chapter 8 world history

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an economic crisis.

A result of Salvador Allende's presidency in Chile was the end of military rule. a populist welfare state. an economic boom. an economic crisis.


in ______, Yasser Arafat and Israeli leaders shared the Nobel Peace Prize.


ten million people became ______ after India was partitioned.

thousands of Palestinians became refugees.

A result of the Arab-Israeli War during 1948-1949 was that Egypt cut off Israeli access to the Red Sea. thousands of Israelis became refugees. Israel cut off Egyptian access to the Red Sea. thousands of Palestinians became refugees.

took away human rights.

After Brazil attempted to create a democracy, military rulers regained power in the 1960s and granted many new freedoms. took away human rights. drafted a new constitution. stabilized the democracy.

allowed some economic reforms to occur.

After Cuba lost economic aid from the Soviet Union, Fidel Castro turned to other communist countries for help. changed the country's system of government. encouraged the United States to invest in the country. allowed some economic reforms to occur.

strengthened ties with socialist countries like Cuba.

After being elected president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez sought to introduce capitalism similar to the United States. strengthened ties with democracies like the United States. strengthened ties with socialist countries like Cuba. sought to introduce communism similar to Cuba.


After the Philippines became independent, its relationship with the United States began. dissolved. declined. stregthened.

achieved global economic success.

After winning independence, both Vietnam and Cambodia remained under Communist control. achieved global economic success. suffered under brutal regimes of control. remained poverty-stricken.


Anti-Semitism in Europe during the 1880s caused many Jews to relocate to Palestine. Israel. the United States. Great Britain.

Nelson Mandela

As a result of the 1960 Sharpeville demonstration, ______ ______ began to believe that only armed rebellion would bring an end to apartheid.

communism and socialism.

Many Latin American countries in the twentieth century turned to democracy and autocracy. monarchy and self-government. communism and socialism. fascism and despotism.

limit democracy and freedoms.

Mexican dictator Porfirio Diaz inspired a revolution in 1910 by using his power to limit democracy and freedoms. limit the church and the wealthy. expand democracy and freedoms. expand liberal reforms and rights.

protecting the right to strike.

Mexico's Constitution of 1917 helped the working class by forcing businesses to pay a living wage. improving education in rural areas. protecting the right to strike. restricting employment of foreigners.


Since independence, Malaysia has been highly successful in oil exporting. manufacturing. textile production. engineering.

improve living standards for Indians.

One of Jawaharlal Nehru's first duties as India's Prime Minister was to end fighting between Muslims and Hindus. relocate the post-partition refugees. improve living standards for Indians. establish a state religion in India.


Porfirio Diaz and Santa Anna each led Mexico after independence as kings. presidents. oligarchs. dictators.

campaign for human rights challenge government power fight for truth and democracy (the last three)

Which did the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo do? Check all that apply. increase populist programs support the government campaign for human rights challenge government power fight for truth and democracy

the declaration of statehood by Israel in 1948

Which directly led to the first armed conflict between Arabs and Israelis? the creation of Israel by the UN in 1947 the declaration of statehood by Israel in 1948 the founding of Zionism by Theodor Herzl in 1897 the declaration by British Foreign Minister Balfour in 1917

They forced the government to hold free elections.

Which explains how the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo affected Argentina? They forced the government to take military action. They forced the government to hold free elections. They forced the government to increase populist programs. They forced the government to decrease populist programs.

created a race-based classification system.

South Africa's Population Registration Act of 1950 led to the relocation of 600,000 white citizens. created a race-based classification system. combined several black and white communities. removed all racial categories from government.

80 percent of the population.

Based on the chart, apartheid restricted the rights of about 20 percent of the population. 30 percent of the population. 70 percent of the population. 80 percent of the population.

the United States

After World War II, the Philippines was granted its independence by which nation? Spain the United States Japan China


Overwhelming challenges made it difficult for ________ governments to stay in power in Africa.

The Khmer Rouge

______ took power in Cambodia immediately after the Vietnam War.


The Philippines gained full independence from the US in ____.

exhibiting favoritism toward the Kikuyu people.

Jomo Kenyatta caused discontent during his rule in Kenya by becoming a member of the pan-African movement. exhibiting favoritism toward the Kikuyu people. leading the Kenyan African Nationalist Union. encouraging election fraud to help him stay in office.

