Chapter 6: Nonverbal Communication

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Characteristics of Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication occurs in mediated messages

-Video calls, photos, social networking, and texts have nonverbal communication features -emoticons are the most obvious way to represent nonverbal expressions in type. they can clarify the meaning that is not evident from words alone -emoticons are also ambiguous . Ex. A smily face could mean I am really happy, I am only joking, or I just zinged you -Exclamation marks denote a variety of things -Ellipses signal displeasure, thoughtfulness, or bemusement

Functions of nonverbal communication: Influencing Others

- How we look, act, and sound can be more important in meeting our finks than the words we speak. -Nonverbal behavior can capture attention, show or increase liking, generate power, and boost credibility -Nonverbal behaviors get others to satisfy needs and wants Ex. People are more likely to do bidding when we look them directly in the eye; wear high status clothing; use open body postures; touch them; and behave in a friendly upbeat. -That is why jobseekers are coached to offer firm handshakes and smile often and genuinely to help influence employers to hire them.

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Time

-Chronemics-describe the study of how humans use and structure time. -Our use of time can express both intentional and unintentional messages -US, Canada, and Northern Europe value time highly and waiting can be an indicator of status. Important ppl do appointment only -time depends on culture.Ex. Hawii. children with time

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Body Movement

-Kinesics: describe the study of how people communicate through bodily movements. - the face and eyes are probably the most noticeable parts of the body. -Oculesics: the study of how the eyes can communicate -Gazes and glances are usually signals of the looker's interest. -Sometimes, eye contact reflects liking that already exists, and at other rimes it actually creates or increases liking-hence the expression "making eyes" . Therapist who maintain eye contact, combined with a forward lean are perceived as more emphatic and credible. -East Asian cultures they avoid eye contact -Posture: by paying attention to the postures of those around you, as well as to your own, you will find another channel of nonverbal communication that reveals how people feel about themselves Gestures: Gestures are a fundamental element of communication that people who have been blind from the birth use them -Occasionally, an unconscious gesture will consists of an unambiguous emblem, such as a shrug that clearly means" I don't know". -A group of ambiguous gestures consists of what we usually called fidgeting-movements in which on party of the body grooms, massages, rub, holds, pinches, picks, or otherwise manipulates another part. Social scientist call these behaviors manipulators. Social rules may discourage us from performing more manipulators in public, but people still do so without noticing. -The increase used of manipulators is a sign of discomfort -The amount and type of gesturing a person uses can be a measure of power and status.Ex. People who gestures more are rated by observers as being in positions of control and power, whereas those who gesture are judged by observers as being subordinate. Head bowing is generally a submissive gesture and head raising as a dominant gesture. Head lowering occurs more often when speaking with a person of higher status. Student nods down more when talking to professor. -Gestures can produce a wide range of reactions in receivers. Animated moments that are well received in a cooperative social setting may seem like signals of aggression or attempts at domination in a more competitive setting

Characteristics of Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication is ambigious

-Most nonverbal has the potential to be ambiguous compared to verbal language. -EX. How would you interpret silence from your companion during -Real World Examples: supermarket chain tried to emphasize customer friendly approach by instructing employees to smile and make eye contact with customers and some customers mistook the service with a smile approach as sexual come ons. -Being able to consider multiple interpretation of nonverbal behavior illustrates communication competence which is an element of cognitive complexity

Functions of nonverbal communication: Regulating and Interaction

-Nonverbal regulator are cues that help control verbal interaction. -Three nonverbal signals that indicate a speaker has finished talking and is ready to yield to a listener are... 1. changes in vocal intonation-a rising or falling in pitch at the end of a clause 2. a drawl on the last syllable or falling in pitch at the end of a clause 3.a drop in vocal pitch or loudness when speaking a common expression as "you know" -Eye contact is another way of regulating verbal communication - In conversation, the person listening typically looks more at the speaker than the reverse, -When the speaker seeks a response, he signals by looking at the listener, creating a mutual gaze called a "gaze window"

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Voice

-Paralanguage: describe the way a message is spoken. Vocal rate, pronunciation, pitch, tone, volume, and emphasis can give the same word or words meaning. -There are many other ways we communicate paralinguistically -even through pauses -unintentional pause: times when people stop to collect their thoughts before deciding how to continue their verbal message -vocalized pause: range from disfluencies like "um, er, and uh" to filler words such as "like, okay, and ya know" -Vocalized pauses reduce a person perceived credibility -paralistic cues are strong. Children are drawn more to payments who have similar speech styles to them -Sarcasm is one approach in which we use emphasis, tone of voice, and length of utterance to change a statement's meaning to the opposite its verbal message -As with other nonverbal messages people often ignore or misinterpret vocal nuances of sarcasm. -Young children have difficulty making sense of mixed messages. -In addition to reinforcing or contradicting messages, some vocal factors influence the way a speaker is perceived by others. Ex. surgeons whose voices are regarding as dominating and indifferent were more likely to be sued for malpractice -Communicators with more attractive voices were rated more highly

