Chapter 9: Late Adulthood

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neuroticism, extraversion, open- ness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

"Big Five" basic personality traits

accurate description of sexual functioning in older people.

"Use it or lose it"

Continuity theory

suggests that people simply need to maintain their desired level of involvement in society to maximize their sense of well-being and self-esteem

What does despair mean?

life goals are not accomplished

What are the negative aspects of life review?

life review can sometimes produce declines in psychologi- cal functioning. If people become obsessive about the past, reliving old insults and mistakes that cannot be rectified, they may end up feeling guilt, depression, and anger against acquaintances who may not even still be alive

____ percent of people age 65 and older live in poverty


more than ______ million elderly people in the United States have hearing impairments of one kind or another


older people spend almost ____ percent of their total expenditures on health care, more than two times what younger individuals spend


By 2050, the number of adults worldwide older than 60 will exceed the number of people younger than ________ for the first time in history


Some _____________ percent of people older than 65 are thought to show some symptoms of psychological disorder

15 to 25

_________ percent of people ages 75 to 84 have Alzheimer's, and nearly ______ of people older than the age of 85 are affected by the disease.

19; half

The average older person spends close to ____ percent of his or her income for healthcare costs.


Although hearing aids would probably be helpful around 75 percent of the time, only ____ percent of elderly people wear them.

20; They amplify background noises as much as conversations, making it difficult for wearers to separate what they want to hear from other sounds. Furthermore, many people feel that hearing aids make them appear even older and encourage others to treat them as if they were disabled

Osteoporosis, which affects __________ percent of women older than 60 and is the primary cause for:

25; broken bones

For demographers, the terms are purely chronological. The young old are __________ years old. The old old are between __________, and the oldest old are __________.

65 to 74; 75 and 84; 85 and older

The life expectancy—the average age of death for members of a population—of a person born in 2012, for instance, is ______ years of age.


What realization do people have according to Levinson?

According to Levinson, people come to realize that they are no longer on the center stage, but are playing bit parts. On the other hand, they are viewed as "venerated elders" whose advice is sought and relied upon.

What signals successful aging?

Avoiding disease, maintaining good cognitive and physical health, and social engagements

WHAT TYPE OF FACTOR IS THIS: According to this view, memory changes are a result of brain and body deterioration. For instance, declines in episodic memory may be related to the deterioration of the frontal lobes of the brain or a reduction in estrogen.

Biological factors.

What has helped in detecting and treating Alzheimer's?

Brain imaging, biomakers, genetics, drugs, vascular system, glucose, social engagement, exercise

Vitamin ___ and ___ show reduced risk of Alzheimer's

C and E

stage of adjustment to the death of a spouse: preparation

Consider, for instance, the purchase of life insurance, the preparation of a will, and the decision to have children who may even- tually provide care in one's old age.

What is agism?

Discrimination based on age; old people shouldnt be doing this

What is Erickson's crisis?

Ego integrity vs despair

WHAT TYPE OF FACTOR IS THIS: For example, older people often take pre- scription drugs that hinder memory, and this, rather than age per se, may account for their lower performance on memory tasks. In addition, retirees, no longer facing job challenges, may use memory less.

Environmental factors

What are the benefits of life review?

Far from being a harmful process of reliving the past, wallowing in past problems, and reviving old wounds, life review usually leads to a better understanding of the past. People may resolve lingering problems and conflicts with others. Life review offers other benefits, including a sense of mutuality, a feeling of inter- connectedness with others. Reminiscence may even have cognitive benefits, improving memory.

suggest that our body's DNA contains a built-in time limit for the reproduction of human cells. After a genetically determined period, the cells can no longer divide and the individual begins to deteriorate

Genetic programming theories of aging

specialists who study aging:


WHAT TYPE OF FACTOR IS THIS: The ability to inhibit irrelevant information and thoughts that interfere with problem solving may decrease, and the speed of information processing may decline. Another information-processing view suggests that older adults lose the ability to concentrate on new material and have difficulty paying attention to appropriate stimuli and organizing material in memory.

