Chapter 9: General Patient Care

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What should the medical assistant do to avoid the pt from being scarred?

Informing the pt on what to expect

What is one respiration?

Inhale Exhale

Where brachial pulse?

Inside the upper arm Common for children pulse

What is required for the storage of controlled substances?

A log book and a daily count by two people

When making scheduling an appointment what should the medical assistant do?

Be familiar with the insurance plan and inquire about participation with the plan

How many times should a MA check the medication prior to administration? What is the purpose?

Check the medication THREE (3) times. This will help prevent medication errors.

A medical assistant is preparing a patient for an examination. Which of the following is a component of the patient's medical history? A- Objective Data B- Treatment Plan C- Chief Complaint D- Informed consent form

Chief complaint

What information should be gathered during the intake process?

Chief compliant Medication review

What are examples of first aid procedures?

Chocking Allergic reactions Trauma

Where is an Opthalmoscope used ?


What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Ophthalmoscope

Eyes The purpose of an ophthalmoscope is to inspect the interior structures of the eye

TRUE OR FALSE? Consent for administration of a medication should be obtained from the provider prior to preparing the medication.

FALSE: Consent for administration of a medication should be obtained from the PATIENT OR GUARDIAN prior to preparing the medication.

TRUE OR FALSE? The provider must conduct examinations with assistance from a medical assistant.

FALSE: The provider must conduct examinations without assistance, sometimes the MA is needed as a chaperone.

What should be done when setting referrals?

Obtain necessary info from pt like contact numbers and available times and days. Confirm insurance info Determine preparation for appointment and inform the pt

Who should you pay specific attention to?

Older pts Pediatric pts Specific needs Avoid children falling from table Make sure pt gets to parent/guardian

How should you ask the pt to rate their pain?

On ac scale of 1-10 with 10 being the worst pain

Where is the radial pulse?

On the thumb side of the wrist Common for adult pulse

How should you open sterile packets or Mayo stand cover?

Open flaps away from you then open the closet flap. Medical vials should be cleaned with alcohol before opening. Open packages so they can drop onto the swterile field

What is a puncture?

Open wound that is caused by an instrument that delivers a stab Apply pressure, clean/flush, apply bandage

How is temperature measured?

Orally with digital thermometer Aurally with tympanic thermometer Temporally with temporal artery scanner Axillary Rectal

What test do teenagers also have?

Scoliosis screenings

What is an abrasion?

Scrape or rube Apply pressure, clean/flush, apply bandage

What is Semi Fowelers position?

Seated leaning against the back of a table that has been raised to a 45 degree angle Exams: Chest, Unable to lay flat, SOB

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Semi-Fowler's

Seated leaning against the back of a table that has been raised to a 45 degree angle.

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: - Exams involving the chest. - Exams that should be administrated in a supine position but the patient is unable to lay flat. - Exams for patients experiencing shortness of breath.


What equipment is used remove sutures or staples?

Stitch or suture scissors Forceps Staple remover

What are appropriate equipment and supplies for a visit?

Stock routine items such as personal protective equipment (PPE), sharps and biohazard waste containers, exam gowns, and table paper. add other items that might be used for a specific visit. (ex: EKG or a patient with chest pain).

What should the medical assistant do if there is gaping when removing staples or sutures?

Stop and notify the provider

What factors affect homeostasis?

Stress Food intake Liquid intake Medical conditions Age Physical activity

What is a chief compliant?

Subjective information that should be recorded in the pts own words "What brings you to the office today?" "Please tell me why you are coming in today?"

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: - Exams involving the front of the body. - Administration of CPR


Where, when, and why should you clean and disinfect the rooms?

Surfaces, including counters and exam tables, should be cleaned at the beginning and end of each day, and between patients to reduce the risk of transmitting infectious agents.

When taking blood pressure what is the first sound that is heard?

Systolic Contracting

TRUE OR FALSE? During a pelvic examination, MA's cannot serve as a non-sterile circulating staff for procedures.

TRUE: The MA can serve as the non-sterile circulating staff for procedures such as suturing, which can include setting up and adding items to a sterile field. During pelvic examinations, the medical assistant might need to hand the provider instruments and receive specimens obtained during the examination.

