Chapter 8 - Understanding Network Effects

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Network effects occur when: a. the utility of large networks, particularly social networks, can scale exponentially with the size of the network. b. the value of a product or service increases as its number of users expands. c. people do and believe things merely because many other people do and believe the same things. d. a concept or idea is repeatedly asserted in a community, regardless of whether sufficient empirical evidence has been presented to support it. e. money can be made by offering a near-limitless selection of products or services.


15. A firm can spend no money and time yet expect to enhance its offerings, by: a. allowing other firms to contribute to its platform. b. going public through an initial public stock offering. c. outsourcing critical processes to third parties. d. adopting an envelopment strategy. e. preannouncing a forthcoming product to lower sales of current offerings.


22. A market dominated by a small number of powerful sellers is known as a(n) _____. a. oligopoly b. pure play c. short tail d. blue ocean e. greenfield


25. Visualix, a firm that leads the developed world in its sales of video game consoles and related software, has decided to enter the yet untapped market of some developing countries. These countries do not have a well established network to sell such products. Which of the following strategies should Visualix adopt in order to succeed in its new markets? a. Launch its own retail stores that sell the consoles and the games b. Sell its consoles at a subsidized price via the existing retail network c. Use the existing distribution network in order to reduce its entry costs d. Ensure that its products are sold at a premium price to a niche market in these countries e. Preannounce its plans to enter these markets


32. Nokia is a cell phone brand that offers digital cameras as part of its cell phone products. It is now in direct competition with camera brands such as Canon and Sony, and has become the world's largest seller of cameras. This is an example of: a. envelopment. b. product customization. c. market diversity. d. product development. e. market innovation


36. A(n) _____ is a product that allows a firm to tap into the complementary products, data, or user base of another product or service. a. adaptor b. plug-in c. emulator d. add-on e. transcriber


38. Large firms often find new markets attractive, but might not have products ready for delivery. What strategy do such firms use to get potential adopters to delay their purchasing decisions? a. Preannounce forthcoming efforts b. Make their new products compatible with the leading standard c. Spread costs across increasing units of production or in serving multiple customers d. Give away products for half of a two-sided market to seed the market e. Leverage customers of their other products to promote a new product


If 'V' represents the value of a network and 'n,' the number of users of a network, then Metcalfe's Law is defined by the equation: a. V= n 2 b. V= 1/n c. n= V 1/3 d. n= 2/3V e. V= 3/2n


Which of the following terms is used as an alternative to switching costs? a. Lock-in b. Complementary benefits c. Exchange benefits d. Straddling costs e. Network impedance


13. eBay auctions more books over its portal than any of its rivals. Similarly, Second Life has more virtual storefronts than its rivals. This is because: a. their offerings are associated with high total costs of ownership. b. they offer greater market reach and benefits to customers. c. their respective markets are marked by intense competition between rivals. d. they have subsidized the initial adoption of their offerings to lure more customers. e. they enjoy a greater price advantage over their rivals and can leverage this to increase profitability.


20. Network effects are characterized by a positive-feedback loop, where the biggest networks continue to grow bigger. What implication does this positive-feedback loop have for network markets? a. Formation of alliances to counter the growing influence of dominant firms b. Early, fierce competition between rivals c. Loss of revenue for market leaders due to arrival of new entrants d. Emergence of several firms that constantly swap market dominance e. Shrinking of market size due to the ambivalent nature of competition


23. The video game console market is a network market in which Sony's PlayStation 2 (PS2) dominated over Microsoft's Xbox offering. This has been possible due to: a. the low pricing of Xbox which eroded users' confidence in the product. b. game developers favoring PS2 for its larger user base. c. the presence of several cheap, rival imitations which ate into Xbox's market share. d. PS2's technical superiority over the Xbox. e. the straddling strategy adopted by Microsoft to expand in both video game and DVD player markets.


30. Apple is known around the world as a major PC manufacturer and maker of digital music players (iPods). With the introduction of the iTunes effort, Apple now boasts a 75 percent share in digital music sales, in direct competition with the four major record labels in the music industry. This has been possible due to the _____ of Apple's hardware business and the digital music market. a. straddling b. convergence c. diversification d. customization e. monopoly


33. Adobe gives away the Acrobat reader to build a market for the sale of software that creates Acrobat files. This is an example of: a. one market attempting to conquer a new market by making it a subset, component, or feature of its primary offering. b. firms giving away products for half of a two-sided market to seed the market. c. markets, once considered distinctly separate, beginning to offer similar features and capabilities. d. firms taking advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology. e. firms spreading costs across increasing units of production or in serving multiple customers.