Information-processing deficits.

Who looks at the processes that can lead to personality change as we grow old?


the point in life in which people examine and evaluate their lives

Life review

What is senility and is it accurate?

Mental deterioration from aging, not accurate

Passive-dependent personalities.

Others become fearful—of falling ill, of the future, of their own inability to cope. They are so fearful that they may seek help from family and care providers, even when they don't need it.

Defended personalities

Others respond to the fear of aging quite differently—by trying to stop it in its tracks. They may attempt to act young, exercising vigorously and engaging in youthful activities. Unfortunately, they may set unrealistic expectations and run the risk of disappointment as a result.

involves universal and irreversible changes resulting from genetic programming

Primary aging, or senescence

Disintegrated and disorganized personalities

Some people are unable to accept aging and experience despair as they get older. They are often found in nursing homes or hospitals.

continuing-care community

The community provides various levels of care, and residents sign contracts for the level they need. In many such communities, people start out in separate houses or apartments, living either independently or with occasional home care.

Integrated personalities.

The most successful individuals cope comfortably with aging. They accept it with a sense of self-dignity.

What is the difference between intelligence and wisdom?

Whereas knowledge derived from intelligence is related to the here and now, wisdom is more timeless. While intelligence permits a person to think logically and systematically, wisdom provides an understanding of human behavior.

Who lives the longest?

White women

learned helplessness

a belief that one has no control over one's environment

adult day-care facilities

a facility in which elderly individuals receive care only during the day but spend nights and weekends in their own homes

body transcendence versus body preoccupation (Peck)

a period in which people must learn to cope with and move beyond changes in physical capabilities as a result of aging


a psychological state in which people in nursing homes develop apathy, indifference, and a lack of caring about themselves

The relationship between environmental factors and intellectual skills suggests that with ____________ older people can maintain their mental abilities. a. stimulation, practice, and motivation, b. exercise, a kind spouse, and a flexible personality style c. autobiographical memory, motivation, and prescription drugs d. increased estrogen, exercise, and a cohort group

a. stimulation, practice, and motivation,

The most common cause of blindness in people older than 60 is:

age-related macular degeneration (AMD)

Crotchety. Old codger. Old coot. Senile. Geezer. Old hag. Are examples of:


There is also some evidence that a diet rich in ______________________ can reduce the risk of AMD

antioxidant vitamins (C, E, and A)

inflammation of one or more joints, afflicts roughly half of older people


Social support

assistance and comfort supplied by a network of caring, interested people

When it comes to _______________________, memories about one's own life, older people are as subject to lapses as younger individuals.

autobiographical memory

It is likely that the gap in technology skills between younger and older adults will decrease as ____________. a. young adults get jobs, have families, and are too busy for social media b. technology use continues to expand in the general society c. technology creates simpler machines and special apps for the elderly d. older adults are treated with more respect online

b. technology use continues to expand in the general society

What is Alzheimer's disease?

basic form of dementia - looses ability to think, make decisions, speak properly, memory

What causes Alzheimer's?

beta-amyloid clumps between neurons and tau tangles inside neurons, the vascular system stops delivering enough blood, microglial cells dont clear debris properly, and the hippocampus begins to shrink (cells die)

Why do people retire?

burn out, decline in health, leisure time

Alzheimer's Disease, ________, leads to the deaths of 100,000 people every year in the United States and af- fects nearly half of all people older than age 85. a. a degenerative cell disorder b. a chronic hypertension condition c. a progressive brain disorder d. a neurocognitive immune condition

c. a progressive brain disorder

cloudy or opaque areas on the lens of the eye that interfere with the passage of light


cross-sectional methods do not take into account __________________ — influences attributable to growing up in a particular era

cohort effects

The face and other parts of the body become wrinkled as the skin loses elasticity and ______________, the protein that forms the basic fibers of body tissue


