Chapter 6

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A basic phenomenon of learning that occurs when a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency and eventually disappears

A person who never went into the school library can direct someone else to the library because of their mental representation of locations on campus. This is called

A cognitive map

conditioned stimulus

A once neutral stimulus that has been paired with an unconditioned stimulus to bring about a response form really caused only by the unconditioned stimulus

Example illustrating positive punishment

A parking ticket

stimulus generalization

A process in which, after a stimulus has been conditioned to produce a particular response, stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus produce the same response

unconditioned response

A response that is natural and needs no training example salivation at the smell of food

conditioned response

A response that, after conditioning, follows a previously neutral stimulus example salivation at the ringing of a bell

Variable ratio schedule

A schedule by which reinforcement occurs after a bearing number of responses rather than after a fixed number

Variable interval schedule

A schedule by which the time between reinforcements varies around some average rather than being fixed

fixed-ratio schedule

A schedule in which reinforcement is given only after a specific number of responses are made

fixed-interval schedule

A schedule in which reinforcement is provided for a response only after a fixed time period Has elapsed

The frequency and timing of reinforcement that follows desired behavior is referred to as

A schedule of reinforcement

positive reinforcer

A stimulus added to the environment that brings about an increase in a Preceding response


A stimulus that decreases the probability that a previous behavior will occur again

unconditioned stimulus

A stimulus that naturally brings about a particular response without having been learned

neutral stimulus

A stimulus that, before conditioning, does not naturally bring about the response of interest

classical conditioning

A type of learning in which a neutral stimulus comes to bring about a response after it is paired with a stimulus that naturally brings about that response

Positive punishment is which of the following?

Addition of a stimulus to decrease a behavior

Positive punishment is

Addition of stimulus to decrease a behavior

In the _____ Learning style, information is learn best when the fundamentals are understood before the bigger picture is presented.


cognitive learning theory

And approach to the study of learning that focuses on the thought process is that underlie learning

Negative reinforcer

And unpleasant stimulus who is removal leads to an increase in the probability that are preceding response will be repeated in the future


Any stimulus that increases the probability that a proceeding behavior will occur again

I'm considering Pavlov's dog how would you permanently extinguish the association between the bell and food?

By ringing the bell and never providing food

______ Learning theory focuses on the thought process is that underlie learning.


A neutral stimulus in classical conditioning refers to the

CS- Conditioned stimulus

Even severe psychological disorders such as post dramatic stress disorder can be explained by


The form of associative learning where a neutral stimulus becomes associated with the stimulus to which the subject has an automatic inborn response is called


_____ Conditioning involves involuntary behavior.


I ringing a bell whenever he gave food to his lap dogs Pavlow eventually got the dogs to salivate to the sound of the bell. In this context, this elevation elicited by sound of the bell is called the

Conditioned response

You see a purple light and immediately receive a mild electric shock. This happened several times. You eventually cringe at the side of a purple light. When you cringe to the light, before the electric shock hits you, you are displaying a

Conditioned response

And initially neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a response because of its pairing with the stimulus that causes that response is called the

Conditioned stimulus

Classical _____ Can I apply to negative experiences and feelings


If a person is reinforced each time that they put the appropriate I'm out of money and I candy machine, they are on what type of schedule of reinforcement


Behavior that is reinforced every time it happens is called

Continuous reinforcement

In _____ reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented every time. Where is in _____ Reinforcement, the reinforcer is presented some of the time

Continuous, partial

Schedules of reinforcement

Different patterns of frequency and timing of reinforcement following desired behavior

Stimulus ____ occurs when two stimuli are clearly different and one brings on a conditioned response but the other one does not


Which of the following contribute to the relationship between exposure to media violence in real life regression?

Exposure to violent media lowers inhibition and exposure to violent media can lead to desensitization to violence

When I previously conditioned response decreases and eventually disappears, _____ has occurred.


_____ Occurs when a conditioned response decreases and eventually disappears


True or false classical conditioning only works with humans


Behavior modification has proven useful in helping people with severe mental retardation

Feed themselves

A _____ Interval schedule every enforcement is a schedule that provides reinforcement for response only if it fixed time period Has lapsed.


The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which the reinforcement follows a set number of responses is called a

Fixed ratio

The pattern of partial reinforcement in which reinforcement requires a set number of responses is called a ______ schedule

Fixed ratio

When trying to pair conditioned stimuli and unconditioned stimuli, the unconditioned stimulus

Follows the conditioned stimulus

What are primary reinforcers?

Food and sex

What are considered primary reinforcers?

Food and water

People who have a negative experience with someone in a particular ethnic group may behave negatively toward other people in that same ethnic group. This is due to


When a person has a conditioned response to one stimulus, and later also response to another, similar stimuli, this is known as stimulus


Taste aversion and other easily learn behaviors typically help in organism to survive. This suggests that biological constraints

Have positive evolutionary consequences

And example of Habituation

How long are noticing the harm of your refrigerator that one's annoyed you

behavior modification

I technically whose goal is to increase the frequency of desirable behaviors and decrease the incidence of unwanted once

A _____ reinforcement, behavior is Reinforced some but not all of the time


A fixed _____ schedule provides reinforcement for response only if a fixed time period Has relapsed


The idea that consequences of behavior can increase or decrease the likelihood that a behavior will be repeated is referred to as which of the following?

