CHES Certification Exam Review

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2. Identify community resources, abilities, strengths, skills, and talents

A community health education specialist is working on a plan to implement an assets-based assessment to measure the community's capacity to solve its health problems. What is the first step the health education specialist should take in this process? 1. Rally the community to develop a healthy vision of the future 2. Identify community resources, abilities, strengths, skills, and talents 3. Mobilize the community around its strengths/resources 4. Create or strengthen the relationships between community members and community organizations

3. Maintain careful records and submit required progress reports.

A health education specialist has received multi-year grant funding for his/her program. Which of the following will be most important to maintain the full funding for this program? 1. Re-submit the grant proposal each year to continue the grant funds. 2. Hire a grant specialist to monitor the grant through its multiple years. 3. Maintain careful records and submit required progress reports. 4. Conduct a needs assessment each year the grant is funded.

3. Explain serving sizes for various foods using dice, tennis balls, a deck of cards, and palm of the hand.

A health education specialist is teaching a nutrition workshop with individuals who have low health numeracy. Which of the following teaching methods should be employed? 1. Ask the participants to record the amounts and quantities of foods eaten within the past 24 hours. 2. Use a worksheet to calculate the number of fat calories from the grams of fat found on various food labels. 3. Explain serving sizes for various foods using dice, tennis balls, a deck of cards, and palm of the hand. 4. Show a PowerPoint slide with morbidity and mortality rates for individuals with high cholesterol rates.

4. Make personal contact with key representatives or those with key roles in the organization

A health education specialist often needs to obtain input from priority populations and other stakeholders. What can be done to reduce or remove potential obstacles from these individuals to provide information/assistance? 1. Select individuals who have lots of free time to express their attitudes, perceptions, and beliefs 2. Solicit information from unpaid volunteers and bystanders 3. Ask key individuals to provide the needed information in a written format 4. Make personal contact with key representatives or those with key roles in the organization

1. Review the latest materials available from the major technology firms

According to the HESPA 2015 CHES Study Guide, which of the following methods is not recommended as a safe/reliable means to research potential technologies? 1. Review the latest materials available from the major technology firms 2. Review the evidence presented in peer-reviewed literature 3. Review guidance from trusted public health agencies 4. Review national trends (i.e., the Pew Research Internet Project) regarding technology use

4. How much money will it cost to fill the position(s)?

According to the HESPA 2015 CHES study guide, which of the following questions IS NOT an essential question to ask when recruiting volunteers and staff? 1. Why is this position required? 2. Who will recruit the individual to fill the position(s)? 3. When are the services of this individual required? 4. How much money will it cost to fill the position(s)?

4. Adaptation

After finding the content needed to answer a request for information, the health education specialist realizes s/he needs to make changes to the materials to make them more suitable for the interested population. According to the HESPA '15 CHES Study Guide, this process of editing, revision and change is known as: 1. Adjustment 2. Alteration 3. Amendment 4. Adaptation

1. Should the intended priority population be informed the item has been used elsewhere?

Existing instruments are useful for investigating similar variables in contextually different investigations. Before using items from an existing instrument, which of the following items IS NOT important for a health education specialist to consider? 1. Should the intended priority population be informed the item has been used elsewhere? 2. Is the language appropriate for the intended priority population? 3. Whether a pre-test has been performed using a sample from the intended population? 4. Is the item appropriate for the intended research study?

4. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

Health education specialists must comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the profession and in the context in which they practice. In a health care setting which of the following laws/acts is most likely to impact the health education specialists' job responsibilities and duties? 1. Family Medical Leave Act 2. Americans with Disabilities Act 3. Drug-Free Workplace Act 4. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

2. Communication and education efforts

Health education specialists must select the most appropriate methods and environments to deliver the program in a way to ensure success. Which program delivery method is most likely to increase the awareness of the benefits of cardiovascular health? 1. Laws, policies, and regulations 2. Communication and education efforts 3. Community advocacy efforts and activities 4. Environmental changes

4. Select the most appropriate materials from credible, reliable sources matching the audience needs.

Health education specialists need to know where to obtain the resources and materials to effectively implement health programs. As a rule of thumb, what is the best advice for the selection of health materials and resources? 1. Select the health materials and resources available from university websites because it will be the latest, most scientific information available. 2. Select the most appropriate materials and resources from governmental agencies because they will always be valid and reliable sources. 3. Select the health materials and resources available from non-profit organizations because they will be free. 4. Select the most appropriate materials from credible, reliable sources matching the audience needs.


