Chapter 5--Dr. Kass Test Daniella's version without multiple choice questions

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Define altruism and give an example.

"Helping behavior" Prosocial behavior. Example-- Employee's voluntarily assisting coworkers who have difficulty operating their computer.

What is the problem with restriction of variability of job performance? What are the sources of this variability?

(1) Artificial restriction in performance variability—results in factors such as error in performance ratings or measurement system. Example—Giving high ratings to avoid employee getting laid off. (2) True restriction—Occurs when measures are fairly accurate, but there is true lack of meaningful variation in job performance. Example—Employees are performing at high or low levels within an organization because of factors such as leadership or inherent difficulty of tasks being performed.

(1) What is the model that connects factors of job performance? (2) Define declarative knowledge (3) Define procedural knowledge (4) Define motivation

(1) Campbell's Model of job performance: 1. (2) Interaction among declarative knowledge (knowing what to do in a job)--- Example medical student knows steps on how to draw blood. Most of the time a precursor for procedural knowledge. 2. (3) Procedural knowledge/skill (knowing how to do the job)-- Example-- After the student learns the steps. If the student is then able to draw blood from the patient. It becomes procedural knowledge. 3. (4) Motivation (to do the job)--- If an employee has declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge, then they can potentially have high levels of performance. This depends on their motivation though. According to Campell-- motivation reflects employees' choices involving-- A. whether to expend effort directed at job performance B. The level of effort to expend, and C. Whether to persist with the level of effort chosen. High declarative = good understanding High procedure = experience and ability

(1) Define efficiency. (2) What makes efficiency different?

(1) Efficiency---- Level of performance that can be achieved in a given period of time. Person achieving a lot in a short amount of time. Efficiency: Refers to a level of performance that can be achieved in a specified amount of time. (Time is money) (2) Note—Time is the differentiator.

The challenges of measuring effective job performance include things like?

(1) Employees been all given high ratings-- restriction of range (2) The performance of employees varying over time as a result of personal and environmental factors

A second explanation for OCB has to do. With cognitive evaluations of the fairness of employee treatment by the organization. What are some forms of fairness/ justice that are predictors of engaging OCBs?

(1) Interactional Justice--- Manner which supervisors treat employees as they carry out organizational policies and procedures. (2) Procedural Justice--- Employees perceptions of justice used to make decisions such as pay raises (3) Distributive justice-- Refers to perceptions of fairness of the outcomes one receives as a result of those procedures. Employees who are entitled like their outcomes to be greater even if outputs are comparable.

(1) Define productivity. (2) What is an example? (3) What makes productivity different?

(1) Is closely related to both performance and effectiveness, but is different because it takes into account the cost of achieving a given level of performance of effectiveness. Productivity: Related to job performance and efficiency, but takes cost to achieve those levels of performance into consideration (2)Example—Salespeople equal in the amount of work, but if one uses less money he is more productive. (3) Note- cost is the differentiator.

(1) Define effectiveness. (2) Why is it important? (3) What can effectiveness be affected by? (2 items).

(1) Is defined as the evaluation of the results of an employee's performance. (one outcome of job performance). (2) Important because employees' effectiveness is determined by more than just job performance. Example—Even if an employee is good at his job, he could be rated low because they are not liked. (3) Effectiveness: Evaluation of the results of an employee's job performance (but is determined by more than just job performance - it is also affected by poor performance rating errors or bias). (Notes-- how effective is the outcome)?

According to Murphy, what are the 8 ways to assess job performance?

(1) Pencil/paper tests (2) Job skill tests (3) Onsite hands on testing (4) off-site hands (5) high-fidelity simulations (6) Symbolic simulations (7) Task ratings (8) global ratings

Who is most likely to engage with OCBs? What is equality theory? What dispositions do these people have?

(1) People who are satisfied with their jobs are likely to be helpful to others. Positive mood and helpful behavior are reinforcing. (2) Cognitive evaluations of fairness of employees treatment by an organization. Rooted in equity theory—which states that employees evaluate their work situations by cognitively comparing their inputs to the organization with outcomes they receive in turn. If they feel they are treated fairly, they will be helpful. (3) Dispositions—Certain personality traits predispose individuals to engage in OCB. Some people more naturally helpful than others. Also called by the book as affect, fairness, and dispositions. OCBs can be affected by work stressors or levels of organizational commitment. Employees were most likely to classify OCBs as inrole behaviors when they reported high levels of job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment.

