Chapters 1, 2, 3 & 4

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During the golden age of rhetoric, who formulated the guidelines for speakers that we still follow today?


As a speaker, what adjustment should you make to help listeners overcome the difference between speech rate and thought rate?

Develop a structured message.

Clayton needs to divide his central idea into key points. Which question should he ask to help him do this?

Does the central idea have logical divisions?

__________ is the use of words and symbols to achieve a goal.


Which act passed by Congress provided punishment for those who spoke out against the government?

Sedition Act

What does research suggest about good listeners?

They are present mentally as well as physically.

Elocution is the correct pronunciation of words.


You will feel less nervous if you talk about something with which you are familiar or have some personal experience.


A one-sentence summary of the speech content is called the __________.

central idea

Baruch was nervous about his speech, so he took a walk before class. Which tip for building confidence was he demonstrating?

channel your nervous energy

Peeta wants to be seen as an ethical speaker. As such, what communication behavior should she avoid?

coercing her listeners

According to surveys of personnel managers, the number one attribute employers look for in a future employee is __________.

communication skills

Public speakers themselves are the ________ of the message.

context receiver source

Analyzing information to judge its accuracy and relevance is a process called __________.

critical thinking

Janie is attending a presentation on global warming. As she listens to the speaker, she evaluates the information to judge whether it is accurate and relevant. Janie is engaged in __________.

critical thinking

When you study public speaking, you develop the empowering resource of ______, which involves analyzing information to judge its accuracy and relevance.

critical thinking

Desi knew it was important to give a variety of examples in her speech because her classmates were from many backgrounds with differing attitudes, beliefs, and values. Desi was considering the __________ of her audience.

cultural diversity

If you delivered a well-known speech by the British orator Edmund Burke, you would be practicing the art of


Viktor was reciting Lincoln's Gettysburg Address to his class. This is an example of __________.


When a public speaking student in the early twentieth century worked on perfecting and delivering Patrick Henry's Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death speech, the student was focusing on __________.


When preparing speeches, the ancient Romans used a skill called invention. This skill would be equated with which aspect of a speech?

developing main ideas

Xin wants to acknowledge all of the sources she used for her paper. Of the following, which should she be sure to cite?

direct quotations

The most recent models of communication focus on a transactive process. In other words, the sending and receiving aspect of communication is __________.


While most people talk at a rate of 125 words a minute, researchers have found that people have the ability to listen to as many as __________ words a minute.


Most people talk at a rate of _____ words a minute, while most people can listen at a rate of _____ words a minute.

125; up to 1,200

Every well-prepared speech contains __________ major divisions.


Within 24 hours after listening to a lecture or speech, most people will likely recall about _____ percent of the message.


__________ is something that has been proven to be true by direct observation.

A fact

Which communication scenario is an example of public speaking?

A professor lectures the class on the history of rhetoric.

Which student is demonstrating the process of critical thinking?

After listening to her senator, Eliza could not vote for him because the senator had different ideas about health care than she did.

In his speech to business leaders about volunteering for the American Red Cross, Ali used a lot of slang, sat and leaned on the table in front of the room, and was dressed very casually. Which statement best describes this speaking situation?

Ali ignored the rule that public speaking is more formal than y conversation.

What strategy is most effective for giving feedback to yourself?

Reinforce your skills and speaking abilities.

What is the best example of a fact in this presentation on public transportation?

The train was late at least six times last week.

Jason decided to use the same speech he had given last week in New York to the clients he was visiting in Japan. He was surprised when some of his Japanese business associates seemed offended by parts of his presentation. What did Jason most likely fail to think about when he decided to use the same speech?

differing cultural backgrounds of the audience

An unethical speaker is most likely to use __________.

false claims

When an audience member claps his or her hands after an especially moving part of a speech, this is a type of __________.


Which element of communication makes public speaking an interactive process?


What elements are reflected in the interactive model of communication but not the linear model?

feedback and context

Public speaking and conversation both require us to __________.

focus and verbalize our thoughts

As a speaker, what strategy can you use to help the audience overcome listener fatigue?

incorporate redundancy

The Communications Decency Act of 1996 specifically targeted __________.

obscene material on the Internet

After reviewing his research, Keegan creates three main points that he designates with Roman numerals. He begins listing key facts underneath each main point. What step of speech preparation is taking place?


