Chapter 9-12

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The ways by which a supervisor administers discipline is dictated _____.

by company policies of an organization

Which of the following ways to seek feedback from a listener should be avoided?

(b) Asking "Do you understand?"(c) Asking simple, yes-or-no questions


* is unpleasant to hear but fulfills the important purpose of informing employees about the consequences of their behavior before more punitive measures are taken. What the problem behavior is What actions will be taken if an employee's behavior does not change How a problem behavior affects an organization How an when an employee's behavior is expected to change

employees with problems employees who cause problems

- Employees who have money worries, home life issues, or mental health challenges. - Start fights or leave early

effective discipline

- act immediately - focus on solving the problem at hand - keep emotions in check - administer discipline in private - be consistent It can quickly bring about a change in an employee's behavior.

Steps of the disciplinary process

1-oral warning 2-written warning 3-written reprimand 4-suspension without pay 5-demotion 6-termination of employment Warning/Suspension/Demotion/Dismissal


A discipline in which employees voluntarily follow the rules and try to meet performance standards

Average rate of return (ARR)

A percentage that represents the average annual earnings for each dollar of a given investment average annual earnings or savings/amt invested (cost)

intrinsic reward

A reward that comes directly from performing a task A sense of increased self-esteem after accomplishing a challenging task

nondirective counseling

A supervisor helps an employee develop and change. An approach to counseling in which a supervisor primarily listens, encouraging an employee to look for the source of a problem and propose solutions, is known as

Identify a true statement about providing feedback to employees.

A supervisor should give employees feedback about their performance as employees need to know how well they are doing.

Directive Counseling

An approach to counseling in which a supervisor asks an employee questions about a specific problem most focused approach to counseling.

Identify a true statement about an employee involvement team in an organization.

An employee involvement team is most successful when every group member is eager to participate.

Lean manufacturing or production

Approach one: focuses on improving the flow of work through a production process. Any interruptions in flow indicate areas of quality problems. Approach two: Continually identifying and eliminating waste through the use of a variety of assessment, scheduling, and production control tools. *considers costs other than a cost that adds value for a customer to be wasteful and, hence, something to be eliminated


Arranging for lower-cost workers in other countries to handle jobs that have to be performed in the United States

How can supervisors treat employees as individuals by building a sense of cohesion and belonging?

By using team-building activities

achievement-power-affiliation theory

David McClelland's theory of motivation based on the assumption that people develop various needs through their life experiences every person has one of three main driving motivators: the need for achievement- he desire to do something better than it has been done before affiliation power- tries to influence others and seeks out advancement and responsibility.

positive discipline

Discipline designed to prevent problem behavior from beginning is known as

production bonus system

Employees may receive a basic wage or salary plus an incentive that consists of a payment for each unit made.

_____ theory of motivation assumes different people have different patterns of needs, whereas _____ theory of motivation assumes the same pattern of needs for all people.

McClelland's; Maslow's

Informal communication

Organizational communication that is directed toward individual needs and interests and does not necessarily follow the lines of the organizational chart Managers and employees alike discussing the performance of their favorite sports teams

Formal communication

Organizational communication that is work related and follows the lines of the organization chart Supervisors discussing their teams' performance with their managers

Identify a true statement about nonverbal messages.

People from different cultures have different nonverbal vocabularies.

Skinner's reinforcement theory of motivation

People keep doing things that have led to consequences they like, and people avoid doing things that have had undesirable consequences. reinforcement is more effective for long-term results. theory of motivation maintains that people's behavior is influenced largely by the consequences of their past behavior. Supervisors can encourage or discourage a particular kind of behavior by the way they respond to the behavior.


People use this form of communication to indicate what behavior is acceptable.

formula for measuring productivity.

Productivity = Outputs/Inputs

Identify a typical compromise between maintaining privacy and sharing information in an organization.

Publishing pay ranges

Which of the following should be met in order for money to work as a motivator for employees in an organization?

