Check Your Understanding
Idaho Digital Learning Policy requires that all instructors accept late work for at least 50% of the value of the assignment.
My teacher's contact information is in the "Members" area and in the item next to the syllabus titled "Contact Information and Late Policy".
If I don't understand what I'm supposed to do to complete an assignment or I didn't complete an assignment before the due date, I should just skip it and move on.
All courses include a proctored final exam or a final project. Students must complete the final project or final test or they will receive a ____ for their final course grade. (Hint: Download the Student & Parent Handbook from the Students/Parents Resources website and check out the Cohort Class Testing section.)
a. 10%
Use the help button at the bottom of your screen to find the IDLA Technical Support phone number. The phone number is:
b. 1-800-927-8158
I can find updates and announcements from my teacher
b. in the Updates section of my course.
When you send you teacher an email, text, or leave a phone message, how quickly can you expect a response? (Hint: Download the Parent/Student Handbook from the Parent/Student Resources website and check out the Roles and Responsibilities section.)
c. Within 24 hours.
If I decide to drop the IDLA course, I need to request a drop through my Site Coordinator prior to the Drop Deadline for the course in order to have no grade reported to the school and get a refund of the cost of the class.
If I do poorly on an assignment and want to improve the grade, I should: (check all that apply)
a. look for feedback from my teacher on the assignment grade to help me understand what I can improve.This answer is correct. c. contact my teacher to ask for help in understanding the objectives of the assignment.
The Student Progress Bar is: (check all that apply)
b. a breakdown of the unit's activities to help you pace yourself through the unit.This answer is correct. d. a way to see what is complete and what is left to do.T