Chapter 7

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A sales manager is most likely to use ___________ when trying to determine the specific nature of a problem. a. communication skills b. anticipation and seeking feedback skills c. flexibility and ingenuity d. diagnostic skills e. selection and matching skills


All of the following are suggestions for coaching except a. Take a "we" approach instead of a "you" approach. b. Provide salespeople with "how to" advice. c. Ask questions to maximize the salesperson's active involvement in the coaching process. d. Whenever possible, replace formal training with coaching. e. Recognize differences in salespeople and coach accordingly.


An example of a role-distortion unethical act is a. superficial performance appraisal b. embezzlement c. expense account cheating d. price fixing e. stealing supplies


If a salesperson made this statement regarding his/her sales manager, "He is in a good position to recommend promotions or permit special privileges for me," the manager is probably using what type of power? a. Expert power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


Organizational strategy that promotes giving managers free rein with personal ethics applied only on an individual basis, is part of this type of ethical management: a. immoral management. b. incorruptible management. c. moral management. d. amoral management. e. unethical management.


The principle of recency suggests that a. as soon as possible after a sales training meeting, the sales manager should attempt to visit with each salesperson individually to reinforce what he/she has learned. b. by focusing on information related to the most recent sales call the salesperson has made, a self-evaluation of his/her performance can result in improved future performance. c. if a salesperson can draw on the enthusiasm generated by a recent successful sales call, he/she will be more effective. d. learning is facilitated when the salesperson is asked to apply a coaching suggestion soon after receiving it. e. sales managers should make a practice of holding coaching sessions after each sales call to help reinforce the suggestions given.


These types of power bases have been found to be positively related to salespeople's satisfaction with their sales manager: a. reward and coercive power. b. legitimate and reward power. c. coercive and referent power. d. expert and referent power. e. referent and coercive power.


Which of the following is not a specific aspect of a transformational leadership style? a. Articulates a vision. b. Provides an appropriate model. c. Fosters the acceptance of group goals. d. Is dictatorial. e. Provides intellectual stimulation.


Which of the following is not a suggestion offered to sales managers for developing their power bases? a. Listen to your sales team's wants, needs, and dreams. b. Align the sales team with the firm's corporate culture. c. Meet key customers and industry leaders. d. Use sales contests to motivate salespeople. e. Make appearances at image-enhancing events.


Which of the following is not one of the components of the leadership model for sales management found in our text? a. Goals and objectives b. Situation c. Needs d. Teamwork skills e. Power


pgs. 210-211The failure of Frontier Corporation to develop an effective compensation system to further customer relationships might have been averted if this leadership skill had been better developed: a. flexibility and ingenuity. b. diagnostic skills. c. selection and matching. d. anticipation and seeking feedback. e. communications skills.


In their dealings with salespeople, sales managers have been criticized for placing too much emphasis on a. reward and coercive power. b. legitimate and reward power. c. coercive and referent power. d. expert and referent power. e. referent and coercive power.


Moral management would have what orientation toward the law? a. Obedience to the letter and the spirit of the law; the law represents minimal ethical behavior. b. Law is the ethical guide; obedience to the letter of the law. c. The central question is, "What can be done legally?" d. Legal standards are barriers that management must overcome to accomplish what it wants. e. Prefer to operate within what the law mandates, if possible.


If a salesperson made this statement regarding his sales manager, "I like him personally and regard him as a friend," the manager is likely exercising what type of power? a. Expert power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


Studies have shown that reciprocal trust between sales managers and salespeople has a positive effect on the salesperson-sales manager relationship. The research indicates positive relationships between trust and all of the following except a. job satisfaction. b. role conflict. c. satisfaction with the manager. d. a willingness to change. e. goal commitment.


In an effort to increase salespeople's ethical standards, Certified Professional Salespeople are asked to pledge to all of the following except: a. to respect and protect proprietary and confidential information entrusted to them by their company. b. to maintain honesty and integrity in their relationships with customers and prospective customers. c. to avoid obtaining information about competitors that could assist in making sales presentations. d. to keep abreast of all pertinent information that would assist their customers in achieving goals related to their product(s) or service(s). e. to portray their competitors and their products and services only in a manner that is honest and truthful.