The employees must believe that they can attain the financial rewards offered by the organization.

job enrichment

The incorporation of motivating factors into a job

payback period

The length of time it will take for the benefits generated by an investment to offset the cost of the investment cost of new equipment/savings per year

rights of employees in the discipline process in an organization

The right to question management's statement of facts and to put forward a defense The right to appeal a disciplinary action The right to obtain progressive discipline The right to know the expectations of the job and the outcome of not fulfilling them The right to receive fair discipline based on facts The right to receive predictable management action for violating rules

Douglas McGregor's theory of motivation

Theory X- assumes that people wish to avoid responsibility and would prefer to be directed and that their primary need is for security. *autocratic leader Theory Y- focus on developing the potential of their employees. * democratic leader - refers to a set of management attitudes based on the view that work is a natural activity and that people will work hard and creatively to achieve objectives to which they are committed. -learns to seek responsibility and to be creative in solving organizational problems.

Identify a true statement about departmental work flow in a company.

When work levels are low in a department, the result is idle time.

piecework system

a pay plan that is often used to pay independent contractors, that is, people who are self-employed and perform work for an organization. pay plan that pays people according to how much they produce


a scheduling option that allows workers to choose when they start and finish their workdays, as long as they complete the required number of hours is a policy that grants employees some leeway in choosing which 8 hours a day or which 40 hours a week to work.

To prevent information theft in an organization, the monitoring of employees needs to focus on the _____.

access to and retrieval of data

Samuel, a supervisor at a stockbroking firm, observes that Harold is highly-driven. Samuel asks Harold to work independently on projects. Based on McClelland's theory of motivation, Harold's need for _____ has been satisfied in this scenario.



action taken by a supervisor to prevent employees from breaking rules

The Baldrige Performance Excellence Program

an annual award administered by the U.S. Department of Commerce and given to the company that shows the highest quality performance in seven categories.

job sharing

an arrangement in which two part-time employees share the duties of one full-time job.


an unpleasant consequence given in response to undesirable behavior, which can be administered by a supervisor


are explanations, sometimes unfounded, for what is going on around the people in an organization This form of communication tends to circulate chiefly during crises and conflicts.

financial incentive

are referred to as the payments for meeting or exceeding objectives.


associated with physical health stressors According to recent research, psychological health stressors were not significantly associated with absenteeism.

The way to overcome communication barriers resulting from prejudices is to _____.

be aware of the assumptions one makes about people

To reduce and prevent misunderstandings caused by treating inferences as facts, a supervisor should _____.

be explicit with her or his inferences


deliberate refusal to do what a supervisor asks blaming a supervisor when reprimanded employee performs poorly or breaks rules because he or she chooses to do so. An employee getting into arguments over many issues An employee spending most of a day socializing and joking around

Pygmalion effect

direct relationship between expectations and performance high expectations lead to high performance.

A supervisor can have a troubled employee if _____.

disciplinary action or counseling seems ineffective in resolving the employee's problem

Enforcing a zero tolerance policy on workplace bullying

ensures that no employee feels threatened or intimidated in any way in an organization.

When a supervisor sends a message, he or she _____.

expects a certain kind of response

When implementing behavior modification programs in organizational settings, a supervisor should punish employees publicly so that the punishment is effective.


implement behavior modification programs in an organization, a supervisor should

give various types of rewards to employees based on the quality of their performance


giving a desired consequence or ending a negative consequence in response to behavior supervisors want


grapevine is important to supervisors because employees use it as a source of information. The path along which informal communication travels

profit-sharing plan

group incentive plan under which a company sets aside a share of its profits and divides it among employees

McClelland's theory of motivation considers _____, whereas Maslow's theory of motivation does not.

individual differences


is a conclusion drawn from the facts available. Statements using the words "never" and "always" are inferences.

ISO 9000

is a series of standards adopted by the International Organization for Standardization to spell out acceptable criteria for quality systems. certified, an organization is visited by independent audit teams. If the auditors determine that the key elements of the standards are in place, they issue a certification of compliance.

