chapter 5-7

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Baby Mason is 2 months old and sleeps 8 1/2 hours per day. About _____ in 20 infants sleep(s) less than 9 hours each day.


Pointing is one of the earliest gestures, emerging at about _____ months of age.


An infant who can imitate what she has seen a YouTuber do after the video clip has ended is probably _____months of age or older. Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


How many hours does the average newborn sleep per day?

15 to 17

Baby Andre sleeps 13 1/4 hours per day. Based on information provided in the textbook, Andre is probably _____ months old.


Neuroimaging research suggests that infants as young as _____ months of age attend to voices, developing expectations regarding the rhythm, cadence, and segmentation of spoken words long before they can understand them.


Toby is 2 years old. This means that he is probably _____ times heavier than he was at birth.


Once a child's vocabulary reaches about _____ words, it rapidly begins rapidly expanding.


Roberta has just advanced from touching the rattle that hangs above her to grabbing and holding it. She is probably about _____ months old.


Sven is beginning to display a social smile when he looks at his parents' faces. Sven is MOST likely about _____ weeks old.


Most infants begin to crawl between about _____ and _____ months after birth.

8; 10

Although basic sensory and caregiver memories are apparent in the first month of life, more complex memories do not become apparent until an infant is about _____ months of age.


Suja has a 3-year-old daughter with a vast vocabulary and the ability to converse in elaborate sentences. _____'s view of language development would suggest that Suja taught her daughter language throughout her infancy.

B. F. Skinner

With respect to the link between infant temperament and attachment, easy temperament is to difficult temperament as type _____ attachment is to type _____ attachment.

B; C

_____ believe that parents who give reinforcement will stimulate their child's communication skills.


Why is it difficult for researchers to know exactly what a 12-month-old is capable of saying?

Caregivers may understand a baby when a stranger (or researcher) cannot.

Twenty-month-old Saniya watches her father stir soup in a pot. The next day, Saniya uses her play kitchen to do the same. Saniya is demonstrating _____ imitation.


The prevalence of co-sleeping exceeds 50 percent in


_____ makes type D attachment MORE likely.

Physical abuse

Stunting is MOST common in:

South Asia

What happens when a child is able to speak about 50 words?

The progression of language acquisition increases dramatically.

Which of the following is true of 6- to 15-month-old babies? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

They understand about 10 times as many words as they can say.

Each of the following infants sees someone else pick up a toy flute and blow on it. Who will be the most likely to try to blow on the flute if given the toy the next day?

Trey, an 18-month-old boy

At 15 months of age, Raul says "wawa" to mean "I want some water." This is an example of:

a holophrase.

A hypothesized mental structure enabling infants to learn grammar, vocabulary, and intonation is called:

a language acquisition device.

A parent is laughing and making funny faces while moving a small stuffed toy back and forth in front of a 7-week-old infant. The MOST likely reaction the parent will receive from the infant is:

a social smile

in responding to human faces, a 6-week-old infant may exhibit:

a social smile

The naming explosion refers to: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

a sudden increase in an infant's vocabulary, especially nouns.

Brandi wants to measure attachment via the Strange Situation laboratory procedure, but there are simply too many children involved in the study. Instead, she decides to use _____ and to interview parents.

a survey

In the still-face technique, ______ infants are angry and crying even after the still face ends.

negatively engaged

Kenderrick is exploring a new smartphone app. When the app's screen appears, Kenderrick immediately swipes right. Kenderrick's action BEST demonstrates the phone's:


Two-year-old Sammy takes his father's iPhone and begins pressing the icons on the screen. According to Eleanor Gibson, Sammy has perceived the icons' _____.


On average, fathers in _____ ethnic groups in the United States spend more time with their own children than their own fathers did with them.


Which statement is true about language development? Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.

all babies go through the same sequence of language development, although timing may differ.

