Chemistry HH Chapter 5

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-Aluminum +3 -OH- Hydroxide -Ionic Compound -(OH)-1 -Need 3 of those to have a neutral compound to match the subscript 3 -1 A -3 o -3 H


-Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, Fluorine -diatomic elements -Have to have a subscript of 2


-If there is a mono as the subscript of the 1st element you drop it when pronouncing the word


-Ionic Compound -Formula Unit -#Ca-1 -#F-2 -All ionic Compounds are Neutral -Ca+2 Cation -F -1 Anion


-Molecule -Covalent Bonding -Covalent because they are all nonmetals #C6 #H12 # o 6

Chemical Formulas

-There are many types of chemical formulas

Polyatomic Ions

-When there is an -ate and -ite pair they have the same charge -ate and -ite: ate has one more oxygen than ite

ionic compound

-put the cation on the left and the anion on the right

bond angle

-the angle formed by two bonds to the same atom -they are all equal


1-mono 2-di 3-tri 4-tetra 5-penta 6-hexa 7-hepta 8-octa 9-nona 10-deca -prefixes=the subscript of the formula

1 Mole

6.02 x 10^23

polyatomic ion

A charged group of covalently bonded atoms

covalent bond

A chemical bond that involves sharing a pair of electrons between atoms in a molecule -All non metals -a molecule

Compounds Display Constant Composition

A mixture This balloon is filled with a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas. The relative amounts of hydrogen and oxygen are variable. A chemical compound This balloon is filled with water, composed of molecules that have a fixed ratio of hydrogen to oxygen. (Source: JoLynn E. Funk.)

Aluminum Oxide

Al+30-2 Criss Cross Al2O3

Elements May Be Atomic or Molecular

An atomic element The basic units that compose mercury, an atomic element and a metal, are single mercury atoms. A molecular element The basic units that compose chlorine, a molecular element, are diatomic chlorine molecules, each composed of two chlorine atoms.






CO3 2-

Chapter 5 in Review

Chemical Principles: •Compounds display constant composition. The elements that compose a particular compound are in fixed, definite proportions in all samples of the compound. •Chemical formulas indicate the elements present in the compound and the relative number of atoms of each. These formulas represent the basic units that compose a compound. •Chemical nomenclature: The names of simple ionic compounds, molecular compounds, and acids can all be written by examining their chemical formula. •Formula mass of a compound is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms in the chemical formula for the compound.









Chemical Formulas: How to Represent Compounds

Common chemical formulas include the following: •NaCl for table salt, indicating sodium and chlorine atoms in a 1:1 ratio. •CO2 for carbon dioxide, indicating carbon and oxygen atoms in a 1:2 ratio. •C12H22O11 for table sugar (sucrose), indicating carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a 12:22:11 ratio. •The subscripts in a chemical formula represent the relative numbers of each type of atom in a chemical compound; they never change for a given compound.


Cr2O7 charge -2


CrO4 2-

ionic bond

Formed when one or more electrons are transferred from one atom to another -Transfer of cation and anion -Metal and nonmetal -Formula Unit

Water molecular formula


Hydrogen Carbonate


Hydrogen Phosphate

HPO4 2-

hydrogen sulfite


Hydrogen Sulfate



Hydroxide Oxygen covalently bonded to hydrogen that has a charge

Exceptions to Note when Naming Molecular Compounds

If there is only one atom of the first element, the prefix mono- is normally omitted. CO2 mono carbon di- ox -ide The full name is carbon dioxide. •The compound N2O (also called laughing gas) is named according to the first element, nitrogen, with the prefix di-, followed by the base name of the second element, ox, prefixed by mono-, and the suffix -ide. •Since mono- ends with a vowel and oxide begins with a vowel, an o is dropped and the two are combined as monoxide. •The entire name is dinitrogen monoxide. •When the prefix ends with a vowel and the base name starts with a vowel, the first vowel is sometimes dropped. •Vowel is dropped in monoxide but not in dioxide or triiodide.