Law of effect

observational learning

Learning by observing the behavior of another person, or model

latent learning

Learning in which a new behavior is acquired but is not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it

operant conditioning

Learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weekend, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences

Observational learning is learning that occurs when we

Model others

Steve teacher was sitting quietly with our hands full there while she waited for the dismissal bell to ring. She was _____ That behavior she wanted Steve and his cost to do


With regard to learning, ____ refers to maturation, while _____ refers to experience.

Nature, nurture

A _____ Punishment is when a teenager can no longer drive because they received a speeding ticket


Having your car keys confiscated because you came home late is an example of _____ ______ Because it will decrease your behavior of staying out late

Negative punishment

Taking Madison to skate pain is an example of_____ Because it strengthens behavior by something being taken away

Negative reinforcement

When removal of a stimulus and response to her behavior increases the frequency of that behavior, _____ is said to have Occurred.

Negative reinforcement

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that is not bring about a response of interest is a ____ stimulus.


The word ______Emphasizes the point that an organism operates on it environment to produce desirable results


______ Conditioning as learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weekend by consequences


Ivan ___ What is the researcher who originally described classical conditioning


Why do Rats do well in a skinner box?

Perform a behavior

A ____ Punishment is thinking a dog they soil or mess the carpet


______ Is the presentation or addition of a stimulus after a behavior occurs that increases how often the behavior will occur

Positive reinforcement

What are two secondary reinforcers?

Praise and money

Positive reinforcement occurs when something that an individual wants ____ In an effort to increase her behavior

Presented to that individual

In operant conditioning, if one wants a high rate of responding, a _____ Schedule should be utilized


Punishment will tend to you

Reduce the frequency of a behavior

A ____ Is any stimulus that increases the probability that are proceeding behavior will occur again


A _____ is any stimulus that increases the probability that a proceeding behavior will occur again.


Why does considering reinforcers as nothing but rewards oversimplify things?

Reinforcers can be positive or negative, rewards are only positive.

Partial or intermittent reinforcement schedule

Reinforcing of a behavior some but not all of the time

Caucasian females and African American males are more apt to use A ______ Style of learning Than Caucasian males


In the _____ Learning style, information is learned best when it is presented as being part of a larger whole.


continuous reinforcement schedule

Scheduling which behavior is reinforced every time the behavior occurs

When Pollys parrot made it sound, she gave her a treat. After a few times, poly only gave the parrot a treat when it made a sound that began with a K sound. Later, she rewarded the parrot when it began a sound with a Kr. Eventually, Pollys parrot said cracker. This is an example of


_____ Is the process of teaching a complex behavior by rewarding closer and closer steps to the desired behavior


Examples that can be explained by classical conditioning

Sing a restaurant sign and getting hungry. Fear of sitting on your porch after being stung by a bee on the porch.

The more similar to stimuli are the more likely that ____ ____ will occur.

Stimulus generalization

Since extinction, stimulus generalization, and stimulus discrimination can occur in both operant and classical conditioning, it is thought

That 0C & CC might share processes

Define classical conditioning

The form of associative learning in which a neutral stimulus is associated with the stimulus to which the subject has an automatic, and inborn response

In a study on Latent learning Using rats and a maze, there were three groups of rats. The group one wandered around without ever receiving a reward. Group to was always rewarded at the end of the maze. Group 3 wandered for the first 10 days at bat was then rewarded for completing the maze on the 11th day. The performance of group 3 demonstrated reductions and running time and declines in error rates, so cognitive therapist concluded that

The group 3 rats had learned the maze early and their explorations, but they did not display their learning until there was incentive to do so


The process by which a stimulus increases the probability that a preceding behavior will be repeated


The process of teaching a complex behavior by rewarding closer and closer approximations of the desired behavior

stimulus discrimination

The process that occurs if to stimuli are sufficiently distinct from one another that one involves a conditioned response but the other does not. The ability to differentiate between stimuli.

spontaneous recovery

The reemergence of an extinguished conditioned response after a period of rest and with no further conditioning

Amanda is general psychology teacher gives quizzes that vary from one every three days to one every three weeks and averaging about one every two weeks. Which type of reinforcement schedule describes this?

This is a variable interval schedule

What distinguishes an interval schedule from other types of schedules?

Time between reinforcements

When a dog salivates upon tasting food, this elevation is called the

Unconditioned response

_____ Interval schedule as designated by how the time between reinforcements very.


At work when the owner visits very from one every three days to one every four weeks this is a

Variable interval schedule

The pattern of intermittent reinforcement in which the number of responses needed for reinforcement changes is called a

Variable ratio schedule

In order for a response to be strengthened or weekend it must be


I like classical conditioning opera conditioning typically involves

Voluntary responses

Example of observational learning

When a child imitated his mothers actions


a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience

Unlike punishment, reinforcement

indicates what to do

Unlike primary reinforcers, secondary reinforcers are


_____ neurons are at least partially responsible for the modeling behavior exhibited in Observational learning


The sudden reappearance of an extinguished response is called spontaneous ______


In operant conditioning, what does it mean to say a response has been strengthened or weakened?

that responses are more or less likely to occur predictably.

Negative punishment is

the removal of a stimulus to decrease the probability of a behavior's recurring

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