What is job performance? Why is it important? What is it a measure of?

(1) Represents behaviors employees engage in while at work that contributes to organizational goals. (2) Important because job performance represents behaviors that are formally evaluated by the organization as employees' responsibilities and duties. (3) The behaviors employees engage in at work that contribute to or support the organization's goals. A measure of effectiveness. (4) General recognition across performance models that it is more than just technical aspects of performing narrowly defined tasks, and how employees interact with others contributing to the organization need to be considered.

Define utility. What can it be measured by? What is an example?

(1) Utility---- Represents a given value of performance, effectiveness or productivity of organization. Different employees may achieve high level effectiveness, but utility still could be low. Person that is liked is effective but does not produce a lot. (2) Notes—Can be measured in revenue. Revenue is return on investment. (3) Example-- gets a good review when makes cold- calls but doesn't match the overall goals of the company.

What are 3 sources of performance rating error?

(1) rater may not have adequate opportunity to observe the performance (2) Ratings may be biased by how much rater likes/dislikes ratee (3) Different raters may rate employee to different internal performance standards

What is the difference between job-specific and non-job (Campell's model)?

(job-specific) Task- analysis is what you need to know for your job. (Non-job) Competency Analysis--- Soft skills like software communication and collaboration).

What are the determining factors of job performance (3 items)? What is the link between general mental ability and job performance?

1. General mental ability: predicts performance over a wide range of jobs and occupations. Reflects an individual's capacity to process and comprehend information. The link between general mental ability and job performance is job knowledge. Tend to develop a greater understanding of the job duties than individuals with lower levels. Also, measure Emotional intelligence. Evidence to suggest that Ei is especially important in predicting performance in a job characterized by emotional labor to display appropriate emotions (customer service, teacher etc). 2. Job experience is a predictor. Mediated by job knowledge and the relationship depends on job complexity. job performance and experience is mediated by job knowledge. 3. Personality type as a predictor. The Big 5. The personality trait consistently found to predict job performance is conscientiousness. A person who is conscientious can be described as dependable, goal-oriented, planful, and achievement-oriented. Conscientiousness and job performance are linked (mediate) by job knowledge. It also mediates these two variables with goal setting. It also mediates these two variables with motivation. ƒConscientious people put more time and effort into acquiring high levels of job knowledge.

OCBs can be categorized into 5 different types according to Organ).

1.Altruism 2.Courtesy 3. Sportsmanship 4.(High level of) Consciousness 5. Civic Virtue

Employees compensated during unproductive period makes them what?

A liability

Daniella's boss gave a raise to an employee that frequently engaged in CWBs. Daniella was angry because not only was she handed the worst job in the company, the coworker that actively sabotages her was getting a raise. Daniella confronts her boss, and her boss lies about the amount of money her coworker makes. Is Daniella likely to engage in OCBs for this company?

A. Only if her personality predisposes her to B. Only if she was also given a raise for her hard work

Factors that can influence a job performance (this is not the same as job determinants)? 3 items.

Ability, motivation, and situational factors

2. Which of the personality types are associated with kindness, unselfishness, generosity and fairness?


Daniella is hired at Coldwell Banker. On the way to her desk, she noticed that her boss dropped her pencil. Daniella picks it up for her. What is this an example of?

Altruism-- Helping people for nothing in return

What is Psycap? 4 steps are?

Another composite personality related trait that has been found to predict performance is psychological capital or Psyc cap. 1. Self-efficacy, optimism, hope, and resilience. An individual positive psychological state of development that is characterized by: (1) Having confidence (self-efficacy) to take on and put in the necessary to succeed at challenging tasks. (2) Making a positive attribute (optimism) about succeeding now and in the future. (3) Persevering toward goals and when necessary, redirecting paths to goals in order to succeed. (4) When beset by problems and adversity, sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond (resilience) to attain success. Personality as a predictor of job performance (determinant of job performance).

Before giving raises, Daniella's boss begins to evaluate her employees job performance. Some of Daniella's coworkers frequently make mistakes. However, her boss views them as good employees. When an employee makes a mistake, she gets upset but never punishes anyone for their errors. She gives them all raises and high performance reviews because she wants everyone to keep their job. The assessment results are an example of which of the following?

