Chapter 5 & 6 U.S History Test

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Who witnessed the policy of Indian Removal in 1831, claiming "the Indian race [was] doomed to perish"?

Alexis de Tocqueville

In the early nineteenth century, the French and British trappers who dominated the North American fur trade of the eighteenth century were replaced by

American mountain men

William Lloyd Garrison's philosophy on slavery was most directly influenced by which individual?

Benjamin Lundy

The reason the United States declared war against the British in 1812 was

British impressment of American sailors

The Alien Friends Act (1798), set to remain in effect for two years, violated the due process clause of the

Fifth Amendment

What wartime experience did Andrew Jackson have in the War of 1812 before the Battle of New Orleans?

Fighting the Red Sticks (Creeks)

The first major expulsion after the Indian Removal Act of 1830 occurred in


A slave revolt in which country ruined Napoleon's dreams of French dominance in North America?


What impact did the Lowell Girls have on the development of a labor movement in the newly industrial Northeast?

They used activism to gain more rights, such as striking over reduced wages.

What is one important reason that New York State legislators opposed the canal at first?

They worried that the canal would bolster DeWitt Clinton's political prospects.

In popular and literary mythology, the mountain men became symbols of

Western independence and self-reliance

Which best describes the white response to Nat Turner's Rebellion?

Whites responded brutally, but after a few days, leaders were able to limit the retribution.

A criticism the Indian tribes leveled against the Fort Wayne Treaty was that

William Henry Harrison's maneuvering created dissension within the tribes

Which of these was an effect of completion of the Erie Canal?

Within a few years, it carried goods worth double the value of all freight shipped down the Mississippi River to New Orleans.

During his tenure in the House of Representatives, John Quincy Adams linked the right to address the immorality of slavery with what other social reform of the time?

Women's rights

The actions of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark under the banner of the Corps of Discovery are most consistent with

a belief in Manifest Destiny

Ultimately, Tecumseh's confederacy plans failed because of

a combined loss of Native American leadership and British support

While making the arguments before the Supreme Court, John Quincy Adams also served as

a member of the House of Representatives

As a result of the Hartford Convention and its aftermath, the Federalist Party became

a political party with diminishing electoral support

Thomas Jefferson's election in 1800 can most accurately be described as

a rejection of the Federalist policies of the 1790s Next

In The Amistad case, Lewis Tappan was

a well-known abolitionist who financed the defense of the Africans

The reform movement stemming from the Second Great Awakening that caused the most controversy in the United States was


The main goal of Tecumseh's Confederacy was to unite Native American tribes

against encroachment of American settlers

The Louisiana Purchase is consistent with Jeffersonian-Republican philosophy because it

allowed for the expansion of an agrarian America

The term "Slave Power" was

an expression of Northern frustration with Southern political dominance of the federal government

The Tariff of Abominations was so called because it

appeared to favor the economic interests of the North at the expense of the South

The War of 1812 was fought primarily

at sea and in the territory around the Great Lakes

The international fur trade collapsed in the late 1830s for reasons including

changing tastes in fashion

President Thomas Jefferson directed the Corps of Discovery under Meriwether Lewis to do all the following except

concentrate exploration efforts to the east of the Continental Divide Next

According to the decision in Marbury v. Madison, a law is invalid when it

conflicts with the U.S. Constitution

The greatest impetus for whites pushing American Indians off their traditional territory was the

desire for the land for development and the acquisition of wealth

In addition to engaging in fur trading, mountain men contributed to the development of the young nation by

exploring western territory and identifying alternate travel routes

Opponents of the Bank of the United States argued against it for all the following reasons except

farmers were guaranteed necessary loans from the Bank

Skills, character traits, and experience in Andrew Jackson's life prior to the Battle of New Orleans included all the following except

formal training in a military academy

In the first two decades of the nineteenth century, New Englanders more and more considered themselves a political minority because of

geographic expansion of the south and west

The South's reaction to John Quincy Adams and the gag rule was to

grow more adamant in support of the institution of slavery

A main result of the decisions rendered during the Marshall Court years was

growing influence of the judicial branch in deciding the meaning of the U.S. Constitution

