Characteristics of Living Organisms (from Holt Biology)

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A biological community is a complex web of interactions. What does it depend on?

A biological community depends the proper functioning of all of its members, from the microscopic to the top predators.


All living organisms are composed of one or more cells.

Genes are coded in a special molecule. What is that molecule?

DNA. Genes are coded in a molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid.


Heredity is the passing of traits from parents to offspring.

Interdependence within a biological community is the result of what?

Interdependence within a biological community is the result of a long history of evolutionary adjustments.


Metabolism is the total of all the chemical reactions that an organism carries out in order to survive. These reactions include obtaining and using energy to run the processes of life: growing, moving, processing information, etc.


Organisms depend on each other and the environment in order to survive.

What is a change to the DNA of a gene called?

The change to the DNA of a gene is called a mutation.

Cells are basically the same in all organisms although some cells may be more complex than others. Is this statement true or false?


True or False: Organisms with genetic traits that enable them to survive better are more likely to survive and reproduce. This causes the favorable traits to become more common.

True. Organisms with genetic traits that enable them to survive better are more likely to survive and reproduce. This causes the favorable traits to become more common.

Organisms are composed of one or more...?


The human body contains more than.......of these structures.

100 trillion cells

What is a biological community?

A biological community is a group of interacting organisms.

What is the smallest unit of life that is capable of performing all of its functions?

A cell is the smallest unit of life capable performing all the functions of life.

What is the basic unit by which parents pass on traits to their offspring?

A gene is the basic unit of heredity by which parents pass on traits to their offspring.

Almost all the energy used by living organisms has a single source. What is it?

Almost all the energy used by living organisms is originally captured from sunlight.


An organisms ability to maintain a stable internal environment in spite of changes in the environment is called homeostasis.

What is biology?

Biology is the study of life (living organisms).

Mutations that occur in these cells are not passed on but can cause disruptions in the cell reproduction and result in cancer. What type of cells are these?

Body cells (also called somatic cells). Mutations that occur body cells are not passed on but can cause disruptions in the cell reproduction and result in cancer.

Cells are (generally) tiny structures covered by....?

Cells are tiny structures covered by (cellular) membranes.

What are the 7 characteristics that are shared by all living organisms?

Cells: All organisms are made of one or more cells. Reproduction: All living things can reproduce. Metabolism: Metabolism is the sum of all of the chemical reactions carried out in an organism. Homeostasis: Homeostasis is an organisms ability to maintain a stable internal environment in spite of changing external conditions. Heredity: All living organisms are able to pass on their genetic traits from parents to offspring. Evolution: Evolution is the change in inherited characteristics over time. Interdependence: Organisms are dependent on one another on their environment.

What is the name of the 19th century British naturalist who used the term "natural selection" to explain how organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce?

Charles Darwin is the name of the 19th century British naturalist who used the term "natural selection" to explain how organisms with favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.

What is Ecology?

Ecology is the study of the interactions of organisms with both the living and nonliving part of their environment.

Mutations that occur in these cells are passed on. What type cells are these?

Egg or sperm. Mutations that occur in sex cells (gametes, egg or sperm) are passed on to the next generation.


Evolution is the change in inherited characteristics over time.

True or False: Individuals within a species are identical.

False. Individuals within a species are similar but not identical.

All mutations are harmful. Is that statement true or false?

False. Most mutations are harmful, however, some are beneficial and some are both harmful and beneficial (as in the case of sickle cell anemia. Sickle cell anemia results in a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of a red blood cell (harmful), but produces a resistance to malaria (malaria can't infect the sickle cell).

Organisms with genetic traits that enable them to survive better are more likely to survive and reproduce. This causes the favorable traits to become more common. This is called....?

Natural selection. Natural selection is the process where organisms with more favorable traits are more likely to survive and reproduce, thus making the favorable trait more common in the population.

The process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria capture solar energy and use it to make complex molecules is called....?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants, algae, and some bacteria capture solar energy and use it to make complex molecules.

Plants, algae, and some bacteria that capture solar energy and convert it to chemical energy are called...?

Plants, algae, and some bacteria that capture solar energy and convert it to chemical energy are called primary producers.


Reproduction is the process by which living organisms make more of their own kind. Without reproduction, species would die out.

Solar energy captured by plants, algae, and some bacteria is converted to complex molecules that then is used as.....?

Solar energy captured by plants, algae, and some bacteria is converted to complex molecules that then is used as a source of energy for bot the organism that converted it as well as other organisms.

Energy flow within a system follows a specific pattern. Put the following terms in order from first to last. Decomposers, primary consumers, raw materials (inorganic and organic salts) primary producers, sunlight (solar energy), dead remains, primary carnivores, secondary carnivores.

Sunlight (solar energy) to primary producers to primary consumers, to primary carnivores, to secondary carnivores to dead materials to decomposers to raw materials (organic and inorganic salts). The diagram at the right illustrates the pattern.

Fire grows when it has plenty of raw materials. It moves from one area to another, it starts or makes more fire (reproduces itself), Fire "dies" when it runs out of raw materials. Why is fire not considered a living organism.

There are 7 basic characteristics that all living organisms have in common. All 7 must be present in order to considered a living organism. In other words, fire does not have one or more cells, it does not maintain a stable internal environment in spite of external condition (no homeostasis) it does not show changes in inherited traits over time (no evolution), it does not carry out chemical processes to obtain energy needed to grow, move, and process information. Fire does not have genes so it does not pass on its traits to the next generation (no heredity), fire has not "evolved" to coexist within a biological community (no interdependence.

A group of genetically similar organisms that can produce fertile offspring is called.....?

a species. A group of genetically similar organisms that can produce fertile offspring is called a species.

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