What is required when destroying medicine?

Two people should witness the process and their names should be documented in the disposal log

How should the medical assistant enter information into the computer when interviewing a pt?

While looking at the pt Making eye contact with the pt Do not keep focus on computer only

What should the medical assistant tell the pt to make them feel less concerned about their information?

Who has access to the info The use of passwords and firewalls for security

A medical assistant is assisting a provider with an adult patient who sustained a wound from a dirty metal object. Which of the following orders should the medical assistant expect the provider to give for the patient? A- "You do not need to receive a tetanus booster if you received the DTaP series as a child." B- "You should receive a tetanus booster if your last one was administered more than 2 years ago." C- "You should receive a tetanus booster if your last one was administered more than 5 years ago." D- "You should receive a tetanus booster every time a laceration occurs"

"You should receive a tetanus booster if your last one was administered more than 5 years ago."

How far around the sterile field is considered nonsterile?

1 inch around the sterile field is considered nonsterile

When interviewing the patient for a procedure, what THREE mandatory steps must be complete?

1) Chief Complaint 2) Review of Medications 3) Assessment of Allergies

When administering medications the MA must check the medications, describe what occurs at each check.

1) Compare the medication order to the medication 2) Occurs after the medication is prepared for administration 3) Completed immediately prior to administering the medication to the patient

What TWO things must be done prior to any procedure?

1) Consider what equipment and supplies are needed 2) Ensure the room is ready for the examination

When a MA is checking the medication order, what FOUR things must they look for?

1) Name of Medication 2) Dosage 3) Time 4) Route of administration

What are THREE steps that must be taken when starting any procedure?

1) Routine Introduction 2) Patient Interview 3) Collection of vital signs and anthropometric measurements

When speaking to the patients prior to the administration of a medication, what FOUR things must be said?

1) Tell pt. what the medication is 2) what it is given for 3) the dosage 4) the route that will be used

What is the heart rate of a newborn (birth to 1 month)?

130 to 160 per minute

How many identifiers should be used to make sure care and treatment is delivered to the right pt?

2 Full name DOB

How many pounds is 1 kg?

2.2 lbs

What is the heart rate of an adult (older than 15)?

60 to 100 per minute

What is the heart rate of school age pts (6 to 15yrs)?

70 to 100 per minute

What is the heart rate of a preschooler (3 to 5yrs)?

80 to 120 per minute

What is the heart rate of a toddler (1 to 3yrs)?

80 to 130 per minute

What is the heart rate of an infant (1 to 12 months)?

80 to 140 per minute

What is the normal temperature for oral, tympanic, and temporal?

98.6 F 37 C Axillary is 1 degree lower Rectal is 1 degree higher

Which of the following patients should a medical assistant recognize as the top priority to receive immediate care? A- A patient has sustained an animal bite on the left leg and has a low-grade fever B- A patient has had an episode of syncope but is responsive and able to answer questions C- A patient has a laceration on the right forearm and is bleeding from the site D- A patient has epistaxis and is takiing warfarin

A patient has epistaxis and is taking warfarin

What is completed prior to the first visit?

A personal and family history Go over the form Make sure it is complete Answer pt questions

What should the medical assistant do before removing sutures or staples?

A thorough inspection of the wound around the edges and the absence or presence of drainage

What should the medical assistant gather before giving a vaccine?

A thorough vaccine history from the pt to make sure that they are not allergic to anything

How should medicine be stored?

According to the manufacturers directions and in their original containers

What type of written instructions should be given to the pt?

Activity restrictions Diet restrictions Wound care Medications Follow up appointment

What factors affect pulse?

Age Condition of pt

What should you ask pts to bring with them to a visit?

All medications or a list of them

How often should emergency evacuation and response plans be reviewed?

Annually and employees should be notified if there are changes

What demonstrates a well-run organized facility?

Anticipating items that might be needed for the visit and preparing the room in advance. doing these things each day enhances patient confidence and assists in operational efficiency.

What are the functions of the EMR system ?

Appointments Prescriptions Billing Insurance Laboratory Pt portal

Where is a sphygmomanometer used ?


