Chapter 7-8 Practice Test Lifespan Development

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Broad categories that reflect general impressions and beliefs about males and females, such as "boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls," are known as gender

At risk for developing substance abuse problems.

There is increasing concern that children who are given stimulant drugs such as Ritalin or Adderall are?

William Stern

Who created the concept of intelligence quotient?


_____ involves knowing about knowing.

Nine-year-old children are more likely to reject Trey's self-report.

Eight-year-old Trey stands in front of a group of kids and says, "I am smart." Which of the following is the most plausible regarding reactions to this incident?

A passion to master

Ellen Winner described three criteria that characterize gifted children. Which of the following is one of these criteria?

Children's friendships are typically characterized by similarity.

In the context of children's development, which of the following is true of children's friendships?


In the context of domain theory, moral rules are widely accepted, somewhat impersonal, and?

Controversial children

In the context of the five peer statuses distinguished by developmentalists, _____ are frequently nominated both as someone's best friend and as being disliked.


It is common to hear children start using the word fair as a synonym for equal or same starting at around _____ years of age.


Jacob is a third grader and has a disability that has caused him to be separated from his peers during the school day. Recently, Jacob was moved to the regular third-grade classroom. This is an instance of?

Intelligence consists of a number of specific abilities.

Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory and Howard Gardner's theory of intelligence are examples of the idea that?

Is less than 100.

Sergio's mental age is 8, but his chronological age is 9. We would say that Sergio's IQ?

Increased myelination of the central nervous system.

The improvement of fine motor skills during middle and late childhood is due to?


Sabine is in the second grade. Compared to the other kids in her class, she finds it very challenging to read or spell simple words. Which of the following learning disabilities does Sabine suffer from?


Sandra is a 9-year-old girl. She is always the last student in class to finish assignments because she can only write slowly, and even then, her writing is virtually illegible and riddled with spelling mistakes. Her teacher refers her to a psychologist who diagnoses her with a learning disability called?

All students with disabilities be given a free, appropriate public education.

The Education for All Handicapped Children Act, enacted in 1975, required that?


The _____ approach to reading instruction emphasizes the teaching of basic rules for translating written symbols into sounds.

Least restrictive environment (LRE)

The _____ is a setting that is as similar as possible to the one in which children who do not have a disability are educated.

Wechsler scales

The _____ not only provide an overall IQ score but also yield several composite indexes that allow the examiner to quickly determine the areas in which a child is strong or weak.

Keith should allow Judd to retell the details of the event and be patient in listening to him.

The floods in the Midwest left 40,000 people homeless, and Keith's family is one of the families affected by the disaster. He is trying to help his son, Judd, cope with the tragedy. In this scenario, which of the following is a recommendation that Keith should follow to help Judd cope with the stress?


The type of thinking that produces many answers to the same question is called _____ thinking. This kind of thinking characterizes creativity.


When asked why she participated with other students in a protest against the treatment of women on her university campus, Kai says that all human beings should have equal rights. According to Kai, the university has rules that are unfair to women; and she is morally against such discriminatory practices. Kai is likely operating at the _____ reasoning level of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory.

Physical support

Which of the following functions of friendship involves providing resources and assistance?

Parents should realize that children's and adolescents' abilities are not fixed and can change.

Which of the following is a recommendation offered by Eva Pomerantz for parents who want to increase the motivation of their children and adolescents to do well in school?

Embed memory-relevant language when instructing children.

Which of the following is a strategy for improving children's memory skills?

Practical intelligence

Which of the following is a type of intelligence identified in Robert J. Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence?

Executive function skills

Which of the following is an aspect of social-emotional learning that the Second Step program focuses on in pre-K?

Being surrounded by peers who embrace the growth mindset

Which of the following is likely to improve a student's growth mindset?

It is a condition of limited mental ability in which the individual (1) has a low IQ, usually below 70 on a traditional intelligence test; and (2) has difficulty adapting to the demands of everyday life.

Which of the following is the correct definition of intellectual disability?

They persist longer at learning tasks than students with low self-efficacy.

Which of the following is true of Dale Schunk's findings about students with high self-efficacy?

Teaching is more likely to encourage rote learning.

Which of the following is true of schools in low-income areas?

IQ scores have been rapidly increasing around the world.

Which of the following statements about IQ and intelligence is true?

Kohlberg's approach misses or misconstrues some important moral concepts in specific cultures.

Which of the following statements accurately represents one of the criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Frequent bullying is linked to high social status as indexed by perceived popularity in the peer group.

Which of the following statements is true of bullying in the social context of a peer group?

Individuals with this type of disability have IQs between 55 and 70.

Which of the following statements is true of children with cultural-familial intellectual disability?

Children in middle and late childhood spend approximately 30 percent of their time with peers.

Which of the following statements is true of peer groups and peer interactions in middle and late childhood?