Magnesium Oxide

Mg2+O-2 Criss Cross Mg2O2 Reduce to MgO










O2 2-




PO3 3-


PO4 3- (anion)

Writing Formulas for Compounds with Polyatomic Ions

Recognize polyatomic ions in a chemical formula by becoming familiar with these common polyatomic ions.


SO3 2-


SO4 2-

Naming Acids

The first step in naming an acid compound is identifying it as one. •Acids are molecular compounds that form ions when dissolved in water. •They are composed of hydrogen, usually written first in their formula, and one or more nonmetals, written second. •We can categorize acids into two groups: binary acids, those containing only hydrogen and a nonmetal, and oxyacids, those containing hydrogen, a nonmetal, and oxygen.

Naming Binary Ionic Compounds with Roman Numerals

The name for the compound FeCl3 is the name of the cation, iron, followed by the specific charge of the cation in parentheses (III), followed by the base name of the anion, chlor, with the ending -ide. • •The full name is iron(III) chloride. FeCl3 iron(III) chloride

empirical formula

The simplest whole number ratio of atoms of each element present in a compound -Lowest whole number ratio

Prefixes Used when Naming Molecular Compounds

When writing the name of a molecular compound, as when writing the formula, the first element is the more metal-like one (see Table 5.1, Order of Listing Nonmetal Elements). The prefixes given to each element indicate the number of atoms present. mono- 1 hexa- 6 di- 2 hepta- 7 tri- 3 octa- 8 tetra- 4 nona- 9 penta- 5 deca- 10

Use the Charge on One Ion as the Subscript on the Other Ion

Write formulas for ionic compounds that form from aluminum and oxygen and magnesium and oxygen.


dinitrogen monoxide


dinitrogen tetroxide


numbers written below the line that tell how many atoms of a given type are in a compound.


phosphorus triiodide


xenon tetrafluoride

Chemistry in the Environment: Acid Rain

•Acid rain occurs when rainwater mixes with air pollutants—such as NO, NO2, and SO2—that form acids. • NO and NO2, primarily from vehicular emission, combine with water to form HNO3(aq). •SO2, primarily from coal-powered electricity generation, combines with water and oxygen in air to form H2SO4(aq). •HNO3(aq) and H2SO4(aq) both cause rainwater to become acidic. •When acid rain flows into lakes and streams, some species of aquatic animals cannot tolerate the increased acidity and die. •Acid rain weakens trees by dissolving nutrients in the soil and by damaging their leaves. •Acid rain also damages building materials.

Types of Chemical Formulas

•An empirical formula gives the relative number of atoms of each element in a compound. •A molecular formula gives the actual number of atoms of each element in a molecule of the compound. •For example, the molecular formula for hydrogen peroxide is H2O2, and its empirical formula is HO. •The molecular formula is always a whole-number multiple of the empirical formula. •For many compounds, such as H2O, the molecular formula is the same as the empirical formula. •A structural formula uses lines to represent chemical bonds and shows how the atoms in a molecule are connected to each other.

Elements May Be Atomic or Molecular

•Atomic elements are those that exist in nature with single atoms as their basic units. Most elements fall into this category. •Molecular elements do not normally exist in nature with single atoms as their basic units. Instead, these elements exist as diatomic molecules—two atoms of that element bonded together—as their basic units.

Naming Binary Acids

•Binary acids are composed of hydrogen and a nonmetal. The names for binary acids have the following form:

Binary Ionic Compounds with Metal of Invariant Charge

•Binary compounds are those that contain only two different elements. The names for binary ionic compounds containing a metal that forms only one type of ion have the following form: Since the charge of the metal is always the same for these types of compounds, it need not be specified in the compound's name.

How to List the Elements in Order in Compounds

•Chemical formulas list the most metallic elements first. •The formula for table salt is NaCl, not ClNa. •In compounds that do not include a metal, the more metal-like element is listed first. •Metals are found on the left side of the periodic table and nonmetals on the upper right side. •Among nonmetals, those to the left in the periodic table are more metal-like than those to the right and are normally listed first.We write NO2 and NO, not O2N and ON. •Within a single column in the periodic table, elements toward the bottom are more metal-like than elements toward the top. We write SO2, not O2S.

