Chapter Quiz Questions

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The expression of most genes is regulated by?

Both internal and external signals.

The process of mitosis is thought to have evolved from binary fission. What similarities exist between these processes?

Both processes include DNA segregation

Which of the following is a difference between binary fission and mitosis?

Breakdown of the nuclear envelope

Which of the following codons codes for proline?


The importance of tRNA is that it?

Carries a specific amino acid to the mRNA

The chromosomes in a homologous pair?

Carry the same genes

Which of the following pairs of processes encompasses the entire cell cycle?

Cell division and interphase

The circle near the center of the replicated chromosome below represents a ?


If two alleles for the same trait have an equal effect on the phenotype, the alleles are ____________________.


The DNA primers used in PCR are?

Complementary to DNA sequences at both ends of the DNA sequence of interest.

Homologous chromosomes?

Consist of a maternal and paternal copy of each chromosome.

In genetic engineering, molecular biologists often combine segments of DNA from two separate organisms. This is an example of genetic recombination that occurs in a laboratory setting. Which of the following is a form of genetic recombination that occurs naturally within cells?

Crossing over

Which of the lettered arrows in the diagram below of translation indicates a codon?


During Transcription ?

DNA is used as a template to make RNA

DNA molecules are double-stranded, whereas most RNA molecules are single-stranded. Which of the following choices is the most likely reason that RNA does not need to be double-stranded?

DNA reproduces itself directly, whereas RNA does not.

Which of the following series correctly represents the levels of DNA packing from simplest to most dense?

DNA strand>> chromatin>>> chromosomes

The order of the base pairs in a DNA molecule?

Differs from species to species.

Which of the following pairs of words can be used correctly to describe alleles?

Dominant or recessive

Which of the following is NOT a feature of the genetic code?

Every individual has a different genetic code.

Why are X-linked recessive genetic disorders more commonly seen in males?

Females must receive two copies of the recessive allele to exhibit the disorder, but males need only one copy.

Which two processes work in conjunction to create genetic diversity and maintain chromosome number?

Fertilization and meiosis

If crossing-over does not occur and homologues chromosome pairs are not independently assorted during meiosis I, resulting in all maternal chromosomes sorted to one cell white all paternal chromosomes are sorted to another cell, what would be genetic results in the gametes produced at the end of meiosis II?

Fifty percent of the gametes would contain only maternal DNA and 50% of the gametes would contain only paternal DNA.

In a strand of double-stranded DNA, cytosine (C) will always be bound with?


When looking at a single-stranded piece of DNA?

G will sometimes be next to T

When looking at a single-stranded piece of DNA ?

G will sometimes be next to T.

If a strand of DNA has the sequence CGTAA, the RNA made from this molecule will have the sequence?


An individual with the genotype Aa mates with an individual with the genotype AA. Which of the following is true?

Half of the offspring will be Aa.

When a germ cell has completed both rounds of meiosis, cells are created which are?

Haploid, and each sister chromatid is in one of four different daughter cells.

Cancers are groups of cells that divide rapidly and uncontrollably. Thus, cancer cells?

Have a relatively short G 1 phase.

Which of the following predicts a likely outcome of bypassing the G 2 checkpoint in the cell cycle?

Incompletely replicated DNA may be passed to the two daughter cells; these cells could be lacking specific genes or chromosomes and would likely not survive.

Gene regulation is the ability to?

Increase or decrease protein synthesis from a given gene.

In bacteria, the antibiotic chloramphenicol prevents amino acids from bonding. The MOST likely reason that bacteria die from treatment with chloramphenicol is because the antibiotic?

Inhibits translation.

A pool of cells is treated with a chemical that halts progress through the cell cycle. In which stage of the cell cycle would most cells be found?


Which of the following statements about cell division is correct?

It is the process by which organisms grow and maintain their tissues

The significance of specific base pairing in DNA is that?

It provides a method for making exact copies of DNA.

Which of the following is associated with mitosis?

Maintenance of chromosomes with mitosis

DNA polymerase is used by the cell to?

Make copies of a DNA sequence.

Model organisms (like mice) used in the study of genetic disease?

May accurately reflect how diseases like cancer occur in humans.

Gametes are produced by meiosis rather than mitosis because?

Meiosis reduces the chromosome number so that zygotes produced will have one full genome.

The figure below shows three generations in one of Mendel's experiments and demonstrates that purple flower color is dominant over white flower color in peas. Which of the following is the best rationale for this conclusion?

Members of the F 1 generation are heterozygous. Whatever allele is visible in a known heterozygote is considered dominant.

Chromosomes are lined up at the middle of the cell during the_________ portion of cell division.


A smartphone app converts spoken English into Spanish. This is similar to the process by which ________ are converted into ________?

Nitrogenous bases in mRNA; a sequence of amino acids

During translation?

One mRNA molecule works with several rRNA molecules and many tRNA molecules to produce a protein.

During meiosis I, the chromosome number is reduced to haploid by separating?

One of each homologous chromosome pair into two different daughter cells.

Which of the following examples accurately describes crossing over?

Paternal chromosome 7 exchanges segments of DNA with maternal chromosome 7

Even though it is deadly, the Huntington's disease allele can remain in the population, because?

