chapter 7

Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

With or Without Persona

"Meet Needs of Users" - vague and ill-defined -designers as users -cannot control instinct to cover all cases -special cases dominate discussions "Design for a Single Individual" - Relieves struggle to design for conflicting needs and goals -Force designers to consider the "user" -Help designers look outward, not inward


*ideation is applied design thinking *active, fast-moving collaborative group process for forming design ideas 8where you start your conceptual design *iterate to explore: fast, furious, freewheeling, comparison of many alternatives, no critique or constraints during idea generation

Where Personas Work Best

-commercial products -systems with relatively simple work domains -not good for complex work domains *work roles very restrictively defined, user classes with very rigid specifications

physical mockup

A physical mockup is a tangible, three- dimensional, physical prototype or model of a device or product, often one that can be held in the hand, and often crafted rapidly out of materials at hand, and used during exploration and evaluation to at least simulate physical interaction.

Physical Mockup

A physical mockup is a tangible, three- dimensional, physical prototype or model of a device or product, often one that can be held in the hand, and often crafted rapidly out of materials at hand, and used during exploration and evaluation to at least simulate physical interaction.

Design Thinking

A separate discipline on its own (new discipline) create a profound and satisfying UX (new vision) blends art, craft, science, invention, innovation (integrative) everything is about design (immersive) excite, provoke, stimulate (market oriented)

Idea Creation Sacred

Be radical and play outside the box no one can shoot you down (no hierarchy) no buzz killer critique -> multiple ideas *set up dedicated work space


Candidate personas- everyone we interviewed, candidate personas from the tip and tails of user classes Selected personas- select a few personas that satisfy your system's primary goals, not tips and tails Primary personas- based on the few chosen ones, does not come from pool of people

the three major intellectual waves that have formed the field of HCI:

Engineering and human factors: deconstruct work with the objective of designing the machine for optimum human performance. n Cognitive science: the theory of what is happening in the human mind during and with respect to interaction by treating human minds as information processors. n The phenomenological paradigm (they call it the phenomenological matrix): emphasis in interaction is about making meaning (more on this later).

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a mind-set in which the product concept and design for emotional impact and the user experience are dominant. It is an approach to creating a product to evoke a user experience that includes emotional impact, aesthetics, and social- and value-oriented interaction. As a design paradigm, design thinking is an immersive, integrative, and market-oriented eclectic blend of art, craft, science, and invention.

Domain-Complex Systems

Domain-complex systems are systems with high degree of intricacy and technical content in the corresponding field of work. Often, characterized by convoluted and elaborate mechanisms for how parts of the system work and communicate, they usually have complicated work flow containing multiple dependencies and communication channels. Examples include an air traffic control system and a system for analyzing seismic data for oil exploration.

Design Perspectives

Ecological- how system works within its external environment, how system is used in its context, how system interacts with people and systems around Interaction- how users operate system, task and intention view where user and system come together, involves sensory, cognitive, and physical actions ***


Everyone can sketch; you do not have to be artistic n Most ideas are conveyed more effectively with a sketch than with words n Sketches are quick and inexpensive to create; they do not inhibit early exploration n Sketches are disposable; there is no real investment in the sketch itself n Sketches are timely; they can be made just-in-time, done in-the-moment, provided n Sketches should be plentiful; entertain a large number of ideas and make multiple sketches of each idea n Textual annotations play an essential support role, explaining what is going on in each part of the sketch and how

Two modes of thinking

Idea creation: exploring and inspiration Critiquing: review and judgement interweave these modes but always know which mode you are in


Ideation is an active, creative, exploratory, highly iterative, fast-moving collaborative group process for forming ideas for design. With a focus on brainstorming, ideation is applied design thinking.

Rich and Sticky Personas

Rich: -revevant -believable -specific -precise -with personality -life surrounded with artifacts Sticky: - not just in design meetings -create posters -coffee mugs -T-shirts -full-sized cardboards

Participatory Design

Participatory design is a democratic process for design entailing user participation in design for work practice. Underlying participatory design is the arguments that users should be involved in designs they will be using, and that all stakeholders, including and especially users, have equal inputs into interaction design.

Phenomenological Aspects of Interaction

Phenomenological aspects (deriving from phenomenology, the philosophical examination of the foundations of experience and action) of interaction are the cumulative effects of emotional impact considered over the long term, where usage of technology takes on a presence in our lifestyles and is used to make meaning in our lives.


Presence of a product is a kind of relationship with users in which the product becomes a personally meaningful part of their lives.

Human Information Processing HIP Paradigm

Roots: *cognitive science *information processing *psychology *human factors * e.g. only memorize 7+-2 Emphasis *human sensing *cognition *memory *information understanding *decision making * e.g. tire pressure icon instead of symbol (interpretation) Design Focus *limits of human signal detection *modalities used to communicate a problem or system state * e.g. symbol comes with beeping, multi-channel

Design Thinking Paradigm

Roots: *psychology *sociocultural studies *phenomenology(study of subjective experience) * e.g. bmw driving experience Emphasis: *user experience *getting design right *emotional and phenomena-logical concerns Design Focus: *emotional impact - appeal -joy, thrill -pride -lifestyle

Engineering Paradigm

Roots: software eng * Human factors *Usability engineering * e.g. ergonomics Emphasis * Reliability *User performance *User productivity *Avoid errors *e.g. crash test Design Focus * Requirements *automation *evaluation via statistical summative studies * e.g. ergonomics


Sketching is the rapid creation of free-hand drawings expressing preliminary design ideas, focusing on concepts rather than details. Multiple sketches of multiple design ideas are an essential part of ideation. A sketch is a conversation between the sketcher or designer and the artifact.

Using Personas in Design

Start making design as though your primary persona is only users adjust as needed to make design suffice for the remaining non-primary personas Primary persona wins all conflicts & tradeoffs in final design

Getting started in ideation

Team formation, brainstorming in groups, reconvene and report, alternate ideation with critique

UX guidelines V

Visibility- make features and status visible without clutter simplicity- make it simple, short, and easy to remember feedback- keep the user informed of what is going on, reacts to user consistency- of wording, actions, style, color (internally or externally) constraints- guide the user into correct action by usefully limiting the available options natural mappings- design mappings between action and results that users naturally understand

User Personas

What? -Not an actual user -More than stakeholder -Pretend user or hypothetical archetype -Specific but imaginary person why? -offer concreteness -offer personal engagement -ideal for sharing design vision how? - built ip from contextual data -story and description of specific person: * name and personality *etc

Design Thinking in

empathize- contextual inquiry, define- contextual analysis, ideate- design, prototype- prototype, test-evaluate


explore, express, expand ideas, NOT just a picture, a conversation sketching vs prototype Ideas: right design (des) (explore)for evaluation (eng) (ux)

To sum up the characteristics of their joint persona, they:

n lead busy lives with a need for cooling off once or twice a week n are sophisticated, educated, and technology savvy n are civic minded and care about sustainability and environment n like the outdoors n have a good group of friends with whom they sometimes like to share entertainment

Focusing on one person

persona lets us focus on designing literally for a single person liberates designers from having to sort through all conflicting details of multiple user classes personals can help end feature debates (not for general user)

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