__________ is associated with the right to be a leader, usually as a result of designated organizational roles. a. Expert power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


Researchers have tried to determine the personality characteristics an effective leader should have by using this method: a. behavior approach. b. properties method. c. contingency approach. d. attribute theory. e. trait approach.


The concept of repetition suggests that a. as soon as possible after a sales training meeting, the sales manager should attempt to visit with each salesperson individually to reinforce what he/she has learned. b. by focusing on information related to the most recent sales call the salesperson has made, a self-evaluation of his/her performance can result in improved future performance. c. if a salesperson can draw on the enthusiasm generated by a recent successful sales call, he/she will be more effective. d. learning is facilitated when the salesperson is asked to apply a coaching suggestion soon after receiving it. e. sales managers should make a practice of holding coaching sessions after each sales call to help reinforce the suggestions given.


pg. 217An immoral manager would most likely follow this orientation in meeting his/her organizational goals: a. profitability within the confines of legal obedience and ethical standards. b. profitability is not important, since the firm's purpose is to serve the public's needs. c. profitability only, with no other goals considered. d. profitability within the letter of the law. e. profitability and organizational success at any price.


Assigning a salesperson lacking self-confidence to work temporarily with a confident senior salesperson is one way of using the relationships influence strategy.


Expert power is associated with the right to be a leader, usually as a result of designated organizational roles.


Field sales managers address the broader aspects of the sales management process, while senior sales leaders are more involved in implementing the process with their assigned salespeople.


In the coaching role, sales managers concentrate on establishing their power base and opening communications with each salesperson.


It is appropriate for the sales manager to use all of the influence strategies on salespeople, superiors, and peers.


More frequent and formal communication between sales manager and salespeople is likely to result in greater salesperson performance and job satisfaction.


Researchers have suggested that the use of outcome feedback can be helpful to salespeople and that cognitive feedback can be dysfunctional in the complex dynamic environments faced by many salespeople.


Reward power is based on the attractiveness of one party to another.


Sales leadership refers to working with subordinates on a day-to-day basis.


Sales managers primarily use control over others to achieve sales objectives.


Sales supervision activities are related to the planning, implementation, and control of the sales management process.


The leader-member exchange model involves self-imposed planning, behavior, evaluation, rewards, and punishment.


The needs and wants of salespeople can be met on a carte blanche basis.


Threats should be eliminated as they are not a viable influence strategy.


Threats typically produce better compliance than can be gained by promises.


A sales manager responds to motivation problems faced by an entry-level salesperson differently than he/she would to an experienced salesperson with similar problems. He/She is utilizing this leadership skill: a. communication skills. b. anticipation and seeking feedback. c. flexibility and ingenuity. d. diagnostic skills. e. selection and matching.


According to the text, sales managers can use reward power as a basis for developing influence strategies based on a. relationships. b. domination. c. persuasion. d. threats. e. promises.


The ultimate success of sales meetings depends on the planning and execution of activities such as a. communicating with all parties before the meeting. b. checking site arrangements. c. preparing materials for the meeting. d. arranging for audiovisual support. e. all of the above.


__________ is based on the belief that one party can remove rewards and provide punishment to affect behavior. a. Expert power b. Referent power c. Legitimate power d. Reward power e. Coercive power


Securing support of salespeople for sales management programs and activities is one suggestion for helping sales managers to develop power.


When a sales manager attempts to control the circumstances surrounding a salesperson in order to influence his/her behavior, the sales manager is practicing manipulation as an influence strategy.


pgs. 205-206Some research indicates that effective leaders employ multiple leadership styles, depending upon the situation.


The expert and referent power bases are extremely critical in the use of this type of influence strategy: a. relationships. b. domination. c. persuasion. d. threats. e. promises.


The company policies and procedures and their influence on determining the appropriate leadership style would be considered by researchers using this approach: a. trait approach. b. situational approach. c. behavior approach. d. contingency approach. e. conditional approach.


A transactional leadership style is represented by an orientation toward inspiring subordinates to engage in desired behaviors and perform at high levels.