The American Civil Liberties Union was established to __________.

protect the right to speak freely

An ethical listener can support the speaker by __________.

providing appropriate nonverbal and verbal feedback

Effective speakers can help audience members fight listener fatigue by __________.

providing interesting stories related to the audience

Words, images, and behaviors that create meaning are referred to as __________.


According to the working memory theory of listening, people find it harder to listen when __________.

their capacity for listening has been reached

In 1989, the Supreme Court overturned a statute that made burning the United States flag illegal because

they found it to be a "speech act" protected by the First Amendment

As an audience member, what is the primary goal of critical listening and critical thinking?

to evaluate information to make an informed choice

Greek rhetorician Aristotle used the term _____ to refer to a speaker's credibility.


Tyler incorporated several examples into his speech and had a statistical breakdown in his accompanying slide presentation. The examples and statistics he used are forms of __________.


During the city council meeting, one speaker made a startling claim that the local drinking water was highly toxic. As a critical listener, what supporting material would be most compelling?

evidence from unbiased experts

Jeremiah decided to repeat several of his important points throughout his speech. It is a good idea to be redundant to combat __________.

information overload

As an audience member, what is likely the most common barrier to listening that you experience?

internal thoughts

The main ideas of a speech could also be called the __________.

key points

What is the best strategy when listening for information?

listen for major ideas and principles

Because much of our day is spent listening, there may be times we "tune out" when information is being sent to us. This process is the result of

listener fatigue

When Tina let Candace use her speech as if it were her own, Candace was guilty of __________.


When Wilbur attends a presentation by a financial adviser who appears rather young, Wilber rejects the adviser's advice because he feels all millennials are just looking out for themselves. Wilbur is experiencing which barrier to listening?


In addition to developing a written outline to use as you speak, consider using ______ to add structure and clarity to your major ideas.

presentation aids a word processor a manuscript

Justin felt like the speaker was rambling, so he thought about what happened first, second, and so on during the speech so far. He was being an active listener by __________ the information.


Eloise is a student in Professor Murphy's public speaking class. She takes notes and forms opinions during lecture. Eloise is the ______ of the message.


Greta wants to show Sherri that she empathizes with her because she knows how much it hurts to break up with a boyfriend. What type of listening style is Greta demonstrating?


Maxine is a counselor. She encourages people to express their feelings and emotions and is highly empathetic. What kind of listener is Maxine?


Which style of listener wants the speaker to get to the point and state what needs to be done?

relational-oriented task-oriented analytical

To help him remember everything the speaker was talking about, Norris mentally restated the key points to himself as the speech progressed. What technique is Norris using to be an active listener?


During the speaker's presentation, Steven listened for the main ideas and then tried to mentally summarize what the speaker was saying into a phrase that might fit on a bumper sticker. What technique did Steven use to help him be an active listener?


Sasha has determined that her audience will consist of recently married couples looking to buy their first home. With this in mind, Sasha's next step in preparing her speech is to __________.

select a topic

When you are providing feedback to a speaker, it is best to use I-statements rather than you-statements. According to the text, you are being __________.


The Supreme Court defined __________ as false speech that harms another person.


Nonverbal communication actions recognized by law and subject to the same protections and limitations as verbal speech are referred to as __________.

speech acts

Ordinarily, Carla does not have any problems speaking to people. However, she gets nervous when she thinks about having to give a speech to her class. This type of anxiety is known as a __________.


Which of the five classical canons identified by the ancient Romans refers to the speaker's choice of words?


Every well-prepared speech has three major divisions. What are these three divisions?

the introduction, the body, and the conclusion

The Berkeley Free Speech Movement was a key ingredient in changing __________ on U.S. college campuses.

the political climate

In the linear model of communication, the focus is on __________.

the simple transfer of meaning from a sender to a receiver

After listening to a speaker advocate legalizing marijuana, students were asked to rate the speaker's credibility. In this critique, which factor should students focus on?

the speaker's believability

What is the general purpose of Rose's speech in which she will be teaching the audience how to use an Excel spreadsheet?

to inform

When you focus on your audience, your speech so that the speaker and audience influence each other.


Blaise knows he needs to listen to the viewpoints that oppose his own and learn about different beliefs. By doing this, he will be able to present his point better. By taking these ideas into account, Blaise is using __________.


The professor told the class that a speaker should be willing to listen to opposing views and learn about different values and beliefs. Which process is the professor discussing?


The job of a speaker is to translate ideas and images in his or her mind into symbols that an audience can recognize. This process is known as __________.