Nkrumah's government held too much power, and officials could do whatever they wanted.

Why did corruption increase when opposition political parties were banned in Ghana? Nkrumah's government held too much power, and officials could do whatever they wanted. Opposition parties operated secretly and illegally, and they tried to undermine the government. Citizens revolted against Nkrumah's rule, and crime became common among workers. Opposition parties ran on anti-corruption platforms, but they won no support from the public.

It believed that helping would make the United States grant it independence.

Why did the Philippines help the United States fight the Spanish during the Spanish-American War? It was trying to assert its independence from Spain. It was forced to since it was controlled by the United States. It believed that helping would make the United States grant it independence. It wanted to make a good impression on the nation that controlled it.

to fight the Spanish-American War

Why did the United States become involved in the Philippines' affairs? to help establish a democracy in preparation for independence to fight the Spanish-American War to create a base there during World War II to fight a dictatorship there

He inspired other leaders to be non-violent.

Why is Gandhi considered one of the most influential people of the twentieth century? He led India to independence from Britain. He inspired other leaders to be non-violent. He showed true leadership by risking jail for his beliefs. He overthrew the British government in battle.

A foreign journalist gave the story an international audience.

Why was the Salt March a turning point in India's struggle for independence? The British finally caved to Gandhi's protest strategies. A foreign journalist gave the story an international audience. Gandhi was jailed for his role, which put a stop to the quest for independence. The press refused to cover the story, so no one came to India's aid.

Nigeria was generating greater revenue from oil in 1990 compared to previous years.

Based on the information in the chart, what conclusion can be drawn about the oil industry in Nigeria? Nigeria was generating less revenue from oil in 1987 compared to pervious years. Nigeria was generating greater revenue from oil in 1990 compared to previous years. Nigeria's oil revenue peaked during 1975. Nigeria's oil revenue decreased during 1987.

had few leaders with government experience.

Because there was very little investment in education, African colonies had few leaders with government experience. had far too few teachers for their universities. had many skilled workers with little education. had many overqualified workers in menial jobs.

refuse to vote in elections.

During World War II, the Indian National Congress told citizens to refuse to vote in elections. purchase only British goods. pay their taxes on time. boycott Gandhi's protests.


During the colonial era, South African society became divided based on caste. class. gender. race.

labor and resources.

European nations benefited from African colonies' labor and resources. industries and artisans. established trade routes. well-trained military.

Europeans had no interest in or concern for African cultural divisions.

Europeans ignored cultural divisions when setting colonial boundaries because Europeans had no interest in or concern for African cultural divisions. African cultural divisions were too complex for Europeans to understand. respecting African cultural identity might negatively affect Africa's economy. African citizens did not have a strong sense of national or cultural identity.

a new constitution.

Following the end of military rule, Brazil created a new constitution. a new capital city. a new legislature. a new junta.

They regulated political parties. They controlled elections. They arrested legislators. (1,2,4)

How did military leaders prevent democracy in Brazil? Check all that apply. They regulated political parties. They controlled elections. They kidnapped dissenters. They arrested legislators. They killed dissenters.

They provided too many opportunities for the Indonesians, who used their new skills to demand independence.

How did the Dutch set themselves up for an uprising by the people of Indonesia? They were too cruel to the Indonesians, who rebelled against the brutality and demanded independence. They were too strict on the Indonesians, who decided to fight the control and demand independence. They provided too many opportunities for the Indonesians, who used their new skills to demand independence. They ignored the Indonesians, who grouped together with increased nationalism to demand independence.

It increased support greatly.

How did the Holocaust affect support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine? It increased support slightly. It decreased support slightly. It increased support greatly. It decreased support greatly.

religious groupings.

If the United States was to be partitioned in the same way India was, the partition would be based on economic classes. religious groupings. social castes. occupational divisions.


In _____, the Indian National Congress adopted Gandhi's strategy to boycott British goods.

are still an ongoing problem today.

In the Philippines, attempted takeovers by Communist rebels were stopped by Muslim insurgents. are still an ongoing problem today. ended after a democracy was established. started even before independence.

a system of segregation that split society.

In the early 1900s, European settlers in South Africa created a policy of embargoes and trade sanctions. a system of segregation that split society. a plan of sabotage against the government. a style of government based on democracy.

the people of India voted her in.

