Chapter 9: The Market Revolution, 1800—1840

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Identify the statement that describes the concept of a "family wage."

a "family wage" referred to the amount a man should be able to make to support his wife and children without their earnings

Identify the statements that describe the market revolution.

correct: -creation of opportunities for economic improvement and the ability to get ahead -rapid change in the U.S. economy caused by territorial expansion enabled by improvements to transportation -shift from self-sufficient farming to a national market

The Second Great Awakening concerned the "awakening" of what type of devotion?


Today, numerous platforms enable instant communication between countless people. In the 1830s, Americans marveled at the ability of an invention to transmit messages across the country. What was this new technology that allowed for instant connectivity?

the telegraph

Identify the contributions of John Deere and Cyrus McCormick to the expansion of the market economy in the United States.

they both invented equipment that increased farm production

Not everyone in the country embraced the market revolution. Identify the group of people who felt that its modern, streamlined, and scheduled system interfered with individual actions and growth.


Although evangelical preachers railed against greed by promoting industry, sobriety, and self-discipline as examples of moral behavior, they encouraged the same qualities necessary for success in the market culture.


During the nineteenth century, legal decisions supported entrepreneurs participating in the market revolution by protecting them from government intervention.


The concept of "Liberty of Living" made economic security an essential part of American freedom.


According to the map below, which depicts the major U.S. cities in the year 1840, what was the only city in the United States to have a population over 300,000 at this time?

New York

The Erie Canal, illustrated in the watercolor image below, is typical of engineering improvements at this time. Drag the statements that correctly describe the projects completed during this time to the image below.

-Towns grew around roads and canals, and isolated farms became connected to transportation services. -The burden of funding "internal improvements" such as roads and canals largely fell to the states. -Many early roads and services were provided by private companies.

On the map below, which depicts the major U.S. cities in the year 1840, select the western city known as "Porkopolis."


Drag the statements that describe the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to the image of the temple below.

-Members' practices of posthumous baptism and polygamy proved controversial, and as a result demonstrated the limits of religious toleration in the country -The early church was democratic and allowed anyone including African-Americans to become members. -The religion was founded by Joseph Smith, and the followers are often referred to as Mormons.

What does this map reveal about the transportation revolution of the early nineteenth century and its effect on travel times?

correct: -Between 1800 and 1830, travel time between New York City and Florida decreased by one week. -By 1830, a traveler could get anywhere along the Atlantic coast in two weeks or less. -Between 1800 and 1830, travel time between New York City and the meeting point of the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers decreased by three weeks.

Identify the statements that describe the experiences of free blacks in the nineteenth century.

correct: -Blacks constructed their schools and churches. -Blacks faced widespread discrimination and were unable to find work as craftsmen or store clerks.

After 1793, cotton production soared due to the invention of Eli Whitney's cotton gin. Identify how the cotton gin further changed the United States.

it allowed slavery to expand to the West and increased in the South as profits were realized

Identify the statement that describes nativist attitudes in the 1840s and 1850s.

fearing immigrants would take their jobs, native born Americans discriminated against immigrants

Identify the statement that describes the shift from the ideology of "republican motherhood" to the cult of domesticity in the mid-nineteenth century.

the idealized image of a woman shifted from that of a mother of future citizens to that of a virtuous and obedient person dependent on her husband

As more Americans moved westward in the early nineteenth century, a rush to claim land emerged. Identify the methods in which one staked a claim on land in the West by dragging the correct descriptions to the image below.

-Some Americans purchased titles from land speculators. -Some western migrants simply "squatted" on unoccupied land without seeking a clear legal title. -Some Americans headed for the frontier purchased land from the federal government.

Identify why each of the following immigrant groups came to America in the nineteenth century.

German: -They were skilled craftsmen seeking to take advantage of economic opportunities and to establish themselves as shopkeepers or farmers. Irish: -They were fleeing British colonization at the beginning of the century, and the Great Famine which destroyed the potato crop that sustained the country in the 1840s and 1850s. English: -Their country's movement for democracy failed and industry continued to expand unchecked.

Identify the statements that describe the early labor movement.

correct: -The "family wage" was the idea that, as the head of the household, a man should command a wage that would support his whole family. -The conviction of twenty New York tailors of "conspiracy for combining to seek higher wages" illustrates that the established order did not accept early bids for workers' rights.

Historians estimate that around 1 million slaves were shifted from older slave states into the expanded Lower South between 1800 and 1860. Which of the following are trends that historians associate with this time period?

correct: -Cotton became by far the most profitable and important export of the entire United States. -State-to-state trading of enslaved persons developed within the United States. -Enslaved persons were forced to march across the country in coffles—large groups chained to one another.

Which of the following statements correctly describe the changes from this time period that supported the growth of business?

correct: -Courts affirmed employers' authority over the workplace; workers who sought to strike for higher wages were punished. -Legal decisions handed down by the courts protected new companies from liabilities. -Corporations, or firms that protect their investors from debts, became popular and profitable.

The development of factories changed the production of goods and the use of human labor. Identify the statements that describe how the market revolution changed society and the ways people worked.

correct: -Instead of a focus on individual craftsmanship, people worked together to assemble a finished product. -Pay was based on an hourly or daily rate. -People started arranging their day by the clock, and there was a clear delineation between work time and free time.

Identify the statements that describe the internal borderland along the Ohio River.

correct: -It was the boundary between free and slavery societies. -Cultural connections, trade connections, and family connections transcended the border. -There was more trade between people across the Ohio River than in the most northern parts of their own states.

What does it reveal about roads and canals in 1840?

correct: -Large portions of the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio Rivers could be navigated, allowing trade throughout the most western states. -Ohio, New York, and Pennsylvania had a series of canals that allowed goods to be transported throughout the region. -By 1840, a network of roads connected the Atlantic coast to the western states, including Indiana.

Identify the statements that describe the Second Great Awakening and its impact.

correct: -Preachers stressed that individuals were "free agents" able to make their own choices, and stressed industry, sobriety, and self-discipline. -Alarmed by low church attendance, religious leaders organized religious revivals where they preached, warning of hell and promising salvation to converts. -It was massively popular and thus it democratized American Christianity.

According to the textbook, and the video with Dr. Foner, which of the following statements regarding the growth of the Cotton Kingdom are true?

correct: -The growth of cotton production in the South was tied to commerce in the North, as cotton export involved northern merchants, financiers, and craftspeople. -Native Americans were forced to cede land in order to provide space for settlement of white planters. -Slavery expanded westward.

Identify the statements that describe westward expansion.

correct: -Westward expansion had been happening since the first settlers arrived and moved inland. -The West emerged as its own distinct region, with its own culture, different from the South and New England. -By supporting the West, politicians gained power.

Identify the statements that describe the American system of manufactures.

correct: -introduced the mass production of parts that could be rapidly built into standardized products -led to the wide dispersion of mechanical skills throughout northern society

Identify the demands of the early labor movement.

correct: -the limit of working hours to ten hours a day -the end of imprisonment because of debts owed -the opportunity for free public education

A lithograph titled The Industrious Man shows a man returning from work and being greeted by his wife and children. A caption reads, "It is Saturday night. The industrious man returns from his labour in peace. He is welcome to an humble home. Pleasant smiles and happy voices greet him. Let him fear and serve God and God will bless him and his household forever."

the man: -Men moved freely between the public and private spheres. the women carrying the baby: -Women were associated with virtue, domesticity, and the private realm of the family. the fireplace: -The home was increasingly stripped of its economic functions and associated with the pleasures of docile domesticity.

Identify the statement that describes the mill girls.

young, unmarried women from farm families who worked in the textile mills

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