What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Sphygmomanometer

Arm The purpose of a sphygmomanometer is to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP)

When does immunization begin?

As early as 1 month with childhood vaccines and continue through adulthood with tetanus boosters and the shingles vaccine

What should a medical assistant do when the child is not cooperating while trying to obtain height measurements?

Ask a parent to hold the infant in place for an accurate height.

What should the medical assistant if it is hard to take the hard young pts measurements?

Ask a parent/guardian to hold the child Distract the child Give the child something

What should the medical assistant remember to ask the pt when administering medicine or injections?

Ask the pt for allergies

How often should surfaces such as counters and exam tables be cleaned?

At the beginning and end of each day as well as between patients

how should you prepare examination and procedure rooms?

At the end of each day, disinfect the work area and stock the exam rooms. Upon arriving to work the next day, recheck the rooms for cleanliness and adequacy of supplies.

How should head circumference be measured?

At the widest area which is usually across the eyebrows

What screenings are often performed during routine physicals?

Audiometry Visual acuity testing Routine urinalysis Anthropometric measurements Vital signs

How is positioning the pt determined?

Based on the reason for visiting and the general physical condition of the pt

What is documentation important?

Because if it isn't charted it wasn't done

What is the most important vital sign?

Blood pressure

What can be used to reinforce the wound when removing sutures or staples?

Butterfly closures

How can medical assistants build a collaborative relationship with providers?

By remembering what the provider prefers

What should be taken during the pt intake?

CC ht wt Head circumference Temp HR Respiration BP Pulse oximetry Visual acuity (snellen chart) EKG Urinalysis

What are examples of when life saving measures need to take place?

Cardiac or respiratory failure Medical assistant should call 911 and start CPR

What artery should be checked in an emergency for a pulse?

Carotid artery If no pulse go to cpr 100-120 chest compressions per min

A medical assistant notices that the patient is slurring speech and has developed a slight drooping of one side of the mouth. These manifestations are indications of which of the following emergent conditions? A- Myocardial Infarction B- Syncope C- Anxiety Attack D- Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)

Cerebrovascular accident (CVA)

Where is the carotid pulse?

In the neck just below the jaw bone Common for emergency procedures

Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take to prevent patient accidents in the clinical setting? A- Stand with feet together when transferring a patient. B- Bundle computer cables that cross walkways with cable ties. C- Clean a spill on the hallway floor using a towel. D- Store cleaning supplies on top of cabinets.

Clean a spill on the hallway floor using a towel

How should sutures be cut?

Close to the knot and pull the suture out with forceps by grabbing the knot and pulling

What should be avoided to maximize safety?

Cluttered hallways Spills Items on the floor Furniture with sharp edges Restricted doorways Dimly lit areas

What are the benefits from point of care documentation?

Completion of medical documentation at the time of visit Ensures communication between members of the health care tema

What is the common cause of pyrexia/fever?


What information is required in a medical record?

Demographic info Medication record Progress notes Laboratory or diagnostic reports

Where is a Speculum used?


When taking blood pressure what is the last sound that is heard?

Diastolic Relaxing

What should be done at the end of each work day?

Disinfect the work area and stock the exam rooms

What should the medical assistant not preform?

Do not preform testing prior to the provider reviewing the medical record or examining the patient and prescribing the test.

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: - Catheterization - Genital examinations of younger children, adolescents

Dorsal recumbent

What should dressings be soak in prior to removal?

Dressings should be soaked in sterile saline or sterile water

What is the difference between EHR and EMR?

EHRs can be incorporated across more than one health care organization whereas EMRs are used within a single organization. They both collect health information that has been gathered.

Where is an Otoscope used ?


What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Otoscope

Ears The purpose of an otoscope is to inspect the tympanic membrane and external ear canal

What does EHR stand for?

Electronic health record

What does EMR stand for?

Electronic medical record

What effect does an open ended question have?

Elicit a more detail oriented response without leading the pt

What should bathrooms be equipped with to make sure pts are safe?

Emergency buttons If the bathroom doesn't have one someone should be with or near the pt

What should be done to maximize safety?

Emergency policies Evacuation plans Emergency equipment

Should the medical assistant be empathetic or sympathetic?

