Chemistry Chapter 6

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What is KCl

potassium chloride

Enter the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: bismuth(V) fluoride


Enter the name for each of the following ionic compounds: MgCl2 K3N Li2S CsF MgO SrF2

Magnesium Chloride Potassium Chloride Lithium Chloride Cesium Flouride Magnesium Oxide Strontium Flouride

What is a resonance structure?

a structure that occurs when it is possible to draw two or more valid electron dot structures that have the same number of electron pairs for a molecule or ion

What is the name of the covalent compound Cl2O?

dichlorine oxide

What is N2O5

dinitrogen pentoxide

Enter the name for each of the following ionic compounds: MgCl2 K3N Li2S CsF MgO SrF2

magnesium chloride (No prefixes are used, since this is an ionic compound.) potassium nitride (The charges of common anions such as phosphide, chloride, oxide, and nitride should be memorized. Since the ion nitride has a charge of −3, when reading potassium nitride you would know that there must be three potassium ions in the compound to balance the charge on the anion.) lithium sulfide cesium fluoride magnesium oxide strontium flouride

covalent bond

A chemical bond formed when two atoms share electrons (when 2 or more nonmetals combine)

Write the formula for each of the following molecular compounds: carbon dioxide silicon tetrachloride iodine tribromide nitrogen dioxide

CO2 SiCl4 IBr3 NO2

Enter the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: calcium bromide

CaBr2 charge on compound=-1 (charge from calcium ion)+2(charge from bromide ions) 1(2+)+2(1−) (2+)+(2−)0

Exceptions to the octet rule


Elements that exist as diatomic molecules (cannot exist by themselves)

H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2

Enter the name for each of the following ionic compounds: Ag3P PbS SnO2 MnF3 V2O3 CoBr2

In naming ionic compounds, the metal ion is written first and is the same as the element name. However, if it is an element that forms more than one common ion, then they are named using a Roman numeral representing the charge of the cation in parentheses following the element name. Silver is one of the elements that forms only one ion, +1, and therefore no Roman numerals are used with silver compounds. The name of the nonmetal ion is obtained by using the first syllable of its element name followed by ide: silver phosphide. Silver Phosphide Lead (II) Sulfide Tin (II) Oxide Managanese (III) Flouride Vanadium (III) Oxide Cobalt (II) Bromide

What is FeCl3

Iron (II) Chloride

Enter the formula for the polyatomic ion in Ca3(PO4)2. What's the name of this compound?

PO4 2- and its an anion. Calcium phosphate (Since the metal cation is in Group 2A (2), its charge must be 2+. Three of these cations equal a total of 6+ positive charge. Since there are two of the polyatomic anion and the overall compound in neutral, the polyatomic ion must have a 3−− charge.)

What is the name of the covalent compound NCl3?

nitrogen trichloride

Ca(OH)2, component of cement Spell out the full name of the compound.

calcium hydroxide (The cation calcium is in Group 2A (2) and forms a 2+ charge. The polyatomic ion hydroxide has a 1−− charge. Therefore, two hydroxide anions are needed to charge balance the cation.)

NaClONaClO, disinfectant Spell out the full name of the compound.

sodium hypochlorite

Enter the name for CoCO3.

cobalt(II) carbonate

What is the name of Cu20

copper oxide

State the number of electrons lost or gained when the following elements form ions (state whether gained or lost): F Group 3A (3) Cs I Al

1 electron gained 3 electrons lost 1 electron lost 1 electron gained 3 electrons lost

polyatomic ion

A charged group of covalently bonded atoms (nonmetals)

What is the formula for an ionic compound that contains the elements magnesium and chlorine?


Name the following polyatomic ions: C2H3O2− PO43− Cr2O72− HPO42−

acetate phosphate dichromate hydrogen phosphate

what is nh3


A _____ is a negatively charged ion.


What does "ide" indicate

it is an anion

What polyatomic ions are these: N3- NO3- NO2- Co3 HCO3- ClO3-

nitride nitrate nitrite carbonate hydrogen carbonate potassium chlorate

what is scl2

sulfur dichloride

what is N2S

hydrogen sulfite

carbon always makes what molecular shape


VESPR theory

valence shell electron pair repulsion theory, because electron pairs repel, molecules adjust their shapes so that valence electrons pairs are as far apart as possible

Enter the correct ionic formula for the compound formed between the following. Al3+ and Cl− Ca2+ and S2− Na+ and Se2− Cs+ and N3− Cd2+ and S2−

AlCl3 CaS Na2Se Cs3N CdS

Write the formula for each of the following: lead(II) nitride cobalt(III) sulfide manganese(IV) oxide chromium(III) iodide lithium nitride gold(I) oxide

