Chemistry Final Exam

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A 25.0 mL solution of HNO₃ is neutralized with 15.7 mL of 0.250 M Ba(OH)₂. What is the concentration of the original HNO₃ solution?

0.314 M Info: Check phone for work!

What is the energy of light that must be absorbed by a hydrogen atom to transition an electron from n = 3 to n = 6?

1.82 × 10⁻¹⁹ J intro: The following solution may contain one or more values that are different from the problem provided to you, however, the steps to solve the problem are the same. .The Bohr model of the atom states that the energy required to transition between two energy levels is equal to the difference between the inverse squares of the energy levels multiplied by the Rydberg constant:

How many milliliters are in a liter?

1000ml info: The prefix milli- indicates 10−310−3, so one mL is 0.001 L, and there are 1000 mL in 1 L.

A person loses 2.70lb in two weeks. How many grams did they lose?

1220g Check phone for math

Write a balanced chemical equation based on the following description: aqueous silver nitrate reacts with aqueous nickel(II) chloride to produce solid silver chloride and aqueous nickel(II) nitrate

2 AgNO₃(aq) + NiCl₂(aq) → 2 AgCl(s) + Ni(NO₃)₂(aq)

Balance the following chemical equation (if necessary):

2 C₃H₆(g) + 9 O₂(g) → 6 CO₂(g) + 6 H₂O(g)

Write the balanced COMPLETE ionic equation for the reaction when Na₂CO₃ and AgNO₃ are mixed in aqueous solution. If no reaction occurs, write only NR.

2 Na⁺(aq) + CO₃²⁻(aq) + 2 Ag⁺(aq) + 2 NO₃⁻(aq) → Ag₂CO₃(s) + 2 Na⁺(aq) + 2 NO₃⁻(aq)

A liquid in the lab has a density of 1.17 g/cm3. What is the volume in liters of 3.02 kg of the liquid?

2.58L Check phone for math

You have 2.2 mol Xe and 2.0 mol F₂, but when you carry out the reaction you end up with only 0.25 mol XeF₄. What is the percent yield of this experiment? Xe(g) + 2 F₂ (g) → XeF₄ (g)


Write a balanced chemical equation based on the following description: iron metal reacts with oxygen gas to produce solid iron(III) oxide

4 Fe(s) + 3 O₂(g) → 2 Fe₂O₃(s)

If 50.9 g of aspirin (C₉H₈O₄) are produced from 79.8 g of C₇H₆O₃, what is the percent yield from the reaction below? C₇H₆O₃ (s) + C₄H₆O₃ (s) → C₉H₈O₄ (s) + HC₂H₃O₂ (aq).


What is the mass percentage of C in CH₃CH₃?


Which of the following is a chemical change?

A) cooking an egg info: A chemical change results in the formation of a new substance with a different composition and properties. A physical change results in a change to the physical properties of a substance but it still remains the same substance with the same composition. Choice A, cooking an egg, is a chemical change.

Calcium is an example of a(n)

A) element Info: An element has only one type of atom present. Elements can be found in the Periodic Table.

Write the balanced NET ionic equation for the reaction when AlCl₃ and NaOH are mixed in aqueous solution. If no reaction occurs, write only NR

Al³⁺(aq) + 3 OH⁻(aq) → Al(OH)₃(s)

A cooking recipe lists adding 3.0 qt of water as a step. How many Ml of water is this?

Answer 2800Ml Check phone for details of work

How many moles of propylene (C3H6) are in 25.0g of the substance?

Answer: 0.594 mol C3H6 Check phone for work

In sp²-hybridized orbitals, how many p-orbitals remain to form multiple bonds?

Answer: 1 Info: There are three p-orbitals and one s-orbital in each energy level, but an sp²-hybridized orbital uses more than one of the p-orbitals. This means that sp² hybridization leaves one p orbital free to pi bond.

Aluminium has a density of 2.70 g/cm3. How many moles of aluminum are in a 13.2cm3 block of the metal substance?

Answer: 1.32 mol Al Info: Check Phone for work

How many hydrogen atoms are in 0.1488 g of phosphoric, H3PO4?

Answer: 2.743x10^21 Look on phone for work

A popular car has an engine that is reported to have a volume of 4320 cm3. What is the size in cubic inches?

Answer: 264in3 Check phone for math

In the following chemical reaction, which element is the reducing agent? 2 Ag(s) + 2Cl⁻(aq) + 2 H₂O(l) → 2 AgCl(s) + H₂(g) + 2 OH⁻(aq)

Answer: Ag Info: Reducing agents lose electrons and are oxidized. In this reaction, Ag loses one electron to become Ag⁺.

