Chapter 5 Nutrition continued

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Which of the following is descriptive of fatty acid configuration a. a cis-fatty acid has an extended, linear formation b. a trans-fatty acid has a folded, U-shape formation c. trans-fatty acids are made only from polyunsaturated fats d. naturally occurring trans-fatty acids are found in diary products


Which of the following sources would yield the softest lipids at room temperature a. Lard b. Beef c. Pork d. Safflower


Which of the following would be least effective at preventing oxidation of the polyunsaturated fatty acids in processed foods a. refrigeration b. addition of BHT c. partial hydrogenation d. addition of phosphorous


Your aunt Gladys has a family history of heart disease. She decides to begin eating a bowl of oatmeal every morning to help lower blood cholesterol. After about a month following this routine her cholesterol declined. What most likely explains this a. Oatmeal is a low-fat food and inhibits the body's synthesis of cholesterol b. Oatmeal is high in complex fibers that inhibit cholesterol- synthesizing enzymes c. Oatmeal consumed on a regular basis suppresses the craving for high cholesterol foods. d. Oatmeal is high in soluble fibers that trap bile, causing the body to use ore cholesterol for bile replacement


Bile is known to assist in the absorption of a. fat only b. all nutrients c. carbohydrate and fat only d. carbohydrates, fat and protein only


Oil that is partially hydrogenated sometimes changes one or more of its double bond configurations from a. cis to trans b. solid to liquid c. covalent to ionic d. saturated to unsaturated


The optimal omega 6: omega 3 fat ratio a. has not been established by research b. falls within the range of 4:1 to 10:1 c. has been proven to improve heart health d. has not been studied in humans


The results of blood tests that reveal a person's total cholesterol and triglycerides are called a a. lipid profile b. circulating fat count c. personal lipid count d. degenerative disease assesment


Which of the following CANNOT be found in plants a cholesterol b. triglycerides c. essential fatty acids d. nonessential fatty acids


Which of the following is a feature of cholesterol a. synthesized by the body b. No relation to heart disease c. recommended intake is zero d. no function in the human body


Which of the following is a feature of essential fatty acid deficiency a. it is very rare b. is is seen chiefly in Native Americans c. The most common symptoms include insulin Resistance and pancreatitis d. Most diets in the U.S and Canada are deficient in one or both essential fatty acids.


Which of the following is a feature of fat intake and health a. Intake of saturated raises blood cholesterol more than intake of cholesterol b. high intakes of fish oil lower bleeding time and improve diabetes and wound healing c. High intakes of short and medium chain fatty acids raise high density lipoprotein levels. d. Trans-fatty acids contained in poly saturated fats but not in mono saturated fats alter blood cholesterol levels.


Which of the following is known as a tropical oil a. Coconut Oil b. Flaxseed Oik c. Safflower Oil d. Conjugated Linoleic Acid


Which of the following organs is NOT known to secrete a lipase a. Liver b. Stomach c. Pancreas d. Salivary Glands


Among the following, which would be the least effective method to control blood cholesterol levels a. control body weight b. eat more insoluble fiber c. consume less saturated fat d. engage in physical activity


Like ______, lipids are made of _________ atoms. a. vitamins; C, N, and O b. carbohydrates; C, H, and O c. protein; C, H, N, and O d. water; C, H, and O


Lipids differ in their degree of saturation or unsaturation due to their number of a.amino acids b. double bonds c. saccharide units d. peptide linkages


What is the highest blood triglyceride concentration that falls within the desirable range a. 99 b. 149 c. 199 d. 299


What type of fatty acid is found in high amounts of olive oil ? a. saturated b. monosaturated c. polysaturated d. partially hydrogenated


Which of the following contains the least cholesterol per serving a. steamed fish b. steamed corn c. broiled chicken d. very lean grilled steak


Which of the following is an example of enterhepatic circulation a. chlyomicron conversion to LDL's and HDL's b Recycling of bile from the intestine to the liver c. Hormonal control of pancreatic digestive secretion d. Liver secretion of eicosanoids that promote absorption of eicosanoid precursors


