Chapter 5: The Integumentary System Study Questions

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A hemangioma is a congenital anomaly that results in skin discoloration due to____________that proliferate and form a benign tumor. A. blood vessels B. cartilage cells C. epidermal cells D. connective tissue


After the catagen phase, hair follicles enter the phase. A. telogen B. anagen C. hormonal D. luteal


All people, of all skin tones, have about the same number of melanocytes. A. True B. False


Excessive hair growth is called___________ A. hirsutism B. alopecia


Healing of second degree burns takes approximately_____________weeks, and slight scarring may occur. A. 2-4 B. 11-14 C. 5-7 D. 8-10


In the catagen phase, the follicle undergoes_______________and shrinks toward the scalp surface. A. involution B. evolution C. exocytosis D. evagination


In the nalls, the lunula appears whitish because a thickened underlying stratum basale obscures the underlying___________ A. blood vessels B. collagen fibers C. elastic fibers D. nerves


In the third step of wound healing, the cut blood vessels______________and grow in the wound. A. regenerate B. bleed C. release D. clot


Melanosomes are transferred to keratinocytes in the stratum basale via the process of or exocytosis. A. phagocytosis B. endocytosis C. osmosis D. pinocytosis


On scalp, about ____________% of follicles are in the anagen phase. A. 80-95 B. 70-80 C. 50-60 D. 60-70


Since there are no blood vessels in the epidermis, where does its supply of nutrients come from? A. Blood vessels in dermis B. Blood vessels in adipose tissue C. Blood vessels in subcutaneous tissue D. Blood vessels in fascia


Skin grafting is normally necessary for_______________ A. third-degree burns B. second-degree burns C. first-degree burns


Tactile cells are sensitive to___________ A. touch B. pigments C. smell D. light


The catagen phase is a very short phase and lasts for about___________weeks A. 3-4 B. 5-8 C, 9-12 D. 1-2


At puberty, terminal hair replaces____________hair in the armpits and pubic regions of the body A. lanugo B. vellus C. papillary D. melanin


Calcitriol increases the absorption of______________from the small intestine into the blood. A. sodium and iron B. calcium and phosphate C. sodium and phosphate D. magnesium and iron


Epidermal accessory organs are located in the______________and may project through the_____________to the surface of skin. A. hypodermis, epidermis B. dermis, epidermis C. underlying muscle, dermis


First-degree burns involve only the_______________and are characterized by________________pain, and slight edema (swelling). A. dermis, bruising B. epidermis, redness C. hypodermis, bleeding


The reticular layer of the dermis is___________ A. superficial to the papillary layer B. deep to the papillary layer


The skin is made up of two distinct layers, the _____________and the ____________ A. papillary, reticular B. epidermis, dermis C. dermis, hypodermis


The stratum granulosum is just superficial to the________________ A. stratum corneum B. stratum spinosum C. stratum basale D. stratum lucidum


Anagen is the longest part of the growth cycle and lasts from about___________months to as much as____________years, depending on the genetics of the person. A. 2/2 B. 3/5 C. 18/7 D. 7/9


Differences in hair density are due primarily to differences in its____________and_____________ A. length, distribution B. dryness, distribution C. texture, pigmentation


In anatomy, a single hair is also called a(n)__________ A. strand B. pelt C. pilus D. arrector pilus


The epidermis of thin skin ranges in thickness from__________millimeters to___________millimeters thick A. 0.5, 1.0 B. 2, 4 C. 0.075, 0.150 D. 6, 10


The secretion from merocrine sweat glands are carried to the surface of the epidermis via__________The secretions of apocrine sweat glands are carried into____________ A. exocytosis/lysosomes B. endocytosis/sweat pores C. sweat ducts/hair follicles D. the blood/intersititial fluid


The secretions of sebaceous glands, called___________is usually deposited into a__________ A. sweat, hair follicle B. cerumen, axilla C. sebum, hair follicle D. hormone, hair follicle


The two types of sweat glands in the skin are___________sweat glands and_______________sweat glands. A. eccrine, sebaceous B. holocrine, ceruminous C. merocrine, apocrine D. apocrine, mammary


Carotene exhibits a__________color. A. red or black B. white or tan c. blue or green D. yellow or orange


Friction ridges on the tips of fingers are known as__________ A. sensory receptors B. dermal papillae C. conical pegs D. fingerprints


Hair loss that is normally the result of aging is called_________ A. patterned B. Telogen C. hirsutism D. alopecia


How many layers of keratinocytes comprise the stratum granulosum? A. 1 B. 10-14 C. 8-10 D. 3-5


In first degree burns, the healing time averages about days, and typically no scarring results. A. 7-10 B. 12-14 C. 4-6 D. 3-5


In the second step of wound healing, a forms. A. cystosis B. fibrosis C. scar D. blood clot