Which atom in the molecule ClF would have a partial positive charge (δ⁺)?

Answer: Cl Info: Partial charges are determined by the relative electronegativities of the atoms in a molecule; since you are looking for the atom with a positive partial charge, you should choose the atom that is the least electronegative. This is Cl.

In the following chemical reaction, which element is the oxidizing agent? CH₄(g) + 2 O₂(g) → CO₂(g) + 2H₂O(g)

Answer: O Info: Oxidizing agents gain electrons and are reduced. In this reaction, O gains two electrons to become O²⁻.

If light has a lot of energy, it will have:

B) A small wavelength Info:The energy (E) of a photon of light is proportional to its frequency (ν) or the inverse of its wavelength (λ) multiplied by Planck's constant (h): As such, light with a lot of energy will have a high frequency and a small wavelength.

Which element has the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p²?

B) Ge Info: This electron configuration ends with 4p, meaning it is an element in the p block (a main group element on the right-hand side of the periodic table) in the fourth row. The 2 in 4p² indicates that it is the second element in this row, so the element must be Ge.

You have a 100 gram sample of each of the following metals. Which sample has the smallest volume?

B) Gold, d = 19.3 g/cm³ Info: Density is an intensive property and is the ratio of mass to volume. Since all densities are reported in the same volume (cm³) the highest density will require the least volume, and the highest density is gold with a density of 19.3gcm/319.3gcm3. The given mass for the gold sample is 100 grams and the given density is 19.3gcm/319.3gcm3, so the calculated volume is 5.18cm3.

Which element resides in the third period under group 4A (14) of the periodic table?

B) Si Info: The element in the 3rd row (3rd period) and the 14th column (Group 4A) of the periodic table is Si.

Which of the following laws explains the following statement? Acetylene gas, regardless of its method of preparation, always has the same carbon to hydrogen ratio.

B) The law of definite proportions Info: The law of definite proportions is also known as the law of constant composition. It states that a given compound, regardless of its method of preparation, will always consist of the same elements in the same proportion.

Elements that are most similar in their properties are found _____

B) in the same group. info: Elements that are in the same group have similar properties.

Draw the Lewis structure of CH₂NH and then choose the appropriate pair of hybridization states for the two central atoms. Your answer choice is independent of the orientation of your drawn structure.

B) sp² / sp²

Which of the following is a physical change?

B) tearing a piece of paper Info: A chemical change results in the formation of a new substance with a different composition and properties. A physical change results in a change to the physical properties of a substance but it still remains the same substance with the same composition. Choice B, tearing a piece of paper, is a physical change.

Which of the following is the correct Lewis symbol for a neutral atom of Mg?

B- See problem Info: A neutral atom of Mg has 2 valence electrons.

Which of the following numbers contains three significant figures?

C) 0.00230 Info: Count the number of significant figures in each option. Be sure to account for non-zero digits, zeros found between two significant digits, and zeros following a significant digit in a decimal. Leading zeros and trailing zeros without a decimal point are not significant. Choice C, 0.00230, contains three significant figures.

The ground state electron configuration of a Se atom is

C) 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴ Info: The element Se is a main-group element on the right-hand side of the periodic table (meaning it is in the p block) and the fourth row, so its electron configuration will end with 4p. The electron configuration of Se is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d¹⁰4p⁴.

For which atomic orbital does n = 3 and ℓ = 1?

C) 3p Info: Atomic orbitals are described by their principal quantum number (n) followed by a letter that corresponds to the value for the angular momentum quantum number (ℓ). Here, n = 3, so the atomic orbital symbol will begin with 3. The quantum number ℓ = 1 (s = 0, p = 1, d = 2, f = 3), which corresponds to p. Therefore, this is a 3p atomic orbital.

Based on their positions in the periodic table, which of the following bonds is the most polar?

C) B-F info: Polar bonds occur between two nonmetals and have a difference in electronegativities of the atoms.The further apart two atoms are in the same period, the greater the polarity of the bond.

Which of the following states of matter is pictured below?

C) gas

Which of the following pairs represent isotopes?

C) ²⁸Si and ²⁹Si Info:Isotopes are forms of the same element that differ in the number of neutrons but contain the same number of protons. The standard notation for an isotope is to indicate the mass number because its protons and electrons do not change. mass number element

Which of the following is the correct Lewis symbol for a neutral atom of Al?