Frederick Douglass's life was most changed by

his learning to read and understand the concept of freedom

The Hartford Convention's recommendations and the Declaration of Independence are similar because they both

included a list of grievances against the ruling government Next

The Panic of 1819 was a turning point in U.S. economic history because

it demonstrated to "hard currency" supporters that only gold- and silver-backed currency would maintain a viable economy, giving credence to Jackson's beliefs about the national bank in the 1830s

Personalized The amendments proposed by the Hartford Convention included provisions to

limit the power of Congress to declare war

The purpose of a protective tariff is to

make sure domestically made products have a marketplace advantage over similar foreign products Next

When Nat Turner's slave rebellion began in August 1831, the rebels killed

men, women, children, and infants

Unlike some other religious sects founded during the Second Great Awakening, the Mormons

migrated as a group to an area where they would be beyond the reach of the U.S. government

Andrew Jackson commanded forces at the Battle of New Orleans that are best described as

militiamen mostly from the frontier, Choctaw allies, some pirates, and a few professional soldiers

For most Americans in the 1780s, the region west of the Appalachian Mountains meant


The Whig Party was characterized by all the following except

opposition to the National Bank

Henry Clay was known as the "Great Compromiser" because

over three decades, he crafted multiple proposals that temporarily reduced sectionalist tensions

Once in the Salt Lake Valley, during the first two winters of settlement, the Mormons

overcame hardship to establish a prosperous settlement

All the following were part of President Thomas Jefferson's approach to financial policy except

renewing the charter of the national bank

The purchase of the Louisiana Territory started as an attempt to

secure access to the port of New Orleans

In his 1829 first inaugural address, President Jackson laid out his belief that the best policy toward American Indians was to

set aside land west of the Mississippi for American Indians' control and use

Thomas Dew's influence on the issue of slavery in Virginia came from his belief that

slavery was a moral good and needed to be preserved

Henry Clay's political compromises are most closely associated with efforts to

smooth over sectional disputes that threatened to break apart the Union

Spaced Practice The "compact theory" of government most clearly means

states hold the power to judge the constitutionality of federal legislation

The key industry to emerge in the United States in the decades immediately after the War of 1812 was


The industrial advantage created by the Boston Manufacturing Company in 1813 was that

textiles could be produced as a finished product in one location

In his presentation before the Supreme Court, John Quincy Adams used all the following as part of his argument except

the 1795 U.S. treaty with Spain

John Quincy Adams's arguments in the U.S. House regarding the gag rule were based on

the Constitution and Declaration of Independence Next

Andrew Jackson justified vetoing the bill to recharter the Bank of the United States for all the following reasons except

the Jacksonians believed the bank contributed to U.S. intervention in the War of 1812 and other wars

The arguments made by Senator Robert Y. Hayne of South Carolina in his debates with Senator Daniel Webster agree with all the following except

the Supremacy Clause of the U.S. Constitution

At first, the U.S. government's official position in regard to The Amistad was that

the United States agreed with the Spanish government and intended to return the ship to Spain

The Whig Party most likely won the election of 1840 because of

the declining popularity of Martin Van Buren after the Panic of 1837

The most immediate, significant result of the Battle of New Orleans was

the elevation of Andrew Jackson's reputation and political popularity

The destruction of the Bank of the United States led to

the end of central banking in the United States until the creation of the Federal Reserve

The catalyst for the start of the women's rights movement was

the exclusion of women as official delegates at the 1840 World Anti-Slavery Convention in London

The Book of Mormon is mainly about

the history of the Mormons' ancestral church in North America and the struggles between two tribes

During the Bank War, Nicholas Biddle was

the president of the Bank of the United States, who wanted its charter renewed

William Lloyd Garrison's abolitionist beliefs were publicized most often through

the publication of The Liberator

Democratic-Republicans in the early nineteenth century supported all the following except

the recommendations of the Hartford Convention

John Quincy Adams's victory in getting the gag rule overturned in December 1844 was, according to him, a victory for all the following except

the right to send abolitionist material through the U.S. mail

The Second Great Awakening affected all the following except

the spread of American democratic ideals even if it meant war Next

During the antebellum period women were least likely to have the opportunity to

vote and run for office

Why were the federal courts a central focus of political battles in the early 1800s?

