Chapter 7 Positive Organizational Behavior

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programmed conflict

Conflict that raises different opinions regardless of the personal feelings of the managers. (348)


Efforts to enhance employee performance, well-being, and positive attitudes. (411)

obliging style

Showing low concern for yourself and a great concern for others. (350)

creative outcome effectiveness

The joint novelty and usefulness (quality) of a product or service as judged by others. (394)

Prosocial behaviors

positive acts performed without expecting anything in return

escalation of commitment bias

refers to the tendency to stick to an ineffective course of action when it is unlikely that the bad situation can be reversed. (397)

holistic hunch

represents a judgement that is based on a subconscious integration of information stored in memory. (373)


A method used to help groups generate multiple ideas and alternatives for solving problems. (392)


A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when members; strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action.

Conscious capitalism (CC)

A philosophy of management that proposes that organizations exist for purposes beyond making a profit (222).

Organizational climate

Employees' perceptions of formal and informal organizational policies, practices, procedures, and routines (239).

decision-making style

How an individual perceives and comprehends stimuli and the general manner in which he or she chooses to respond to such information. (384)

expert power

Influencing others with valued knowledge or information. (405)

explicit knowledge

Information that can easily be put into words. (374)

organizational politics

Intentional acts of influence to enhance or protect the self-interest of individuals or groups that are not endorsed by or aligned with those of the organization. (420)

integrating style

Interested parties confront the issue and cooperatively identify the problem, generate and weigh alternatives, and select a solution. (350)

personality conflict

Interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement. (337)

devil's advocacy

Involves assigning someone the role of the critic. (348)

conflict processes

Members' interactions aimed at working through task and interpersonal disagreements. (339)

nonrational models of decision making

Models typically built on assumptions that decision making is uncertain, that decision makers do not possess complete information, and that managers struggle to make optimal decisions. (371)

reward power

Obtain compliance by promising or granting rewards. (405)


Persevering toward goals and, when necessary, redirecting paths to goals (hope) in order to succeed (235).

Upward spirals of positivity

Positive behaviors, feelings, and attitudes feed your own and those of others in a continual, reinforcing process (226).

coercive power

Power to make threats of punishment and deliver actual punishment. (405)

Organizational practices

Refer to a host of procedures, policies, practices, routines, and rules that organizations use to get things done (240).

Psychological empowerment

Reflects employee's belief that they have control over their work. (meaning, competence, self-determination, impact at work (412; 451)

minority dissent

Reflects the extent to which group members feel comfortable disagreeing with other group members. (391)

Attentional deficit

Reflects the inability to focus vividly on an object (231)

big data

Reflects the vast quantity of data available for decision making. (382)

judgmental heuristics

Represent cognitive shortcuts or biases that are used to simplify the process of making decisions. (376)

creative performance behaviors

Represent four key behaviors that drive the production of creative outcomes. (394)


Represents a situation in which there are possibilities to do things that lead to results that exceed goals and expectations. (396)


Represents and end point of desired goal you want to achieve (234).


Represents employees' shared perceptions of policies, practices, and procedures. (341)


Represents judgments, insights, or decisions that come to mind on their own, without explicit awareness cues and without explicit evaluation of the validity of these cues. (373)

personal power

Sources of influence that you possess independent of your position or job. (407)

Positive deviance

Successful performance that dramatically exceeds the norm in a positive direction (220).

contact hypothesis

Suggests that the more members of different groups interact, the less inter-group conflict they will experience (340).

"hard" tactics

Tactics involving more overt pressure methods such as exchange, coalition, pressure, and legitimating tactics. (416)


The ability to marshal human, informational, and other resources to get something done. (404)

Social support

The amount of perceived helpfulness derived from social relationships (245).

Positivity effect

The attraction of all living systems toward positive energy and away from negative energy or toward that which is life giving and away from that which is life depleting (220).


The combined impact of five elements: - positive emotions - engagement - relationship - meaning - achievement

added-value negotiation

The negotiating parties cooperatively develop multiple deal packages while building a productive long-term relationship. (357)


occurs when companies invite non-employees to contribute to particular goals and manage the process via the Internet. (310)

media richness

the capacity of a given communication medium to convey information and promote understanding. (297)

communication the

the exchange of information between a sender and a receiver, and the inference (perception) of meaning between the individuals involved. (294)

social media

web-based/mobile technologies to generate interactive dialogue with members of a network. (308)

dominating style

Exhibiting a high concern for self and low concern for others. (350)

rational model of decision making

Explains how managers SHOULD make decisions. (368)

"soft" tactics

Friendly tactics - rational persuasion , inspirational appeals, consultation, ingratiate in, and personal apples. (416)

crucial conversations

discussions between two or more people where the stakes are high, opinions vary, and emotions run strong. (319)

communication competence

exchange of information between a sender and a receiver, and the inference (perception) of meaning between the individuals involved. (294)

electronic brainstorming

(also called brainwriting) allows participants to submit their ideas and alternatives over a computer network

Five Bases of Power

1. Legitimate Power 2. Reward Power 3. Coercive Power 4. Expert Power 5. Referent Power

compromising style

A give-and-take approach with a moderate concern for both self and others. (350)


A give-and-take decision making process involving two or more parties with different preferences. (356)

decision tree

A graphical representation of the process underlying decisions.

delphi technique

A group process that anonymously generates ideas or judgements from physically dispersed experts. (392)

dialectic method

A method managers use to foster a structured debate of opposing viewpoints prior to making a decision. (349)


A sense of "we-ness" that overrides individual differences and motives. (390)


a behavior occurring when people perceive that they are being attacked or threatened. (304)

social media policy

a company policy that describes the who, how, when, for what purposes, and consequences for noncompliance of social media usage (315)

linguistic style

a person's characteristic speaking pattern. (305)

nonverbal communication

any message sent or received independent of the written or spoken word. (299)


anything that interferes with the transmission and understanding of a message. (296)

evidence-based decision making (EBDM)

A process of conscientiously using the best available data and evidence when making managerial decisions. (380)


A shared belief in showing restraint and control when faced with temptation and provocation. It promotes self-control, humility, and prudence (239).