Emphatic because it leads to rapport where as sympathy leads to poor therapeutic communication and burn out

What are different methods for creating and sending prescriptions?

Faxing Phoning Written prescription

Where is a Temporal Thermometer used?


What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Thermometer

Forehead The purpose of a thermometer is to measure body temperature

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: Exams involving the eyes, ears, chest, nose, & throat.


What are required when disrobing a pt?

Gown Cape Drape

Specialty exams depend on services provided by the provider and the availability to provide these services. Which of the following is a procedure where the MA might need to provide assistance? A- Gynecological Exams B- Allergy Test C- Cardiac Stress Test D- All of the Above

Gynecological Exams, Allergy Test, & Cardiac Stress Test are all procedures that a medical assistant might need to provide assistance.

When obtaining consent what are the jobs of the medical assistant?

Have forms ready for provider Serve as a witness on the form Answer questions

What are the two methods the Joint Commission stresses to be used for patient identification to validate that care and treatment are delivered to the correct patient? what should you avoid?

Have patient state their full name and date of birth. Avoid stating the patients name and then asking them to confirm it because they could respond to the wrong name in a time of crisis, stress, or illness.

How should the medical assistant obtain the weight of infant?

Have the infant lie down or sit in an infant scale (scale in pounds and ounces making it more accurate). Weigh infants without clothing or a diaper.

Where is Tuning Fork used?


What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Tuning Fork

Head The purpose of a tuning fork is to test auditory function and vibratory sensation

Which of the following is a anthropometric measurement that a medical assistant should collect from a 2-year-old child? A- Tympanic Temperature B- Head Circumference C- Apical Pulse D- Blood Pressure

Head circumfrence

Where is a Stethoscope used?

Heart Lungs Abdomen

What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Stethoscope

Heart, Lungs, Abdomen The purpose of a stethoscope is to auscultate (listen to) body sounds

What pediatric measurements are completed during?

Height Weight Head circumference These are for infants and children up to 3yrs

What are three pediatric measurements completed during a routine physical examination?

Height, weight, & head circumference

In normal lung function what causes breathing?

High carbon dioxide levels

What are vital signs an indication of?


What does respiration measure?

How much air is inhaled

What should be included when documenting procedures?

How the pt was prepared Position used Last time pt ate or drank Procedural process How pt tolerated the procedure

Under what conditions will the pharmacy accept prescriptions?

If all parts identified on the prescription are completed

Where should weight be obtained?

In a private area Do not state the weight loud enough for others to hear Assist the pt on and off the scale

When removing dressings where should the waste contaminated with body fluids go?

In the biohazard container

Why should the medical assistant be actively listening?

It allows the medical assistant to understand what the pt is communicating verbally and non verbally

Why should you review the daily schedule?

It identifies the patients name and reason for their visit. This helps determine how to approach the patient and how to prepare for the visit.

What effect can nail polish have on pulse oximetry?

It interferes with the results and should be taken off before the test

What is the Body Mass Index (BMI)?

It is a tool to screen patients and classify results into weight categories.

Insurance will cover a specific item if __________?

It is deemed medically necessary

Pediatric measurements are important in physical assessments of children up to three. The measurements are plotted on a growth chart. What is the purpose of growth charts?

It provides a visual representation of growth. Alerting the provider of any potential concerns. Also provides a piece of data to have conversations with parents or guardians regarding concerns such as malnutrition or obesity.

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: Rectal exams or instrumentation (flexible sigmoidoscopy)


Describe the patient position used for the following examination: - Gynecological or Rectal exams - Treatments of spinal adjustments


Where is a Reflex Hammer used?


What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Reflex Hammer

Knees The purpose of a reflex hammer is to test deep tendon reflexes

How should the medical assistant obtain the height of infant (a child that can not stand up)?

Lay the child/infant flat on a paper-covered table. Place a mark on the top of the head and at the heel of the flexed foot. Record the measurements in cm or inches. Repeat the height twice to confirm the results.

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Sims' (lateral)

Laying on the left side with the left leg slightly flexed and right leg flexed at a 90 degree angle.

What is Sims (lateral) position?