Indira Gandhi became India's first female prime minister because her father named her as his successor. the people of India voted her in. she was next in line after her father's assassination. she was thought to be someone who could modernize India.

unite non-white South Africans and further their cause.

The African National Congress was founded to draft a constitution and establish a policy of apartheid. unite non-white South Africans and further their cause. help relocate certain citizens to South African homelands. set up National Party rule to divide South African society.

breaking up large estates, providing free education, and establishing minimum-wage laws.

The Mexican Constitution of 1917 sought to protect democratic rule by breaking up large estates, providing free education, and establishing minimum-wage laws. allowing foreigners to own land, approving censorship, and prohibiting workers' right to strike. encouraging large estates, prohibiting discrimination, and prohibiting workers' right to unionize. seizing church lands, allowing private education, and abolishing minimum-wage laws.

a symbol for peace

The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo wore white head scarves as a symbol of their demands. a plea for their children. a proclamation for war. a symbol of peace.


The Rwandan genocide took place in which year? 1962 1994 1992 1967

Britain's requirement that India could only purchase salt from government sources.

The Salt March was in protest of Britain's requirement that India could only purchase salt from government sources. the stipulation that each Indian family could only buy a certain amount of salt each month. the closing of major salt factories throughout India, depriving people of their livelihoods. the decision by the British government to export all salt produced in India.

the deaths of sixty-nine people.

The Sharpeville demonstration of 1960 resulted in the deaths of sixty-nine people. the arrest of a famous leader. the Population Registration Act. the creation of segregated societies.


The United States and Europe put pressure on South Africa in the form of sabotage. sanctions. segregation. separation.


The Venezuelan people gave Hugo Chavez a referendum to rewrite their constitution and implement a democracy. socialism. communism. a dictatorship.

1970s and 1980s.

The conflict in Argentina known as the Dirty War occurred in the 1940s and 1950s. 1950s and 1960s. 1960s and 1970s 1970s and 1980s.

Institutional Revolutionary Party

The dominant political party in Mexico for most of the twentieth century was the _______________________.


The first free elections in Argentina were held in ____.

the many different factions at war with one another.

The large number of casualties in the Nigerian civil war can be attributed to colonists' lack of attention to cultural differences. broad-based anger at economic disparity in the country. widespread dissatisfaction with the Nigerian president. the many different factions at war with one another.

was non-violent at first but became militant.

The movement against apartheid in South Africa was militant at first and remained that way. was militant at first but became non-violent. was non-violent at first but became militant. was non-violent at first and remained that way.


The political affiliation of Chile's president in 1970, Salvador Allende, is best described as liberal. conservative. communist. socialist.

too many people trying to relocate at one time.

The refugee crisis that occurred in India after its partition was a result of too many people trying to relocate at one time. a citizen-led protest of the partitioning. the Muslim-Hindu riots and violence. not enough land being given to Muslims.

exist safely without question

The world's most powerful nations agree that Palestinians and Israelis both have the right to _____________.

He was a strong military leader who ruled as a dictator.

Which describes Getulio Vargas, who ruled Brazil during the Great Depression? He was a strong leader who shared power with a legislature. He was a strong military leader who ruled as a dictator. He was a strong leader who shared power with the people. He was a strong civilian leader who ruled as a president.

The United States feared the spread of Communism throughout Southeast Asia.

Vietnam's war for independence and division into two countries in 1954 led the United States to send military forces to the region. Why did this take place? The United States wanted to establish colonies of its own. The United States disagreed with the boundary that had been put in place. The United States feared the spread of Communism throughout Southeast Asia. The United States wanted to keep the British from returning to Southeast Asia.

It rose a great deal.

What happened to Brazil's GDP following the end of military rule? It rose slightly. It rose a great deal. It fell slightly. It fell a great deal.

its many ethnicities and religions

What was a major contributor to unrest in Nigeria? its many ethnicities and religions a series of military dictatorships an economic dependence on oil clashes with other African nations

Africans gained a majority in the parliament.

What was the first step in Ghana's independence? Kwame Nkrumah became the prime minister. A military coup seized power in the colony. Africans gained a majority in the parliament. Opposition political parties were banned.

to unite people of African descent around the world

What was the purpose of pan-Africanism? to bring together Africans from all parts of the continent to spread African culture to people of other backgrounds to empower Africa to develop colonies in other nations to unite people of African descent around the world

prohibiting all criticism of the government.