Which of the following sources of lipids should be substituted for saturated fats to help lower blood cholesterol levels a. butter b. canola oil c. coconut oil d. stick margarine


Your roommate Bob has just cam back from the doctor, where he was subjected to a blood lipid profile analysis. The doctor recommended he make dietary changes because the cholesterol results put him at increased risk for cardiovasular disease. What is consistent with his results a. Low LDL's and high HDL's b. Low HDL's and high LDL's c. Low DLD and high DHD d. Low LDH and HDL


aspirin works to reduce the symptoms of infection or pain by retarding the synthesis of a. archidonic acid b. certain eicosanoids c. certain saturated fatty acids d. certain unsaturated fatty acids


A person wishing to increase consumption of polyunsaturated fats should choose a. coconut oil b. beef products c. vegetable oils d. diary products


A triglyceride always contains 3 a. carbons b. glycerols c. fatty acids d. double bonds


An important function of fat in the body is to a. build muscle tissue b. regulate blood glucose levels c. protect vital organs against shock d. provide precursors for glucose synthesis


Important factors in the selection of a margarine product include all of the following EXCEPT a. it should be trans fat free b. it should be soft instead of hard c. it should contain primarily omega 3 fatty acids d. it should list liquid vegetable oil as the first ingredient


The easiest way to increase intake of oleic acid is to consume more a. lard oil b. corn oil c. olive oil d. safflower oil


What is conjugated linoleic acid a. a type of cis- fatty acid b. a partially hydrogenated omega-6 lipid c. a fatty acid with the chemical make-up of linoleic acid but with a different configuration d. a fatty acid resulting from the partial hydrolysis of dietary phospholipids in the intestinal tract


What is the approximate average daily trans fatty acid intake in the United Staes a. 500 mg b. 2g c. 6g d. 12g


What is the approximate kcal content of one pound of body fat a. 1800 b. 2500 c. 3500 d. 4100


What is the highest total blood cholesterol concentration that falls within the desirable range a. 50 b. 101 c. 199 c. 299


What is the immediate precursor for the eicosanoids a. glucose b. hormones c fatty acids d. cholesterol


What is the storage site of Bile' a. Liver c. Pancreas c. Gallbladder d. Intestinal epithelial cells


Which of the following describes a fatty aid that has one double bond a. saturated b. Hydrogenated c. Monosaturated d. Polysaturated


Which of the following is a characteristic of a egg nutrition a. eggs are high in both cholesterol and saturated fat b. High omega-3 fat eggs are now available by prescription only c. Although it is high in cholesterol, the egg is low in saturated fat d. Even in people with a healthy lipid profile consumption of one egg/day is detrimental


which of the following is NOT a feature of Lecithin a. widespread in foods b. found in cell membranes c. contains a sulfate group d. manufactured by the body.


After a fat containing meal is absorbed, about how many hours does it take the body to remove the chlyomicrons from the blood a, 2 b. 5 c. 10 d. 14


Each of the following is known to be linked to excessive intake of fats EXCEPT a. cancer b. obesity c. heart disease d. lactose intolerance


What are the substances resistin and andiponectin a. Gylcolipids that regulate synthesis of lipoproteins b. Intestinal cell hormones that regulate secretion of bile c. intestinal cell hormones that trigger secretion of pancreatic juice d. proteins secreted from fat cells that help regulate energy balance.


Which of the following describes a feature of cis-fatty acids and trans-fatty acids a. In nature, most double bond are trans b. Hydrogenation converts trans-Fatty acids to cis-fatty acids c. The conversion of cis-fatty acids to trans-fatty acids is inhibited by the precense of antioxidants d. In the body trans-fatty acids are metabolized more like saturated fats than like unsaturated fats


Which of the following is NOT a method used by food processors to stabilize the lipids in food products a. refrigeration b. hydrogenation c. tightly sealed packaging d. addition of oxidizing chemicals.


A major cause of rancidity of lipids in foods is exposure to

heat and oxygen

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