Chapter 5

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Which of the following describes an example of creative destruction?

A farmer cleans a forest in order to plant grain

Which of the following crops is grown in the greatest quantity worldwide?

Cereal grains

The map below shows where corn is grown for grain. Which conclusion can be made based on that?

Corn is tied to the industry of livestock fattening

A farmer plants corn in a field one year, cotton in the same field the following year, and then corn again. This farmer is practicing...

Crop rotation

Dogs, pigs, and chickens were first domesticated in

Southeast Asia

In which of the following areas was rice probably domesticated earliest?

Southeast Asia

Which of the following is not a major hearth of agriculture development and animal domestication?

Southern Europe

Two independent see agriculture hearths that originated in the western hemisphere were

Southern Mexico and Peru

Which of the following seed crops were first domesticated in Mexico?

Squash and beans

The Green Revolution has had the least impact on people who live in...

Sub-Saharan Africa

The majority of the world's population that works in agriculture is involved in which type?

Subsistence farming by peasants

Which of the following refers to the decision to abandon the use of product that harms the environment and switch to a product that is more environmentally friendly?

Substitution Principle

In South America, most ethanol is produced using...


Which of the following is characterized by the use of migrant workers who do not live on the farm for labor?

Suitcase farms

When flying across the central United States, the view consists of patches of land about one square mile in size. This is evidence if which land-use pattern?

Township and range system

The Tuareg people of Mali migrate with their animals to higher lands in the summer. This is...


To reduce the risk of depleting the soil nutrients, a farmer decides to plant legumes in a field that previously grew corn. This practice is called...

crop rotation

All of the following are true of crop rotation systems EXCEPT...

crop rotation nearly always increases the need for artificial fertilizers

The agricultural location model suggests that...

dairying should lie closest to the market center to maximize profits

Plants and animals that have been genetically adapted to suit human needs are considered...


All of the following are true of the beginning of agriculture EXCEPT...

evidence for domestication of fruit trees does not appear until thousands of years after the beginning of agriculture

All of the following are true according to the Von Thunan model of agricultural land EXCEPT...

forests for fuel and timber production could be located in any of the four rings

Increasing global food production by expanding the amount of land under cultivation is limited by the fact that...

most of the world's arable land is already under cultivation

Limiting the amount of timber cut from the forest to prevent forest depletion, thus ensuring its production for further use, is an example of...

sustainable yield

All of the following were features of the British Agricultural Revolution between the 17th and 19th centuries EXCEPT...

the drawing away of workers from factories growing up during the same period in the Industrial Revolution

Transhumance can best described as...

the seasonal movement of people and livestock over short distances for the purpose of grazing

The theory that people will do what is in their own best interest even when it is not in the best interest of the common good is called...

tragedy of the common

Which of the following was a short-term result of the collectivization of agricultural production in Communist countries?

Food shortages

Which was probably the first form of agriculture in human history?

Hunter gatherer

Which of the following is a benefit of industrial agriculture?

It gives consumers more access to food

Which of the following is not true about market gardening?

It relies on monoculture production

Which of the following is an example of voluntary collective farming?

Kibbutzim in Israel between 1909 and the present

The clearing of land through manual labor using simple tools is called...

Labor-intensive farming

Which of the following is true regarding the growing reason?

Lands near the equator have longer growing seasons than at the pole

Which of the following is a practice of an extractive industry?

Mining for copper

Farming on long lots is most likely to occur along which of the following?

Mississippi River

All of the following states are located in the Corn Belt EXCEPT...


Farming in the United States has experienced what pattern?

Movement towards industrialization

In the Mediterranean area, the most important cash crop are...

Olives and grapes

Which of the following agricultural practices most closely followed hunting and gathering?


Which form of commercial agriculture is found primarily in developing countries

Plantation agriculture

Which of the following describes how winter wheat is planted and harvested?

Planted in the fall, harvested in the Spring

Which of the following is not a cause of desertification?

Policies favoring nomadic herding over sedentary farming

Which of the following does NOT characterize modern industrial agriculture?

Prices met by individual needs of farmers

Which of the following is an example of agribusiness?

Processing crops into canned food

What is the primary difference between livestock ranching and livestock fattening?

Ranching requires more space

Which of the following machines is used to cut grain that is standing in the fields?


Which of the following may NOT be categorized as a primary activity?

Refining petroleum into gasoline

Which of the following crops is grown on the sides of terraced hills to allow flowing water to run over the plants?


According to Von Thunan, which of the following activities would take place in the outermost ring around a market center?

Animal grazing

The Second agricultural Revolution occurred at roughly the same time as the...

Industrial Revolution

Which of the following is an argument made by Carl Sauer?

Natural landscapes have been indirectly altered by human activities

In which of the following countries is the largest percentage of workers employed in the primary sector?


Which area of the world was the first to domesticate cattle, sheep and goats?

Northeastern Africa

Which of the following is not an example of Mediterranean agriculture?

Oranges in Florida

All of the following crops are products of the Mediterranean Agriculture EXCEPT...


The farming of oysters is an example of...