A transformational leadership style is characterized as a contingent reward or contingent punishment orientation.


According to the text, diagnostic skills and social skills are two important leadership skills.


Actions based on the use of reward power are likely to create strife in the salesforce and may encourage turnover among high-performing salespeople.


As an influence strategy, manipulation specifies a desired behavior and explicitly indicates that punishment will follow if the behavior is not achieved.


As an influence strategy, persuasion is preferred to threats and promises because it takes less time and skill to use.


When a sales manager is able to match his/her actions to the real problem and not just address the superficial symptoms of the problem, he/she is using the leadership skill referred to as selection and matching.


When a sales manager perceives that the salesperson has more sales knowledge and experience than he/she does, there is a strong tendency to rely on referent and expert power to gain control of the situation.


pgs. 205-206Transformational leadership focuses on the salesperson-sales manager dyad as a reciprocal influence process.


Senior sales leadership and salespeople are normally not as involved with supervision as field sales managers.


An example of a role-failure unethical act is a. superficial performance appraisal b. embezzlement c. bribery d. price fixing e. stealing supplies


The __________ model proposes that sales managers interact uniquely with individual salespeople rather than employing a specific leadership style for different situations. a. leader-member exchange b. transformational leadership c. behavioral self-management d. theory X e. trait


The two types of relationships that can affect influence processes are based on which two power bases? a. Referent and legitimate b. Legitimate and reward c. Coercive and referent d. Expert and referent e. Referent and coercive


This approach to leadership seeks to catalog behaviors associated with effective leadership: a. behavior approach. b. attribute theory. c. contingency approach. d. state of nature approach. e. trait approach.


When other salespeople believe that a sales manager has valuable knowledge or skills in a given area, the sales manager is able to use a. expert power. b. referent power. c. legitimate power. d. reward power. e. coercive power.


Which of the following is not one of the skill areas that the text discusses as being related to effective leadership? a. Flexibility and ingenuity b. Diagnostic skills c. Selection and matching d. Anticipation and seeking feedback e. Communication skills


Which of the following statements regarding a sales manager's use of coaching is false? a. The most crucial coaching activities are those conducted with groups of salespeople. b. Coaching sessions may take place in the office or during the sales manager's field visits with salespeople. c. The essence of coaching is providing guidance and feedback as soon as possible after an appropriate event. d. The boundary role demands of sales jobs makes coaching the salesforce a significant management activity. e. Coaching sessions in the field may often take the form of "curbstone conferences."


pgs. 213-214When a sales manager provides the salesperson with information about whether a desired outcome was achieved, he/she is using this coaching technique: a. outcome feedback. b. repetition. c. cognitive feedback. d. sharing information. e. referent power.


An example of a non-role unethical act is a. superficial performance appraisal b. embezzlement c. bribery d. price fixing e. not confronting expense account cheating


An example of a nonrole unethical act is a. superficial performance appraisal. b. embezzlement. c. bribery. d. price fixing. e. manipulation of suppliers.


If the sales manager sends out a survey asking this question: "How can we improve the overall effectiveness of the sales operation?" he/she is practicing this leadership skill: a. communications skill. b. anticipation and seeking feedback. c. flexibility and ingenuity. d. diagnostic skills. e. selection and matching.


Sales managers may use different influence strategies according to the situational demands. Influence strategies may be based on all of the following except a. relationships. b. domination. c. persuasion. d. threats. e. promises.


In coaching the salesforce, the sales manager may use all of the following learning tools or concepts except a. outcome feedback. b. principle of recency. c. absorption training. d. repetition. e. cognitive feedback.


Suggestions from salespeople on how to conduct a successful meeting include all of the following except a. use visual aids and breakout discussion groups to maintain salespeople's interest. b. if possible ask salespeople for their ideas on topics, speakers, and preferred recreational activities. c. keep social and recreational activities to a minimum, as they require that more time be spent away from home. d. be sure salespeople are briefed on the purpose and content of the meeting. e. minimize operations reviews unless they are directly related to sales.


This approach to leadership considers situational factors such as the firm's marketing orientation in determining which leadership methods would be appropriate: a. behavior approach. b. attribute theory. c. contingency approach. d. state of nature approach. e. trait approach.