Laying on the left side with the left leg slightly flexed and the right leg flexed at 90 degree. Can involve a pillow Exams: Rectum, enemas

What is Trendelenburg/ modified Trendelenburg position?

Legs are elevated above the head to force circulation to vital organs Exams: Shock

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Trendelenburg / modified trendelenburg

Legs elevated above the head to force circulation to vital organs.

Who can send prescriptions electronically?

Licensed or credentialed individuals

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: Female pelvic exams


In a pt with pulmonary disease what causes breathing?

Low oxygen levels

What is Prone position?

Lying flat on the abdomen with the arms above the head Exams: Back of the body, bottoms of feet

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Prone

Lying flat on the abdomen with the arms above the head.

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Supine

Lying flat on the back with arms down to the side.

What is Supine position?

Lying flat on the back with the arms down to the side Exams: Involving the front of the body, CPR

What is Dorsal recumbent position?

Lying flat on the back with the knees bent Exams: Catherizations. genital exam of younger children

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Dorsal Recumbent

Lying flat on the back with the knees bent.

What is Lithotomy position?

Lying flat on the table with buttocks at the end of the table and feet resting in stirrups Exams: Female pelvic

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Lithotomy

Lying flat on the table with buttocks at the end of the table and feet resting stirrups.

What is Jack-Knife position?

Lying over an exam table that is lifted in the middle Exams: Rectal, instrumentation

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Jack-knife

Lying over an exam table that is lifted in the middle.

Which of the following are considered nuances of the provider (frequently worked with) that MA's must know? A- What size gloves that the provider prefers B- Patient's confidence in the skills and abilities of the healthcare team. C- All of the Above D- None of the Above

MA's have to remember what size gloves that the provider prefers assists with the efficiency of the examination and the patient's confidence in the skills and abilities of the healthcare team. The MA should feel comfortable asking the provider questions and be willing to take constructive criticism to improve techniques and processes.

What body part is used with the following instrument during physical examinations? And what is it's purpose? : Speculum

Nose The purpose of a speculum is to dilate nares for inspection of the nose.

The medical assistant is responsible for preparing the patients based on the reason for the examination. What are the preparations that must be done before an examination?

Medical assistants must provide the patient instructions and appropriate disrobing. Provide a gown, cape, or drape if disrobing is required. Protecting patient privacy through proper draping is vital.

What test do adults also have?

Mini Mental State Examinations for dementia

What is a precertification?

Needed to cover expenses associated with diagnostic or therapeutic procedures

Is BMI an indicator of health or means to deliver a diagnosis?


Once a medication container has been used, can the medical assistant reinsert the applicator?


Should the medical assistant touch the topical medication?

No, an applicator should be used

Are bandages sterile?

No, bandages are nonsterile Bandages cover dressings

Can a medical assistant write or prescribe medicine?

No, but they can send medication prescribed by the provider to the pharmacy either electronically or via phone

What are example of stock routine items?

PPE Sharps waste containers Biohazard waste containers Exam gowns Table paper

During a surgical procedure, a provider requests sterile solution form a medical assistant. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take? A- Pick up the sterile solution bottle, remove the cap, and hand the bottle to the provider. B- Open the bottle, pour the contents into the container, and set the container on the sterile field C- Place a sterile container on the field and pour a small amount of sterile solution into the container D- Draw the sterile solution up in a syringe and place the syringe on the sterile field for the provider.

Place a sterile container on the field and pour a small amount of sterile solution into the container

A patient in a clinic is experiencing symptoms of myocardial infarction. The provider prescribes sublingual nitroglycerin. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take? A- Apply the medication to the skin B- Place the medication under the tongue C- Place the medication into the rectum D- Inject the medication into a muscle

Place the medication under the tongue

What does the history form identify?

Predispositions to diseases and conditions Overall picture of pts health based on past events

A provider instructs a medical assistant to position a patient for an examination of the dorsal cavity. The medical assistant should place the patient in which of the following positions? A- Lithotomy B- Supine C- Prone D- Semi-Fowler's


Describe the patient position used for the following examination: Exams involving the back of the body including the bottoms of the feet.


What is Knee-Chest position?