35. Customers who owned Nintendo's 8-bit video game console were unable to play the same games on the firm's new 16-bit S.N.E.S. system. There was little incentive for existing Nintendo fans to stick with the firm. In this case, Nintendo's new offering suffered from a lack of: a. switching costs. b. backward compatibility. c. staying power. d. effective pricing. e. network effects


Which of the following products or services is not subject to network effects? a. Banking services b. Laundry services c. Video game consoles d. Social networks e. Cell phone services


The ability to take advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology is known as _____.

Backward compatability

11. Alpha Systems, a market leader in high-end video games, has designed its products such that it is difficult for the consumers to migrate to a rival. Which of the following is true about this scenario? a. Alpha Systems will have low switching costs. b. Alpha Systems has focused on creating customers who are "butterflies." c. Alpha Systems has created customers who are "barnacles." d. Alpha Systems is likely to reduce its staying power in this market. e. Alpha Systems has focused on reducing "friction" for its end users.


12. _____ are products or services that add additional value to the primary product or service that makes up a network. a. Quantum efforts b. Substitute components c. Complementary benefits d. Orthogonal gains e. Standby additions


18. The video game business is said to be a two-sided market. Customers buy a video game console largely based on the number of really great games available for the system. Software developers write games based on: a. the technical capabilities that a video game console can provide. b. the willingness of video game console manufacturers to support their offerings. c. their ability to reach the greatest number of paying customers. d. the availability of similar efforts from their competitors. e. the revenue sharing agreement they are able to reach with the console manufacturers.


21. Apple, which controls over 75 percent of digital music sales, was able to dictate song pricing for years, despite the tremendous protests of the record labels. This implies that: a. despite the presence of network effects, the music industry is not dominated by any single leader. b. the presence of multiple new entrants forces leading firms to drop prices of their offerings. c. firms with strong network effects enjoy substantial bargaining power over partners. d. a dominant market share does not necessarily translate to greater profitability for a firm. e. firms with significant market share can leverage network effects to overtake prior market leaders.


28. While Sony and Microsoft focused on the graphics and raw processing power favored by hard-core male gamers, Nintendo chose to develop a machine to appeal to families, women, and age groups that normally shunned violent games. The strategy adopted by Nintendo in the above example is the _____ strategy. a. straddling b. customer engagement c. blue ocean d. mass customization e. convergence


31. _____ is said to occur when one market attempts to conquer a new market by making it a subset, component, or feature of its primary offering. a. Acquisition b. Greenfield investment c. Envelopment d. Market leapfrogging e. Monopolization


39. _____ occur(s) when increasing number of users lower the value of a product or service. a. Network internalities b. Market inflexibility c. Congestion effects d. Backward incompatibility e. Convergence


Which of the following factors ensures that a user considers the staying power of a product before adopting it? a. Monetary savings in the short-term b. Reputation of the parent firm c. Value of the user's investment d. Liquidity of the parent firm e. Ease of migration to similar products


10. _____ is a term used by the trade press and consultants to refer to customers who are tightly anchored to a firm. a. Butterflies b. Parasites c. Sticklers d. Barnacles e. Anemones


14. Windows OS, iPhones, the Wii, and Facebook's application programming interfaces allow for the development and integration of complementary goods by third-parties. Based on this evidence, all these products or services can be said to be _____. a. pure plays b. coopetitors c. vertically integrated d. platforms e. venture capitalists


16. A market is said to be _____ if it derives most of its value from a single class of users. a. a pure play b. a long tail c. core competent d. one-sided e. convergent


19. American Express, a credit card firm, provides services to consumers that include plastic cards, individual accounts, and phone-based customer service. It also provides merchants with services, such as terminals for authorizing transactions and procedures for submitting charges. Based on the above facts, American Express is said to be in a _____ market. a. monopolistic b. niche c. captive d. two-sided e. contestable


24. Worldwide auction leader eBay started operations in Japan just five months after Yahoo! launched its Japanese auction service. But eBay was never able to mount a credible threat and ended up pulling out of the market. This example shows that: a. online auction markets are characterized by constant shifts in market dominance. b. market dominance in the global marketplace translates to an equivalent position in national markets. c. national markets tend to be influenced by factors that are not necessarily localized. d. it's imperative to move first in markets influenced by network effects. e. firms should always subsidize initial adoption of their products and make them cheaper than their competitor's products.


27. Viral promotion involves: a. offering rebates and incentives to customers for adopting a product or service. b. paying celebrities to use a product visibly to lure customers into unwittingly buying the product. c. emphasizing customer retention and satisfaction, rather than a dominant focus on sales transactions. d. leveraging a firm's customers to promote a product or service. e. sending a pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time.