Artificial Variability

Kyle, manager of a local grocery store is wondering why employee's productivity fluctuate so much on a day-to-day basis. He believes it could be due to random error caused by a poor performance measurement system. This is an example of:

Artificial restriction

Example of facilitating peer and team performance in Campell's performance model

Assisting coworker who is having trouble meeting an impending deadline or encouraging and boosting the spirits of others.

Why does Jex say Campbell's 8 dimensions are more useful than Murphy's 4?

Because Murphy's 4 was primarily created to explain the job performance of Navy Personnel specifically, whereas Campbell's can be applied to lots of different jobs, including military. Campbell's dimensions of task performance are also much more detailed than Murphy's, allowing for easier determination of the factors involved with employee performance.

Define courtesy and give an example.

Behaviors reflect basic consideration for others. Example-- Periodically touching base with one's co-workers to find out how things are going, or letting someone know where one can be reached.

Which model classifies CWB based on the target of the behavior?

Bennett and Robinson's Two-Factor Model

What are the most commonly researched personality types in the workplace?

Big 5 OCEAN--- Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism

Hurricane Dorian was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Category 5 Atlantic hurricane. To help the Bahamas recover, Daniella's work created a luau event to help raise money. It was an optional work event, but Daniella decided to go. What is this an example of?

Civic Virtue

Is conflict necessary in jobs (do we need to be agreeable all the time)?

Conflict is necessary. If we don't have conflict we can't move forward (and we would suffer from group think).

1. When it comes to personality and job performance, which personality trait (of the Big Five) is considered the most successful predictor across jobs?


Daniella attends a team meeting at her job. Her boss says that she bought a gift card to reward an employee that is always on time to work. She gifts it to Daniella. Her boss tries to use this as a tactic to encourage the other employees to show up on time. Coming on time to work is an example of?


1. Rebecca has noticed Taylor has not been feeling herself at work. She received a devastating performance review that said she needs focus less on issues going on in her personal life and more on getting tasks done at work. Rebecca wants Taylor to succeed so she frequently "touches base" with Taylor to make sure things are going okay. This is an example of:


Daniella's has some rapport with her coworker. Her coworkers dad passes from brain cancer. Her coworker leaves the office for a couple weeks to take care of business. Daniella texts her coworker periodically to let her know she is there for her if she needs anything. What is this an example of?


Coldwell Banker hired a Daniella as a Social Media Strategist and Email Coordinator. Daniella's boss invested in her even though she didn't have a lot of experience for the job. Which of these things present the greatest problem for Daniella's boss?

Daniella is a potential liability for the company

Together, these two dimensions in Campell's job performance model represent the degree which an employee is a good citizen.

Demonstrating effort and maintaining personal discipline (extra-role).

What's the usefulness of Campell's model?

Despite only 3 of the dimensions (core task proficiency, demonstrating effort, and maintenance of personal discipline) being applicable to ALL jobs, the model is still quite useful in that it provides a common metric for examining performance. So, you could compare two completely different types of jobs using these dimensions.

What makes Civic virtue from other OCBs? What is an example of Civic virtue??

Different from the others because the target is the organization or, in some cases, the work group--- rather than the individual. Example would be attending a charitable function for the organization.

Daniella's bosses are each giving her a separate performance review. Although the performance review is supposed to measure the same thing, the scores ended up being completely different. One boss is rating Daniella on how well she works with others and the other boss is rating Daniella on how well she does her work. This leads to a performance rater error. What is this an example of? Choose the best answer.

Different raters may rate employee to different internal performance standards

Define openness to experience

Do well in unstructured environments (Unlike conscientiousness people. They prefer structure). Valuable in highly-adaptive jobs. Also, take longer to decline in performance than people who work a long time at their job.

Maintaining personal discipline from Campell's model coincides with which point in Murphy's model?

Downtime behaviors and destructive and hazardous behaviors

1. Pam is evaluating Andrew on how well she does working in her sales job. She has decided to measure Andrew did by measuring how much he has sold that month. Pam is measuring ______.


Coldwell Banker hired Daniella to be a Social Media Strategist. Daniella gets all her tasks done every day at work. Daniella's boss gave her a poor evaluation because even though she does her tasks, she thought Daniella was too reserved and did not have good rapport with her. Daniella lacks which of the following?


