Chapter 9: Physical and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood
People who are gifted have high general intelligence, or an IQ of _____ or higher.
Approximately ______% of children in the United States between the ages of 2 and 19 are obese.
What is the average growth in inches for children in elementary school each year?
2 to 3 inches
On average, a 9-year-old will engage in about 180 minutes of physical activity per day. How many minutes, on average, will a 15-year-old engage in?
In how many states is homeschooling legal?
By age ____ or ____, Chase should be able to count in his head.
6; 7
The ability to comprehend conflicting emotions develops slowly throughout childhood, with most children able to understand conflicting or ambivalent emotions by the time they are ______ years old.
8 to 11
Which of the following are examples of external memory aids?
A reminder note on the refrigerator A list A time
What is the leading cause of death among school-age children?
Accidental injuries
The most effective interventions to curb childhood obesity do which of the following?
Address the behavior of parents as well as children
Joel is in fourth grade and is disliked by many of his peers. Joel is at risk for which of the following?
Anxiety Depression Poor academic achievement
Marcus lives in a home that is tightly insulated. His parents also smoke and recently the landlord discovered mold under the kitchen floor. Marcus is at risk of developing which medical condition?
When do achievement gaps between students with low SES and high SES first widen?
Between kindergarten and third grade
(Boys/Girls) engage in higher levels of rough-and-tumble play.
Which statement is true?
Boys are more likely to be overweight than girls.
How can Carla prevent her young daughter from becoming overweight or obese?
By cooking meals that are healthy By staying aware of her daughter's weight By signing her daughter up for a sports team or an exercise class
Which of the following groups is more likely to have difficulty achieving academically in school?
Children with low socioeconomic status
Which of the following activities are common among parents of children who do well in school?
Communicating effectively with their child's teachers Attending school events
______ is associated with more positive outcomes for girls than it is for boys.
Computer use
Susan, age 8, understands causality, conservation, and categories. She is probably at what stage of cognitive development?
Concrete operations
thinking is the type of thinking that IQ tests measure.
Which of the following is a positive side of IQ tests as claimed by proponents of psychometric intelligence tests?
Cross-culturally, scores on IQ tests are good predictors of school achievement.
Research has shown that which of the following affects children's ability to conserve?
Culture Schooling
Which of the following disorders is characterized by reading achievement that is substantially lower than predicted by IQ or age?
is a learning disability that involves a severe impairment in a child's ability to read and spell.
Patricia is forming associations of items to be remembered into a story. She is using which mnemonic strategy?
is the mnemonic strategy that involves making mental associations among items to be remembered.
By age 7, most children can count up and down.
During the school years, boys and girls engage in similar levels of rough-and-tumble play.
The number of children diagnosed with ADHD has decreased in recent decades.
The traditional definition of giftedness includes highly creative children.
is a chronic condition usually marked by persistent inattention, distractibility, impulsivity, and low tolerance for frustration.
Field 1: ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, or Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
is the conscious control of thoughts, emotions, and actions to accomplish goals or solve problems.
Field 1: Executive Field 2: function or functioning
A chronic respiratory disease characterized by sudden attacks of coughing, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing is called
Field 1: asthma, athsma, or asmtha
Being means being able to fluently speak two languages.
Field 1: bilingual, bi-lingual, or bi lingual
A person's is the descriptive and evaluative beliefs about one's physical appearance.
Field 1: body Field 2: image
Critics of the use of IQ tests argue that ethnic differences in IQ are attributable to bias rather than intelligence.
Field 1: cultural or culture
Growth of selective attention may hinge on the executive skill of , the voluntary suppression of unwanted responses.
Field 1: inhibitory or inhibition Field 2: control
A strategy is a technique used to aid memory.
Field 1: mnemonic or mnenomic
Children's skills improve in middle and late childhood.
Field 1: motor or motor skills
The gap between the IQ scores of black and white children has in recent years.
Field 1: narrowed, decreased, declined, reduced, dropped, or lowered
In the approach to reading instruction, decoding of unfamiliar words is emphasized.
Field 1: phonetic, code-emphasis, or phonetic (code-emphasis)
Critics of Gardner argue that his multiple intelligences are actually more accurately labeled as or .
Field 1: talents or talent Field 2: abilities
Siri can solve the following problem: If a < b and b < c, then a < c. Siri is demonstrating Piaget's concept of
Field 1: transitive Field 2: inferences
The amount of gray matter in which part of the brain is linked with IQ?
Frontal cortex
The usefulness of ADHD interventions is increased when they include which of the following?
Good communication with parents Modification in teaching instructions Collaboration between teachers and psychologists
What type of matter increases in volume before puberty and decreases in volume after puberty?
Gray matter
Which of the following is NOT an outcome of being overweight in childhood?
Greater awareness of health needs in adulthood
Abigail is 10 years old and is learning to play tennis. Which of the following changes in development may help her play the sport?
