Chapter 7 Part 2 Skeleton

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___ pairs of ribs are found in the adult human


The appendicular skeleton is comprised fo _____ bones.


The vertebral column contains ____ called vertebrae.

26 bones

Each finger has ____ , however, the thumb has only ____ .

3 phalanges and 2 phalanges

The cranium consists of ____ bones fused together by jagged, immovable joints.


The wrist is made up of _____ bones that are firmly bound into two rows.

8 carpal

____ bones make up the axial skeleton. ( a number)


The ilium meets the ischium and pubis at a cup like depression caled the ____ .


The _ forms the tip of the shoulder.

acromion process

The human skeleton is divided into two major divisions the ____ and the ____

axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton

The second cerevical vertebra is the _____, it has a bony projection called the ____ on its body.

axis and dens

The heel bone is called the ________.


The first seven vertebrae are the ____

cervical vertebrae

The pectoral girdle is composed of the ____ and ____.

clavicle and scapula

The _ , or _ , is a slender elongated S shaped bone that runs between the scapula and manubrium

clavicle or collar bone

The ____ is formed by the fusion of four vertebrae.


The ____ is a bony process of hte scapula that curves anteriorly and inferiorly to the clavicle.

coracoid process

On the anteriior side of the humerus is a depression, the ____, which receives a process of te ulna.

coronoid fossa

On the mandible, the _____ is the attachment for the muscles of chewing.

coronoid process

The ____ projects upward withn the ring of the atlas to privide a pivot for the atas.


The lower cartilagenous portion of the sternum is the ____

diploid process

The _____is a small bone located in front of the sphenoid that separates the nasal cavity from the rest of the cranium.

ethmoid bone

located on the inferior margin of the temporal bone is the _____ , which brings sound wves to the ear.

external acoustic meatus

The last five pairs of ribs are called ____ .

false ribs

The _____ is the longest and strongest bone in the body.


the bone of the upper leg is the ____


The ____ does ot extend to the knee joint and does not bear any body weight.


The _____is the slender bone that extends down the lateral portion of hte lower leg.


The carpals articulate with the ____ that form the framework of the palm.

five metacarpal bones

The eleventh and twelth pair of ribs do not attach to the sternum and are called ____

floating ribs

In a newborn's cranium there are membranous areas called ____


The occipital bone contains the ____ , a large opening on the lower surface for the passage of nerve fibers from the brain

foramen magnum

The ____ forms the forehead and the anterior roof of the cranium.

frontal bone

The ____is a depression in the shoulder blade that articulates with the head of the humerus.

glenoid fossa

The rounded upper end of the humerus fits into the ____ of the scapula.

glenoid fossa

The _____ is a long bone tht extends from the scapula to the ebow.


The _ supports the tongue and is an attachment for certain muscles that help move the tongue during swallowing.

hyoid bone

The ____ is a small arched bone that is not connected to any other bone.

hyoid bone

The upperost margin of the coxal bone is the _____ .

iliac crest

the upper portion of the coal bone is the ___


Above the sacrum, the unfused vertebrae are separated by ____ .

intervertebral disks

On the lower surface of the vertebral pedicle are notches that align with adjacent vertebrae to form an openig called the ____

intervertebral foramina

The lower portion of the coxal bone is the ____ .


The atlas supports the head on two ____ that articulate with the occipital condyle.

kidney shaped facets

Two plates called ____ arise from the pedice and fuse in the back to form a ____ .

laminae and spinous process

On the lower end of the fibula is the ____ , where ligaments attach.

lateral malleolus

The _____extends from the heel to the toes and the ____ stretches across the foot.

longitudinal arch and transverse arch

There are 5 ___ vertebrae


The _____ is a horseshoe shaped bone that forms the lower jaw.


The ____ extends upward frm the mandible and articulates with the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone.

mandibular condyle

The _____ is a depression in the temporal bone where it articulates with the mandible.

mandibular fossa

The ____ is the uppermost shield shaped portion of the sternum


The ____ is a rounded process just behind the ear, that serves as an attachment for muscles.

mastoid process

The ____ form the upper jaw.


The ____are long thin, nearly rectangular bones that fuse to form the bridge of the nose.

nasal bones

The ____ bone forms the back of the skull and the posterior cranial floor.


The occipital boe contains two rounded processes, called ____ , that articulate with the first cervical vertebra.

occipital condyles

On the posterior side of the humerus is a depression, the ____ , that receives the end of the ulna when the arm is straightened at the elbow.

olecranon fossa

The proximal end of the ulna is called the ____ .

olecranon process

Air filled cavities called ____reduce the skull's weight and increase the intensity of the voice.

paranasal sinuses

The _____ bones forms the posterior roof of the crnium and are arched fattened bones.


The ____ is located in a tendon that passes anteriorly over the knee.


The ____ connects the arm bones to the rib cage.

pectoral girdle

The appendicular skeleton is composed of the _ , _ , _ , and _ .

pectoral girdle , upper limbs , pelvic girdle , and lower limbs

Projecting posteriorly from each vertebral body are two short stalks called ____


The ____ connects the leg bones to the sacrum.

pelvic girdle

The left and right pubic bones fuse at the midline at a joint called the ____

pubic synthesis

The ____ is located on the thumb side of the forearm.


The ____ extends from the elbow to the wrist and crosses over the ____ when the hand is turned palm down.

radius and ulna

The _____ is a triangular structure formed by the fusion of 5 vertebrae.


The parietal bones are joined at the midline by the ____ and to the frontal bone by the _____ .

sagittal suture and coronal suture

The _____is a large triangular bone, on either side of the back, connected to the axial skeleton.

scapular or shoulder blade

A portion of the sphenoid bone indents to form the ____ which houses the pituitary gland.

sella turcica

The ankle is formed by a series of _____

seven tarsals

The axial skeleton is composed of the ____ , _____ , _____ , and ____ .

skull , cranium , vertebral columns , and thoracic cage

The ____ bone forms the anterior internal floor of the cranium, sides of the skull and floor and sides of the orbits.


The thoracic cage is formed by the _ , _ , _ and _ .

sternum , ribs , thoracic vertebrae and costal cartilage

The ____ or ______, is located on the midline of the anterior thoracic cage

sternum or breast bone

The ____ alows blood vessels and nerves to enter the fronta bone tissue.

supraorbital forearm

The cranium is composed of eight bones fused together by jagged imovable joints called ____


One of the tarsal boes the ____ , can move freely where it joins the tibia and fibula.


____bones form the lateral walls of the cranium.


There are 12 ____ vertebrae.


The ____ is the larger bone in the lower leg.


____ extend laterally and posteriorly from the vertebra to act as attachents for muscles of the back

transverse processes

muscles of the leg and buttocks attach to the ____


The proximal end of the ulna has a wrench like opening, the ____ , that articulates with the humerus.

trochlear notch

The first seven pairs of ribs are caled ____ because they are joined directly to the sternum by _____ .

true ribs and costal cartilage

The ____ is located on the little finger side of the forearm.


The _____ is the larger of the two bones of the forearm


The spinal cord passes through the ____ formed by the vertebral arch that encloses and protects the spine.

vertebral canal

The ____ extends from the base of the skull to the pelvis and forms the _____ of the skeleton.

vertebral column and vertical axis

The ____ is located on the midline of the nasal cavity, it divides the cavity into right and left sides.


The ____ bones form the prominences of the cheeks.


The temporal process joins the zygomatic process to ofrm the _____

zygomatic arch

The ____ is a projection of the temporal boe that helps form the cheek.

zygomatic process

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