Nomenclature: Naming Compounds

•Chemists have developed systematic ways to name compounds. •If you learn the naming rules, you can examine a compound's formula and determine its name, and vice versa. •Many compounds also have a common name. •H2O has the common name water and the systematic name dihydrogen monoxide. •Since water is such a familiar compound, everyone uses its common name, water, and not its systematic name. •Common names can be learned only through familiarity; there is no system.

Chemical Formulas: How to Represent Compounds

•Compounds have constant composition with respect to mass because they are composed of atoms in fixed ratios. •A chemical formula indicates the elements present in a compound and the relative number of atoms of each. •For example, H2O is the chemical formula for water; it indicates that water consists of hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a 2:1 ratio. •The formula contains the symbol for each element, accompanied by a subscript indicating the number of atoms of that element. By convention, a subscript of 1 is omitted.

Salt's Properties Differ from Those of the Elements Na and Cl in Salt

•Elemental sodium Sodium is an extremely reactive metal that dulls almost instantly upon exposure to air. •Elemental chlorine Chlorine is a yellow gas with a pungent odor. It is highly reactive and poisonous.

Formula Mass: The Mass of a Molecule or Formula Unit

•For any compound, the formula mass is the sum of the atomic masses of all the atoms in its chemical formula:

Mass Ratio of Elements in Water Is Constant

•For example, if we decompose an 18.0-g sample of water, we would get 16.0 g of oxygen and 2.0 g of hydrogen, or an oxygen-to-hydrogen mass ratio of •This is true of any sample of pure water, no matter what its origin.

Binary Ionic Compounds with Metal of Invariant Charge

•For example, the name for NaCl consists of the name of the cation, sodium, followed by the base name of the anion, chlor, with the ending -ide. •The full name is sodium chloride. NaCl sodium chloride

Naming Ionic Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions

•For example, we name KNO3 using its cation, K+, potassium, and its polyatomic anion, NO3-, nitrate. KNO3 potassium nitrate •We name Fe(OH)2 according to its cation, iron, its charge (II), and its polyatomic ion, hydroxide. Fe(OH)2 iron(II) hydroxide •If the compound contains both a polyatomic cation and a polyatomic anion, we use the names of both polyatomic ions. NH4NO3 ammonium nitrate

naming binary acids

•HCl(aq) is hydrochloric acid. •HBr(aq) is hydrobromic acid. •HCl(g) refers to hydrogen chloride molecules in the gas phase, and not to the acid. • •Give the name of H2S(aq). •The base name of S is sulfur, so the name is hydrosulfuric acid.

Naming Ionic Compounds Containing Halo-Oxyanions

•If there are more than two ions in the series, then the prefixes hypo-, meaning "less than," and per-, meaning "more than," are used. ClO- hypochlorite BrO- hypobromite IO- hypoioditeClO2- chlorite BrO2- bromite IO2- ioditeClO3- chlorate BrO3- bromate IO3- iodateClO4- perchlorate BrO4- perbromate IO4- periodate When naming these ions in the homework, be sure to include the word ion in your answer, as in "perchlorate ion."

Mass Ratio of Elements in Ammonia Is Constant

•If we decompose a 17.0-g sample of ammonia, a compound composed of nitrogen and hydrogen, we would get 14.0 g of nitrogen and 3.0 g of hydrogen, or a nitrogen-to-hydrogen mass ratio of •Even though atoms combine in whole-number ratios, their mass ratios are not necessarily whole numbers.

Proust's Statement of Law of Constant Composition

•Joseph Proust (1754-1826) formally stated the idea that elements combine in fixed proportions to form compounds. •The law of constant composition states: All samples of a given compound have the same proportions of their constituent elements.