C- See problem Info: A neutral atom of Al has 3 valence electrons.

Combustion of an unknown compound containing only carbon and hydrogen produces 12.3 g of CO₂ and 3.8 g of H₂O. What is the empirical formula of the compound?


Write the formula of the conjugate base of the Brønsted-Lowry acid, HC₂O₄⁻

C2O4 2-

What is the molecular formula of a compound with an empirical formula of CH and a molar mass of 78.1 g/mol?


Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, CH₃NH₂


Complete the balanced molecular chemical equation for the reaction below. If no reaction occurs, write NR after the reaction arrow.

CaBr₂(aq) + 2 AgNO₃(aq) → 2 AgBr(s) + Ca(NO₃)₂(aq)

According to the balanced reaction below, calculate the moles of NH3 that forms when 4.2 mol of N2H4 completely reacts 3N2H4(l)--> 4NH3(g)+N2(g)

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Determine the number of grams of C4H10 that are required to completely react to produce 8.70 mol of CO2 according to the following combustion reaction: 2C4H10(g)+ 13O2(g)--> 8CO2(g) +10H2O(g)

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How many mole of H2SO4 are required to completely react with 7.20 mol of Al according to the balanced chemical reaction: 2Al(s)+ 3H2SO4(aq)--> Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g)

Check phone

Complete the balanced molecular chemical equation for the reaction below. If no reaction occurs, write NR after the reaction arrow.

Cr₂(SO₄)₃(aq) + 3 (NH₄)₂CO₃(aq) → Cr₂(CO₃)₃(s) + 3 (NH₄)₂SO₄(aq)

Density is defined as mass _____________ volume.

D) divided by Info: Density is an intensive property of a substance and is defined as density=mass/volume

A π bond could be formed from the overlap of which two orbitals?

D) two unhybridized p orbitals

What is the shape of the 2p orbitals?

Dumbbells info: 2p orbitals have a dumbbell shape.

Which color (frequency) of light travels the fastest in a vacuum? A) Red B) Yellow C) Green D) Violet E) All have the same speed

E) All have the same speed Info: All light travels at the same speed (c) regardless of wavelength or frequency.

Which of the following substances would have the greatest dispersion forces?

E) I₂ Info: Dispersion forces arise from instantaneous changes in electron density, so compounds with more electrons tend to have greater dispersion forces. Since I₂ has the most electrons of the options given, it has the greatest dispersion forces.

Which of the following has the electron configuration 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d³?

E) V²⁺ Info: The ion with the electron configuration of 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d³ has a total of 21 electrons. Of the options given, the only ion with the same number of electrons is V²⁺, resulting from the electron configuration of 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d³ (23 total electrons) losing two electrons from the 4s orbital.

Which one of the following statements best describes electronegativity in atoms?

Electronegativity is the attraction an element's nucleus has for the electrons in a chemical bond. Info: electronegativity is the attraction an element's nucleus has for the electrons in a chemical bond.

Write the formula of the conjugate acid of the Brønsted-Lowry base, ClO⁻


Complete the balanced neutralization equation for the reaction below:

H₂SO₄(aq) + Sr(OH)₂(aq) → SrSO₄(s) + 2 H₂O(l)

Write the basic equilibrium equation for NH₃

NH₃(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ OH⁻(aq) + NH₄⁺(aq)

Write a balanced chemical equation based on the following description: gaseous nitrogen and hydrogen react to form gaseous ammonia

N₂(g) + 3 H₂(g) → 2 NH₃(g)

Consider the following reaction: Mg²⁺(aq) + Cu(s) → Cu²⁺(aq) + Mg(s). In this reaction, Mg²⁺(aq) is:

reduced and An Oxidzing agent

Draw the Lewis structure of CH₂CCH₂ and then choose the appropriate set of pair hybridization states for the three central atoms. Your answer choice is independent of the orientation of your drawn structure.

sp² / sp / sp²

Balance the following chemical equation (if necessary):

2 C₅H₁₀(g) + 15 O₂(g) → 10 H₂O(g) + 10 CO₂(g)

Balance the following chemical equation (if necessary):

2 Fe(NO₃)₃(aq) + 3 Sn(s) → 2 Fe(s) + 3 Sn(NO₃)₂(aq)

Write the balanced COMPLETE ionic equation for the reaction when KOH and Cu(NO₃)₂ are mixed in aqueous solution. If no reaction occurs, write only NR.