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Distance

-Proxemics: the study of how communication is affected by the use, organization, and perception of space and distance. - Each of us carries around a sort of invisible bubble of personal space whenever we go. -Preferred spaces are largely a matter of cultural norms. Ex. Hong Kong manage to live in crowded residential quarters that most North Americans would find intolerable -Intimate distance: use with people who are emotionally close to us, and then mostly private situations-making love, caressing, comforting, protecting. Most personal space. Sign of trust. Like 18 inches Personal distance: 18 inches at closest and 4 feet farthest. When someone is sexually attracted to you Social distance: 4 to 12 feet furthest out. Students and teachers . Physicans like this distance to convey warmth and concern Public distance : outward 12 feet. When are spatial bubble is invaded, we experience stress and resond with behavior barriers. Ex. putting a book between partner. Decrease eye contact with in elevator and try not to touch people People may cough to get you to move out of your face

Characteristics of Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal Communication is Primarily Relational

-Some nonverbal messages serve practical functions Ex. a police officer directs flow of traffic, a team of surveyors uses hand motions to coordinate their work -Nonverbal communication allows us to demonstrate the kind of relationship we have or want to have with others. Ex. Think about the wide ranges of greeting another person. Wave, shake, hands, bod, smile, clap, give a hug, avoid eye contact -These behavior examples sends a message about the nature of your relationship with the other person. -Nonverbal messages perform other valuable functions: convey emotions that we may be unwilling or unable to express, or the ones we may not even be aware of. -Nonverbal communication is much better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings than it is ideas Ex: You can express that you are tired, you are attracted to someone, I am angry at someone in this room, I am in favor of capital punishment, and I think prayer should be allowed in school using nonverbal communication

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Territoriality

-Territory:the area that severs as an extension of our physical being -Library: although library was uncrowded , student almost always choose corner seats at empty rectangular table

Characteristics of Nonverbal communication: All Behavior has communicative value

-Theorist argue all nonverbal behavior communicates information -Argue that it is impossible to not communicate -Although nonverbal behavior reveals information,reviews of research show we are not always conscious of what we and others communicate non verbally. -just because communicators express themselves nonverbally does not mean that others will notice all of the available unspoken messages

Functions of nonverbal communication: Creating and maintaining relationships

-communication is our primary means for beginning, maintaining, and ending relationship -nonverbal behavior plays an important role during every relational stage -Nonverbal communication at the beginning of a relationship: facial expression, eye contact, posture, tone of voice. We are sizing up others and providing nonverbal cues about out attitude towards them. -nonverbal cues are just as important in established,ongoing relationships in which they both create and signal the emotional climate. Example, nonverbal displays of affection such as sitting close, holding hands, winks and gazes are strongly connected to satisfaction and commitment in nonromantic relationships. -In families, nonverbal cues offer a clear sign of relational satisfaction as well as who controls interaction and decision making . -On the job, supervisors who can offer nonverbal cues of liking can increase subordinates' job motivation, job satisfaction, and affinity for their boss. -

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Touch

-haptics: distinguish the study of touching -Touch also plays a large part in how we respond to others. -touch is useful on the job Ex. larger tips for waitress -In US, touching by women more appropriate than for women

Functions of nonverbal communication: Managing Impressions

-nonverbal cues can be more important than verbal cues can be more important than verbal messages in creating impressions and a positive impressions seems to associated with consistency between our verbal and nonverbal behavior. -There are several ways of managing impressions nonverbally. 1. Manner: refers to the way we act: how we deliberately stand and move, the way we control facial expressions, and the adjustments we make in our voice 2. Appearance: involves the way we dress, the artifacts we wear, hair,makeup, scents, and so on 3. Setting involves the physical items we surround ourselves

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Physical attractiveness

-physical attractiveness affects interaction between people -Mena and women whom others view as attractive are rated as being more sensitive, kind, strong, sociable, and interesting than -Ocassionaly interviewers may turn down less attractive candidates if they perceive them as threats

Functions of nonverbal communication: Concealing and deceiving others

-some deception is a from of saving face of the communicators involved Ex. you might pretend to have a good time at a family celebration or business event, even though you are borded. -When trying to detect or conceal deception-most people monitor and self monitor eye contact,posture, vocal pitch and rates. -Nonverbal cues that reveal dishonest communication: stammers, stutters,hesitations, false starts, false starts, and so on. Vocal pitch rises when ppl tell lies. Liars take longer pauses . Physiological reaction: liars pupils tend to dilate -Micro expressions occur during high stakes lying such as severe punishments or getting caught. -Jumping to conclusions based on limited information is not wise communication, and it may lead to relational difficulties.