Naming Ionic Compounds Containing Oxyanions

•Many polyatomic ions are oxyanions, anions containing oxygen. •When a series of oxyanions contain different numbers of oxygen atoms, they are named systematically according to the number of oxygen atoms in the ion. •If there are two ions in the series, the one with more oxygen atoms is given the ending -ate and the one with fewer is given the ending -ite. NO3− nitrate SO42− sulfate NO2− nitrite SO32− sulfite

Determine the Number of Each Type of Atom in Mg(NO3)2

•Mg(NO3)2 indicates a compound containing one magnesium atom (present as the Mg2+ ion) and two NO3- groups. Mg: 1 = 1 Mg N: 1 × 2 = 2 N O: 3 × 2 = 6 O

Compounds May Be Molecular or Ionic

•Molecular compounds are compounds formed from two or more nonmetals.The basic units of molecular compounds are molecules composed of the constituent atoms. •Ionic compounds contain one or more cations paired with one or more anions. •In most cases, the cations are metals and the anions are nonmetals. The basic units that compose dry ice, a molecular compound, are CO2 molecules. The basic units that compose table salt, an ionic compound, are NaCl formula units.

Types of Chemical Formulas

•Molecular models—three-dimensional representations of molecules—are used to represent compounds. •We use two types of molecular models: ball-and-stick and space-filling. •In ball-and-stick models, we represent atoms as balls and chemical bonds as sticks. •The balls and sticks are connected to represent the molecule's shape. The balls are color coded, and each element is assigned a color as shown in the margin. •In space-filing models, atoms fill the space between each other to more closely represent our best idea for how a molecule might appear if we could scale it to a visible size.

Sugar's Properties Differ from Those of the Elements C, H, and O in Sugar

•Ordinary table sugar is a compound called sucrose. •A sucrose molecule, such as the one shown here, contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. •The properties of sucrose are very different from those of carbon, shown here in the form of graphite, hydrogen, and oxygen.

Naming Oxyacids

•Oxyacids are acids that contain oxyanions—found in the table of polyatomic ions. • •HNO3(aq) contains the nitrate (NO3−) ion. •H2SO3(aq) contains the sulfite (SO32−) ion. •H2SO4(aq) contains the sulfate (SO42−) ion. •These acids are a combination of one or more H+ ions with an oxyanion. •The number of H+ ions depends on the charge of the oxyanion, so that the formula is always charge-neutral.

A Molecular View of Elements and Compounds

•Pure substances may be either elements or compounds. •Elements may be either atomic or molecular. •Compounds may be either molecular or ionic.

Writing Formulas for Ionic Compounds

•Review the elements that form ions with a predictable charge. •Ionic compounds always contain positive and negative ions. •In the chemical formula, the sum of the charges of the positive ions (cations) must always equal the sum of the charges of the negative ions (anions). 1.Write the symbol for the metal and its charge followed by the symbol of the nonmetal and its charge. 2.Make the magnitude of the charge on each ion (without the sign) become the subscript for the other ion. 3.If possible, reduce the subscripts to give a ratio with the smallest whole numbers. 4.Check to make sure that the sum of the charges of the cations exactly cancels the sum of the charges of the anions.

Binary Ionic Compounds with Metal Whose Charge May Vary

•Since the charge of the metal cation in these types of compounds is not always the same, the charge must be specified in the metal's name. •We specify the charge with a Roman numeral (in parentheses) following the name of the metal. •For example, we distinguish between Cu+ and Cu2+ by writing a (I) to indicate the 1+ ion or a (II) to indicate the 2+ ion: Cu+ Copper(I) Cu2+ Copper(II)

Salt's Properties Differ from Those of the Elements Na and Cl in Salt

•Sodium chloride The compound formed by sodium and chlorine is table salt. •The properties of a compound are, in general, different from the properties of the elements that compose it.

How to Represent Compounds with Polyatomic Ions

•Some chemical formulas contain groups of atoms that act as a unit. •When several groups of the same kind are present, their formula is set off in parentheses with a subscript to indicate the number of that group. •Many of these groups of atoms have a charge associated with them and are called polyatomic ions. •To determine the total number of each type of atom in a compound containing a group within parentheses, multiply the subscript outside the parentheses by the subscript for each atom inside the parentheses.

Naming Ionic Compounds Containing Polyatomic Ions

•Some ionic compounds contain polyatomic ions (ions that are themselves composed of a group of atoms with an overall charge). •Ionic compounds containing polyatomic ions are named using the same procedure we apply to other ionic compounds, except that we use the name of the polyatomic ion whenever it occurs.