Researchers have found that individuals with antisocial personality disorder do not show the same fear or anxiety responses that people without the disorder might. Accordingly, brain imaging work shows that one limbic system structure—namely, the _____—is smaller among people with antisocial personality disorder than among other people.


Anong, who is breast-feeding her infant daughter, had measles as a child. Her daughter will be protected from the disease because of the _____ in Anong's breast milk.


A lasting emotional bond between people that begins before birth, solidifies by age 1, and influences relationships throughout life is called a(n):


With respect to social development, avoidance and anxiety are dimensions of:


Linda and Gary, having returned home with their week-old child after a difficult birth, feel they cannot separate from their baby at night. Consequently, they allow the baby to sleep with them. This practice is called:


Infants begin learning language:

before birth.

Amalia's 17-month-old son has an extensive vocabulary and can create both two- and three-word combinations. The _____ view of language would suggest that Amalia repeated words and reinforced her son's attempts at language.


Based on the textbook's discussion of the development of the social brain during infancy, which conclusion is MOST reasonable?

caregiver responciveness and infant temperament have interactive effects on early childhood development

_____ makes type A attachment MORE likely.

controlling parenting

Baby Kelly's mother suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Kelly is MORE likely to display type _____ attachment than if her mother were NOT paranoid.


Explicit memory:

depends on language.

A cognitive neuroscientist who wishes to examine the growth during infancy of the connections among several brain areas involved in language development is MOST likely to consider a technique called:

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).

Using the still-face technique, the majority of 4-month-old infants are classified as:


Eight-year old Micah has a personality trait of dishonesty that is bothering his parents; his mother brings him in for therapy and describes his temperament as aggressive, unhappy, and impulsive. Of all these traits, the one that could be considered primarily learned would be:


By the fourth month, an infant's weight typically _______ compared to birthweight.


Baby Isabel is impulsive and prone to dramatic changes in emotion. She has difficulty calming down when she is upset. Isabel appears low in the _____ dimension of temperament.

effortful control

Cries, movements, and facial expressions are examples of:

eflexive communication.

Ramon and Eric have grown up together in Texas. Ramon speaks Spanish and English at home, while Eric's sole language is English. Their language skills are an example of a(n) _____ brain function.


Which factor BEST explains the ability of a 6-month-old, but not a 3-month-old, to successfully reach out to grab and hold an object?

eye-hand coordination

A 2-year-old boy is playing at the beach and comes upon an object washed up on the shore. It has many spines and appears dangerous to touch. The child's mother grabs his hand and quickly jerks him away from his discovery. What is the MOST likely emotional reaction that the child has just been taught by his mother?


A father who grabs and removes a child immediately when a big dog is approaching will MOST likely teach the child which emotional reaction?

fear of dogs

Fine motor skill is to _____ as gross motor skill is to _____.

grabbing; crawling

Sammie is celebrating his first birthday today. He can say numerous words like "da-da," "kitty," and "fish." Noam Chomsky would say that Sammie is able to do this effortlessly because:

he is equipped with a language acquisition device.

Which factor often predicts insecure attachments?

highly stressed parents

Darnell underwent surgery to control his severe epilepsy. Now, however, Darnell cannot form new memories of his experiences, although he does remember events in the past. Most likely, the surgery destroyed a portion of the _____ in Darnell's brain.


A single word that is used to express a complete, meaningful thought is called a:


Scholars have attempted to integrate theories of language development into one theory known as a ______theory.


Infant crying _____ caregiver cortisol.


The textbook states that "in a controlled experiment, 1-year-olds learned vocabulary much better when someone taught them directly than when the same person gave the same lesson on video." In this experiment, whether the 1-year-olds were taught "IRL" or using video is a(n) _____ variable.


The time of life when synapses, dendrites, and neurons form and die most rapidly is:


Which attachment pattern involves an infant who continues playing when his or her mother leaves the room and ignores her when she returns?