What term did Aristotle use to describe a person's credibility?


The entire time she was speaking, Bianca had to raise her voice for the audience to hear her over the loud sounds coming from the air-conditioning unit. Bianca was dealing with __________.

external noise

The First Amendment was passed to protect __________.

free speech

When Zac located facts, examples, and quotations to use in his speech, he was __________.

gathering supporting material

Lydia told her classmates that she had felt empowered during her presentation on the #MeToo movement. This means that she __________.

had the resources, information, and attitudes to achieve her desired goal

What is considered an essential component of an ethical speech?

having a clear goal

How did passage of the Patriot Act impact free speech in the United States?

increased restrictions on speech

Public speaking differs from conversation in that it __________.

involves more clearly defined roles for speaker and audience

The Supreme Court ruled that before a public official could recover damages for slander, he or she had to prove that the slanderous statement was __________.

made with actual malice

During his speech, Ryder attributes a quote to a 2019 article found in the New York Times. Ryder is __________.

making an oral citation

To minimize anxiety during the presentation of a speech, it is best for a speaker to focus on his or her __________.


When developing her speech, Gracie decided to reveal the story of her childhood cancer in time order. What step of speech preparation does this represent?

organizing the structure

Reggie liked what he had written so far but felt his presentation could be improved if he included some compelling phrases he found online. Since he had written most of the speech, Reggie decided he did not need to cite sources for the few phrases he incorporated that were not his own. Reggie is guilty of __________.


Parul decided to give her presentation on driver safety. She planned to tell her audience about the time she was in a car accident as a child and was thrown through the window because she was not wearing a seat belt. What type of supporting material is Parul going to use?

personal story

Carolyn's specific purpose is "At the end of my speech, the audience will use the workout facility on campus." The purpose of her speech is to __________.


Eileen asked her roommate to edit her speech. When she got it back, the paper was practically rewritten, and Eileen thought it was even better than her original. So she gave the revised speech the next day as if it were her own work. What is Eileen guilty of?


When Candice saw how sloppily the speaker was dressed, she immediately dismissed anything he was about to say. Her response is an example of __________.


One simple strategy for reducing anxiety about public speaking is to __________.

prepare your speech well in advance

In a public speaking situation, audience members are __________ who __________ messages dependent upon their own past experiences, attitudes, beliefs, and values.

receivers; decode

What classic aspect of public speaking is especially useful in persuading modern audiences?


Research shows that typically, people feel the MOST nervous about giving a speech __________.

right before they give the speech

For public speakers, the first step in acknowledging sources is to __________.

take careful notes

Which specific action would be considered a speech act?

taking a knee during the national anthem

During the latter half of the twentieth century, __________ was the main medium people used to see and hear speeches given by world leaders.


Focusing on an audience-centered speech process enables your speech to become __________.


Which credibility factor is especially dependent upon the speaker's adherence to ethical principles?


__________ listener will make a good judge or lawyer because he or she enjoys listening to debates and hearing arguments for and against ideas.

An analytical

In her speech, Martina provided three main points in a chronological pattern. Two of her classmates, Anna and Donna, discussed her speech the next day. Anna remembered Martina's three main points while Donna remembered the story used in the introduction. Who was the better listener, according to the textbook's tips to enhance listening skills?

Anna was the better listener because she followed the tip, "Listen for major ideas."

Which student is correctly describing an aspect of public speaking?

Colin told his professor that public speaking is more formal than conversation.

What strategy is most effective for speakers who are addressing a culturally diverse audience?

Conduct thorough audience analysis.

A speaker's credibility is derived from the audience's perception of the speaker's competence, knowledge, trustworthiness, and __________.


If you use notes during your speech, they should be

easy to read at a glance

By studying public speaking, you will have long-term advantages related to empowerment and __________.


Having the resources, information, and attitudes that allow you to take action to achieve a desired goal is called


What communication characteristic is similar in conversation and public speaking?

adaptation to listener(s)

Jaxson wants to convey to his audience that he can be trusted on the topic he is presenting. What would be the most important aspect of his speech he should use to convey trustworthiness?

adherence to ethical principles

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to free speech?


Caryl listened to her girlfriend's speech, and after the speech was finished, Caryl remarked that her friend needed to incorporate more ethos. What was Caryl referring to?

Her girlfriend needed to demonstrate greater credibility.

Which listener is providing feedback that is specific?

