortex are the last brain areas to develop.


The _____ areas of the cerebral cortex develop later than the primary cortices.


The association areas of the _____ are the last brain areas to develop.


The average age of children having their earliest conscious _____ is 3.5 years.

while some characteristics are stable, both stability and change are part of development.

The conclusion of many researchers regarding the "stability vs. change" developmental issue is that:

Those who emphasize change over stability would choose which of the following statements as an example?

The first two years of life provide a poor basis for predicting a person's eventual traits.


The importance of _____ was most clearly highlighted by Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory.


The most immediate and direct function of the _____ reflex is the facilitation of food consumption.

food consumption.

The most immediate and direct function of the rooting reflex is the facilitation of:


The nervous system is immature at _____.


The orderly sequence of developmental growth is referred to as _____.


The orderly sequence of developmental growth is referred to as:

Formal operational

Thinking about abstract concepts, such as "freedom."

_____ percent of those who were abused as children become abusive to their own children as adults.



Thirty percent of those who were abused as children become _____ to their own children as adults.


This is the period of sexual maturation.


Those who emphasize _____ over stability would suggest that the first two years of life provide a poor basis for predicting a person's eventual traits.


Those who emphasize change over _____ would suggest that the first two years of life provide a poor basis for predicting a person's eventual traits.


Those who emphasize change over stability would suggest that the first two years of life provide a _____ basis for predicting a person's eventual traits.

Concrete operational

Understanding that physical properties stay the same even when objects change form.


Understanding that something is not gone for good when it disappears from sight, as when Mom "disappears" behind the shower curtain.


When a baby's cheek is touched, he will turn toward the touch and open his mouth in search of a nipple. This is known as the _____ reflex.


When a baby's cheek is touched, she will turn toward the touch and open her mouth in search of a nipple. This is known as the _____ reflex.


When a child views her new experience in terms of her existing _____, this is known as assimilation.


When a child views her new experience in terms of her existing schema, this is known as:


When a child views his new experience in terms of his existing schema, this is known as _____.

at birth

When will you have the most brain cells you will ever have?

developmental psychology

Which branch of psychology studies physical, cognitive, and social change through the lifespan?


Which of the following is NOT a key to attachment?

consistency and irregularity

Which of the following is NOT a major issue of debate for developmental psychologists?


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of change that is examined by developmental psychology?


Within the first week after conception, the cells of the zygote begin to _____. In other words, the cells begin to specialize in structure and function.


_____ and change is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.


_____ and stages is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.


_____ are agents (e.g., chemicals, viruses) that can reach the embryo or fetus and do it harm.

G. Stanley Hall; Hall

_____ believed that adolescence is a period of storm and stress.


_____ gave Stanford nursery school children a choice between a marshmallow now and twolater. He found that the children who were able to wait had higher completion rates and incomes and were less likely to experience addiction as an adult. He also found that this tendency to wait or not persisted even 40 years later.


_____ includes all of the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communication.

Developmental psychology

_____ is a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change through the lifespan.


_____ is the orderly sequence of biological growth.


_____ versus nurture is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.


_____are agents (e.g., chemicals, viruses) that can reach the embryo or fetus and do it harm.

Theory of mind

_____refers to people's ideas about their own and others' mental states; that is, how feelings, perceptions, or thoughts might predict behavior.

developmental psychology

a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span.

Alzheimer's disease

a neurocognitive disorder marked by neural plaques, often with an onset after age 80, and entailing a progressive decline in memory and other cognitive abilities.

cross-sectional study

a study in which people of different ages are compared with one another.


(literally, "monster maker") agents, such as chemicals and viruses, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm.

Children's anxiety over parental separation peaks around _____ months of age.


In the United States, about _____ percent of all babies are walking by age 11 months, 50 percent are walking within a week after their first birthday, and about 90 percent are walking by age 15 months.