Job enlargement

is an effort to make a job more interesting by adding more duties to it.


is anything that can distort a message by interfering with the communication process.


is best described as the process by which people send and receive information.


is the way the receiver of a message responds or fails to respond to the message. Feedback may take the form of words or behavior.

research conducted by Alex Pentland and Benjamin Waber, when co-workers interact _____.

it prepares them to make important work-related decisions workers who interacted the most with their co-workers were the most productive

An objective of motivating employees is to

lead them to perform in ways that meet the goals of a department and an organization

learned helplessness

means that if employees are punished repeatedly for failing in some aspect of their work, these employees will eventually believe that they are unable to succeed at the job. psychologists have found that repeated punishment, or failure, can lead to an unhappy consequence

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), compared with employees with no substance use disorders, employees with substance use disorders _____.

miss almost 50 percent more days

Family and Medical Leave Act

organizations with 50 or more employees within a 75-mile radius must give employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a seriously ill child, parent, or spouse or if they themselves have medical conditions that prevent them from doing their jobs. employer must continue to pay an employee's health insurance premiums employer must guarantee that an employee will be able to return to his or her job after time off

Today's world is often called the information age because _____.

people are bombarded with information from multiple sources daily

A demotion acts as a relief for an employee when the employee _____.

performs poorly because a job was more than he or she could handle

Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs

physiological needs- Access to clean drinking water/ most basic need safety needs (security)- Job safety/a home in a safe neighborhood love and belonging (social)- Supportive colleagues/Companionship esteem- Pride in skillfully performing a craft such as glass blowing/acceptance/Respect self-actualization- Volunteer work at a nonprofit organization/The wish to live up to one's full potential/Membership in a religious organization/a greater interest in corporate social responsibility

An organization's focus to consider how to do things in a way that leads to better quality is known as _____.

process control

An organization that focuses on ways to improve a product itself uses

product quality control

When a city's park district considers ways to upgrade its playground equipment, it focuses on _____.

product quality control


rate at which employees leave an organization * The degree to which employees feel supported by their organization directly influences their decision to stay or quit that organization.

Theory Z

refers to a set of management attitudes that emphasizes employee participation in all aspects of decision making. supervisors seek to involve employees in making decisions, consider long-term goals when making plans, and give employees relatively great freedom in carrying out their duties. Developed by William Ouchi


refers to the process of learning about an individual's personal problem and helping the individual resolve it. Benefits: it gives the employees a sense that the organization is interested in their welfare The performance standards of employees increase. It is a cooperative process between a supervisor and an employee. It eases employees' worries. it improves the performance of a group as a whole


refers to the worth a customer places on what he or she gets (the total package of goods and services) relative to the cost of acquiring it.

Herzberg's two-factor theory of motivation

satisfaction results from the presence of motivating factors

When communicating emotionally charged issues and sensitive messages, supervisors should _____.

select a medium that will allow them to use nonverbal cues

counseling interview

starts with a discussion of what the problem is Consider solutions select a solution schedule f/u meeting an interview during which the interviewer helps the interviewee decide on a course of action

factors that contributes to workplace violence

stress employees at work undergo

Management by Objectives (MBO)

system provides rewards when employees meet or exceed the goals they have helped set for themselves.

A disadvantage of using letters and memos to communicate is that they both _____.

take a relatively long time to prepare and deliver

Victor Vroom's expectancy-valence theory of motivation

the strength of motivation equals the perceived value of an outcome times the perceived probability that a behavior will result in the outcome Based on employees' perceptions of rewards and whether they are able to achieve them Valence- Expectancy- refers to the perceived likelihood that a particular behavior will lead to a desired outcome. Instrumentality-refers to the perceived likelihood that a promised reward will actually be attained.

In the hierarchy of needs theory, Abraham Maslow assumes that people are motivated by _____.

unmet needs

By implementing _____ in an organization, employees and managers at all levels seek to build quality into every aspect of their work.

zero defects approach

When giving negative feedback to employees, supervisors should use _____.

"I statements" instead of "you statements"

Identify the researchers whose content theories of motivation are widely used. (Check all that apply.)

- Abraham Maslow - Frederick Herzberg - David McCleland

Communication Process

1) sender of a message encodes the message 2) receiver decodes the message 3) receiver's feedback to the message is encoded and transmitted 4) sender to decode

Identify an example of process control.