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Physical Environment

-we conclude our look at nonverbal communication by examine how physical settings , architecture, and interior design affect communication -environment can shape the kind of interaction that takes place I it -students see professors who occupy well-decorated offices as being more credible than those occupying less attractive work areas.

What are the characteristics of nonverbal communication?

1. All behavior has communicative value 2. Nonverbal communication is primarily relational 3. Nonverbal communication is ambiguous 4. Nonverbal communication occurs in mediated messages. 5. Nonverbal communication is influenced by culture and gender

What are the types of nonverbal communication?

1. Body movement-Face and Eyes, Posture, Gesture 2. Touch 3.Voice 4. Distance: Intimate distance, Personal distance,Social Distance, Public Distance 5. Territoriality 6. Time 7. Physical attractiveness 8. Clothing 9. Physical enviroment

What are the functions of nonverbal communication?

1. Creating and maintaining relationships 2. Regulating interaction 3. Influencing others 4. Concealing/Deceiving 5. Managing Impressions

Types of Nonverbal Communications: Clothing

Clothing conveys: economic level, education level, trustworthiness, social position, level of sophistication, economic background, social background, educational background, level of success, moral characters -the way people dress affects judgements of their credibility -men are rated more on attire and women are rates more on nonverbal behaviors as cues of their social position

Define nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication consist of messages expressed by nonlinguistic means.Often what we do conveys more meaning than what we say, and nonverbal communication shapes perceptions. By tuning facial expressions, postures, gestures, vocal tones, and other behaviors, you can make assumptions about the way communicators feel about one another and get some sense about the nature of their relationship.

Characteristics of Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication is influenced by culture and gender

Cultures differ in their nonverbal languages as well as their verbal ones. -Emblems-a nonverbal behavior that are culturally understood substitutes . Example: nodding head up an down is an accepted way of saying a yes in most cultures and a side to side head shake is a nonverbal way of saying no and a shrug of the shoulders means I do not know. However, a thumbs up in United Staes means good job, it means number 1 in Germany, it means number five in Japan, and it is vulgar to buddhist, Greece,and turkey. -Culture affects how nonverbal cues are monitored. Ex. Japan people tend to look for emotional cues whereas europeans and Americans look to the mouth. -Some nonverbal behaviors are universal. Africans and Americans identified pride as a small smile, head titled ball, expanded posture, and hands on hip. -Smilies and laughter are universal signals of positive emotions, whereas our expressions coney displeasure in most every culture. -Although some nonverbal expressions may be universal, the way they are used varies widely around the world. In some cultures, overt demonstrations of feeling such as happiness or anger are discouraged. In other cultures, person might appear more nonverbally controlled. Ex. Japanese vs. Italian-Compared to men, women: smile more, use more facial expression, use more (but less expansive) head. hand, and arm gestures, touch others more, stand closer to others, are more vocally expressive, make more eye contact -Gender and culture have an influence on nonverbal style, but the differences are often a matter of degree rather than kind.

Recognize the distinguishing characteristics of nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal communication is pervasive, in fact, nonverbal messages are always available as a source of information about others. Most nonverbal behavior suggests messages about relational attitudes and feelings, in contrast to verbal statements, which are better suited to expressing ideas. Messages that are communicated nonverbally are usually more ambiguous than verbal communication. Nonverbal communication is also affected by culture and gender.

Identify and offer examples of the various functions that nonverbal communication can serve

Nonverbal communication serves many functions. It can help in the creating and maintain of relationships. It also serves to regulate interaction and to influence others. In addition, nonverbal communication can be used to conceal or reveal deception. Finally, we use nonverbal cues to manage impressions with others.

Understand and describe how meaning is communicated through particular nonverbal cues.

Nonverbal messages can be communicated in a variety of ways: through body movements (including the face and eyes, gestures, and posture), touch, voice, distance, territory , time, physical appearance, clothing, and environment. Culture plays a significant role in determinining the rules and meanings for each of these factors.

Some differences between Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Verbal Communication -mostly voluntary and conscious -Usually content oriented -Can be clear or vague -Primarily shaped by culture -Discontinuous/intermittent -Single channel(Words only) Nonverbal Communication -Often unconscious -Usually relational -Inherently ambiguous -Rooted in biology -Continuous -Multichannel

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