Chapter 7 World Geography

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Modern humans (homo sapiens) evolved in eastern Africa about _____ years ago.

200,000 yrs

The rate of contraception use by married women in sub-Saharan Africa is _____ percent


The world's deserts are generally found at about _____°N and S latitude.


- Slums house approximately what percentage of Africa's urban population?


African regional economic communities does NOT include the A) Congo Basin Community (CBC). B) Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). C) East African Community (EAC). D) Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).


Among the various campaigns to end the practice of female genital mutilation, the most successful appear to be those that emphasize what idea? A) It poses a threat to women's health. B) It amounts to an abuse of human rights. C) It increases sexual activity among young girls. D) It undermines respect for women's fathers and husbands.


The current that flows northward along the west coast of Africa is the

Benguela Current

Most or all of the Chinese-financed infrastructure projects sponsored in Africa were built by: A) native Africans. B) slave labor. C) Chinese labor. D) low-paid laborers from India


The Anglican Church in Africa tends to attract: A) rural villagers. B) the urban poor. C) the educated urban middle class. D) wealthy elites.


Briefly describe the people known as the Boers

Dutch immigrant farmers who were among the first Europeans to settle in South Africa

In what part of Africa did the first human species evolve into existence? (N, S, E, W)

Eastern Africa (E)

What is the name of the type of tourism fostered by African countries used to promote wildlife conservation?


The term used to refer to the shared language, cultural traditions, and political and economic institutions of a group is _____.


Development activities that focus on women's roles in the economy have led to improvements in Africa's:


What term represents the deliberate destruction of an ethnic, racial, or political group?


In concise terms, describe the practice known as polygyny

Having multiple wives

Pastoralism is a way of life based on _____.


The key motive of European nations in colonizing Africa was:

Human labors and raw material

The Rwandan ethnic groups (2) that have engaged in mutual genocide over the last 20 years are the:

Hutu and Tutsi

Most of the rainfall in sub-Saharan Africa is a product of what climatic feature?


The band of atmospheric currents that circle the globe roughly around the equator is known as the _____.

ITCZ (Intertropical Convergence Zone)

An approach to development that consists of small self-help projects that use local skills to create products or services for local consumption is known as _____.

Self-reliant development

What is the name of the method of farming in which small patches of land are cleared, often by burning the vegetation, so as to produce fertile soil in the wet tropics?

Shifting cultivation

Another name for trypanosomiasis is _____, and it is spread through the bites of _____.

Sleeping Sickness

The first South African national elections in which black South Africans could participate took place in

South Africa

While the economic policies introduced by most newly independent states in sub-Saharan Africa were generally unsuccessful, what country managed to create a large and diversified economy during the postcolonial period?

South Africa

The term used to describe the long cliffs between Africa's plateau and coast is _____.

Steep Escarpments

In Africa, tropical wet climates transition into seasonally wet/dry tropical woodlands, followed by another transition into:

Steepe transition

Ushahidi was originally designed to share information quickly about what major event?

Violence that broke out in Kenya during the 2008 Elections.

What is the MOST obvious European legacy at the root of many armed conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa?

ethnic rivalry

By what local means are most goods transported in rural Africa?

footpaths on the heads of women

What fraction of the world's national park land is in Africa?


In most cases, the colonial period formally came to an end during what decade?


In sub-Saharan Africa, in which aspect of agriculture are men MOST likely to be involved? A) cultivating and growing cash crops B) harvesting and preparing food C) transporting crops to market D) sowing and weeding of the family crops


What is a significant barrier to providing treatment for those with HIV-AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa? A) The cost of the treatment is too high. B) The treatment needs refrigeration and often expires before it can be delivered to all regions. C) Patients are afraid to take Western-style medication. D) Treatments from the United States do not work on Africans.


What occurred in sub-Saharan Africa during the period between 1961 and 2009? A) Per capita food production declined. B) Value of African currencies increased. C) Foreign investment increased. D) Size of impoverished population declined


Which country did NOT receive economic and/or military aid from the Soviet Union in the 1970s and 1980s? A) South Africa B) Mozambique C) Namibia D) Angola


Which statement is NOT a valid explanation for high birth rates in sub-Saharan Africa? A) Tropical climates lead to higher fertility rates. B) Children are perceived as an economic advantage. C) Due to high infant mortality rates, parents have extra children in the hopes of raising a few to maturity. D) Children are considered to ensure a family's genetic and spiritual survival.