Retirement disenchantment stage

conclude that retirement is not all they thought it would be because they miss the stimulation and companionship of work or find it hard to keep busy

the digestive system produces less digestive juice and is less efficient in pushing food through the system—thereby increasing the incidence of _________________


Among the reasons cited for depression are the experience of:

cumulative losses of their spouses and friends, and their own declining health and physical capabilities

Models of successful aging include _____________. a. compensation theory, disengagement theory, and maximization theory b. activity theory, continuity theory, and selective optimization c. capability theory, sociability theory, and withdrawal strategies d. social optimization, compensation theory, and life events theory

d. social optimization, compensation theory, and life events theory

Western cultures there is a __________________ for appearance, by which women are judged more harshly than men. For instance, gray hair in men is often viewed as "distinguished"; in women it is a sign of being "over the hill"

double standard

the space between the brain and skull _____________ from age 20 to age 70


Slowed decision-making processes impair their ability to remove themselves from harm, like:


Age stratification theories

economic resources, power, and privilege are distributed unequally among people at different stages of life; help explain why aging is viewed more positively in less industrialized societies. In predominantly agricultural societies, older people accumulate control over important resources such as animals and land

How is osteoporosis prevented?

exercise, calcium and protein intake; treated and even prevented with drugs such as Fosamax (alendronate)

What are some goals for improving late adulthood?

expanding health functionality, get better policies, make it more multidimensional

What surfaces when parents become ill?

family dynamics, unresolved issues, secrets

The first sign of Alzheimer's is usually ________________


What was used to test fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence with age?

functional MRI to see where oxygen was

semantic memories

general knowledge and facts, such as the capital of North Dakota

processing in all parts of the nervous system, including the brain, is less efficient. As a consequence, slowing occurs throughout the body:

generalized slowing hypothesis

What happens to crystallized intelligence with age?

gets better, like vocabulary

when pressure in the fluid of the eye increases, either because the fluid cannot drain properly or because too much fluid is produced


One of the most obvious indicators of aging is the ___________, which usually becomes distinctly gray and eventually white, and may thin out.


Because food does not taste as good, people eat less and open the door to malnutrition. They may also over salt their food, thereby increasing their risk of ______________________


stage of adjustment to the death of a spouse: grief and mourning

immediate reaction to the death of a spouse. It starts with the shock and pain of loss, and continues as the survivor works through the emotions the loss brings up.

assisted living

independent housing supported by medical pro- viders to the extent required

The brain uses _______ oxygen and glucose, and blood flow is ______________

less; reduced

When people achieve ______________, they feel they have fulfilled the possibilities that have come their way in life, and they have few regrets (Erickson)


a plastic lens is permanently placed in the eye

intraocular lens implants

What happens to fluid intelligence with age?

it deteriorates (starting at 20)

What type of conflict surfaces when parents become ill?

lack of equity, inheritance, favoritism, resistance of care, toxic parenting, no will to cooperate

People with no chronic disease, higher socioeconomic status (SES), involvement in an intellectually stimulating environment, a flexible personality style, a bright spouse, good perceptual processing speed, and satisfaction with one's accomplishments in midlife or early old age showed __________ decline


The optic nerve also becomes _________ efficient in transmitting nerve impulses.


yellowish area near the retina at which visual perception is most acute


The most common mental disorder of elderly people is _________________, previously referred to as dementia

major neurocognitive disorder

implicit memories

memories about which people are not consciously aware, such as how to ride a bike

positive expectations may lead people to think more positively about their own capabilities, which leads to better _________________


in media depictions, older persons are often presented as _____________________________________________ rather than as individuals in their own right

someone's parents or grandparents

What is Road Scholar?

one of the largest educational pro- grams for people in late adulthood, offering travel and learning classes worldwide

2050 nearly ____________ of the population will be 65 and older. The number of people older than 85 is projected to increase from _____ to ______ million by 2050

one-quarter; 4 to 18

Around _________________ of older people have hypertension, or high blood pressure; many people who have high blood pressure are unaware because it has no symptoms


Hearing loss can also lead to feelings of ______________ as conversational blanks are filled according to fear rather than reality.