Pb3N2 (Once the cation charge and the anion charge are identified (using the periodic table or the Roman numeral in the chemical name), subscripts are used in the chemical formula so that the total positive charge equals the total negative charge. The cation lead has a charge of 2+ and the anion nitrogen has a charge of 3-. Therefore, 3 lead ions will charge balance 2 nitrogen ions: [3 lead ions(2+)]+[2 nitrogen ions(3−)]=0) Co2S3 [2 cobalt ions(3+)]+[3 sulfur ions(2−)]=0 MnO2 [1 manganese ion(4+)]+[2 oxygen ions(2−)]=0 CrI3 [1 chromium ion(3+)]+[3 iodine ions(−)]=0 Li3N [3 lithium ions(1+)]+[1 nitrogen ion(3−)]=0 Au2O [2 gold ions(1+)]+[1 oxygen ion(2−)]=0

Name each of the following ionic or molecular compounds. (NH4)2SO4, used as a fertilizer CaSO4, plaster of Paris NO, vasodilator Cu(OH)2, a fungicide

ammonium sulfate (The cation and anion in this ionic compound are both polyatomic ions, so the compound name is formed from the names of these two ions.) calcium sulfate nitrogen monoxide copper(II) hydroxide (Two common oxidation states for copper are +1 and +2. When naming an ionic compound containing copper, Cu+Cu+ is named copper(I) and Cu2+Cu2+ is named copper(II). The charge of copper is deduced from the more predictable charge of the anion, which is −−1 in this compound, and subscripts in the chemical formula.)

Enter the formulas of the compounds formed by specified cations with the following anions: A) The cation NH4+NH4+ with each of the following anions: NO3−NO3− and HCO3− B) The cation NH4+NH4+ with each of the following anions: SO32−SO32− and HPO42− C) The cation Al3+Al3+ with each of the following anions: NO3−NO3− and HCO3− D) The cation Al3+Al3+ with each of the following anions: SO32−SO32− and HPO42− E) The cation Pb4+Pb4+ with each of the following anions: NO3−NO3− and HCO3− F) The cation Pb4+Pb4+ with each of the following anions: SO32−SO32− and HPO42−

A) NH4NO3,NH4HCO3 (The total negative charge contributed by the anion must balance the total positive charge contributed by the cation. Since the cation NH4+NH4+ has a superscript of +, it has a charge of 1+. Similarly, since the anions NO3−NO3− and HCO3−HCO3− have a superscript of −−, they have a charge of 1−−. One cation and one of either anion would form a neutral compound. Since only one of the cation NH4+NH4+ is needed to balance out the 1−− charge of the anion, parentheses are not needed for either polyatomic ion in the formula.) B) (NH4)2SO3,(NH4)2HPO4 C) Al(NO3)3,Al(HCO3)3 D) Al2(SO3)3,Al2(HPO4)3 E) Pb(NO3)4,Pb(HCO3)4 F) Pb(SO3)2,Pb(HPO4)2

A) Enter the symbols for the ions and the correct formula for the ionic compound formed by each of the following. B) Enter the formula for the ionic compound formed by the ions in Part A. calcium and chlorine rubidium and bromine lithium and nitrogen calcium and sulfur

A) cation, anion: Ca2+,Cl- B) CaCl2 A)cation, anion: Rb+,Br- B)RbBr A)cation,anion: Li+, N3- B)Li3N A)cation,anion: Ca2, S2- B)CaS

A) The cation, anion, formula and full name of the compound corresponding to the electron configurations in the first row is ____, _____, ____ and _____. B) A) The cation, anion, formula and full name of the compound corresponding to the electron configurations in the second row is ____, _____, ____ and _____. c) A) The cation, anion, formula and full name of the compound corresponding to the electron configurations in the third row is ____, _____, ____ and _____.

A) cation= Li+ ,anion=Cl-, formula=LiCl, compound name=lithium chloride B) Mg2+, O2-, MgO, magnesium oxide C) K+,N3−, K3N, potassium nitride

Enter the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: silver sulfide


Enter the formula for the polyatomic ion in CoCO3.

CO32- (Polyatomic ions have a charge even though the overall compound is neutral. Since transition metal cations may have different oxidation states, it is best to look up or memorize the charges on specific anions. This anion has a charge of 2−−, which is indicated as superscript.)

Enter the symbol for the ion of each of the following: Flourine Magnesium Rubidium Bromine

F- to attain the electron configuration of nearest noble gas Ne and become a negatively charged anion. Mg+2 to attain electron config of Ar and form a positively charged cation. Rb+ to attain electron config of nearest noble gas Xe and form a positive ion. Br- to attain the same electron configuration of the nearest noble gas, Kr and form a negatively charged anion.

Enter the formula for the polyatomic ion in Fe(HCO3)3. What is the full name of the compound?