Which statement is NOT true of slavery in modern-day Africa? A) It is widely practiced in Swaziland, Lesotho, and South Africa. B) It is most common in the Sahel. C) Some slaves have been sold by their parents to pay off debts. D) Slaves often work as domestic servants or prostitutes.


Which statement is NOT true of the physical geography of the African continent? A) Its coastline is home to many natural harbors. B) Its physical geography has long hindered transport. C) The continent's surface is basically a plateau bordered by narrow coastal lowlands. D) It was most likely the center of Pangaea


Which statement is NOT true of urbanization in sub-Saharan Africa? A) Urban growth is uncontrolled and poorly planned. B) Development of manufacturing industries and the service sector is growing rapidly in sub-Saharan African cities. C) Rates of fertility are not slowing in sub-Saharan Africa cities, partly because of poverty, disease, and the lack of economic and educational opportunities. D) Urban Africans are beginning to grow their own food between houses, and in the wastelands that surround urban shantytowns


The rain produced by the intertropical convergence zone is MOST abundant near what major line of latitude?

Africa near the equator (Congo Basin)

In recognition of the rapid loss of forests, what practice is being adopted that emphasizes economically useful trees to take the pressure off of old-growth forests?


The belief system that sees spirits, including those of the deceased, as existing everywhere is called _____.


What was the name of the policy in South Africa, enacted in 1948 and discarded in 1994, that fortified the racial segregation of its population, much to the detriment of blacks?


Which health issue is a result of burning charcoal for fuel?

Asthma and other Respiratory problems

Which world region was the destination for most of the slaves extracted from Africa during the European slave trade?

Atlantic Slave Trade

- The large majority (almost 75 percent) of Africa's refugees are: A) men. B) women and children. C) immigrants from South America. D) Muslims.


Evangelical versions of Christianity in Africa tend to attract: A) rural villagers. B) urban migrants. C) the educated urban middle class. D) wealthy elites


The cultural reason underlying female genital mutilation is MOST likely A) the desire to keep the birth rate low. B) to ensure that women are virgins in marriage and have interest in sex only for procreation. C) to ease women's pain in childbirth. D) to form a bond between mother and daughter


What resulted from South Africa's policy of apartheid? A) the assignment of all black people in the country to their so-called homelands B) the creation of reservations wherein white people could live safely C) the expulsion of all white people from South Africa D) the equal distribution of lands according to the population's racial makeup


Which country's democratic elections resulted in violence that left more than 1 million citizens as refugees? A) Kenya B) Congo (Kinshasa) C) South Africa D) Zimbabwe


Which statement describes a social and demographic consequence of the spread of AIDS in subSaharan Africa? A) Men increasingly choose more mature women as sexual partners. B) Life expectancy in such countries as South Africa is declining. C) More than 50 percent of the population has migrated to other continents. D) Many who succumb to the disease are elderly adults.


Which statement describes an outcome of independence in most countries of sub-Saharan Africa? A) Newly formed political institutions resulted in hostilities between ethnic groups that have at times led to civil wars. B) Ethnic hostilities were resolved. C) Leaders returned to tribal systems of governance. D) Freedom of the press and free speech were enshrined in government practices


Which statement does NOT describe sub-Saharan Africa? A) The region is geographically larger than North America and Europe combined. B) The region is extremely densely populated. C) It is home to some of the world's fastest-growing economies. D) The region includes nearly 50 countries


Which statement is NOT true of population patterns in sub-Saharan Africa? A) Population densities are very high in some places and very low in others. B) Rural areas are almost always underpopulated. C) Sub-Saharan populations are growing faster than in any other region on Earth. D) More people in sub-Saharan Africa are surviving long enough to reproduce, which is leading to a drastic population increase.


Which statement is NOT true of the African slave trade between 1600 and 1865? A) Europeans paid native African kingdoms to make slave raids into the interior of Africa. B) About equal numbers of male slaves and female slaves were sent to the Americas. C) About 12 million slaves were sent to the Americas. D) About 90 percent of the slaves ended up in South America, while about 10 percent ended up in North America.