34. Which of the following is an example of a measure taken by a firm to encourage the development of complementary goods? a. Adobe giving away the Acrobat reader for free b. Microsoft bundling new products into Windows, Internet Explorer browser, and other offerings c. Google's support of the Open Social standard for social networking d. Apple's iTunes that allows developers to sell their products online e. Nintendo's Wii games targeted at families, women, and older age groups


Staying power refers to the: a. relative abilities of parties in a situation to exert influence over each other. b. position of a firm in a competitive landscape that allows the company to maintain a positive cash flow. c. ability of a firm to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than a rival. d. long term viability of a product or service. e. ability to take advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology.


Which of the following factors represents one of the sources of value derived from network effects? a. Congestion b. Price transparency c. Information symmetry d. Staying power e. Complementary costs


17. Which of the following is an example of a one-sided market? a. Nintendo games b. Credit card services c. Operating systems d. Yellow pages e. Cell phone networks


26. Profitability of online auctions is derived mainly from selling: a. newly released goods. b. commodities. c. popular products. d. trade goods. e. differentiated goods.


29. Markets are said to undergo convergence when they: a. are dominated by a small group of powerful sellers. b. derive most of their value from two distinct categories of participants. c. offer products and services designed to target a specific industry. d. are characterized by many buyers, but a single, dominant seller. e. begin to offer similar features and capabilities.


37. Microsoft's Live Maps and Virtual Earth 3D was a late entrant to the Internet mapping game. Users had already put in countless hours building resources that meshed with Google Maps and Google Earth. However, by adopting the same keyhole markup language (KML) standard used by Google, any work done by users for Google in KML could be used by Microsoft. What strategy of Microsoft's allowed it to catch up with Google? a. Making a new market a subset of its main offering b. Taking advantage of complementary products developed for a prior generation of technology c. Entering an uncontested, low profit market instead of competing in saturated, high profit markets d. Exchanging technical expertise in one area with another firm to effectively suit resource capabilities e. Making a new product compatible with the leading standard


Metcalfe's Law is also known as: a. systemic events. b. cluster effects. c. group impressions. d. herd instinct. e. network externalities.


Which of the following factors can potentially halt the availability of a firm's product or service? a. Lack of competitors b. Having a critical mass of user support c. Low prices d. Strong bargaining power of the firm e. Bankruptcy


(T/F) Almost all networks derive most of their value from a single class of users.


(T/F) Blue ocean strategy often works best when combined with operational effectiveness.


(T/F) Cross-side benefits arise due to interaction among members of a single class of participant.


(T/F) Envelopment is a management strategy where a dominant firm acquires all the layers in its value chain to increase profitability.


(T/F) Firms that constantly innovate do so to develop open standards for competitors to become compatible.


(T/F) High switching costs serve to weaken the value of network effects as a value asset.


(T/F) In a market influenced by network effects, the winning product or service is determined by its technical superiority.


(T/F) In the absence of network effects, the value of a product or service increases as the number of users grows.


(T/F) In the context of network effects, the term "network" refers to wireless systems that connect pieces of electronics.


(T/F) Startup firms that find new markets attractive but do not yet have products ready for delivery preannounce efforts causing potential adaptors to delay a purchasing decision until the new effort rolls out.


(T/F) The natural state of a market where network effects are present is for there to be intense competition between several rivals.


If a firm's claim in the blue ocean is based on easily _____ resources (like technology features), then holding off rivals will be tougher.


Network effects are also known as _____ Law


A market where there are many buyers but only one dominant seller is known as a(n) _____.


A firm is said to have suffered from the _____ when it preannounces a forthcoming product or service and experiences a sharp and detrimental drop in sales of current offerings as users wait for the new item.

Osborne Effect

_____ are products and services that allow for the development and integration of complementary goods.


____ involves competing by offering a new technology that is so superior to existing offerings that the value overcomes the total resistance that older technologies might enjoy via exchange, switching cost, and complementary benefits.

Technological Leapfrogging

(T/F) An instant messaging network is an example of a one-sided market.


(T/F) Every product or service subject to network effects fosters some kind of exchange.


(T/F) Firms that leverage proprietary standards for market dominance do not necessarily inhibit innovation.


(T/F) Many firms attempt to enhance their network effects by creating a platform for the development of third-party products and services that enhance the primary offering.


(T/F) Moving first plays a significant role in markets influenced by network effects.


(T/F) Network effects do not influence all consumer products or services.


(T/F) Network effects that attract too many users result in a service being so overwhelmed it becomes unusable.


(T/F) Regional anti-trust authorities may consider product bundling by dominant firms to be anticompetitive.


(T/F) The higher the value of a user's overall investment, the more they are likely to consider the staying power of any offering before choosing to adopt it.


The rise of social media has made _____ promotion a tool that many firms can exploit.


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