HCO3− (The polyatomic ion bicarbonate has the formula HCO−3 and differs by one hydrogen atom and 1−− from the polyatomic ion carbonate, CO2−3). iron(III) bicarbonate (Name the cation first and then the anion of the ionic compound. If the cation is a metal with variable charges, then use a Roman numeral that is equal to the ionic charge and place it in parentheses immediately after the name of the metal. A capital letter I indicates a charge of 1+, while II indicates 2+, and III indicates 3+.)

Which of the following pairs of elements are likely to form ionic compounds? potassium and sulfur helium and oxygen magnesium and chlorine sodium and potassium nitrogen and iodine chlorine and bromine

K and S Mg and Cl Ionic bonds are formed when valence electrons from atoms of metals are transferred to atoms of nonmetals. There must be a metal and a nonmetal present in the pair for an ionic compound to be formed. Magnesium and potassium are metals, while chlorine and sulfur are nonmetals.

Enter the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: lithium nitride


What is the full name of the compound Li2CO3 antidepressant?

Lithium Carbonate (Ionic compounds do not require prefixes in their names because they are formed from ions with predictable charges. When reading the name of this lithium salt, you can predict the chemical formula because lithium only forms a cation with a +1 charge, and carbonate is an anion with a −−2 charge.)

Write the formula including the charge for each of the following polyatomic ions: nitrate hydrogen sulfite hydroxide acetate

NO3− HSO3− OH− C2H3O2−

Enter the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: nickel(III) oxide

Ni2O3 charge on compound==2(charge from nickel ions)+3(charge from oxygen ions) 2(3+)+3(2−) (6+)+(6−)0

Enter the formula for each of the following ionic compounds: lead(IV) fluoride


Jupiter's moon Io was discovered to have high concentrations of sulfur oxides in its atmosphere. This, in combination with research into sulfur oxides relating to pollution on Earth, has led to renewed interest in sulfur oxide compounds. One compound discovered on Io was the blue disulfur trioxide. Write the chemical formula for this compound. Express your answer as a chemical formula.


Enter the formula for the polyatomic ion in Cu2SO3.

SO3 2-

Write the chemical formula for selenium hexafluoride. Express your answer as a chemical formula.

SeF6 (There are some exceptions where molecular compounds are not named according to the standard set of rules. For example, water, H2O, is not generally called dihydrogen monoxide, and ammonia, NH3, is not generally called nitrogen trihydride.

Ionic bonds

Two opposite charges attracted to each other

Determine whether the following pairs of elements can form ionic compounds. lithium and fluorine oxygen and calcium chlorine and lithium manganese and chlorine lithium and calcium sulfur and bromine

When a metal and a nonmetal exchange electrons to make a cation and an anion, respectively, they can form an ionic compound. The formula of an ionic compound indicates the kinds and number of ions. The number of anions and cations create a compound with an overall charge of zero; in other words, the positive and negative charges are balanced. All except metal to metal Lithium & Flourine and nonmetal to nonmetal Sulfur & Bromine.

Enter the correct formula for the following compounds: zinc chlorate ammonium oxide calcium bicarbonate sodium nitrite copper(I) sulfate

Zn(ClO3)2 Since there is no Roman numeral following the ion name, it must form only one ion. A zinc ion has a charge of 2+. It may help to memorize the names of common polyatomic ions. The chlorate ion has the formula ClO3−ClO3−. Next, balance the charges. Two ions with a charge of 1−− are needed to balance the charge on the cation. (NH4)2O Ca(HCO3)2 NaNO2 Cu2SO4 The Roman numeral following the ion name indicates the charge on the ion. A copper ion with a Roman numeral I has a charge of 1+. Sulfate is SO42−SO42−. To balance the negative charge of 2−−, two cations with a charge of 1+ are needed. No parentheses are needed since the cation is a single atom.

AlPO4, an antacid Spell out the full name of the compound.

aluminium phosphate (All of these ionic compounds are composed of ions with one type of charge. Most transition metals, in contrast, can form different types of ions (having different charges). Therefore, their names should indicate the type of charge using Roman numerals. For example, FeOFeO is iron(II) oxide (containing the Fe2+Fe2+ ion), and Fe2O3Fe2O3 is iron(III) oxide (containing the Fe3+Fe3+ ion).)

A _____ is a positively charged ion.


Name each of the following molecular compounds: IF3 P2O5 SiO2 PCl3 CO

iodine trifluoride diphosphorus pentoxide silicon dioxide phosphorous trichloride carbon monoxide (When naming a molecular compound, the first nonmetal in the formula is named by its element name; the second nonmetal is named using the first syllable of its element name, followed by ide. When a subscript indicates two or more atoms of an element, a prefix is shown in front of its name. When there is only one atom of the first element, it is an option to omit the prefix mono.)

MgSO4, Epsom salts Spell out the full name of the compound.

magnesium sulfate

metals with variable charges (transition elements) and exceptions

when metals can form two or more ions *a roman numeral equal to the ionic charge is used *all of the transition elements form more than one + ion except Zn(2+), Cd(2+) and Ag(+)

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