Tom has been working exceptionally hard and has produced a large number of widgets in record time. This is an example of _______.


Coldwell Banker hired Daniella to be a Social Media Strategist. Daniella helps her coworker in the mailroom put brochures in the envelopes for their TLC program. Daniella was slower than her coworker, but they both were able to complete the task. Daniella's coworker is more...?


Define Productive Behavior

Employee behavior that contributes positively to the organization.

Why are there gaps of research on effectiveness or productivity?

Employees have more control over performance than they do over productivity or effectiveness. Often fail to adequately explain performance differences among employees.

What do all models of job performance have?

Even though they may have many different dimensions, two major categories of job performance can be found across job models: in-role (task) performance and extra-role performance. In role-- Technical aspects of the job-- nurse, drawing blood, insuring property deliver medication. Military-- firing missiles, insuring quantity of helmets and ammunition) in role- non job specific behaviors--- EG. All/most teacher teachers need to advise students. write grants, service in commencement ceremonies. The military is needed to know how to read maps or react to a chemical weapons attack (to differentiate-- a study that may not be in the formal job description, but most or all employees will do it). Extra roll-- Nontechnical performance like communicating with others, exhibiting motivation and enthusiasm, and being a good team member.

Daniella was hired at Coldwell Banker. Her boss had a special project that she wanted Daniella to help with. Daniella defined and demonstrated the concepts of the project to her coworkers and helped her coworkers with their roles in the project. What is this an example of (for Daniella)? Choose best answer.

Facilitating peer and team performance

T or F? A person must intend to harm an organization for it to be considered CWB.


1. Which of the following would be the best predictor of performance for most jobs:

General mental Ability (g)

In what sense is a new employee a liability?

Getting compensated during unproductive period. Easy to make mistakes when they are new if unsupervised. No guarantee that they will perform as well as they should. New employees may be seen as a liability because during their transition period, they are not positively contributing to the organization and are actually costing the organization. So company invests in them.

Campells extra-role-- oral communication task profeciency example.

High school teachers and attorneys have different job positions, but must periodically communicate in order to do their jobs effectively.

Coldwell Banker hired Daniella to be a Social Media Strategist. She is not well-liked by her coworkers, but she was able to sell social media services to a lot of clients. This earns the company more money. Which of the following does this describe? Select the best answer.

High utility

What can organizations do to foster creativity and innovation among employees?

Hire creative people. Offer training in creative problem-solving methods such as brainstorming. Influencing task motivation-- place employees in jobs the genuinely enjoy.

What are Campbell's (1990) 8 dimensions of job performance?

In-Role 1. Job-specific-task proficiency - Technical aspects of job performance. 2. Non Job-specific task proficiency - Common tasks performed by different employees. Extra-Role 3. Written and oral communication- Ability to write and communicate effectively 4. Demonstrating effort - Going the "extra mile" at work. 5. Maintaining personal discipline - Refraining from negative behaviors, following through on tasks. 6. Facilitating peer and team performance - Being a good team member; working well with other members. 7. Supervision/leadership - Effectively supervising and leading others. 8. Management/administration - Effectively organizing and keeping track of critical information

Murphy's (1994) model of job performance only has 4 dimensions. They are?

In-Role: Task Oriented Behaviors Extra-Role: Interpersonally oriented behaviors (Interpersonal transactions on the job), downtime behaviors (behaviors outside of work that can affect job performance, such as alcohol/drugs/extra jobs), destructive/hazardous behaviors (safety violations, sabotage, accidents)

How to make an assessment less subjective (paralegal example)? What is a behaviorally anchored rating scale?

Instead of rating on a very good-poor scale, can rate something like "produces a summary of the brief without including a lot of necessary information"-- An example of a behaviorally anchored rating scale. Behaviorally anchored rating scale--- help to remove biases inherent in performance ratings to determine behaviors that constitute poor, average, and superior performance.

Kass says two traits if he wanted to hire someone would be..?

Intelligence and Conscientiousness

Peer and team performance from Campell's model coincides with which point in Murphy's model?

Interpersonal relations-- not all interpersonal transaction in the workplace is task-related. EG small talk about things that happened over the weekend. However, when interpersonal transactions in the workplace are task-related, this dimension mirrors facilitating team and peer performance.