A shared value that drives people to help others who are suffering (239).

positional power

A source of influence is associated with a particular job or position within an organization. (407)


A state of reduced attention. It is expressed in behavior that is rigid or thoughtless (229).


An informal group bound together by the active pursuit of a single issue. (423)

impression management

Any attempt to control or manipulate the images related to a person, organization, or idea. (426)


Any form of socially harmful behavior, such as aggression, interpersonal deviance, social undermining, interactional injustice, harassment, abusive supervision, and bullying. (344)


The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non judgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment (230).

Buffering effect

The buffering or reduction of the impact of negative events and stressors (220).


Belonging to and serving something that you believe is bigger than the self (246).

functional conflict

Commonly referred to in management circles as constructive or cooperative conflict and is characterized by consultative interactions, a focus on the issues, mutual respect and useful give and take. (333)


Compares an individual's behavior with that of his or her peers. Reached when all members agree to support the outcome. (392)

legitimate power

Compliance obtained because of their formal authority to make decisions. Expressed positively (constructively) or negatively (threatening and demeaning). (405)

decision support systems (DSS)

Computer-based interactive systems that help decision makers to use data and models to solve unstructured problems. (392)

dysfunctional conflict

Conflict that threatens an organization's interests. (333)

influence tactics

Conscious efforts to affect and change behaviors in others. (415)


Consists of choosing a solution that meets some minimum qualifications, one that is "good enough"

Amplifying effect

Creation of positive outcomes because of their association with positive emotions and social capital (220).

decision making

Entails identifying and choosing alternative solutions that lead to a desired state of affairs. (368)

psychological empowerment

Occurs when employees feel a sense of meaning, competence, self-determination, and impact at work.


Occurs when one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. (330)

work-family conflict

Occurs when the demands or pressures from work and family domains are mutually incompatible. (342)

goal displacement

Occurs when the primary goal is overridden by a secondary goal. (390)

avoiding style

Passive withdrawal from the problem and active suppression of the issue. (350)


People who view successes as due to their "personal, permanent, and pervasive causes, and negative events to external, temporary, and situation-specific ones (237).

psychological safety climate

Refers to a shared belief among team members that the team is a safe place for interpersonal risk taking and captures a 'sense of confidence that the team will not embarrass, reject, or punish someone for speaking up.' (341)

Restorative justice

Reflects a shared belief in the importance of resolving conflict multilaterally through the inclusion of victims, offenders, and all other stakeholders (239).


Represents the extent to which our lives contain positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement (PERMA) (242).

bounded rationality

Represents the notion that decision makers are "bounded"or restricted by a variety of constraints when making decisions. (371)


Represents what individuals and organizations aspire to be when they are at their very best

alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Resolution that uses faster, more user-friendly methods of dispute resolution, instead of traditional, adversarial approaches (e.g. unilateral decision making or litigation). (353)

conflict states

Shared perceptions among members of the team amount the intensity of disagreement over either tasks or relationships (339).

listening Listening

The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages. (301)


The process of producing new and useful ideas concerning products, services , processes, and procedures. (394)

zone of possible agreement (ZOPA)

The range of possibilities you are willing to accept. (357)


The state of being completely involved in an activity for its own sake (244).

Positive OB (POB)

The study and application of positively oriented human resource strengths and psychological capacities that can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance improvement in today's workplace (218).

structural empowerment

Transferring authority and responsibilities from management to employees. (411)

referent power

Using personal characteristics and social relationships to influence others. (406)

distributive negotiation

Usually involves a single issue - a "fixed pie" - in which on person gains at the expense of another. (356)

integrative negotiation

When an agreement can be found that is better for both parties than what they would have reached through distributive negotiation. (356)


When beset by problems and adversity sustaining and bouncing back and even beyond (resilience) to attain success. Having the capacity to consistently bounce back from adversity and to sustain yourself in the face of the demands of positive events (235).

Flex space

When policies enable employees to do their work from different locations besides the office (e.g. coffee shops, home, or the beach; AKA telecommuting). (344).


Giving employees flexible work hours that allow peole to come and go at different times, as long as they work the normal number of hours. Either when work is expecte to be completed (e.g. deadlines) or during which particualr hours of the day (e.g., 9-5, or anytime today; AKA flexible scheduling). (344)

Attentional hyperactivity

Happens when our minds are racing or wandering, resulting in compulsive daydreaming or fantasizing (232).

Positive psychological capital (PsyCap)

High levels of hope, efficacy ,resilience, and optimism (HERO)

tacit knowledge

Information gained through experience that is difficult to express and formalize. (374)


The capacity to foster collective abandonment of justified resentment, bitterness, and blame, and, instead, it is the adoption of positive, forward-looking approaches in response to harm or damage (241).

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