Individuals with world-class status in the arts, mathematics, science, and sports all report strong family support.

Which of the following statements is true with respect to giftedness?

Kohlberg's theory is based on a male norm that puts abstract principles above relationships and concern for others.

Which of the following statements reflects Carol Gilligan's criticism of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

There is too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.

Which of the following statements represents one of the criticisms of Lawrence Kohlberg's theory of moral development?

Direct instruction in phonics is a key aspect of learning to read.

Which of the following statements represents the current thinking among an increasing number of experts in the field of reading?

Belittled about religion or race

Which of the following types of bullying is experienced more frequently by boys than girls?

Short-term memory; long-term memory

_____ develops more rapidly during early childhood, and _____ develops more rapidly during middle and late childhood.

Asperger syndrome

_____ is a relatively mild autism spectrum disorder in which the child has relatively good verbal language skills, milder nonverbal language problems, and a restricted range of interests and relationships.

Autistic disorder

_____ is a severe developmental disorder that has its onset in the first three years of life and includes deficiencies in social relationships, abnormalities in communication, and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior.


About _____ of step family couples stay remarried.

Teachers can increase adolescents' growth mindset by functioning as a partner with them in the learning process.

According to Carol Dweck, which of the following is true of a growth mindset?


According to Ellen Winner, which of the following refers to a characteristic displayed by gifted children who begin to master an area earlier than their peers?

Increased student performance and more time teaching subjects tested

According to the advocates of state-mandated testing, which of the following results are believed to be positive outcomes of the testing?

Prefrontal cortex; improved attention, reasoning, and cognitive control

Advances in the _____ of the brain are linked to children's _____.

Her IQ score is above the majority of the population.

Amber is given a Stanford-Binet intelligence test. Her mental age is determined to be 14, and her chronological age is 10. Which of the following is true of Amber?

Reside in a single, specific brain location.

Carl's son has been diagnosed with a learning disability. Since then, Carl has spent a significant amount of time understanding the causes of his disability. He learns that even though several research studies have been conducted, the precise causes have not yet been determined. He comes across a research finding that indicates that it is unlikely that learning disabilities?


Carol Dweck refers to the cognitive view individuals develop for themselves as?

Struggle in peer relations

Children who engage less in perspective taking are more likely to do which of the following?


Children who have reached the concrete operational stage are capable of _____, which is the ability to order stimuli along a quantitative dimension, such as length.


Emily has the ability to think about things in novel and unusual ways; this allows her to come up with unique solutions to problems. This ability is called _____ thinking.


Erica, who has two children, marries Wayne. Wayne has a daughter from his previous marriage. After the union, their family will be considered a _____ stepfamily.

Industry versus inferiority.

Erik Erikson's fourth stage of development, which appears during middle and late childhood, is called?


Fiona, a 10-year-old girl, is an outstanding flautist and has an IQ of 140. Fiona is?

Emotional and behavioral disorders

From the following options, identify the disorder or group of disordersthat consists of serious, persistent problems involving relationships, aggression, depression, and fears associated with personal or school matters, as well as other inappropriate socioemotional characteristics. Note that approximately 8 percent of children who have a disability and require an individualized education plan fall into this classification.


Gavin is rarely nominated as a best friend, but his peers don't dislike him. In the context of peer statuses, Gavin would be classified as a(n) _____ child.

Stimulation and ego support

Johnny says he likes his best friend, Andy, because he is fun and talks about interesting things. Johnny also says that Andy encourages him to do his best and comforts him when he fails. Which of the following functions of children's friendships is Johnny most likely describing?

5 to 7

Kimberly is 7 years old. She asks her mother to buy her clothes at the start of the new academic year. However, her mother tells her that she won't buy too many clothes now, as Kimberly will grow out of them soon. She expects Kimberly, on average, to gain _____ pounds per year during middle and late childhood.

Metamemory (2)

Knowledge about memory is known as?


Males report experiencing and expressing more _____ than do females.

A genetic disorder or brain damage.

Organic intellectual disability is caused by?

Better relationships with coworkers in early adulthood.

Peer competence in middle and late childhood has been linked to?

Low self-efficacy

Students with _____ for learning may avoid many learning tasks, especially those that are challenging.

Gender stereotypes.

Tamara often tells her daughter that a well-adjusted girl is supposed to be dependent, nurturing, and uninterested in power. She also believes that girls should learn to cook and take care of the household. Tamara's notion reflects?

Postconventional (3)

Tapi believes that all human beings have certain inalienable rights that need to be protected. She believes that the current law in her country that prohibits interracial marriage is unfair and should be changed. In the context of Kohlberg's levels of moral thinking, which of the following describes Tapi's level of moral reasoning?


Unlike nonaggressive children, when aggressive boys search for cues to determine a peer's intention, they respond more?

The spread of state-mandated testing to measure just what students had or had not learned

What is the result of the public and government demand for increased accountability from schools?