A city's park district asks its maintenance crew to suggest ways to keep its parks clean and attractive.

downward communication

Because it conveys to employees what is expected of them When an employee is listening to instructions or an evaluation from his or her supervisor When someone sends a message to a person at a lower level

upward communication

Because it encourages employees to offer ideas occurs when a supervisor requests his or her manager for a raise in salary.

lateral communication

Because it ensures that the work of the supervisor's department is well coordinated with the work of other departments Socializing that takes place between supervisors in an organization

TQM (Total Quality Management)

Focusing the whole organization on continuously improving every business process so it satisfies customers Objective: meet or exceed customer expectations


For formal communication outside the organization


For informal communication within the organization


Giving people incentives that cause them to act in desired ways Motivation + Ability = Performance

Statistical Quality Control (SQC)

Looking for defects in parts, finished goods, or other outcomes selected through a sampling technique

rules for good listening

Make an effort to hear the main point and supporting points. Give a sign of encouragement when the speaker hesitates. Eliminate distractions and give the speaker full attention.

Match the dimensions of quality of goods or services (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Performance- A product's primary operating feature Features- Supplements to a product's fundamental operating characteristics Aesthetics- The way in which a product feels, looks, tastes, and smells Serviceability- The ease and speed of repairing a product

employee involvement team

meets on a regular basis to help achieve continuous improvement to develop solutions - identify quality problems - Select problems to focus on first - analyze problems and identify causes - identify possible solutions and recommend one - Mgmt approval - implementation - f/u on implementation

Supervisors can combat biases in paying attention to messages by _____.

phrasing messages carefully to appeal to the receiver

The amount of results achieved by an organization for a given amount of inputs is known as


active listening

Carl Rogers refers to hearing what a speaker has to say, understanding the facts and feelings a speaker is trying to convey, and seeking to then state what is understood. Effective when a supervisor demonstrates a genuine respect for employees a way for supervisors to help employees understand their situation, take responsibility, and cooperate


Contracting with specialists to perform business functions

tactics employed by supervisors to control costs or drive them down

In deciding which strategies to use to lower costs, supervisors should consider those that will appeal to higher-level management.

Identify a consequence of poor quality of production in an organization.

It becomes difficult to attract resources.


It means the brain is simply registering sounds.

extrinsic reward

Recognition or compensation that is extraneous to the task accomplished An Olympic gold medal

Match the measures of the quality of goods or services (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Reliability- The likelihood that a product will function smoothly and not break down during a specified period Conformance- The extent to which a product's design and operating features meet established standards Durability- The length of the life of a product Perceived Quality- A customer's impression of the quality of a product

Identify the major process theories of motivation.

Skinner's reinforcement theory Vroom's expectancy-valence theory


Some employees can and want to work from home, keeping in touch by means of computer and telephone lines.

Compressed workweek

Some employees work more hours on fewer days allowing more days off.

common element of most motivation theories.

Supervisors must consider individual differences in designing rewards.

Identify a true statement about statistical quality control.

The quality of a sample describes the quality of the entire lot.

Zero-defects approach

The quality-control technique where an organization works toward making its goods and services free of problems.

Identify true statements about written communications such as e-mail or reports. (Check all that apply.)

They are best suited to send and receive complex messages. They are best suited to send and receive objective messages.

Which of the following are true of process theories of motivation?

They concern the mechanism involved in motivation.

Why is it necessary for employees in an organization to care about quality?

To maintain or enhance the organization's reputation

Six Sigma

Using a formal process in which teams study processes and correct problems to limit defects to 3.4 per million operations refers to a process-oriented quality-control method designed to improve the product or service output to 99.9997 percent perfect.

Identify a result of the poor quality of production in an organization.

Wasted time and materials

gainsharing program

a group incentive plan in which an organization encourages employees to participate in making suggestions and decisions, then rewards the group with a part of improved earnings. Org can inspire: By granting financial rewards By making the employees feel they play a crucial role as part of a team

Supervisors can help encourage self-discipline by _____.

communicating the reasons for the rules and performance standards

For communication to work, it is important to ensure that people are _____.

decoding messages as well as sending them

Poor-quality work in an organization can lead to _____.

high costs

The easiest way to get feedback is to send a(n) _____.

oral message

Quality improvement directed toward value begins when an

organization's employees determine the needs and wants of customers through communication

Supervisors often use _____ as documentation of the need for disciplinary action against an employee.

past performance appraisals


payment linked to the amount of sales completed.

While administering discipline, a supervisor should distinguish between discipline and _____.



refers to expenses not related directly to producing goods and services.