In what two ways are damaged skin tissues normally repaired? A. Fibromyalgia, Fibrosis B. Necrosis, Řegeneration C. Fibromyalgia, Regeneration D. Fibrosis, Regneration E. Necrosis, Fibrosis


Keratinocytes of the epidermis are usually present for about weeks. A. 10 B. 1 C. 8 D. 4


Melanin is transferred in membrane-bound vesicles from____________to keratinocytes in the stratum basale. A. Merkel cells B. keratinocytes C. dendritic cells D. melanocytes


Merocrine sweat glands are classified as____________glands that release their secretion onto the surface of the skin. A. compound, tubuloacinar B. simple, branched, tubular C. compound, acinar D. simple, coiled, tubular


The apocrine sweat glands become active and produce secretory product after___________ A childhood B. prenatal C. adulthood D infancy E. puberty


The layer of the skin from which most new epidermal cells are derived from is the_____________ A. stratum granulosum B. stratum lucidum C. stratum corneum D. stratum spinosum E. stratum basale


Metabolic regulation is a function of the integument. (T/F)


Another name for the skin is the___________membrane. A. cutaneous B. mucous C. visceral D. parietal E. serous


Body temperature is influenced by two structures located in the dermis,_______________and______________ A. blood vessels, sweat glands B. apocrine glands, sebaceous glands C. hair follicles, adipose tissue


During our lives, we produce three kinds of hair, which are_______________and terminal hair. A. lanugo, vellus B. carotene, melanin C. sweat, oil D. eccrine, apocrine


Sebaceous glands are classified as____________glands that discharge an olly, waxy secretion called____________ A. holocrine, sebum B. merocrine, sweat C. apocrine, sweat D. merocrine, cerumen E. merocrine, hormone


The cells of the epidermis that produce keratin are called______________ A. keratinocytes B. melanocytes C. fibroblasts D. dendritic cells


The scalp normally loses between hairs per day. A. 10-100 B. 200+ C. 160-200 D. 110-150


The secretion produced by apocrine sweat glands is viscous, cloudy, and composed of. that are acted upon by bacteria, producing a distinct, noticeable odor. A. proteins and lipids B. phospholipids and cholesterol C. carbohydrates and lipids D. glycoproteins and phospholipids


The skin is said to be___________because some materials are able to pass through it. A. selectively permeable B. metabolic C. secretory D. a thermal regulator


The subcutaneous layer is also known as the_____________or superficial fascia. A. hypodermis B. papillary layer C. reticular layer D. epidermis


The two types of connective tissue in the dermis are A. areolar and dense irregular B. reticular and elastic C. smooth and skeletal D. adipose and dense regular


The vascular connective tissue that initially forms in a healing wound is called A. granulation tissue B. epidermal tissue C. osseous tissue D. reticular tissue


The____________layer of the dermis contains areolar connective tissue and dermal papillae. A. papillary B. subcutaneous C. epidermis D. reticular


There are three main variations in the epidermis. These variations are____________, _______________, and skin markings. A. thickness, coloration B. fiber types, pigmentation C. cell types, fiber types


True or false: Regeneration in the skin replaces damaged or dead cells with the same cell type and restores organ function A. True B. False


Which best describes the differences between sensible and insensible perspirations produced by sweat glands in the skin? A. Insensible is in the form of water vapor and cannot be seen while sensible contains water and salts and can be seen. B. Insensible can be visible while sensible cannot. C. All sweat contains water and salts and is detectable by sight, feel, and smell. D. One is an oily secretion while the other is in the form of water vapor.


Which describes the tissue type of the epidermis? A. Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium B. Keratinized simple cuboidal epithelium C. Nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium D. Keratinized stratified cuboidal epithelium


Which layer is the most superficial in the epidermis? A. Stratum corneum B. Stratum lucidum C. Stratum spinosum D. Stratum basale


Which type of hair is associated with the fetus? A. Lanugo B. Terminal hair C. Vellus hair


___________skin contains the following accessories: nails, hair follicles, sweat glands, and sebaceous glands. A. Thin B. Thick


Gray hair results from the gradual reduction of_____________production. A. carotene B. melanin C. hemoglobin D. keratin


Hemoglobin exhibits a________color. A. yellow B. red C. tan D. brown


In children, ______________Is the primary human hair and is found on most of the body. A. lanugo B. vellus C. terminal


In the first step of wound healing, blood brings______________proteins, numerous white blood cells, and antibodies to the site. A. elastin B. clotting C. collagen


In the first step of wound healing, cut blood vessels release______________into the wound. A, elastin B. blood C. reticulin D. collagen


Nerve fibers in skin control_________ and _____________ A. melanocyte growth, keratin production B. blood flow, gland secretion rates C. melanocyte growth, gland secretion rates D. blood flow, keratin production


Plgment producing cells of the epidermis are__________ A. fibroblasts B. melanocytes C. dendritic cells D. keratinocytes


The amount of melanin in the skin is determined by A. hemoglobin and heredity B. heredity and ultraviolet light exposure C. carotene D. gamma radiation