After the election of 1800, the Republicans were trying to limit the power, number, and role of Federalist judicial appointees.

Personalized Advocates for building the Erie Canal would most likely support

Clay's American System

Which political party formed a decade after the political organizing of the Jacksonians?

Democratic Party

Which of the following contributed to the success of the Erie Canal?

Elevation changes across the Appalachian Mountains were gradual.

How did the Revolutionary War affect the U.S. relationship with the Church of England? The Church of England was associated with Loyalists, so Patriots distrusted it to such an extent that the reputation of Anglicans was marred after the conclusion of the war.

He maintained his core principles and pragmatically adapted to the circumstances he faced in office.

Which best describes William Lloyd Garrison's initial stance on slavery?

He supported gradual emancipation and colonization in Africa.

Which of the following best describes Frederick Douglass's childhood?

He was raised by his grandmother and never knew the identity of his father. Next

The initial ruling of the Supreme Court in regard to American Indians stated

Indian tribes were "domestic dependent nations" and had rights to their own land

Which is the correct chronological order of events related to the War of 1812?

Invasion of Washington, DC, writing of The Star-Spangled Banner, signing of the Treaty of Ghent

Why was the early fighting in the Battle of New Orleans considered a strategic military victory, even though it was a tactical defeat?

It allowed Jackson time to build earthworks and defenses to hold off a superior force.

Which 1824 presidential candidate was not considered a representative of southern or western interests?

John Quincy Adams

Which statement best describes the Lowell Girls in comparison to New England women that did not work in the mills?

Lowell Girls tended to marry much later than other women

Which of the following presents the events of the "Bank Wars" in the correct chronological order from earliest to most recent?

McCulloch v. Maryland, Jackson vetoes the bill rechartering the Second Bank, Biddle calls in loans, Jackson recommends moving government funds to pet banks

Missouri's admission to the Union led to a crisis because

Missouri's entry threatened to further tip political power toward southern interests

Who did not support adding the right to vote to the 1848 Declaration?

Quaker representatives

Which transportation technology replaced canal building in the Jacksonian Era?


What did Frederick Douglass's transformative fight with Edward Covey teach him?

Resisting slavery could help him recover his worth as a human being.

How did the Federalists attempt to resist Democratic Republican rule in the early nineteenth century?

Some advocated secession, while moderates proposed a series of amendments to increase New England's political power.

Exposition and Protest held the same premise as which document?

The Kentucky Resolutions of 1799

The Louisiana Purchase opened which vital river to commerce and exploration?

The Mississippi River

Which of the following was a technological achievement that benefited the canal?

The locks constructed in Lockport, New York, were far higher than any previously constructed. Next

How would a proponent of state nullification describe the relationship between the states and the federal government?

The states are sovereign entities and can decide to nullify a federal law that is inconsistent with the Constitution to protect their citizens.

The constitutional provision that played a significant part in the election of 1824 was the

Twelfth Amendment Next

Which of the following actions did President Andrew Jackson take regarding the Bank of the United States?

Vetoed the re-chartering of the bank in 1832

Until the election of Andrew Jackson, the United States' chief executives all had come from

Virginia and Massachusetts

Which of the following represents the constitutional question at the center of the Marbury v. Madison case?

Was a law duly enacted by Congress but inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution valid?

During the War of 1812, the British successfully invaded

Washington, D.C

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