Greater coordination
Which of the following statements are true about the way Gardner assessed intelligence in children?
He matched the type of test to the type of intelligence under study. He observed the products of different types of intelligence directly.
A child who seems to constantly be in motion and shows high levels of physical activity is illustrating what characteristic of ADHD?
is occurring when a child who receives special education services is taught full time in the regular education classroom with supplemental support or assistance.
Which act ensures that children with disabilities receive free, appropriate public education?
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
How does summer break from school impact tested intelligence?
It decreases over summer break.
How does schooling impact tested intelligence?
It increases tested intelligence.
Which of the following is a nontraditional individual intelligence test designed to provide fair assessments of minority children and children with disabilities?
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children
Research studies have found that differences in IQ among ethnic groups are a result of which of the following?
Living conditions Parenting practices Early child care
Which of the following technological innovations allows researchers to track the variability of changes in children's brains over time?
Magnetic resonance imaging
Intelligence tests disadvantage which of the following groups?
Native American children Black children Hispanic children
Which of the following are included in Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences?
Naturalist Interpersonal
Piaget believed that younger children's illogical thinking gave way to more flexible, logical thinking as a result of which of the following?
Neurological development Experience
Which groups have the most access to the Internet?
Non-poor children White children
The negative effects of not being liked by peers are exacerbated for children with which of the following characteristics?
Oppositional behavior Aggression
Which factors contribute to children's sleep problems?
Parents allowing children to set their own bedtimes Televisions located in children's bedrooms
The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children tests which type of abilities?
Performance ability Verbal ability
Which of the following are effective weight-management programs?
Permanent lifestyle changes Parent and school involvement
______ refers to both the practical knowledge needed to use language for communicative purposes and the social context of language.
Cognitive advances that occur in middle childhood allow children to more easily do which of the following?
Process information Ignore distractions
Which of the following are subtests of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales test?
Quantitative reasoning Visual-spatial processing Working memory
is a mnemonic strategy to keep an item in working memory through conscious repetition.
The ability of a child to organize according to size is an example of which of the following?
______ is the ability to order items along a dimension.
Who developed the triarchic theory of intelligence?
is the deep underlying structure of language that organizes words into understandable phrases and sentences.
As children age, they are able to use more precise verbs and speak in more elaborate sentences. This indicates that which of the following is improving?
Syntax Vocabulary
Which of the following are criticisms of IQ testing?
Tests are poor measures of native ability. Test scores may not be accurate for children who work slowly and carefully. Tests underestimate intelligence for children who are ill.
According to Sternberg, which of the following is the analytic aspect of intelligence?
The componential element
Which of the following elements involves the ability to make practical decisions?
The contextual element
Sternberg's term for the insightful or creative aspect of intelligence
The experiential element
Which reading instruction approach relies on decoding?
The phonetic approach
In general, how are charter schools different from public schools?
They have their own guiding philosophy, style, and/or organization. They are smaller.
The AAP Committee on Injury and Poison Prevention & Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness recommend that parents refrain from buying which of the following for their children?
Activity levels decrease significantly as children get older.
Children need less sleep in middle childhood than in early childhood.
Children who have parents diagnosed with ADHD are at a greater risk of also developing the disorder.
Studies show that students in bilingual programs typically outperform students in all-English programs on tests of English proficiency.
Which of the following psychometric tests is the most widely used?
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Which of the following are accurate statements about the acquisition of writing skills?
Writing is difficult for young children. Writing goes hand in hand with the development of reading.
The use of a device to improve memory is called
a mnemonic strategy.
Paolo is only 8 years old, but has been placed in fourth grade due to his high level of giftedness. This is an example of a(n) ______ program.
Illnesses that last a short time are called medical conditions.
Sarah makes lists to help her remember what to pick up at the grocery store. Sarah is using which type of mnemonic device?
an external memory aid
What is the English-immersion approach?
approach to teaching English as a second language in which instruction is presented only in English
The spelling used by older preschoolers is inventive to the point that they ______.
are unable to decipher it
A combination of medication and ______ often improves the behavior of children with ADHD better than just medication alone.
behavior management
Sofia is . She can speak English and Russian.
An illness that lasts at least three months is considered to be a(n) medical condition.
The understanding of the relationship between a whole and its parts is called inclusion.
When a child can understand the relationship between a whole and its parts, the child has developed
class inclusion.
Which of the following are acute medical conditions?
common cold flu virus
The ______ element determines how efficiently people are able to process information.
Piaget's operational stage lasts from approximately 7 to 11 years of age.
A child can use a map and is accurately able to judge distance. The child's skills are consistent with Piaget's _____ stage.
concrete operations
According to Piaget's theory, a 9-year-old child who can think logically but not abstractly is in which stage?
concrete operations
A child has developed when he or she knows that a quantity is the same even if the appearance has changed.