2 K⁺(aq) + 2 OH⁻(aq) + Cu²⁺(aq) + 2 NO₃⁻(aq) → Cu(OH)₂(s) + 2 K⁺(aq) + 2 NO₃⁻(aq)

Complete the balanced molecular reaction for the following weak base with a strong acid:

2 NaClO₂(aq) + H₂SO₄(aq) → Na₂SO₄(aq) + 2 HClO₂(aq)

How many significant figures does the number 0.054901 have?

5 Info: Count the number of significant figures. Be sure to account for non-zero digits, zeros found between two significant digits, and zeros following a significant digit in a decimal. Leading zeros are not significant. In this case, there are five significant figures with one leading zero.

A photon has a frequency of 8.63 × 10⁸ Hz. What is the energy of this photon? (h = 6.626 × 10⁻³⁴ J • s)

5.72 × 10⁻²⁵ J Info: The following solution may contain one or more values that are different from the problem provided to you, however, the steps to solve the problem are the same. .The energy (E) of a photon is equal to the product of its frequency (v) and Planck's constant (h):

In two chemical reactions, 4.0 grams of oxygen combine with 3.0 grams of carbon to form one compound, and 8.0 grams of oxygen combine with 3 grams of carbon to form another. This can be explained by: A) The law of multiple proportions B) The law of definite proportions C) The law of conservation of mass D) The law of conservation of energy

A) The law of multiple proportions Info: The law of multiple proportions is used to explain how compounds, in this question, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, form by the combination of proportionate amounts of one element (oxygen) with a fixed amount of another (carbon).

What scientist proposed that the electron in a hydrogen atom can only have certain energies (i.e., the electron is quantized)?

B) Bohr Info: Bohr was the first scientist to propose the idea that the electron in a hydrogen atom is quantized, leading to discrete energies.

What element with a mass number of 100 has 56 neutrons in its nucleus?

B) Ruthenium (Ru) info: The mass number of an atom is representative of the number of protons and neutrons. Calculate the number of protons from the mass number and neutrons. Then, find the element in the periodic table that contains 44 protons. The number of protons is indicated by the atomic number. The element is Ruthenium (Ru).

There are two naturally occurring isotopes of europium, ¹⁵¹Eu (151.0 amu) and ¹⁵³Eu (153.0 amu). If the atomic mass of Eu is 151.96, what is the approximate natural abundance of ¹⁵¹Eu?

C) 50% Info: The atomic mass is an average that represents the abundance of each isotope. The average number of these two isotopes is 152.0 amu if they are equally abundant.

Which of the following terms describes what a doctor forms when treating patients prior to ordering medical tests?

C) hypothesis info: A hypothesis is a proposed explanation of a phenomenon based on the provided evidence.

Which molecule contains sp hybridized orbitals?

D) C₃H₄ Info: Draw the Lewis structure of this molecule, and then look at the arrangement around each carbon atom. The number of sigma bonds indicates number of hybridized orbitals.

A more electronegative atom

will have more attraction to the electrons in a chemical bond. Info: A more electronegative atom will have more attraction to the electrons in a chemical bond.

How many significant figures does the number 1.006 × 10⁷ have?

4 Info: Count the number of significant figures. Be sure to account for non-zero digits, zeros found between two significant digits, and zeros following a significant digit in a decimal. Leading zeros and trailing zeros without a decimal point are not significant. In this case, there are four significant figures.

Balance the following chemical equation (if necessary):

4 NH₃(g) + 5 O₂(g) → 4 NO(g) + 6 H₂O(g)

A 52kg woman has 7.2 X10-3 mol of hemoglobin (molar mass= 64456g/mol) in her blood. How many hemoglobin molecules is this?

4.3 X 1021 molecules hemoglobin Info: Check phone for work

Which of the following numbers contains five significant figures?

A) 50.260 Info: Count the number of significant figures in each option. Be sure to account for non-zero digits, zeros found between two significant digits, and zeros following a significant digit in a decimal. Leading zeros, and trailing zeros without a decimal point, are not significant. Choice A, 50.260, contains five significant figures.

Which of the following does NOT describe the element bromine (Br)? A) A metalloid B) A nonmetal C) A main group element D) A halogen

A) A metalloid Info: Bromine is a main group nonmetal that is part of the halogen family.

Which of the following has the lowest boiling point?

A) C₅H₁₂ Info: The boiling point is the temperature at which a substance will change from the liquid to the gas phase, so compounds with weaker intermolecular forces will have lower boiling points. Since all of these options are non-polar, their only intermolecular forces are dispersion forces, which are smaller for compounds with fewer electrons. Of these options, C₅H₁₂ has the fewest electrons, so it has the weakest intermolecular forces and therefore the lowest boiling point.