The fastest growing segment of the population is the oldest old— ___________ or older.

people 85

Retirement honeymoon stage

people engage in a variety of activities, such as travel, that were previously hindered by work

the peripheral nervous system, which encompasses the nerves that branch from the spinal cord and brain to the extremities of the body, becomes less efficient with age:

peripheral slowing hypothesis

Pollyanna principle

pleasant memories are more likely to be recalled than unpleasant memories

What was the guest speaker's dissertation on?

positive aspects of caregiving

Using both sides of the brain showed a _______ relation

positive neural distinctiveness, recruited more brain parts

skilled-nursing facilities

provide full-time nursing care for people who have chronic illnesses or are recovering from a temporary medical condition

Retirement termination stage

some people this occurs when they go back to work, for most it follows major physical deterioration

Retirement reorientation stage

reconsider their options and become engaged in new, more fulfilling activities; leads to retirement routine

episodic memories

relate to specific life experiences, such as when you first visited New York City - decline with age

Longitudinal studies are not good because:

repeated exposure to the same test may cause overfamiliarity, and participants may become unavailable over time

encompasses changes that are because of illness, health habits, and other individual factors, which are not inevitable; potentially avoidable and can sometimes be reversed.

secondary aging

____________-term memory slips gradually until age 70, when the decline becomes more pronounced


People may become _____________ partially because of changes in posture, but mostly because the cartilage in the disks of the backbone becomes thinner.


lengthening of reaction time causes:


One of the biggest generational divides involves the use of _____________


When a cell's ____________ has just about disappeared, the cell stops replicating


The reduced flow of blood in the brain is due in part to:

the heart's reduced ability to pump blood through hardening and shrinking blood vessels.

disengagement theory

the period in late adulthood that marks a gradual withdrawal from the world on physical, psychological, and social levels; Today, most gerontologists reject disengagement theory, pointing out that disengagement is relatively uncommon. In most cases, people remain engaged, active, and busy throughout old age

ego transcendence versus ego preoccupation (Peck)

the period in which elderly people must come to grips with their coming death; If they see these contributions, which can take the form of children or work and civic activities, as lasting beyond their own lives, they will experience ego transcendence. If not, they may become preoccupied with asking whether their lives had value and worth to society.

elder abuse

the physical or psychological mistreatment or neglect of elderly individuals

Activity theory

the theory suggesting that successful aging occurs when people maintain the interests, activities, and social interactions with which they were involved during middle age - "less is more" clearly holds: less activity brings greater enjoyment because they can slow down and do only the things that bring them the greatest satisfaction

redefinition of self versus preoccupation with work role (Peck)

the theory that those in old age must redefine themselves in ways that do not relate to their work roles or occupations; people must adjust their values to place less emphasis on themselves as workers or professionals and more on attributes that don't involve work, such as being a grand- parent or a gardener.

stage of adjustment to the death of a spouse: adaptation

the widowed individual starts a new life. The period begins with the acceptance of loss and continues with the reorganization of roles and the formation of new friend- ships

Some researchers divide people into three groups according to functional ages:

the young old are healthy and active; the old old have some health problems and difficulties with daily activities; and the oldest old are frail and need care; an active, healthy 100-year-old would be considered young old, whereas a 65-year-old in the late stages of emphysema would be among the oldest old.

What is osteoporosis?

thinning of the bones, largely a result of reduced estrogen production

The leading causes of death in elderly people are heart disease, cancer, and stroke, which claim close to ___________________________ of people in late adulthood.


The decrease in taste and smell sensitivity has a physical cause. The ____________ loses taste buds over time, making food less tasty.

tongue; the problem is compounded as the olfactory bulbs in the brain begin to shrivel.

mechanical functions of the body simply wear out—the way cars and washing machines do

wear-and-tear theories of aging

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