During intercourse, approximately _____ million sperm are released.


neurocognitive disorders (NCDs)

acquired (not lifelong) disorders marked by cognitive deficits; often related to Alzheimer's disease, brain injury or disease, or substance abuse. In older adults neurocognitive disorders were formerly called dementia.

When is the nervous system immature?

at birth

The brain cortex peaks at producing neurons at _____ weeks.


The period of adolescence is lengthening in industrialized cultures such as in Europe, the United States, and Australia. Adolescents are taking more time to finish their education and establish careers. The average age for a first marriage in the United States is now _____ for men and 26 for women.


When does the brain cortex peaks at producing neurons?

28 weeks

From ages _____ to _____, the brain's neural network is sprouting most rapidly in the _____ lobes which leads to greater self-control.

3; 6; frontal

Beginning at around _____ months, children may greet strangers by crying and reaching for their familiar caregivers.



A researcher secretly puts a dab of rouge on a child's nose before placing him in front of a mirror. A child who recognizes himself in the mirror will begin to touch his own nose when he sees the red spot. This self-_____ begins at approximately 15 to 18 months of age.


A slow _____ response has been found in abused children who became aggressive teens and adults.


According to Jean Piaget, during the _____ operational stage of cognitive development abstract logic and the potential for mature moral reasoning are formed.


According to Jean Piaget, during the _____ stage of cognitive development, object permanence and stranger anxiety are the developmental phenomena that occur.

formal operational

According to Jean Piaget, during this stage of cognitive development abstract logic and the potential for mature moral reasoning are formed.


According to Jean Piaget, during this stage of cognitive development, object permanence and stranger anxiety are the developmental phenomena that occur.


biological growth processes that enable orderly changes in behavior, relatively uninfluenced by experience.


An accidental discovery by psychologists Harlow and Harlow revealed that _____ was not a key to attachment.

a heavy drinker or an alcoholic.

An infant is most likely to be at risk for lower intelligence if her mother is:


At _____ you will have the most brain cells you will ever have.

brain cells

At birth you will have the most _______ you will ever have.

Erik Erikson.

Basic trust as a tenet of social development was proposed by:

body odors.

By a week after birth, infants are able to distinguish between their mothers' and strangers':

more likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and more likely to demonstrate social competence.

Compared to children with authoritarian parents, children of authoritative parents may be:

_____ and _____ are keys to attachment.

Contact; familiarity (or Not answered)


Continuity and _____ is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.

autism spectrum disorder

Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind are most characteristic of _____.

autism spectrum disorder.

Deficient social interaction and an impaired understanding of another person's state of mind are most characteristic of:


Delayed _____ is a trait that is associated with becoming more socially responsible and productive.


Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies _____, cognitive, and social change through the lifespan.


Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies physical, _____, and social change through the lifespan.


Developmental psychology is a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and _____ change through the lifespan.


Dr. Cole's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-rearing practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is most likely that Dr. Cole is a _____ psychologist.


Dr. Matsuko's major research interest is the long-term effects of child-rearing practices on the psychological adjustment of offspring. It is most likely that Dr. Matsuko is a _____ psychologist.


During _____, most individuals achieve Jean Piaget's intellectual stage of formal operations.


During adolescence, according to Jean Piaget, most individuals achieve the _____ operations stage of intellectual development.


During the _____ stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children are able to represent things with words and images and use intuitive rather than logical reasoning.


During the _____operational stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children are able to think logically about events, grasp analogies, and perform arithmetical operations.


During this stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children are able to represent things with words and images and use intuitive rather than logical reasoning.

concrete operational

During this stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children are able to think logically about events, grasp analogies, and perform arithmetical operations.


Enjoying imaginary play (such as dress-up).

trust vs. mistrust.

Erik Erikson proposed that at each stage of life we face a psychosocial task that needs resolution. The first task that infants wrestle with is:


For many years psychologists thought that _____ was a major key to attachment until an accidental discovery by psychologists Harlow and Harlow overturned this assumption.


