Chapter 7: Team Dynamics

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What is the best definition of team building?

Formal activities intended to improve the development and functioning of a work team

Which of the following exist primarily for the benefit of their members?

Informal groups

What is the main benefit of having well-structured tasks within a team?

It facilitates work coordination.

During which stage of team development does the team establish team roles and form consensus around group objectives?


Why would a team with 100 members fail to perform as well as a smaller team?

Not all 100 team members are able to influence each other.

True or false: According to the similarity-attraction effect, we are more likely to trust coworkers who are similar to us.


True or false: There tends to be high accountability among employees when working on an assembly line.


How do faultines undermine team effectiveness?

They inhibit communication across perceived divisions.

What are two advantages of smaller teams?

-Higher levels of engagement -Improved perceived support

Rules of brainstorming include which three of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

-Idea quantity, not quality, is what counts. -Withhold criticism of others or their ideas. -Build on others' ideas.

What are two motivating forces that make teams more productive at work? (Choose every correct answer.)

-Members feel highly accountable to other team members. -Each team member acts as a performance standard for other members.

What are two characteristics of a team? (Choose every correct answer.)

-Members perceive themselves as a social entity within an organization. -Teams exist to fulfill a purpose.

Elements of the organizational and team environment that impact the effectiveness of a team include which two of the following? (Choose every correct answer.)

-Organizational structure -Physical layout of workspace

When is a team considered effective? (Choose every correct answer.)

-When it remains intact until its goals are achieved -When it benefits both team members and the organization

1. Identification-based trust 2. Calculus-based trust 3. Knowledge-based trust

1. Based on mutual understanding and an emotional bond among team members 2. Based on the premise that team members will act appropriately because they will otherwise face sanctions 3. Based on the predictability of another team member's behavior

Rank the types of team trust in order from lowest to highest. Place the lowest level at the top of the list.

1. Calculus-based trust 2. Knowledge-based trust 3. Identification-based trust

Order the stages of team development from first to last. (Note: the first stage should be the top item on your list.)

1. Forming 2. Storming 3 Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

______ is a decision-making technique where team members meet face-to-face, speak freely without fear of criticism, generate as many creative ideas as possible, and build on the ideas of others.


Harry wanted to generate as many ideas as possible about the company's new campaign. He gathered his creative team in a conference room, introduced the topic, and asked that each participant think and record their ideas individually and anonymously without any verbal interaction. What is the term used to describe this technique for generating ideas?


______ is a group idea generation and problem resolution approach that asks participants to write down their ideas instead of verbally describing them.


Bob thought that adding members to the planning committee for the charity auction would reduce everyone's workload. Much to his dismay, he discovered that having a bigger committee had the reverse effect and ate up time and effort in terms of coordination and conflict resolution. This best describes which challenge associated with teams?

Brooks's law

______ trust is based on the assumption that other team members will perform as expected because they fear the consequences of not doing what they promised.


True or false: All groups are teams, but not all teams are groups.


True or false: Unlike a team norm, a team role applies to all members of a team.


The members of a product development team have begun to work together smoothly, trust each other, and commit to the objectives of the team. The product development team is in which stage of team development?


Cisco Systems has wireless technology throughout its facility and uses collaborative workspaces instead of cubicles to facilitate interaction between team members. Which element of the organizational and team environment has Cisco addressed?

Physical space

"Every time we add someone to this team, it feels like we have to start from scratch again to get everyone up to speed," David complained. This best illustrates which challenge associated with teamwork?

Process losses

"The harder it is to get into a group, the more incentive people have to stay." This quotation illustrates which influence on team cohesion?

Restricted entry

Which of the following teams allows employees to plan, organize, and control their work activities with little or no direct involvement of a higher-status supervisor?

Self-directed team

______ encompasses formal activities intended to improve the development and functioning of a work team.

Team building

In what way are teams superior to individuals in the workplace?

Teams are able to tackle tasks too complex for a single person.

If you are late for a product development team meeting at JoBella Enterprises, you have to put $2 in a "Pizza Fund." This fund is used to buy lunch for the team on the first Friday of each month. This is an example of ______.

a team norm

Brooks's law states that ______.

adding more people to a late project only makes it later

The development of norms enables team members to ______.

anticipate or predict how others will act

The number of people included in a team and the personal attributes they possess are examples of team ______.


Teams that are susceptible to faultlines are typically ______.


Teams tend to have more cohesion when ______.

entry to the team is restricted

A decision-making problem that occurs when individuals are reluctant to express ideas that seem silly because they believe other team members are silently judging them is known as ______.

evaluation apprehension

Toby had some ideas on how her group should address its class project, but she was reluctant to speak up during their meeting because she was afraid that the other members would think her ideas were far-fetched. This is an example of ______.

evaluation apprehension

In a brainstorming meeting, team members are encouraged to ______.

generate as many ideas as possible

As a general rule, as the size of the team ______, team cohesion ______.

increases; decreases

Cognitive images that team members form about the team's tasks, relationship dynamics, and knowledge repository are called team ______.

mental models

Team _____ are the informal rules and shared expectations that groups establish to regulate the behavior of their members.


Laurel was frustrated after the fund-raising committee meeting because only one member was allowed to speak at a time, and she could not find an opportune time to voice her concerns or ask questions. Laurel has experienced ______.

production blocking

The fact that only one member of a team can speak at a time creates a time constraint known as ______.

production blocking

The shared belief among team members that risk-taking will not have adverse consequences is called ______.

psychological safety

When interacting with her team, Juanita feels secure enough to express ideas that she thinks are a bit weird or unusual. Juanita is experiencing ______.

psychological safety

A team whose members operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries and are linked through information technologies to achieve organizational tasks is known as a(n) ______ team.


Process losses are best described as ______.

resources expended toward team development rather than task performance

A(n) ______ team is a cross-functional, largely autonomous work group that completes an entire piece of work requiring several interdependent tasks.


As a team matures and members develop similar images and expectations about the team's objectives, values, and norms, team members are forming ______.

shared mental models

The ______ stage of team development is characterized by interpersonal conflict as members compete for team roles.


A(n) _____ is a group of two or more people who interact and influence each other, are mutually accountable for achieving common goals, and perceive themselves as a social entity.


The Three Musketeers' motto, "All for one and one for all" (meaning that all members of the group support individual members, and the individual members pledge to support the group), is an example of ______.

team cohesion

The degree of attraction people feel toward the team and their motivation to remain members is referred to as ______.

team cohesion

A role is a set of behaviors that people are expected to perform because ______.

they hold certain positions in a team or organization

Janice is a project manager at a large, multinational insurance company in Illinois. Her team members are located in Ireland, Bangladesh, and Australia and work remotely via information technologies. This is an example of a(n) ______ team.


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