Prone and bent at the waist resting o the knees with the arms above the head Exams: Rectal, gynecological, spinal

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Knee-chest

Prone and bent at the waist resting on the knee with the arms above the head.

What is another way of saying the intake process?


What are the benefits of the pt portal?

Questions can be answered promptly Testing can be shared Pt can receive appointment reminders The portal should not be the only means of communication; there are some instances where the pt should be called

When writing the chief complaint the pts words should be in _________?

Quotation marks

A medical assistants preparing to obtain vital signs from an adult patient during a routine physical examination. Which of the following arteries should the medical assistant use to palpate the patient's pulse? A- Carotid B- Brachial C- Radial D- Femoral


What are respirations evaluated on?

Rate Rhythm Depth

What should be done when arriving to work?

Recheck rooms to make sure that they are clean and that there are enough supplies

If the medical assistant is unable to get a measurement of the patient, what should the medical assistant do as a last resort?

Record the measurements as reported by the patient or caretaker. If this is done, make a note in the chart to explain how the measurement was obtained.

If there aren't any means to measure a pt what should the medical assistant do?

Record the measurements from the parent or guardian

What are the signs of infection?

Redness and/or swelling around the site Feeling hot to touch Fever Foul odor Drainage Red streaks

What are valuable tools during the interview process?

Reflection Clarification Restatement

In regards to prescriptions what should a medical assistant be familiar with?

Regulations regarding refills and controlled substances

A medical assistant is performing suture removal. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take? A- Remove each suture after cutting next to the knot B- Remove sutures from the center of the wound moving outward C- Remove the sutures in the opposite order of insertion D- Remove the sutures after placing adhesive skin closures

Remove each suture after cutting next to the knot

What happens to respiration with age?

Respiration decreases with age Health conditions and environmental factors can affect respiration

Which of the following actions should a medical assistant take when closing the clinical area at the end of the day? A- Restock medical supplies in the examination rooms. B- Prepare and cover a sterile field for the next day. C- Discard the biohazard bags from the examination rooms in the trash. D- Refrigerate all collected blood specimens for retrieval the next day.

Restock medical supplies in the examination rooms

What type of conditions should the MA report to a supervisor?

Sidewalk cracks Loose handrails Snow Ice

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: Exams involving the rectum, enemas

Sims' (lateral)

Describe the following patient position for physical exams: Fowler's

Sitting position with the back of the exam table raised to a 90 degree angle.

What is Fowlers position?

Sitting with the back of the exam table raised to 90 degrees Exams: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat, Chest

What are the most common solutions used to disinfect surfaces?

Sodium Hypochlorite solution (1:10 dilution of household bleach to water) or a commercial chemical surface disinfectant.

What should be used to clean?

Sodium hypochlorite which is 1:10 dilution of bleach and water or commercial chemical disinfectant

How should the medical assistant talk when phoning a prescription?

Speak clearly Provide full name and birthdate Identify medication Avoid using abbreviations

What equipment is used for blood pressure?

Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure cuff Stethoscope

What should the MA avoid when verifying the pt?

Stating the pts name and asking them to confirm it

What should medical assistants do in emergencies?

Stay with pts until a provider or emergency services personnel are available to take over. Deliver emergency care when necessary. Make sure supplies and equipment are ready for providers

What should the medical assistant give the pt after surgery?

Tell pt when to return for follow up Contact info for questions Signs of infection How to care for wound

What temperature should medicine be before administering them to the eyes or ears?

Tepid/Room temperature If the medicine is too hot it can burn the pt If the medicine is too cold it can cause dizziness and/or discomfort

What is blood pressure?

The force of blood circulating through arteries

How can a medical assistant determine the best method to obtain anthropometric measurements?

The medical assistant must be aware of normal growth and development as well as the patient's physical and medical status.

What is pulse oximetry?

The percentage of oxygen saturation in the blood

What does the daily schedule include?

The pts name and the reason for them visiting With this information prepare for the visit ahead of time with supplies that may be needed and review their medical record

With the Affordable Care Act what does the medical assistant act like?

The pts navigator or case manager

When administering irrigations where should the solution not flow?