People with the disorder often live long enough to reproduce.

A detective finds a miniscule spot of blood on a murder suspect's shirt. What method would the police lab be expected to use to get enough DNA from the blood droplet to perform DNA fingerprinting?

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

In bacteria, the antibiotic tetracycline blocks the site where tRNA molecules enter the ribosome. The MOST likely reason that bacteria die from treatment with tetracycline is because the antibiotic?

Prevents the bacteria from assembling essential proteins.

The outcome of meiosis is the?

Production of eggs and sperm

The process of cell division is different for prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cells because?

Prokaryotes have a circular DNA molecule

As transcription begins, RNA polymerase binds to a segment of a gene called a(n) ?


Which of the following is known to result from the disruption of mitosis and meiosis?

Prostate cancer

Most inherited human disorders are the result of?

Recessive mutations of genes located on autosomes.

An allele that appears to "skip generations" is most likely?


According to the image below, during which phase of the cell cycle does the cell increase in size in preparation for division?

Region 2

According to the image below, during which phase of the cell cycle is the genetic material duplicated?

Region 3

According to the image below, during which phase of the cell cycle is the genetic material evenly partitioned between daughter cells?

Region 6

What is the primary determinant of gonadal sex?

SRY Gene

DNA technology can be used with all organisms because they all?

Share the same chemical DNA structure.

Which of the following cell types is produced by meiosis?


Following transcription, the?

Stands of DNA bond back to each other.

Which of the following is true of transcription?

The DNA molecule must unwind.

Which of the following would promote a cell to move through G2 checkpoint?

The genetic information has been duplicated

Cystic fibrosis is caused by a recessive gene. If C = normal and c = cystic fibrosis, how can a child with cystic fibrosis have two parents who do not have cystic fibrosis?

The parents have genotypes of Cc and Cc.

A mutation occurs in the promoter of a protein-encoding gene. How might this mutation affect the production of the protein encoded by the gene?

The promoter might not be recognized by RNA polymerase, so the enzyme would be unable to attach to the promoter and start transcription.

When examining the two complementary strands of nucleotides in one DNA molecule, you would expect to find that?

The sum of Gs and Cs in one strand would be equal to the sum of the Gs and Cs in the other strand.

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique could be developed only after the discovery of bacterial enzymes that were able to withstand high temperatures. Why was it necessary to use such enzymes?

The temperature required to separate DNA strands during PCR degrades most normal enzymes.

The difference between the alleles of a single gene is?

Their DNA base sequences.

In the genetic code, a codon is ________ bases long for ________?

Three; all cell types

____________________ is different than DNA replication in that it involves the copying of just a small portion of a chromosome rather than the entire chromosome.


Which of the following does NOT take place in the nucleus?


The figure below shows a short sequence of DNA. During DNA replication, the piece of DNA depicted in this figure will produce?

Two double-stranded molecules that look just like the figure.

If a particular stretch of DNA has the base sequence TAC, what will be the base sequence of the anticodon of the tRNA that carries the amino acid encoded by that stretch of DNA?


Which of the following codons does NOT code for an amino acid?


A recessive allele can only appear in the phenotype of an individual?

Who is homozygous for the mutation.

Use the following chart to determine the chain of amino acids that would be produced by the entire mRNA sequence UGUACGAUAGGCUAG?

a. cysteine-threonine-isoleucine-glycine

Protein-coding genes specify the production of ________ as their immediate product?


Which molecules are involved in translation?

mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA

During anaphase, daughter chromosomes?

move toward opposite spindle poles

Which RNA molecule brings new amino acids to the growing protein chain in translation?


An actively dividing cell has six chromosomes. How many sister chromatids are present within this cell at the end of G2 phase?


If an offspring has a total of 32 alleles for 16 genes, it inherited ____________________ alleles from each parent.


A replicated chromosome consists of ________ sister chromatid(s).


An mRNA molecule that is 99 bases long will create a protein composed of?

33 amino acids.

At the completion of mitosis, the nucleus of a human somatic cell has _____ chromosomes.


Which of the following genetic changes would not be heritable?

A mutation in a skin cell

Which term is best associated with a synapsed pair of homologous chromosomes?

A tetrad

What is the sequence of the codon to which the transfer RNA shown in the following figure would bind during translation?


The function of genes is to control the production of?

All proteins

Each set of three bases in an mRNA molecule codes for one of 20 specific?

Amino acids.

The G0 phase of the cell cycle is distinguished by?

An absence of preparation of DNA synthesis

The codon GAU codes for which amino acid?

Aspartic Acid

Except for the circled pair, all the chromosomes in this figure are called ____________________.


The information in a gene is encoded by the?

Base sequences of the gene's DNA.

The order of the bases in DNA determines the order of the?

Bases in mRNA

The order of the bases in DNA determines the order of the?

Bases in mRNA.

The parents in the figure below are carriers of a genetic disorder. Based on the Punnett square, the allele that causes the disorder must?

Be autosomal.

A researcher is recording the process of bacteria cell division using time-lapse microscopy. Which of the following processes would she be observing?

Binary Fission

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