In the following chemical reaction, which element is the oxidizing agent? 3 Sn(NO₃)₂(aq) + 2 Fe(s) → 2 Fe(NO₃)₃(aq) + 3 Sn(s)

A) Sn info: Oxidizing agents gain electrons and are reduced. In this reaction, Sn²⁺ gains two electrons to become Sn.

Which of the following is an example of an intensive property of a bar gold?

A) The bar has a density of 19.2 g/mL. Info: An intensive property is one that does not depend on the amount of the substance measured.

The atomic mass of germanium (Ge) on the periodic table is 72.630 amu. Which of the following best explains why the atomic mass is a fraction between 72 and 73?

A) The presence of different isotopes Info: The atomic mass is an average that represents the abundance of each isotope.

Italian dressing contains olive oil and vinegar, which will separate out from each other if left to sit. This makes the dressing a:

A) heterogeneous mixture Info: Italian dressing is a heterogeneous mixture that has a difference in composition within the mixture.

Which best explains why the trend in noble gas boiling points increases down the group?

A) increasing dispersion interactions Info: Higher boiling points are a consequence of stronger intermolecular forces. The noble gases all exist as single atoms in their ground state, so they do not exhibit ion, dipole, or hydrogen-bonding intermolecular forces, but only exhibit dispersion forces. The strength of dispersion forces increases with a greater number of electrons. As you go down the group of noble gases, the number of electrons in each atom increases, leading to an increase in dispersion forces and therefore an increase in boiling point.

A theory is another word for a(n) _________.

A) model Info:A theory or model is a well established explanation of a phenomenon based on a series of facts and a body of evidence.

How many π bonds are in the structure of the organic molecule below?

Answer: 4

The oxidation number on the nitrogen in NO₂ is

Answer: 4 Info: Oxygen has an oxidation number of -2 when not in its elemental state. Multiply the number of oxygen by its oxidation number. Add the oxidation numbers of all atoms together and set equal to the charge on the molecule, which is zero. The oxidation number of nitrogen can then be calculated. N+(2×(−2))=0N+(2×(−2))=0N=+4

When butanol (C₄H₉OH) is burned in oxygen, CO₂ and H₂O are the products. What is the coefficient in front of the O₂ in the balanced equation (using only whole numbers and the lowest whole number ratio)?

Answer: 6 Info: Matter is conserved in a chemical reaction. Balanced equations contain the same number of atoms of each element on each side of the equation. The balanced equation for this reaction is: C₄H₉OH + 6 O₂ → 4 CO₂ + 5 H₂O.

A fuel tank holds 22.3 gallons of gasoline. If the density of gasoline is 0.8206 g/ml, what is the mass in kilograms of gasoline in a full tank?

Answer: 69.3 kg Check mikaylas text message

In a polar covalent bond,

Answer: one atom in the bond must have higher electronegativity than the other atom. Info: Polar bonds occur between two nonmetals and have a difference in electronegativities of the atoms.

All of the following pairs of ions are isoelectronic except which one?

C) Fe²⁺ and Mn³⁺ Info:Isoelectronic species are elements/ions with the same electron configuration (and therefore the same number of electrons). Of the options given, only the species Fe²⁺ (1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d⁶) and Mn³⁺ (1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶3d⁴) do not have the same electron configuration as they have different numbers of electrons, so they are not isoelectronic.

Which one of the following would be a physical property of glucose?

C) In its pure form, it is a white powder. info:If a property (being a white powder) can be measured without chemically changing the substance, it's a physical property.

In the photoelectric effect, if the intensity of light shone on a metal increases, what will happen?

C) There will be more electrons ejected Info: In the photoelectric effect, photons with an energy of E are shone upon a piece of metal, and if the energy of the photons overcome the work function Φ of the metal, then electrons with will be ejected from the metal with a kinetic energy KE.Each photon is capable of ejecting one electron from the metal. Therefore, increasing the intensity of the light (the number of photons shone on the metal) will increase the number of electrons ejected from the metal.

The following picture would be best described as

C) a gaseous compound Info: The picture is best described as a gaseous compound. Gases fill their containers with a low density of particles. Compounds contain two different elements (shown here in different colors) chemically bound (shown by the atoms overlapping one another).

Which of the following are physical properties of matter?

C) density Info: If a property (density) can be measured without changing the substance, it's a physical property.

Grape juice is an example of a(n)

C) homogeneous mixture Info:If a sample of matter is a mixture that is uniform in composition throughout, it's a homogeneous mixture.

