Chapter 7-9 Anthem Study Guide

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In the beginning of Chapter 7, what color does Equality compare the sky to?

"The last gold of the sky"

How old is Equality 7-2521?


How long did it take to approve the Plans for the Candle?

50 years

What did Equality wear to the Home of the Scholars?

A brown tunic (it was covered in dry blood).

At the end of Chapter 7, what is Equality considered?

A damned one

Where does Equality get his source of water?

A river

What did Equality kill the bird with?

A stone

Fill in the Blank: The World Council tells Equality that the invention was not done ______ so it's not good.


Fill in the Blank: The scholars said that they could not show the public the invention because it would hurt the _________.

Department of Candles

What is going through Equality's mind when he is in the Uncharted Forest. For the first time, what is he feeling?

Equality believes he is going to die, but is glad he is far from the city. For the first time, he feels empty and lied to. He misses Liberty.

Why doesn't Equality write anymore?

Equality doesn't write anymore because he doesn't understand anything anymore.

At the beginning of Chapter 8, what does Equality keep doing for no reason?

Equality is laughing hysterically for no reason.

What did Equality eat?

Equality killed a bird and ate it.

What did Equality make to kill the birds?

Equality makes a bow and arrow in order to kill the birds.

What does Equality want to do once they get farther away from the City?

Equality wants to build a home.

How did the Golden One locate Equality?

Everybody has been talking about Equality and how he left to the Uncharted Forest, so she found his footsteps and tracked him down.

T/F- Equality left is invention at the Home of the Scholars?

False, he clutched on to it as he jumped out of the window.

Name all of the Council members the book lists.

Fraternity 9-3452, Democracy 4-6998, Unanimity 7-3304, International 1-5537, Solidarity 8-1164, Alliance 6-7349, Harmony 9-2642, Unanimity 2-9913 and Similarity 5-0306

What does Equality think about himself when he sees himself in the reflection of the river?

He believes that he is beautiful and he sees how straight, thin, strong, and hard his limbs are.

What are some things Equality does to stay alive?

He eats fruit that he finds in nature, he gets water from the river, and he makes shelter.

How did Equality escape the Home of the Scholars?

He jumped out of the window and ran as far as possible.

Why doesn't Equality write about what happened to him?

He remembers what happened to him and he doesn't need to write it down.

For the first time ever, where does Equality see his reflection?

He sees his reflection in the river

Why did the Scholars immediately notice that he didn't look like a scholar?

He was dirty and dressed in a messy manor.

What did Liberty say was different about Equality? (compared to the other brothers)

His eyes are flames, his mouth is cut of granite, and he walks unlike his brothers who crawl.

Where did Equality take his box?

Home of the Scholars

Who finds Equality in Chapter 9?

Liberty 5-3000

T/F- On the way to the Home of the Scholars, Equality was stopped by someone from the Palace of Corrective Detention.

No, nobody stopped him. Nobody from the Palace of Corrective Detention was on the streets.

What did Ayn compare the Scholars to?

Shapeless clouds that huddled in the sky

What did the Golden One say at the end of Chapter 9?

She confessed her love for him and Equality said he loved her back.

Where did Equality go after jumping out the window?

The Uncharted Forest

Who was in the Home of the Scholars during Chapter 7?

The World Council of Scholars

What are the color of the eyes of the beast?

The eyes of the beast are yellow and green.

Who is Collective 0-0009?

The oldest and wisest of the Council. He spoke the most.

When Equality woke up, what was he expecting to wake up to?

The sound of the bells.

Equality said saying "We love you" was weird, why?

They don't know the Unspeakable Word, so they felt that saying that didn't feel right, but they didn't know why.

When the World Council of Scholars saw the invention, how did they react?

They were frightened and they huddled up in a corner.

T/F- Equality kisses Liberty.

True, she tells Equality that she wants to be with him and she doesn't want him to push her away, if he's damned, she's damned with him.

How many people did it take to invent the candle?

Twenty Illustrious Men

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