Define Conscientiousness as an OCB

Involves being a good citizen in the workplace and doing things such as arriving on time for meetings.

Define sportsmanship

Is different from other forms of OCB's because it is typically exhibited by not engaging in basic forms of behaviors like complaining about problems or minor inconveniences.

Define agreeableness

Is not a "yes man", but they are non-confrontational, accepting of people. Good for teamwork.

Define conscientiousness

Is universally more favorable—organized, thoughtful, follows rules, norms/policies. Care more about consequences - less likely to deviate from norms.

1. An advantage Campbell's model of job performance has over Murphy's model is:

It is broader and generalizable to a larger number of organizations

Coldwell Banker hired Daniella to be a Social Media Strategist. They evaluated how Daniella did after working there for 6 months. Objectively, she is a good worker and has helped the organization with their goals. What is the evaluation based on? Select the best answer.

Job Performance

What is the law of dimensioning returns?

Job experience is a job predictor of job performance. Relationship between job performance and experience depends on job complexity. Experience is a better predictor of job performance in low complexity jobs than high ones. This is because to be a cashier, to learn is to actually do it. However, high complexity jobs, your knowledge can compensate for lack of experience. This interaction is the opposite of general mental ability. General mental ability is better in high complex jobs. Not needed in low complex jobs. Diminishing returns-- Once you get to a certain level of experience with respect to the influence of job experience on job performance. Only a good predictor In people with 3 years or lower. Job experience as a predictor of job performance (determinant of job performance).

Which of the following is a measure of effectiveness?

Job performance

What is a greater obstacle to employee promotion: technical skills or interpersonal skills? Why? What can be done?

Lack of interpersonal skills cause employees not to get promoted. The reason is much of what gets done in any organization gets done through people. People who lack interpersonal skills won't get cooperation/ assistance from people.

1. Which of the following is true regarding the Stressor-Emotion Model of CWB?

Lower levels of perceived control lead to higher levels of CWB.

Daniella was hired at Coldwell Banker. They needed her personal information for her hiring paperwork. According to Campell, which of the following points does that coincide with?

Management/administration--Effectively organizing and keeping track of critical information

1. Mary works in a factory. She normally produces 20 widgets an hour but has felt extra motivated due to the fact that her Christmas bonus depends on if she can get done a large order by the end of the week. After working the hardest she can, she doubles the amount of widgets she normally makes. The amount of widgets she is producing trying to secure her bonus is an example of:

Maximal performance

Demonstrating effort-- Campells extra role example.

May be necessary to demonstrate a willingness to persist in order to accomplish difficult or unpleasant tasks. Professional athletes at times, may have to play through nagging injuries to help their teams.

Factors that contribute to the true restriction in performance variability

Measures of performance are relatively accurate, but there is a true lack of meaningful variation in actual job performance. Can be caused by things like leadership or inherent difficulty of tasks being performed. 1. Low performance standards-- job doesn't expect much so discourages high levels of performance and will gravitate towards minimally acceptable levels of performance. 2. Organizations either may fail to recognize the contributions of those who perform well or tolerate individuals who consistently perform poorly. For example, good employees are rewarded by getting more work, but no raise or promotion. But will give bad employees promotions to leave their department. 3. Employees are routinely allowed to explain away instances of poor performance. Culture takes incentive away to perform well and performance is restricted to the mediocre levels. 4.Having limited resources often leads to situational constraints that ultimately reduces the variability in performance-- eg mechanic can't work without tools.

Example of administrative/ management tasks in Campell's performance model

Monitoring and controlling expenditures and obtaining additional resources

Which of the following is NOT a possible explanation for why workplace incivility is common in organizations?

More organizations are utilizing zero tolerance policies.

If a job requires a server to smile, does the job need to hire an extraverted person?

No, don't need to be extraverted to smile. Kass also said introverted people a highly adaptable.

Define innovation

Novel ideas that further the goals of the organization. Due to task relevant skills, creativity-relevant skills, and task motivation. Technical knowledge was the greatest predictor in innovation.

Example of productive behavior

Opening a cash register with minimal supervision

A museum is looking to hire an artist. Which of the following personality traits would best fit a career in art?

Openness to experience

Organizations may at times need employees to provide assistance to each other, even though this activity is not part of their formal job description. What is this called?

Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Positive organizational characteristics such as organizational support, trust, and ethical climate are important predictors of what?

Organizational identification

What is PGO and what is LGO?

PGO---Performance goal orientation. Desire to prove their own competence, and are mainly concerned with how they are judged by others. LGO--- Learning goal orientation--- Are motivated to master new skills and are willing to risk failure in order to develop these skills. More associated with creativity than pgo.

Which of the following is a possible explanation for why workplace incivility is common in organizations?

People in general are becoming less civil. Some organizations have few standards as to how people are supposed to treat each other. Some people provoke incivility by irritating others.

Instability in job performance over time. What are the trends between measuring after a short amount of time and a long amount of time? What is the maintenance stage and transition stage? Who created these terms?

Performance levels were strong when time intervals were short. However, the correlation between between performance at one point in time and 23 weeks later were considerably weaker. Although performance is not stable over time, it does not fluctuate randomly. Murphy characterized this as a maintenance and transition stages. Maintenance stage-- job on automatic pilot. Eg. driving. Little brain power required. Transition stage--- job becomes novel and incumbent and can't rely on automatic routines while working on them. eg new technology. Because transition periods require adjustments, they lead to some level of disruption and instability.

What individual differences seem to be the most universally successful predictors of performance? Why? Describe how they are linked to performance.

Personality—Conscientiousness. These people are dependable, goal oriented, playful, achievement-oriented. The variable that links conscientiousness to job performance is job knowledge. Goal setting mediated the relationship between conscientiousness and job performance. Consciousness was related to performance rating of employees striving to accomplish more. 1. Consciousness, 2. Relevant Job experiences, and 3. Intelligence/cognitive ability to learn

Agreeableness and extraversion are predictive of what?

Predictive of job performance for jobs requiring employees to interact with other people on a more frequent basis.

Coldwell Banker hired Daniella to be a Social Media Strategist. Daniella helps her coworker in the mailroom put brochures in the envelopes for their TLC program. Daniella accidentally ruined some of the envelopes, but they both were able to complete it on time. Daniella's coworker is more...?


Coldwell Banker hired a Daniella as a Social Media Strategist and Email Coordinator. Daniella's boss invested in her even though she didn't have a lot of experience for the job. They are trying to get her up to speed with what she needs to do. What is this an example of?

Proximal goals

According to Dr. Kass, in subjective evaluations, which error is worse? Random errors or consistent errors?

Random errors are worse because they are hard to correct. If you randomly rated employee too high or low, it is hard to correct this error. Rating everyone too high or low consistently can be corrected.

Why is performance rating error problematic?

Rating errors are problematic because they weaken the relationship between job performance and other errors

Two most common methods of performance assessment in organizations is...

Ratings of employees performance on specific tasks and ratings of overall performance.

Define adaptive performance

Refers to aspect of job performance address how well employees deal with changes in the work environment, procedures used to accomplish tasks, team composition, and organizational direction.

What are Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCBs)? What is the difference between OCB's and Extra role behaviors in Murphy and Campell's models?

Refers to behaviors that are not part of employers' formal job descriptions or behaviors in which employees are not formally rewarded. The distinction between extra role and performance and OCB is blurred. The key distinction is that OCBs are not evaluated as part of the formal appraisal system used to assess employees.

Typical vs. Maximum Performance

Researchers have examined the typical performance by using ratings or other assessments, but assessing maximum performance by examining employees during a particular time period at work or at an assessment center where their performance is being observed by others.

Define extraversion

Sales—Need someone that is willing to approach others

What is core self evaluation?

Self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self efficacy, and neuroticism. These make up the basic conclusions or bottom line evaluations that represent one's appraisal of people, events, or things in relation to oneself. Related to job performance even when controlling for consciousness. Personality as a predictor of job performance (determinant of job performance).

Daniella had a meeting with two of her bosses. They laughed and told her that her job sucks and that it was her cross to bear while she worked in the company. Instead of complaining and getting upset, Daniella smiles and laughs to avoid potential awkwardness. What is this an example of?


Example of supervision/leadership in Campell's performance model.

Supervisors help set goals, teach employees effective work methods, and more generally attempt to model good work habits.

Job- specific- task proficiency in Campell's model coincides with which point in Murphy's model?