I liked the way you used animation in your PowerPoint slides.

Tyrell has been assigned an informative speech in his communication class. What is the first thing Tyrell should do if he wants to make sure his speech is audience-centered?

Identify and analyze information about his listeners.

The class provided written feedback to Charlie after he had finished his presentation. Which piece of feedback best meets the criteria of "be realistic"?

Increasing the size of your charts would make them easier to see.

What have researchers determined about communication apprehension?

It manifests both physically and psychologically.

Most public speaking teachers recommend that you prepare your introduction and conclusion __________.

after organizing the body

Although she is well prepared, Nadine feels her palms get sweaty when it is her turn to speak in front of her classmates. This is most likely caused by __________ and can actually help Nadine to speak better.

an extra boost of adrenaline

A conclusion that is based on partial information is known as __________.

an inference

Which classical canon for preparing and presenting a speech deals with how the speech is organized?


An unchanging truth in public speaking is the importance of keeping the __________ in the speaker's mind throughout the entire process of preparing and presenting a speech.


What audience-related strategy can speakers use to decrease their anxiety?

Learn as much about your audience as possible.

Levi gave an informative speech on the poor quality of local drinking water. He brought in a test kit and presented statistics that proved local water was dangerous to drink. He advised the class to purchase a certain type of water filter pitcher guaranteed to remove these impurities. At the end of his speech, Levi mentioned that he worked for the company that made the pitcher and had...Levi's mistake?

Levi used coercion when suggesting the audience buy the product from him.

Which strategy helps you achieve an audience-centered approach during speech delivery?

Look at listeners before you begin, and adjust your message if needed.

Jiang was nervous about his first speech in front of his department, particularly because he wasn't confident of his English skills as it was his second language. He enlisted several colleagues to listen to him practice and give him feedback, and then he asked them to sit in the front row to give him courage. Which guideline for building confidence is Jiang using in this example?

Look for positive support.

Which audience member is the best example of an ethical listener?

Max knows what he wants to gain during the presentation and clearly reacts to the message.

How can listeners most effectively manage distractions in the listening environment?

Move or make adjustments to the environment.

The audience members were asked to complete a two-question survey as they came into the room. The speaker used the results of the survey to adjust her presentation before delivering it. This survey provided the speaker with __________.

audience analysis

Kylie was frustrated because her professor told her what he did not like about her presentation, but he did not offer any ideas for improvement. Which aspect of giving feedback did this professor fail to do?

be constructive

When an individual has the information, resources, and attitudes that allow him or her to take action and achieve a desired goal, that person is displaying __________.


When human rights advocates deliver passionate public speeches to successfully advance their cause, they are demonstrating the use of __________.


After the terrorist attacks of September 11, the United States government passed the ________ Act, which broadened the investigative powers of government agencies and restricted free speech.


______ is the process of presenting a spoken message to an audience.

Public speaking

Michaela wants to make sure she considers her audience as she prepares her speech. What is the best advice to give Michaela regarding audience analysis?

She should conduct audience analysis throughout all speech preparation and presentation.

What is the most fundamental reason that the speechmaking process should be audience-centered?

The audience influences each task involved in developing a speech.

What is the best way to practice your upcoming speech?

by standing up and saying it aloud

The professor has asked the class to criticize the presentation. The professor wants students to __________.

discuss its strengths and weaknesses

Restricting speech that presented a "clear and present danger" to the nation was ruled lawful by the U.S. Supreme Court during __________.

World War I

Why is the thought that "your audience writes your speech" a valid idea?

Your topic, purpose, and main ideas should be based on a thorough understanding of your listeners.

During her speech, Jocelyn encouraged her audience to imagine a hospital wing that provides 24-hour care to those with AIDS. In this situation, Jocelyn does not need to cite a source because she is using __________.

a hypothetical illustration

When you are __________ listener, you are open-minded and put your own thoughts aside when listening to others.

a mindful

As part of his job, Warren attends seminars where he must listen to presentations given by experts in his field. When he is listening as a member of the audience, Warren is considered to be __________.

a receiver

The broad definition of communication indicates that which component is needed for communication to occur?

a receiver

Researchers have discovered that the visible presence of __________ can reduce our listening effectiveness.

a smartphone

Which form of mediated communication is closer to conversation than to public speaking?

a text message

The audience can improve their listening skills by listening with their eyes as well as their ears, meaning that they must __________.

accurately interpret nonverbal messages

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