The type of treatment program for troubled employees depends on the _____.

size of an organization


- Managers at all levels can evaluate their success in improving quality by comparing their processes and results with those at other departments and organizations. - identifying, learning, and carrying out the practices of top performers. - first referred to the practice of comparing the products and processes at one's own company with those that are the best in the world.

In the context of quality standards, identify the categories that are evaluated for the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. (Check all that apply.)

- attitudes - appearance - service to patients - a commitment to co-workers (1) Leadership; (2) Strategy; (3) Customers, (4) Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management; (5) HR focus; (6) Process management (7) Results.

Basic strategies for implementing total quality management (TQM)

- review criteria for quality improvement and then strive to meet those criteria. - make use of groups to recognize and solve problems

tactics involved in communicating from the audience's viewpoint

- understandable vocab - referring to shared experiences - addressing receiver's interests

Lean Process Improvement

A practice that considers any costs other than a cost that adds value for a customer to be wasteful and, hence, something to be eliminated

A salon chain unit managed by Andrew did good business and had high retail sales during the financial year. The salon chain's chief executive officer (CEO) decided to identify Andrew's salon as the "first salon" for comparisons, not only in terms of gross sales but also for efficiency in all areas of operations. Identify the concept used in this scenario.


Identify a consequence of improved productivity of organizations in a country.

Employers tend to pay higher wages and salaries to productive workers.


It means paying attention to what is being said and trying to understand the full message.

detour behavior

It refers to tactics for postponing or avoiding work.

Identify a true statement about productivity.

It refers to the amount of acceptable work employees do for each dollar they earn.

Identify the areas that a supervisor needs to focus on when reinforcing high-quality performance in an organization. (Check all that apply.)

Process Product

_____ refers to an organization's efforts to prevent or correct defects in its goods or services or to improve them in some way.

Quality control


Way to motivation employees

Content Theories of Motivation

theories that explain work motivation in terms of what arouses, energizes, or initiates employee behavior

When the sender of a message encodes the message, it means that the sender _____.

translates his or her thoughts and feelings into words, gestures, or facial expressions.

Supervisors can help a Total Quality Management (TQM) effort succeed by behaving as if quality is important. Among TQM users, this commonly is called _____.

walking the talk

Identify a way in which supervisors can overcome the productivity constraint of management limitations.

- Set a good example, using resources wisely, done right the first time, well organized. - Communicate clearly and plan carefully. - Listen to employee ideas and concerns about improving productivity * They should show that they are interested in their department's productivity through their actions and words.

Black Belts

- act as liaisons with upper management. - Usually well-regarded and technically competent product or line personnel - Help the teams define problems and measure defects - Use statistics to analyze the reasons for defects - set priorities - develop and test a plan to solve each problem - Institute ongoing control measures to keep the problem from coming back. well-regarded

Sean, a supervisor at a printing press, schedules a meeting with a potential customer. Identify a way in which Sean can reduce misunderstandings when communicating with the customer.

By avoiding language that overshadows his meaning


It refers to the time during which employees or machines are not producing goods or services.

In the context of the quality of services or goods, match the quality improvement methods used in an organization (in the left column) to their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Statistical quality control- Looking for defects in outcomes selected through a sampling technique Statistical process control- Using statistics to monitor production quality during a production process Zero-defects approach- Employees delivering such high quality that goods and services are free of problems

guidelines for quality control

Supervisor is responsible for setting quality standards as well as communicating and enforcing them. - Characteristics of effective objectives detailed - Should be written, measurable, clear, specific, and challenging but achievable. - Must reflect what is important to the client * Quality control should include a prevention program to keep defects from occurring. * It is more efficient to design and build quality into a product than to try to improve the product later.

In an organizational context, which of the following is most likely to cause problems related to misunderstandings?

Using words that attribute characteristics to another person


When the sender and receiver of a message make assumptions about each other and the message on the basis of their experiences and values ways people see and interpret reality

Jacob works at a manufacturing plant that produces spare parts for the automobile industry. He records the accuracy of the thread patterns on screws and bolts and plots this information on a control chart. This helps him monitor the production quality on an ongoing basis. In this scenario, Jacob is using _____.

statistical process control (SPC)

Statistical Process Control (SPC)

the application of statistical and analytical tools to control the inputs of a process. is a quality-control technique using statistics to monitor production quality on an ongoing basis and making corrections whenever the results show a process is out of control.

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