The element allows people to deal with what's going on in their environment.
Finding the one right answer to a problem is called thinking.
Which of the following are aspects of pragmatics?
conversational skill narrative skill
Jan is able to find innovative and novel solutions to problems. Jan likely scores high in
The ability to see situations in a new way and find novel solutions is called
According to Piaget's theory, which principles must a child understand before he or she can solve conservation problems?
decentering identity reversibility
When children match the visual features of letters and phonemes while remembering which ones go together, they are engaging in the process known as ______.
Macy understands that all cats meow. Since Fluffy is a cat, Fluffy must be able to meow. This is an example of ______ reasoning.
The type of reasoning that moves from a general premise about a class to a conclusion about a particular member of the class is called reasoning.
A disease characterized by high levels of glucose in the blood resulting from defective insulin production is called
Which of the following are chronic medical conditions?
diabetes asthma
Overweight children tend to become overweight adults, which puts them at risk for developing which of the following diseases?
diabetes hypertension orthopedic problems
Bill can come up with a variety of fresh and diverse solutions. He is a _____ thinker.
Thinking that produces a variety of unique possibilities is called thinking.
Between the ages of 6 and 11, school-age children ____ their weight.
A test that emphasizes potential rather than past learning is known as a(n) test.
Acceleration programs speed up gifted children's education through
early school entrance. placement in advanced courses.
The knowledge that one can master schoolwork is an example of self-
Gifted students can obtain additional information and greater depth of knowledge through programs.
Shannon participates in a program that allows her to take field trips and listen to experts. Her gifted program is a(n) program.
The ______ element consists of the ability to create.
The Otis-Lennon School Ability Test is a(n) ______ intelligence test used for children in kindergarten through 12th grade.
Which has of the following has NOT been identified as a possible cause of ADHD?
high birth weight
Chronically high blood pressure is called
Overweight children are at greater risk for developing which diseases?
hypertension heart disease diabetes
The number of children diagnosed with ADHD has ______ in recent decades.
A child understands that a chicken egg breaks and a robin's egg breaks. He therefore assumes that all eggs break. This is an example of ______ reasoning.
A type of logic called reasoning begins with observations about individual members of a class and then uses those to reach a general conclusion about the entire class.
According to Gardner, the ability to understand the self is called intelligence.
Rough-and-tumble play consists of
kicking. wrestling. chasing.
Rough-and-tumble play peaks during
middle childhood.
Research has shown that there is a ______ correlation between the size of the brain and general intelligence.
Parents of high-achieving children tend to
monitor their child's activities. provide a place for their child to study and store their school materials. talk with their child about school.
Approximately ______ of 9- to 12-year-old girls are dissatisfied with their weight.
A mnemonic strategy for categorizing material to be remembered is called
Will is putting items into categories to help him remember those items. Which mnemonic device is he using?
Compared with boys, girls tend to
outperform in national reading tests. have fewer school problems. make better grades.
Bilingualism has a(n) _______ effect on children's cognitive development.
According to research, children with the highest intelligence have a(n) ______ that thins quickly.
prefrontal cortex
Which of the following are among the known main causes of intellectual disability?
prenatal exposure to infection or alcohol environmental exposure to lead or high levels of mercury genetic disorders
How can a community work to reduce childhood obesity?
promote healthy lifestyle changes provide effective weight-management programs increase activity at home and school
Jackson is saying a list of items over and over to help his memory. Which type of mneumonic device is he using?
A child who can deliberately direct his attention and shut out distractions is displaying
selective attention.
Rudy feels confident that he can do his school work and can regulate his learning. Rudy has acquired
What is intellectual disability?
significantly subnormal cognitive functioning
Some changes that occur with concrete operational thinking include the ability to
sort into categories. conserve.
A second-grade student can find her way to and from school. This indicates that she understands
spatial relationships.
Which of the following are involved in the efficiency of working memory?
storage capacity processing speed
What is bilingual education?
system of teaching non-English-speaking children in their native language while they learn English and later switching to all-English instruction
Children are better able to understand their own conflicting emotions when their families often
talk about why people do the things they do.
Which best describes executive function?
the conscious control of thoughts, emotions, and actions to accomplish goals or solve problems
The ability to understand the relationship between two objects by knowing the relationship of each to a third object is called inference.
The theory of intelligence claims that intelligence consists of three elements: componential, experiential, and contextual.
Which type of diabetes is found primarily in overweight, older adults?
type 2
Before learning to read, a child must be able to do all of the following things, except
understand how to be a competent conversationalist.
The whole-language approach to teaching reading emphasizes
visually based retrieval.
In classrooms adopting a _____ approach, beginning readers are taught to recognize words or even entire sentences and to use the context of what they read to guess at the meaning of words.
The improvement in processing speed and storage capacity leads to improvements in memory.
Girls have an advantage in ____, whereas boys have an advantage in ____.
writing; science