Many Natural Substances Are Compounds

•Some of the substances we encounter in everyday life are elements. •Most are not elements—they are compounds. •Free atoms are rare in nature. •A compound is different from a mixture of elements. •In a compound, the elements combine in fixed, definite proportions. •In a mixture, they can have any proportions whatsoever.

Polyatomic Ions in Everyday Chemistry

•The active ingredient in household bleach is sodium hypochlorite, which acts to destroy color-causing molecules and kill bacteria. •Baking soda contains sodium bicarbonate (sodium hydrogen carbonate), which acts as a source of carbon dioxide gas in baking. •Calcium carbonate is the active ingredient in antacids such as Tums™ and Alka-Mints™. It neutralizes stomach acids. •Sodium nitrite is a food additive used to preserve packaged meats such as ham, hot dogs, and bologna. Sodium nitrite inhibits the growth of bacteria, especially those that cause botulism.

Some common Anions

•The base names for various nonmetals and their most common charges in ionic compounds

Naming Molecular Compounds

•The first step in naming a molecular compound is identifying it as one. •Remember, nearly all molecular compounds form from two or more nonmetals. •We learn how to name binary (two-element) molecular compounds. Their names have the following form:

Naming Ionic Compounds

•The first step in naming an ionic compound is identifying it as one. •Remember, any time you have a metal and one or more nonmetals together in a chemical formula, you can assume the compound is ionic.

Categorize Ionic Compounds Depending on the Metal

•The first type (called Type I) contains a metal with an invariant charge—one that does not vary from one compound to another. •The second type of ionic compound (called Type II) contains a metal with a charge that can differ in different compounds. •Such metals are usually (but not always) found in the transition metals section of the periodic table. •Some transition metals, such as Zn and Ag, form cations with the same charge in all of their compounds: Zn2+, Ag+. •Some main group metals, such as Pb and Sn, form more than one type of cation.

Binary Ionic Compounds with Metal Whose Charge May Vary

•The full names for these types of compound have the following form:

Images Make the Connection Between the World Around Us and the World of Atoms and Molecules

•The macroscopic world (what we see) •The atomic and molecular world (the particles that compose matter) •The symbolic way that chemists represent the atomic and molecular world •Here is an image of water using this kind of representation.

Comparison of Formulas and Models for Methane, CH4

•The molecular formula of methane indicates that methane has one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms. •The structural formula shows how the atoms are connected: each hydrogen atom is bonded to the central carbon atom. •The ball-and-stick model and the space-filling model illustrate the geometry of the molecule: how the atoms are arranged in three dimensions.

Order to List the Nonmetal Elements in Compounds

•The specific order for listing nonmetal elements in a chemical formula is shown in Table 5.1. •There are a few historical exceptions in which the most metallic element is named first, such as the hydroxide ion, which is written as OH-.

Changing a Subscript Makes a Totally Different Compound

•The subscripts in a chemical formula are part of the compound's definition—if they change, the formula no longer specifies the same compound. •CO is the chemical formula for carbon monoxide, an air pollutant with adverse health effects on humans. •If you change the subscript of the O in CO from 1 to 2, you get the formula for a totally different compound. •CO2 is the chemical formula for carbon dioxide, the relatively harmless product of combustion and human respiration. We breathe small amounts of it all the time with no harmful effects.

Determine the Charge of a Metal from the Formula

•We can determine the charge of the metal from the chemical formula of the compound. •The sum of all the charges must be zero. •The charge of iron in FeCl3 must be 3+ for the compound to be charge-neutral with the three Cl- anions.

Ionic Compounds

•When a metal, which has a tendency to lose electrons, combines with a nonmetal, which has a tendency to gain electrons, one or more electrons transfer from the metal to the nonmetal, creating positive and negative ions that are attracted to each other. •A compound composed of a metal and a nonmetal is considered ionic. •The basic unit of ionic compounds is the formula unit. Unlike molecular compounds, ionic compounds do not contain individual molecules but rather cations and anions in an alternating three-dimensional array -All ionic compounds are neutral

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