Which statement is NOT true of information and communications technology in sub-Saharan Africa? A) Even the poorest can afford mobile phone technology through prepayment credits sold in very small units. B) Cell phone networks are starting to cross borders with no surcharges, thus increasing trade and interaction with other countries. C) Educated Africans who are skilled in IT are increasingly migrating to richer regions, rather than investing their time and efforts at home. D) Google estimates that there are approximately 1 billion mobile phones in sub-Saharan Africa, one for every person.


Which statement is NOT true of the slums that are now common on the outskirts of the cities of subSaharan Africa? A) They exist because governments have paid little attention to the need for affordable housing. B) People often have to commute long distances from the shantytowns to their jobs. C) The shantytowns are home to not only the poor, but also to the wealthy who are looking for cheap domestic labor. D) Many people in the shantytowns experience disease outbreaks from the bacteria found in untreated sewage.


Which statement is a criticism sometimes made of agroforestry? A) It requires more intensive use of resources than traditional methods. B) It is not consistent with the goals of the greenbelt movement. C) It sometimes brings invasive species onto the African continent. D) It simply switches agriculture from one crop to another


Women's traditional and modern roles in sub-Saharan Africa do NOT include: A) gathering firewood. B) tending to the children and home. C) preparing land for cultivation of cash crops. D) caring for the sick


The peninsula that shelters a harbor on the southwestern coast of South Africa is known as _____.

Cape of Good Hope

The process by which trees remove carbon from the air and store it in their biomass is known as:

Carbon Sequestration

So-called gospel of success churches, which are growing quickly in Africa, blend ideas of capitalism with values and beliefs embodied in what religion?


A raw material that is traded is known as a(n) _____.


What process is creating a series of rift features along the eastern flank of the African continent?

Crustal plates that underlie the African continent are spreading apart, with a new plate called Somali emerging.

What did NOT occur as a result of European colonialism in Africa? A) National boundaries were sometimes set up to divide and weaken tribal groups.x B) Colonial officials encouraged hostilities between indigenous groups.x C) Food production decreased so that more exportable goods could be produced. D) Apartheid was declared in all the nations of sub-Saharan Africa


What two languages do most Africans speak? A) English and French B) their native language and English C) their native language and French D) their native language and a lingua franca


Which desert is NOT located in Africa? A) the Sahara B) the Namib C) the Kalahari D) the Rub'al Khali


Which disease is NOT one that is waterborne and common in sub-Saharan Africa? A) typhoid B) dysentery C) cholera D) HIV-AIDS


Which religion is NOT a main source of Africa's religious traditions? A) Islam B) Christianity C) animism D) Judaism


Which solution is NOT being tried or considered in sub-Saharan Africa to protect wildlife? A) efforts to reduce poaching B) increased ecotourism C) interference with natural migration patterns to prevent animals from drowning D) traps to kill predators who feed on weaker species


Which statement BEST describes a recent discovery concerning water in sub-Saharan Africa? A) Groundwater supplies are far smaller than once thought. B) Groundwater supplies are almost completely polluted by mineral extraction projects. C) Although groundwater is plentiful, it is located too deep to be accessed by bore wells. D) The quantity of groundwater is far greater than previously thought.


Which statement BEST summarizes the practices of the British experts who promoted commercial agricultural systems in Nigeria? A) They relied on local practices to find the most sustainable uses for the land. B) They insisted on planting crops that could not grow successfully in Nigeria. C) They instituted a local education system to help disseminate agricultural knowledge. D) They did not include local women in their planning, even though Nigerian women have extensive knowledge of farming techniques.


Which statement does NOT describe Africa before European contact? A) China operated multiple colonial operations to obtain African minerals. B) Wealthy Islamic kingdoms were making pilgrimages from West Africa to Mecca. C) A slave trade flourished between African cities and Southwest and South Asia. D) Societies based on mining and iron production developed.


Which statement does NOT reflect the lasting influence of the colonial period on African societies? A) Many independent African governments are undemocratic. B) Europeanized elites usually dominate government and the economy. C) African economies depend on the export of raw materials. D) African governments effectively redistribute wealth to an impoverished majority.