When military leaders and dictators ruled Nigeria, they sometimes tried to prevent unrest by allowing peaceful, supervised political activity. agreeing to small, incremental changes. banning expressions of ethnic pride. prohibiting all criticism of the government.

He repressed the civil liberties of all citizens. He nationalized the Cuban economy. He forbade the selling of private property. He prohibited free press in the country. (2,4,6,7)

Which actions did Fidel Castro take in Cuba after creating a communist system in 1959? Check all that apply. He banned free health care for all citizens. He repressed the civil liberties of all citizens. He turned to capitalism to grow the economy. He nationalized the Cuban economy. He banned all travel to and from the country. He forbade the selling of private property. He prohibited free press in the country.

They approved a new constitution.

Which best describes how Mexican leaders sought to protect democratic rule after the country's revolution? They restricted foreign investment. They provided free education. They passed worker protection laws. They approved a new constitution.

The government controls people's lives under communism, while it provides certain services for citizens under socialism.

Which best describes the difference between socialism and communism? The government controls people's lives under communism, while it provides certain services for citizens under socialism. The government controls a country's means of production under communism, while it controls a nation's economy under socialism. The government is considered totalitarian under socialism, while it is best known for its state ownership practices under communism. The government includes a single political party under socialism, while multiple political parties are in charge under communism.

It has experienced economic growth and a growing middle class, but poverty continues to linger and government corruption remains.

Which best describes the successes and challenges of modern-day Mexico? It has experienced economic growth and a growing middle class, but poverty continues to linger and government corruption remains. It has eradicated government corruption and poverty, but economic growth has been stagnant and the middle class remains small. It has expanded the economy and increased global trade, but the middle class remains small and an individual's rights have diminished. It has dealt with high level government corruption and drug cartel violence, but an individual's rights and the middle class have decreased.

They kidnapped them.

Which best describes what military leaders in Argentina did to people who disagreed with their policies? They kidnapped them. They deported them. They threatened them. They ignored them.

The government action caused conflict between liberals and conservatives.

Which best describes what occurred in Mexico following the institution of liberal reforms by Benito Juarez? The government action gave rebels a reason to start a revolution. The government action allowed the church to expand its reach. The government action caused conflict between liberals and conservatives. The government action caused conflict between Spain and Mexico.

He lessened anti-Israeli violence and persuaded the Israeli government to help his people.

Which best explains how Yasir Arafat strengthened the case for Palestinian independence? He lessened anti-Israeli violence and persuaded the Israeli government to help his people. He increased anti-Israeli violence and persuaded the US government to help his people. He gained US support and persuaded the US government to help his people. He gained European support and persuaded European governments to help his people.

The division into Jewish and Arab states led Arabs to feel that Jews were taking their land.

Which best explains how the division of Palestine in 1947 led to conflict between Jews and Arabs? The division into Jewish and Arab states led Arabs to feel that Jews hated them. The division into Jewish and Arab states led Jews to feel that Arabs were anti-Semitic. The division into Jewish and Arab states led Jews to feel that Arabs were taking their land. The division into Jewish and Arab states led Arabs to feel that Jews were taking their land.

The Mothers played a major role in confronting the government and ending the war.

Which best summarizes the role the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo played in ending the Dirty War? The Mothers played a major role in confronting the government and ending the war. The Mothers played a minor role in confronting the government and ending the war. The Mothers played a major role in supporting the government but a minor role in ending the war. The Mothers played a minor role in supporting the government but a major role in ending the war.

Egypt and Syria

Which countries attacked Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973? Egypt and Lebanon Egypt and Syria Syria and Iraq Syria and Jordan

It led to free elections and the end of military rule.

Which explains how the end of the Dirty War affected military rule in Argentina? It led to free elections and the end of military rule. It led to a new dictatorship and the end of military rule. It led to a new president while military rule continued. It led to a new dictatorship while military rule continued.

i. The Population Registration Act was signed. ii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iii. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. iv. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. (third choice)

Which list correctly orders events in the rise and fall of apartheid in South Africa? i. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. ii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iii. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. iv. The Population Registration Act was signed. i. The Population Registration Act was signed. ii. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. iii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iv. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. i. The Population Registration Act was signed. ii. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests. iii. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. iv. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. i. Frederik W. de Klerk brought about reforms. ii. Nelson Mandela became the nation's president. iii. The Population Registration Act was signed. iv. The Soweto Uprising sparked more protests.