This type of influence strategy is the only one that does not involve direct communication with the target of influence: a. threats. b. persuasion. c. manipulation. d. domination. e. relationships.


This type of influence strategy works by first changing the attitudes and intentions of the target of influence, with the expectation that a subsequent change in behavior will follow: a. relationships. b. domination. c. persuasion. d. threats. e. promises.


When a sales manager provides the salesperson with information on how and why, the desired outcome is achieved, he/she is using this coaching technique: a. outcome feedback. b. repetition. c. cognitive feedback. d. sharing information. e. referent power.


When conducting sales meetings, sales managers should do all of the following except a. interject some humor. b. ask questions specifically related to the task at hand. c. always answer all questions directly. d. encourage questions. e. ignore off-target remarks.


Which of the following statements regarding sales leadership is false? a. Typical senior sales leadership titles are chief sales executive, national sales manager or regional sales manager. b. Senior sales leadership influences the entire sales organization or a large subunit. c. Sales leadership is the day-to-day control of the salesforce under routine operating conditions. d. Sales leadership involves activities that influence others to achieve common goals for the collective good of the sales organization and the company. e. For field sales managers, leadership involves influencing assigned salespeople by creating a climate that inspires salespeople. 9{


Which of the following statements regarding sales supervision is true? a. Typical senior sales supervisor titles are chief sales executive, national sales manager or regional sales manager. b. Sales supervisors influence the entire sales organization or a large subunit. c. Sales supervision involves working with subordinates on a day-to-day basis. d. Sales supervision involves activities that influence others to achieve common goals for the collective good of the sales organization and the company. e. For field sales managers, supervision involves influencing assigned salespeople by creating a climate that inspires salespeople.


Which of the following statements regarding the power held by an individual in an interpersonal relationship is false? a. The possession and use of power will have a major impact on the quality of leadership achieved by a sales manager. b. The power held by an individual in an interpersonal relationship can be one or more of five types. c. An individual's objective assessment of where the power lies will determine the effects of power in that interpersonal relationship. d. Sales managers who wish to become effective leaders should develop referent and expert power bases. e. Coercive power is based on a belief that one party can remove rewards and provide punishment to affect behavior.


A transformational leadership style is represented by an orientation toward inspiring subordinates to engage in desired behaviors and perform at high levels.


All communication with the salesforce must be carefully planned to ensure accuracy and clarity.


By holding coaching sessions after each sales call, sales managers are using repetition.


Differences in perceptions regarding the nature and balance of power are frequently at the root of sales managers' problems.


In assessing the needs and wants of salespeople, it is important to consider each salesperson as a unique individual.


In coaching, the sales manager should ask questions to maximize the salesperson's active involvement in the coaching process.


In the process of "life planning," salespeople define their short- and long-term goals.


It is possible for the salesperson to have more power in a situation than does the sales manager.


Leaders can try to extend their vision into the future through anticipation.


Leadership is an interactive process requiring one or more individuals to assume the role of followers or constituents.


Leadership style is the general orientation toward leadership activities.


One suggestion for coaching is to address only one or two problems at a time.


Premature leakage of information and tardy messages are examples of poor communication leadership skills on the part of the sales manager.


Sales leadership involves activities that influence others to achieve common goals for the collective good of the sales organization and the company.


Sales management activities are related to the planning, implementation, and control of the sales management process.


Sales managers can help develop their power base by listening to their sales team's wants, needs and dreams.


Sales managers can help develop their power base by using one-on-one meetings to motivate salespeople.


Sales operations can be damaged by inconsistent and conflicting communication.


Sales supervision refers to working with subordinates on a day-to-day basis.


Self-evaluation helps develop salespeople into critical thinkers regarding their work habits and performance.


The firm's sales organization culture and company policies and procedures are situational contingency factors influencing sales leadership.


Through conscientious review of the routine call reports submitted by salespeople, sales managers can obtain valuable feedback.


To be effective in influencing others, persuasive messages must be rational and reasonable.


pgs. 208-209The firm's market orientation and sales organization culture are situational contingency factors influencing sales leadership.


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