Both shifting agriculturalists and commercial farmers practice crop rotation, but commercial farmers...

are less likely to allow fields to remain fallow

The enclosure movement changed farming in England during the 18th century by...

consolidating the many small farms into fewer large farms

All of the following are true of the Green Revolution EXCEPT...

crops are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers

The program for developing countries that reduces their foreign debt and promotes local conservation funding is known as...

debt-for-nature swap

Early hunter and gatherer societies differed from early agricultural societies in that hunter and gatherer societies were...

less likely to be characterized by gender inequality

People who engage in subsistence agriculture...

may engage in intensive cultivation in areas of high population density

Herders who move constantly in order to find food sources as old sources are depleted engage in...

pastoral nomadism

Intertillage is the process of...

planting between the rows of crops

The land survey system that makes use of natural features to mark irregular parcels of land is called...

the metes and bounds approach

The "world's breadbasket" is located in...

the prairies of North America

A society that relies on the cultivation of the land is known as...


Which of the following is an example of the implementation of the sustainable land use model?

A logger who cuts down trees for lumber plants more trees

Which alternative energy source involves converting decaying plant matter into energy used to generate electricity or power engines?


Which of the following crops were domesticated in northern Africa approximately 1,200 years ago?


The process of switching from subsistence farming to one crop sold for profit is called...

Commercial agriculture

The overgrazing of pasture areas in arid climates has caused which problem?


Which are of the world would most likely lead the others in the production of wheat?

Eastern Europe

Cash-cropping is a form of...

Extensive agriculture

Market-gardening activities occur in which zone of Von Thunan's model of agricultural land use?

First zone

Mineral fuels are also known as...

Fossil fuels

Which of the following was developed during the Third Agricultural Revolution?

Genetic engineering

The Third Agricultural Revolution is also known as the...

Green Revolution

Freelots are an example of what kind of farming?

Intensive cultivation

Why is double cropping important?

It allows farmers to meet the increasing demand for food

On the map above, the shaded area is associated with which of the following types of agriculture?

Livestock ranching

Which survey pattern can be found in Louisiana and the Mississippi River Delta region?

Long lots

In what zone of Von Thunan's model would fruit production fit the best?

Market gardening

Which of the following phrases would best fit in to the second agricultural revolution?

Mechanization on farms

Which of the following methods of farming has become more popular in response to the widespread use of pesticides in farming?

Organic farming

Which of the following is true of the environmental impact of organic farming?

Organic farming has a positive environmental impact because organic farming helps sustain diverse ecosystems due to the lack of synthetic pesticides

All of the following are forms of commercial agriculture EXCEPT

Pastoral nomadism

Which statement accurately describes agriculture trends in the United States?

Revenue is being concentrated in a few commercial farms

All of the following crops might be grown on a truck farm EXCEPT...


Which crop started the third agricultural revolution?


Labor-intensive intertillage is most likely to take place in areas were farmers practice...

Shifting cultivation

Which of the following types of agriculture is used most widely throughout the world?

Shifting cultivation

Which of the following are both forms of extensive subsistence farming?

Shifting cultivation and pastoral nomadism

Which of the following is not a form of commercial farming?

Slash and Burn

A farmer who produces only enough food for the immediate family is practicing...

Subsistence farming

Slash-and-burn is an example of what type of agriculture practice?

Subsistence farming

The emergence of which of the following allowed people to settle in one location permanently rather than migrating seasonally?

Subsistence farming

Von Thunan's model revolves around which of the following fundamental principles?

That all farmers need to sell their crops

In which of the following areas has desertification had the strongest negative impact on food production?

The African Sahel

Why are the three largest dairy regions in the USA in the northeast, Mid-west, and California?

There are large urban centers in each zone

Most of the U.S. Midwest was divided using which system?

Township and range

Which of the following accurately describes the evolution of food production from the earliest development to the latest?

Vegetative agriculture, seed agriculture, the Columbian exchange

The map above shows the origin and diffusion of...

Vegetative planting

What is the process of splitting plants into two and replanting both parts to propagate crops?

Vegetative planting

All of the following are plantation crops EXCEPT...


Which of the following is not an example of a staple food in Central America?


Which of the following was NOT a commodity first raised in the Americas and traded to the Eastern Hemisphere during the Columbian exchange?


Which of the following is not an example of a luxury crop?


A suitcase farm is defined as...

a commercial farm where no one lives and that is farmed by migratory workers

A direct result of the U.S. farm crisis is...

a decrease in the number of small farms

A type of animal feeding operation (AFQ) that prepares an animal for slaughter by increasing the weight of the animal is called...

a feedlot

Refrigerated ships and railroad cars most directly benefited the long-distance transportation to global markets of...


A crop grown for profit is called a...

cash crop

Locations farther from large bodies of water...

have the most extreme climates

A potential reserve is an energy source that...

is suspected to exist but has not been discovered

The Middle East is known as the Fertile Crescent because...

it was one of the first area of sedentary farming and urban society

One difference between subsistence and commercial agriculture in with the commercial agriculture...

more extensive use is made of fertilizers

In the preservationist land use model, people are encouraged to...

not alter the natural environment

A developer clears several acres of forest to make room for a shopping center. All traces of the original landscape have been eliminated. This is an example of...


Which of the following best characterizes the Green Revolution?

The Green Revolution was able to increase crop yields and food production in many locations throughout the world, nut its impact on the environment, geopolitics, and the world economy has yet to be fully understood

In what area of the United States are land parcels most likely to be rectilinear?

The Midwest

In which of the following areas is livestock most likely to be sold in the domestic market?

The United States

Which of the following is true about agriculture in China?

The government dictates the types and quantities of crops grown

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