The solution should not flow down the tear duct

A medical assistant is performing an ear irrigation. The patient reports dizziness. These symptoms could be caused by which of the following? A- Pressure from the water has caused the cerumen to move. B- The speed at which the water is being introduced is too slow C- Trapped air is increasing the pressure against the tympanic membrane. D- The temperature of the water is too cold

The temperature of the water is too cold

What shouldn't come into direct contact with pt?

The tip of the container because it can cause contamination

What communication technique should the medical assistant use during the intake process?

Therapeutic communication

Why are anthropocentric measurements important?

They assist the provide with making a diagnosis Monitor scoliosis or osteoporosis Determine BMI

What will happen to pts who have chronic lung disease if they receive too much oxygen?

They have adapted to high levels of carbon dioxide, so too much oxygen can cause apnea

What are the jobs of a medical assistant during an exam?

To chaperone Setting up or adding items to the sterile field Receive specimens Hand provider instruments Nonsterile circulating staff

What is the Denver Development Screening Test used for?

To check developmental progress

What are the goals of surgical intervention?

To deliver a treatment and prevent further damage

Why is temperature measured?

To determine the relationship of heat production and heat loss in the body; metabolism

Why should you always further review the medical record in advance?

To get familiar with the patient and allows for an enhanced understanding of the patients history and concerns while interacting with the patient.

Why should you count the number of sutures or staples?

To make sure that they are all removed

What is the goal when providing care in an emergency?

To stabilize the pt and prevent further injury

Why is height measured?

To track normal development

Describe the patient position used for the following examination: Shock


A medical assistant is caring for a patient who has conjunctivitis. Which of the following actions should the medical assistant take when performing an eye instillation? A- Ensure the medication is instilled in the upper conjunctiva B- Instruct the patient to look down when instilling the medication C- Use gloves when instilling the medication D- Use a seperate bottle of medication for each eye

Use gloves when instilling the medication

How should a medical assistant measure a child's head circumference?

Using a tape measure, measure at the widest area of the head, which is usually right across the eyebrows, measuring in inches or centimeters. Repeat the head circumference twice to confirm the results.

What do pts with cardiac arrest initially experience?

Ventricular fibrillation

What should you avoid when placing an AED?

Wet skin Placing over jewelry Touching metal

What is something you should ask the pt when interviewing them?

What allergies do they have What kind of reaction did they have These allergies should be flagged in several areas in the pts chart

What are abnormal sounds that the medical assistant should listen for during respirations?

Wheezing Rales Rhonchi

How is heart rate best palpated?

When an artery can be pushed against a bone Second and third fingers should be used palpate pulse

A provider has instructed a medical assistant to prepare a wound for suturing. When performing basic wound care, which of the following steps should the medical assistant take to ensure proper cleansing of the wound area? A- Wipe the center of the wound with an antiseptic swab, moving toward the edges in a circular motion B- Scrub the wound with an antiseptic swab in a back and forth motion for 5 min C- Flood the wound with hydrogen peroxide prior to wiping it with sterile gauze D- Cleanse the wound a minimum of three times using alcohol prep pads

Wipe the center of the wound with an antiseptic swab, moving toward the edges in a circular motion

How should an infants height be taken?

With child/infant laying down flat on a paper covered table Make the top of their head and at the heel of the flexed foot

Which way is more accurate to obtain an infants weight?

With them laying down or sitting in an infant scale Without clothing or in a diaper

How should dressing packages be opened?

Without touching the contents Touch only the edges that will not come into contact with the wound

Are dressings sterile?

Yes, dressings are sterile Dressings are what cover the wound

A BMI of 18.5-24.9 is considered _________________. A- underweight B- normal C- overweight D- obese

normal (BMI)

A BMI of greater than 30.0 is considered _________________. A- underweight B- normal C- overweight D- obese

obese (BMI)

A BMI of greater than 24.9 is considered _________________. A- underweight B- normal C- overweight D- obese

overweight (BMI)

A BMI of less than 18.5 is considered _________________. A- underweight B- normal C- overweight D- obese

underweight (BMI)

How to calculate BMI?

weight in kg/height in m squared or weight in lbs /height in inches squared

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