Two-year-old Asha is listless, small for her age, and has an extended abdomen and brittle hair. She is MOST likely suffering from _____.


Research supporting the behaviorist view of language acquisition shows that infants with larger vocabularies have:

more responsive mothers.

Maggie is a 10-year-old fifth-grader. She tries her best to make her mom, her teacher, and her dance instructor proud of her. With respect to the development of attachment, Maggie is in a period BEST described as one of:

mutual attachment.

A sudden increase in an infant's vocabulary, especially nouns, is referred to as the _____.

naming explosion

In general, the prevalence of co-sleeping is _____ related to the parents' SES.


The text suggests that immunization rate is ______ correlated with infant mortality rate.


How much screen time should children under 2 years of age experience, according to the American Association of Pediatricians?


Sharon is just learning to speak. She says words like "da-da," "kitty," and "ma-ma." This is not unusual because, whatever the language, when children begin to speak, they tend to use mostly:


A point on a ranking scale of 0 to 100 is called a:


Failure to thrive occurs when an infant's _____ score _____ markedly.

percentile; decreases

The text suggests that infant mortality is ______ correlated with fertility rate.


Newborn babies:

prefer the language their mother speaks to an unknown language.

MOST specifically, an infant's lack of self-control can be explained by the immaturity of the _____ cortex


Jeremy is trying to save money for college. He saves half of the money he earns from his part-time job. He has set a goal to save enough money to pay for his dorm fees for his first year. These behaviors demonstrate that Jeremy's _____ cortex has matured.

prefrontal cortex

Jean Piaget's first two stages of sensorimotor intelligence involve:

primary circular reactions.

Slow-wave sleep is also known as _____ sleep.


Slow-wave sleep is to _____ as transitional sleep is to _____.

quiet sleep; dozing

Infants who demonstrate intense emotions are described by the textbook as being highly _____.


Any perceptual experience that helps people recollect an idea, a thing, or an event is known as a _____session.


Jean Piaget called the stage-five toddler who experiments without anticipating the results a little _____.


Which attachment style describes an infant who is mildly upset at his mother's departure in the Strange Situation but who is easily soothed on her return?


Receptors that are highly sensitive to sweetness are active on Malia's tongue. Bitterness receptors are also active, but to a lesser extent. Malia recognizes the taste of cola and considers her resolution to reduce her soda consumption. The action of Malia's taste receptors is called:


Dre begins reading a page in his sociology textbook. His photoreceptors detect light and dark stimuli. The action of Dre's photoreceptors illustrates: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button.


Hair cells in Gino's basilar membrane detect a series of high-pitched tones. Gino recognizes the ringtone assigned to calls from his mother. Gino remembers that he had neglected to call his mother the night before as he had promised. Gino's detection of the tones illustrates:


An infant's distress when his or her caregiver leaves is called

seperation anxiety

The still-face technique:

shows that babies expect a positive response from their caregivers.

Three-month-old Matthew is participating in a study in which his father stares at Matthew, remaining expressionless. This experiment is obviously using what researchers call the _____ technique.

still- face

_____ is the consequence of severe and chronic malnutrition in which children fail to grow to normal height.


"Self-righting" refers to the:

the inborn drive to remedy a developmental deficit

Early on, young children can differentiate between people of their same ethnic background better than those of different ethnic backgrounds. This phenomenon is called:

the own-race effect.

In infancy, the dozing sleep stage, in which the child is half awake, is known as _____ sleep.


Abby has begun to suck only her thumb rather than her whole hand. It is likely that Abby is in stage _____ of sensorimotor development.


Angelo realizes that sucking a pacifier


Jolanda holds a bottle to her 3-month-old infant's mouth, and the baby reaches out to grab the bottle. Jolanda's baby appears to be in stage _____ of sensorimotor intelligence.


According to Noam Chomsky, languages across the world share a fundamental pattern, or _____ grammar. This structure helps children acquire language quickly.


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