For most adolescents, the most important people in their lives are their:


Frontal lobe development during adolescence also includes the growth of _____, the fatty tissue around axons that speeds transmission.


Having difficulty taking another's point of view (as when blocking someone's view of the TV).

Concrete operational

Having the ability to reverse math operations.

development of the frontal lobe of the brain

Improved judgment, impulse control, and the ability to plan for the future which develop during the teens and early twenties, are largely a result of:


In Jean Piaget's account of the sensorimotor stage, children acquire a sense of object _____.

sense of object permanence.

In Jean Piaget's account of the sensorimotor stage, children acquire a:


In animals, the process of attachment occurs during a brief developmental phase known as a _____ period.

cloth and did not have a feeding bottle.

In the Harlow experiment, the baby monkeys preferred to be with the artificial monkey that was made of:

The importance of schemas was most clearly highlighted by:

Jean Piaget's cognitive development theory.


Jeremy is 16 years old and is trying different clothes and hairstyles. His father is confused and sometimes shocked by the pairing of shirts and pants, the earrings, chains, and hair colors. His mother on the other hand, just laughs. According to Erik Erikson, Jeremy is in the stage of development called _____ vs. role confusion.

insecure attachment

Kayla is the mother of a 4 month old boy. She often ignores the cries of her son and seems to only attend to him when it is convenient for her. She has even pushed the baby away from her when her husband tried to get her to care for the baby. What type of attachment is Kayla most likely to have with her son?


Kayla is the mother of a 4-month-old boy. She often ignores the cries of her son and seems to only attend to him when it is convenient for her. She has even pushed the baby away from her when her husband tried to get her to care for the baby. Kayla's son is probably _____ attached to his mother.

half; zygotes

Less than _____of all _____ survive beyond the first two weeks after fertilization.


Less than half of all _____ survive beyond the first two weeks after fertilization.


Less than half of all zygotes survive beyond the first two weeks after _____.


Maturation is the orderly sequence of _____ growth.


Maturation is the orderly sequence of biological _____.


Nature versus _____ is one major issue of debate among developmental psychologists.


Newborns enter the world with a series of reflexes that facilitate _____ responsiveness and aid their own survival.


Nutrients and oxygen are transferred from a mother to her developing fetus through the _____.


Nutrients and oxygen are transferred from a mother to her developing fetus through the:

stability and change developmental issue?

Our temperament is more predictable than our social attitudes.

fetal alcohol syndrome.

Physical and cognitive abnormalities in children that are the result of a pregnant woman's heavy drinking are known as:


decreasing responsiveness with repeated stimulation. As infants gain familiarity with repeated exposure to a stimulus, their interest wanes and they look away sooner.

A mere 50-200 sperm cells

make it to the ovum in a typical ejaculation. As the sperm cells cluster around the ovum, one may eventually penetrate the ovum's membrane and enter the ovum, beginning a process known as fertilization.

fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)

physical and cognitive abnormalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking. In severe cases, signs include a small, out-of-proportion head and abnormal facial features.

longitudinal study

research in which the same people are restudied and retested over a long period.

social clock

the culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement.


the developing human organism from 9 weeks after conception to birth.


the developing human organism from about 2 weeks after fertilization through the second month.


the genetic material contained in the sperm cell's nucleus (the 23 single chromosomes from the father) combines with the genetic material in the nucleus of the ovum (the 23 chromosomes from the mother). The chromosomes rearrange themselves to produce a complete set of 46 chromosomes within its own package of DNA


the time of natural cessation of menstruation; also refers to the biological changes a woman experiences as her ability to reproduce declines.

Immediately after birth, infants prefer:

their mother's voice.


transgender an umbrella term describing people whose gender identity or expression differs from that associated with their birth sex. (Page 169).

The correct order of prenatal development is:

zygote, embryo, fetus.

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