Postconventional (2)

A person who is arrested for stealing company documents says, "Yes, I did steal the documents, and I am willing to go to jail for it. These documents prove that the company was engaging in a cover-up of the unsafe properties of its chemical. I think the public has a right to know about it." Lawrence Kohlberg would classify this person as using _____ reasoning.

Two years earlier

A recent study revealed that peak thickness of the cerebral cortex occurs _____ in children with ADHD than in children without ADHD.

Engaging in mental imagery

A teacher uses pictures to teach her students about a particular concept. She is confident that doing so will help the children remember the concept easily. Identify the strategy that the teacher is using to improve her students' memory.


Although Casey scores only about average on standardized intelligence tests, she is street-smart and has excellent social skills and good common sense. Given a problem, Casey will try her best to arrive at a solution. Most of her friends and family appreciate this about her, as she seems to be able to find ways to get things done on her own. In the context of Sternberg's theories, she has _____ intelligence.


Angie's mother allows her to schedule her study and relaxation time on her own and, in turn, expects Angie to continue doing well in school and to discuss her activities ahead of time. Her mother frequently checks on her school progress and talks to her about her problems and her social life. In this context, Angie's mother's approach to parent-child relationships is most likely to be a process of?

Anne's mother smoked cigarettes and consumed alcohol frequently while pregnant.

Anne, a 10-year-old girl, has been diagnosed with ADHD. Which of the following scenarios would have most likely caused this disability?

Neglected (2)

Benjamin, a student, sits at the back of the classroom. Only a few children in the class know his name. He does not have any best friends, but he is not disliked by his classmates. Which of the following is Benjamin's probable peer status?


Broad categories that reflect general impressions and beliefs about males and females, such as "boys play with trucks and girls play with dolls," are known as gender?


Byron can take sticks of different lengths and put them all in order from shortest to longest. He can also discern that if stick A is longer than B and B is longer than C, then A is longer than C. This ability to logically combine relations to understand certain conclusions is?

Acquired extensive knowledge about a particular content area.

Compared with novices, experts have?

The parents have difficulty providing an intellectually stimulating environment for their children.

Considering how early intervention programs to improve intellectual development have shown marked improvements in the IQ of participants, it can be inferred that the main reason children from low-SES families earn lower scores on IQ tests is that?


Damon's teachers frequently complain that he disrupts his kindergarten class by fidgeting and moving about all the time. He does not pay any attention to what is being taught in class and behaves impulsively. Considering the presence of the tell-tale characteristics of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, Damon's pediatrician diagnosed him with _____ and put him on a combination of Ritalin and behavior therapy.

Decreasing opportunities and rewards for bullying.

Dan Olweus's bullying intervention program focuses on?

More people of moderate intelligence than of high or low intelligence

If intelligence is assumed to be normally distributed, which of the following would you expect to find in the overall population?


In contrast with Kohlberg's theory, Gilligan argues for a(n) _____ perspective, which views people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others.

Compare themselves with others.

In terms of self-understanding, children in late childhood are more likely than children in early childhood to?

Throughout childhood, friends are more similar than dissimilar in terms of age, sex, race, and many other factors.

In the context of children's development, identify a true statement about friendship.

It is the social cognitive process involved in assuming the viewpoint of others and understanding their thoughts and feelings.

In the context of emotional and personality development, which of the following is true of perspective taking?

Let students find their own mistakes and learn from them.

In the context of metacognitive abilities, which of the following strategies is likely to improve 7- to 8-year-olds' performance in arithmetic?


In the context of peer statuses, _____ children give out reinforcements, listen carefully, maintain open lines of communication with peers, are happy, control their negative emotions, act like themselves, show enthusiasm and concern for others, and are self-confident without being conceited.

Reading ability.

Interventions with children who have a learning disability often focus on improving

The phonics approach

Louise is teaching her son to read by helping him sound out letters. She also plays a cartoon where the characters repeat the sounds of each letter. Watching her and the characters in the cartoon pronounce the letters, her son makes the effort to read aloud some of the letters. What approach is Louise using to teach her son?

They may have difficulty handling competition and criticism.

Many of today's children grow up receiving praise for mediocre or even poor performance. What could be a possible consequence of this practice?


Megan bases her moral decisions on fear of punishment. In the context of Kohlberg's levels of moral thinking, Megan is currently in the _____ reasoning level of moral thinking.


Megan, who is 8 years old, has a test tomorrow. "It's an easy test," she tells her mother. "I just have to recognize a bunch of stuff on a chart. I finished studying for it yesterday. I know that I'll remember everything I need to know." Megan is exhibiting her?

An individual's level of mental development relative to others.

Mental age (MA) is

Learn a repertoire of problem-solving strategies.

Michael Pressley believes that the key to education is helping students to?

Coregulation (2)

Middle childhood is a period in which some control is transferred from parent to child. This process is gradual and produces

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