Task Oriented Behaviors

1. Which of the following is not a type of organizational citizenship behavior? . Sportsmanship a. Conscientiousness b. Civic virtue c. These are all types of OCB's

These are all types of OCB's

Daniella's boss begins to evaluate her production teams job performance. Daniella's boss gets mad because the production team frequently makes mistakes and is frequently late at printing important items. However, the reason the production team struggles to print stuff correctly and on time is because the printer always breaks down. She gives all of them low performance reviews. The results are an example of which of the following?

True variability--situational constraints that ultimately reduces the variability in performance (Ex: mechanics cannot perform well without proper equipment).

Represents a value of a given performance. An organization may nor place a high level of effectiveness achieved by employee. For example, faculty research productivity and grant writing are typically given higher priority than teach performance. This is called?


Why do we care about OCBs?

We care about OCBs because they enhance organizational performance. For example, profits/ customer satisfaction.

Why do we care about these distinctions between job performance, effectiveness, productivity, efficiency, and utility?

We care about these distinctions because... if you are interested in measuring and eventually predicting performance, you need to be able to determine that what you are measuring is valid (that is.. what you are wanting to assess is actually what you're wanting to assess and not something similar). Incorrect measurements lead to incorrect conclusions. The difference between job performance and effectiveness, productivity, efficiency, and utility is job performance measures the employee doing the job. The other 4 are outcomes of that measure.

Why are effective measurements of job performance critical?

We hope to understand the predictors of employees who excel vs. falter at work.

Define Impression management. How does this relate to OCB behavior? Why Is this important?

When OCB is performed with the expectation of future rewards, it becomes a form of impression management. Impression management is behavior, tactics people use to influence others' views on them. If OCB is performed with the expectation of rewards or for impression management purposes, organizations should directly or indirectly link rewards to the performance of OCBs. If it is related to fairness, organizations can take steps to treat employees fairly or try to increase job satisfaction.

1. Individual differences in typical performance should reflect differences in what?

a. Ability b. Motivation

1. Which of the personality types are associated with kindness, unselfishness, generosity and fairness?

a. Agreeableness

1. What did Barrick, Mount, and Straus (1993) find as mediating variables between conscientiousness and job proficiency?

a. Autonomous goal setting and goal commitment

1. When it comes to personality and job performance, which personality trait (of the Big Five) is considered the most successful predictor across jobs?

a. Conscientiousness

1. Which two personality types had the largest correlation for a measure of motivation defined as "status striving"?

a. Extraversion and conscientiousness

1. What outcomes did Koc et al. (2021) find in workplace environments that were fiercely competitive?

a. Organizational identity is weakened, leading to changes in behavior.

1. Deadrick & Gardner (2008) specified three defining characteristics for maximum performance. Which of the following are NOT one of these characteristics? a. Individuals are aware of being evaluated. b. Performance is directly reinforced with incentives after a short duration of time to ensure attention remains focused on the accepted goal. c. Individuals are aware of and have accepted instructions to maximize their effort. d. Performance is measured after a short duration of time to ensure that attention remains focused on the accepted goal.

a. Performance is directly reinforced with incentives after a short duration of time to ensure attention remains focused on the accepted goal.

1. According to this study, organizational culture represents which of the following:

a. Shared perceptions, values, norms, and assumptions within the organization.

1. What did the "twisted pear" model (Fisher, 1959) address?

a. The impact of ability differences on performance variation.

Toby felt that he was treated unfairly at work because he did not get the raise he was promised. Instead of voicing his concerns, he decides to resign. His approach to dealing with workplace injustice can be described as

active and destructive

According to Spector (1997b), locus of control may moderate the relation between

frustration and theft

1. What can an organization do to reduce absenteeism?

implement fair absence control policies and help employees overcome barriers to attendance by providing sick child care

Proximal and Distal Goal for Hiring New Employees?

proximal goal is to get them up speed. Distal goal—get them to be an effective employee

Excluding others from social events, being overly critical of others, and spreading negative rumors about others are all examples of

social undermining

How Do You Minimize Liability? Name 2 ways.

socialization--- making it comfortable for employees to ask questions. Careful recruiting process—I Side—be more selective in who we let in

Which of the following is NOT a person-based cause of counterproductive work behavior?

stressful work conditions

Which of the following helps predict workplace violence?

the physical environment personality characteristics the organizational environment

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