Ammonia and hydrogen fluoride both have unusually high boiling points due to _____

C) hydrogen bonding. Info:High boiling points are a consequence of strong intermolecular forces. Because ammonia (NH₃) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) both have high boiling points, they must have strong intermolecular forces. Each of these compounds contains an H atom directly bonded to one of the highly electronegative N, O, or F atoms, so their high boiling points result from their hydrogen bonding.

The intermolecular force found in Na⁺(aq) is _____

C) ion-dipole interactions. Info: For Na⁺(aq) (an aqueous solution of Na⁺), the two species that are present are Na⁺ ions and water molecules. Since Na⁺ is an ion, and since water has a dipole, this system will exhibit ion-dipole interactions.

Which of the following is a step that is NOT in the scientific method?

C) modifying laws Info: The scientific method involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, performing experiments and revising or making new hypotheses to be tested.

Which of the following sets of quantum numbers is not allowed?

C) n = 2, ℓ = 2, mℓ = 2 Info:According to the rules governing acceptable quantum numbers, the value for ℓ can only be as high as n-1, so the value of ℓ cannot equal the value of n. Therefore, the set {n = 2, ℓ = 2, mℓ = 2} is not allowed.

Which of the following sets of quantum numbers can describe a 3p electron?

C) n = 3, ℓ = 1, mℓ = 1 Info: Atomic orbitals are described by their principal quantum number (n) followed by a letter that corresponds to the value for the angular momentum quantum number (ℓ). For a 3p electron, the number 3 represents n, whereas s represents ℓ. ℓ corresponds to the following values: s = 0, p = 1, d = 2, f = 3; this means that in this orbital, ℓ = 1. The value for mℓ must be between -ℓ and ℓ, so if ℓ = 1, mℓ must be -1, 0, or 1.

Which one of the following is an example of a heterogenous mixture?

C) sand Info: If a sample of matter is a mixture that is not uniform in composition, it's a heterogeneous mixture. Sand does not have a uniform composition

Which hybrid orbitals overlap to form the sigma bonds between the indicated atoms in caffeine?

C) sp² - sp³ Info: Determine the hybridization around the carbon and the nitrogen to find out which hybrid orbitals will overlap. The number of sigma bonds indicates number of hybridized orbitals.

A 10.68 g sample of compound that contains only carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen was combusted, and yielded 16.01 g of CO₂ and 4.37 g of H₂O. The molar mass of the compound is 176 g/mol. What is this compound's molecular formula?


Determine the number of grams of HCl that can react with 0.750g of Al(OH)3 according to the following reaction Al(OH)3(s) +3 HCl(aq)--> AlCl3(aq) +3H2O(aq)

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Based on their positions in the periodic table, which of the following bonds is the most polar?

D) C-F Info: Polar bonds occur between two nonmetals and have a difference in electronegativities of the atoms. The further apart two atoms are in the same period, the greater the polarity of the bond.

Valence electrons in which of the following atoms experience the greatest effective nuclear charge (Zeff)?

D) Ne Info: The Zeff increases from left to right in the periodic table.

Which of the following is an extensive property of the element carbon?

D) The mass of a carbon sample Info:If a property changes based on the amount of sample used, it's extensive. Since mass of a carbon sample changes based on how much carbon you have, it's extensive.

Red light has a _____ frequency and a _____ wavelength than ultraviolet rays.

D) lower, longer Info: As can be seen on the electromagnetic spectrum, red light (and all visible light) has a lower frequency, and therefore a longer wavelength, than ultraviolet rays.

Kelvin is the SI unit for which physical quantity?

D) temperature Info: Kelvin is the SI unit for temperature. The relationship between degrees Celsius and degrees Kelvin is ∘C=K−273.15∘

What is the empirical formula of a compound that contains only iron and oxygen and is 22.27% oxygen?


Complete the balanced neutralization equation for the reaction below:

HBr(aq) + LiOH(aq) → LiBr(aq) + H₂O(l)

Write the acidic equilibrium equation for HBrO

HBrO(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ H₃O⁺(aq) + BrO⁻(aq)

Complete the balanced molecular reaction for the following weak acid with a strong base:

HC₂H₃O₂(aq) + NaOH(aq) → H₂O(l) + NaC₂H₃O₂(aq)

Write the acidic equilibrium equation for HNO₂

HNO₂(aq) + H₂O(l) ⇌ H₃O⁺(aq) + NO₂⁻(aq)

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