The color of hair is the result of__________ A. hemoglobin B. melanin production C. protein production D. carotene production


The major function of merocrine sweat glands is____________ A. insulation B. thermoregulation C. absorption D. vitamin production


The predominant type of protein fiber found in the dermis is__________ A. melanin B. collagen C. elastin D. keratin


The reticular layer contains______________ A. stratified squamous tissue B. dense irregular connective tissue C. dense regular connective tissue D. adipose tissue


The telogen phase is the____________phase and is usually the phase where the hair is____________ A. regression, growing B. resting, shed C. mitotic, developing D. growth, longest


True or false: The epidermis exhibits variations among different body regions within a single individual, as well as differences between individuals. A. True B. False


When the body is too warm, the blood vessels in the dermis Increasing blood flow, which allows the heat from blood to dissipate through the skin. A. constrict B. dilate


_____________hair is the type of hair that grows on the scalp, and is also the hair of eyebrows and pubic region. In men, it also grows on the face. A. Melanin B. Terminal C. Vellus D. Lanugo


In the second step of wound healing, a blood clot temporarily patches the______________of the wound together and acts as a barrier to prevent the entry of________________into the body. A. collagen, macrophages B. hypodermis, macrophages C. edges, pathogens


Mammary glands only become functional in____________ A. adolescent males B. adult males C. pregnant females D. adolescent females


Many cells in the epidermis produce cholecalciferol when exposed to_____________ A. heat B. biliverdin C. UV light D. toxins


Migration of a keratinocyte from the stratum basale to the stratum corneum takes about____________weeks. A. 8 B. 12 C. 2 D. 4


On many parts of the body, the components of the dermis include blood vessels, ____________glands, ____________glands, hair follicles, nail roots, sensory nerve endings, and smooth muscle tissue. A. mammary, cardiac B. ceruminous, skeletal C. sweat, sebaceous


Second-degree burns involve the_____________and part of the_____________ A. dermis, subcutaneous B. tissue subcutaneous tissue, fascia C. epidermis, dermis


Skin is classified as either thick or thin based on two parameters. These are the number of______________in the epidermis and the relative thickness of the epidermis, rather than the thickness of the entire integument. A. cells B. fibers C. layers


Some cells in the epidermis produce cholecalciferol. This substance travels to the kidneys where it is transformed into____________, also known as Vitamin D. A. melanin B. keratin C. calcitriol D. hyaline granules


The active growing phase of the hair growth cycle is called the phase. A. telogen B. catagen C. anagen


The dermal papillae interlock with deep projections of the epidermis called____________ A. collagen fibers B. keratinocytes C. epidermal ridges D. melanosomes


The epidermis of thick skin ranges from 0.4mm to______mm thick. A. 2.4 B. 2 C. 0.6 D. 1


There are two types of melanin, _____________and pheomelanin, together they produce various ratios of yellow, reddish, tan, brown, and black shades. A. hemoglobin B. carotene C. eumelanin


Third-degree burns involve the_____________, dermis, and________________layer, which often are destroyed A. muscle, fascia stratum B. corneum, fascia C. epidermis, subcutaneous


Under normal conditions, some interstitial fluids slowly escape through the epidermis via a process called__________-water loss A. epidermal B. osmosis C. transepidermal D. phagocytic


When compressed, tactile cells release chemicals that stimulate_____________endings in the dermis. A. association nerve B. motor nerve C. sensory nerve


Which of the following is NOT a function of the skin? A. Prevention of water loss B. Sensory reception C. Synthesis of red blood cells D. Temperature regulation


Which pigments contribute to skin color? A. Hemoglobin, Collagen, Carotene B. Calcium, Melatonin, Melanin C. Hemoglobin, Melanin, Carotene D. Calcium, Collagen, Hemoglobin


Sebaceous glands produce (an)___________material that coats hair shafts and the epidermal surface A. watery B. slippery C. slimy D. oily


The integument accounts for about____________% of the body weight. A. 25 B. 3 C. 15 D. 8


The most numerous and widely distributed sweat glands in the body are__________ A. apocrine glands B. mammary glands C. endocrine sweat glands D. merocrine sweat glands E. sebaceous glands


The whitish semilunar area of the proximal end of the nail body is called the A. eclipse B. lunar C. Semilunar D. Lunula


Two major functions of hair are_____________ A. endocrine and merocrine B . goose bumps and limpness C. density and texture D. protection and heat retention


What are the three phases of the hair growth cycle? A. Anagen, alopecia, catagen B. Alopecia, catagen, and telogen C. Anaphase, catagen, and telogen D. Anagen, catagen, and telogen


Which are functions of the subcutaneous layer? A. Thermal insulation, Red blood cell production, Energy reservoir B. Protection, Energy reservoir, Red blood cell production C. Thermal insulation, Red blood cell production, Protection D. Thermal insulation, Energy resevoir, Protection


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