A civilian president was elected.

Which major change took place in Nigeria in 1999? Ethnic tensions came to an end. A peace treaty concluded the civil war. Military leaders led a government coup. A civilian president was elected.

fearless activist who would risk imprisonment for principles

Which of the following best summarizes the character of Aung San Suu Kyi? dedicated politician who was willing to risk everything to win election fearless activist who would risk imprisonment for principles ruthless dictator who controlled people through cruelty and brutality political activist who was able to stage an uprising against a dictatorship

Cambodia Laos Vietnam (3,5,6)

Which of the following countries were part of French Indochina? Check all that apply. Philippines Burma Cambodia Malaysia Laos Vietnam

Numerous Indian citizens are hurt when an office building is attacked by the British.

Which of the following events would most likely cause an increase in Indian nationalism? Gandhi holds a rally encouraging Indians to show more patriotism. A large number of Indian troops are injured while fighting the British. Numerous Indian citizens are hurt when an office building is attacked by the British. A popular politician is put on trial for breaking the law.

Maintaining a single country would cause minority groups to feel resentful and angry.

Which of the following illustrates Jinnah's strongest argument for India's partition? People from different cultures cannot maintain their unique traditions when coexisting with others. Divisions would allow each group to use the natural resources of their regions to become economically successful. Maintaining a single country would cause minority groups to feel resentful and angry. Allowing people of similar backgrounds to live together would promote harmony with those across the partition lines.

camping out by a "no loitering" sign to protest the law

Which of the following illustrates the concept of Satyagraha? practicing yoga in order to become more peaceful camping out by a "no loitering" sign to protest the law refusing to buy goods from certain places because of their laws boycotting a store that has poor business practices

refusing to pay taxes because you disapprove of how the money is being used by the government

Which of the following is the best example of civil disobedience? refusing to pay taxes because you disapprove of how the money is being used by the government not paying for a shirt at the store because you feel it was a product of child labor driving through stop signs because you believe there are too many in your neighborhood protesting outside the local jail because you feel inmates are being treated unfairly

It endured government corruption but successfully overcame it.

Which of the following is true about the Philippines post-independence? It has suffered under one corrupt government after another. It endured government corruption but successfully overcame it. A brutal dictator murdered thousands of Filipinos. A democratic government helped it achieve global success.

Cambodia Indonesia Vietnam (the last three)

Which of the following nations achieved independence through armed rebellion? Check all that apply. Burma Malaysia Cambodia Indonesia Vietnam

Gandhi was assassinated. Citizens began to riot.

Which of the following occurred as a result of India's partition in 1947? Select all that apply. Gandhi was assassinated. Hindus relocated to Pakistan. Nehru was assassinated. Citizens began to riot. Muslims and Hindus became more tolerant.

They were the first peace agreement for Israel in the Middle East. They showed that Arabs and Israelis could negotiate in good faith. They showed that the US could play an important role in negotiations. (2,4,5)

Which statements best describe the Camp David Accords? Check all that apply. They ended all Arab-Israeli conflicts in the Middle East. They were the first peace agreement for Israel in the Middle East. They showed that the PLO could give up violence for negotiation. They showed that Arabs and Israelis could negotiate in good faith. They showed that the US could play an important role in negotiations.

an intifada

Which tactic did Palestinians use against Israel in 1987? an invasion a guerilla war an intifada a naval blockade

Jawarharlal Nehru

Who made the following statement regarding the partitioning of India? "Those who demand separation would, in the end, suffer most for it . . . " Mahatma Gandhi Muhammad Ali Jinnah Jawarharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi

Textiles were a major source of income for Britain.

Why did Gandhi encourage Indians to weave their own cloth? Textiles were a major source of income for Britain. To encourage the self-sufficiency of his people. To increase India's ability to export goods. Gandhi wanted to increase national pride.

Their children were missing.

Why were the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo upset with Argentina's military government? Their children were missing. Their children had no schools. Their children were hungry. Their children had no homes.

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