Which statement is NOT true about AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa? A) More women than men are currently infected. B) The disease is spread through contact with sex workers. C) Only a small percentage of those with AIDS can afford the drugs required for treatment. D) Of the nations in sub-Saharan Africa, Botswana has the lowest incidence of AIDS


Which statement is NOT true of modern Africa? A) Slavery still exists. B) Corruption and abuse of power have been the marks of many governments. C) Africa must import food, and it still produces few of its manufactured goods. D) After the fall of apartheid, South Africa lost its place as the region's wealthiest country.


Which statement is NOT true of the PRSPs that have replaced SAPs in Africa? A) They focus on poverty reduction rather than just development. B) They promote democratic reforms. C) They aim to reduce the role of government in the economy. D) They require nations to pay back all their debt as a condition of participation


Which statement is NOT true of the refugee situation in Africa? A) Refugees are often trying to escape genocide. B) The burden of hosting refugees can be severe for the host countries. C) Large portions of economic aid to Africa have been diverted to meet the emergency needs of refugees. D) Refugees are usually migrants who have moved from their home country to another country in search of work.


Which two natural resources were discovered in South Africa in the 1860s?

Diamond and Gold

This is the deliberate intensification of divisions and conflicts by potential rulers.

Divide and Rule

What term describes when a country's economy is split between sectors that are rich and industrialized and poor, relying on informal businesses?

Dual Economy

About half of all the deaths in sub-Saharan Africa are caused by

Infectious Disease

The form of female genital mutilation in which the vulva is stitched nearly shut is called _____.


The people of the powerful empires of Ghana and Mali were generally converts of what religion that was known for making pilgrimages to Makkah (Mecca)?


Which mountain is located in Africa?

Kilimanjar, Kenya

- The LARGEST city in sub-Saharan Africa is:

Lagos (Nigeria)

Name the two African countries that retained their independence during the period of European colonization

Liberia and Ethiopia

Which two countries of sub-Saharan Africa are working on a plan to dam the Niger River?

Mali and Niger

What practice do most sub-Saharan Africans resort to that involves alternating the use of fields between cultivation and livestock grazing?

Mixed Agriculture

Nigeria is home to how many indigenous languages?

More than 400

Who was the first president of South Africa after white minority rule ended?

Nelson Mandela

Africa's most populous country is _____.


In which oil-rich West African country did British colonial rule reinforce a north-south dichotomy?


Much of Nigeria's oil wealth lies on lands occupied by the _____ people


In what country have the people suffered the environmental destruction of their homeland by oil producers while receiving very little of the actual oil or profits?


Why is Africa lacking mountain ranges?

Pangea (Africa only moved slightly so mountain ranges were not formed)

Most African famines have been caused by:

Political instability that disrupts economies and food growing and distribution systems

The first Europeans to raid Africa for slaves were the:


Because it attracts much of the migration in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and it is six times the size of the DRC's next largest city, Kinshasa is an example of what type of city?

Primate city

This is the term for links between various aspects of a production line to maximize efficiency and profits

Production Theory

What economic effect did the introduction of SAPs in sub-Saharan Africa NOT bring about?

Reducing Debt

The money that immigrants send back to their home country is known as _____.


This term describes the back-and-forth migration between rural and urban areas.

Rural-urban migration

In which country were a number of female parliamentarians elected without the aid of quotas?


More than one-fourth of the African continent is covered by what major physical feature?

Sahara Desert

This is a band of arid grassland 200 to 400 miles wide that runs east-west along the southern edge of the Sahara:


This physical feature, the grassy transition zone between the Sahara Desert and wetter climes to the south, divides sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa.


For most Africans, what activity remains a major source of their livelihood?

Subsistence Agriculture

What is the name of the type of farming in which the farmer produces food only for the farmer's family?

Subsistence farming

What does the word Ushahidi mean in Swahili?


By which means are many of the local transport needs for the village and domestic units in subSaharan Africa satisfied?

Woman on foot

Which two products or technologies supply Africans with most of their domestic energy?

Wood and Charcoal

The Democratic Republic of the Congo was once known as _____.


What present-day African country was the site of a large civilization with many stone buildings, a mining operation, and agricultural development in the fifteenth century?


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