Health education specialists select this planning model when the health problem has already been identified in the community or is selected by the funder/grant agency, making assessment unnecessary. It also incorporates the ecological levels in the intervention process. It is: 1. MATCH 2. PRECEDE-PROCEED model 3. SMART 4. MAPP


If a health education specialist needed to use an electronic mailing list to disseminate information to colleagues broadcast messages and questions via email, the best choices would be: 1. Policy Link 2. HEDIR 3. Partnership for Prevention 4. RTIP

3. Community Health Toolbox

If a health education specialist wanted to utilize a helpful resource to develop and implement advocacy plans, which of the following websites should s/he use? 1. The Practical Playbook 2. PARTNER 3. Community Health Toolbox 4. The Community Engagement Continuum

3. More frequent wellness visits to their doctor

Individuals with poor health literacy can display varied behaviors and suffer a wide array of potential health consequences. Which of the following situations IS NOT one of these consequences? 1. Inappropriate use of or not using health care services 2. Poor self-management of chronic conditions 3. More frequent wellness visits to their doctor 4. Improper use of OTC and Rx medicines

1. Self-funded insurance programs, managed care plans, government-provided plans, and the Affordable Care Act plans

It is important for health education specialists to know how health care is financed and the options for paying for health care. According to the HESPA '15 CHES Study Guide, which of the following examples are the four main types of insurance programs available in the US? 1. Self-funded insurance programs, managed care plans, government-provided plans, and the Affordable Care Act plans 2. Medigap, Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's health Insurance Program (CHIP) 3. State funded insurance plans, locally funded health insurance plans, employer-provided insurance plans and Medicaid 4. Employer-provided health care insurance plans, private insurance plans, welfare/disability insurance coverage plans, and Medicare

3. Has enough secondary data been collected already?

Many procedural decisions need to be made by the health education specialist prior to the administration of data collection instruments. Which of the following questions is not central to the appropriate administration of surveys or data collection instruments for research purposes? 1. Are proxy responses acceptable for this research? 2. Will incentives be used to increase the participation rate? 3. Has enough secondary data been collected already? 4. What is an acceptable response rate for surveys returned by US mail?

3. Decide if the partnership should be sustained or ended

Once a partnership has been evaluated, what is the next step organizations should take in context of the partnership evaluation cycle? 1. Publicize the shared achievements of the partners 2. Determine the ecological levels of the partnership/collaboration 3. Decide if the partnership should be sustained or ended 4. Develop an evaluation plan for the partnership/collaboration

3. Who are the allies and adversaries on this issue?

Once an advocacy issue is identified, which of the questions listed below should the health education specialists ask when engaging stakeholders? 1. What additional training is needed to support the issue? 2. Is the information on the issue current and up-to-date? 3. Who are the allies and adversaries on this issue? 4. How can we develop a consistent message?

2. Outcome evaluation

This type of evaluation is often focused on the ultimate goal, product or policy. It is often measured in terms of morbidity and mortality. It is: 1. Formative evaluation 2. Outcome evaluation 3. Impact evaluation 4. Summative evaluation

1. Business/industry setting

The Health Education specialist is using quantitative/qualitative research skills to demonstrate the health program's contributions to productivity and organizational goals. In which of the following settings is the HES working? 1. Business/industry setting 2. Health care setting 3. College/university setting 4. Community health setting

4. Institutional policy

The advocacy effort of your coalition is showing success in a town whose major employer is a candy company. The local Parent-Teacher Association voted to support a healthy-snacks-in-the-vending-machine policy at the school. The school board has also agreed to ban high sugar/high fat snacks from the school vending machines. Which type of advocacy benchmark is this? 1. Changing definitions/reframing 2. Community or individual behavior 3. Shifts in critical mass 4. Institutional policy

4. National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH)

The health education specialist is conducting research to find additional information about the role public health departments play in maintaining the health and safety of communities in the US. Which of the examples of professional health organizations would be the best resources to contact/consult? 1. Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and Society of Public Health Education (SOPHE) 2. American Public Health Association (APHA) Public Health Education and Health Promotion (PHEHP section) and ASHA 3. Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE) and Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) 4. National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) and National Association of Local Boards of Health (NALBOH)

Create, devise, formulate, or plan

The health education specialist is using Bloom's Taxonomy to prepare the health education lesson. If the learners are expected to synthesize information from previous coursework, which verbs would be used when writing this learning objective? 1. Create, devise, formulate, or plan 2. Demonstrate, illustrate, use, or show 3. Explain, outline, re-state, or summarize 4. Choose, justify, debate or assess

1. HaPI

The health education specialist needs to identify potential health and psychosocial instruments, rating scales, questionnaires, checklists and/or tests for an upcoming project. S/He can pay for the service, so s/he should use: 1. HaPI 2. MEDLINE 3. PsychInfo 4. EBMR

4. Frequent, positive feedback and recognizable progress through course material will contribute to learning success.

The health education specialist should plan instruction for optimal educational effectiveness. Which of the following will facilitate an effective learning environment? 1. People today are used to a fast-paced environment from the media and their worksites. Therefore there is relatively little reason to use repetition as a learning method. 2. Use of passive learning methods so the participants are not intimidated and will respond to the course material. 3. Since participants are accustomed to multi-tasking, interference and distractions in the classroom are an appropriate form of reinforcement. 4. Frequent, positive feedback and recognizable progress through course material will contribute to learning success.

1. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and the National Association of County and City Health Officials

The health education specialist wants to contact policy makers about a specific health issue. Which groups should be contacted? 1. The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and the National Association of County and City Health Officials 2. The executive directors of the American Public Health Association and the Society of Public Health Education 3. The executive directors of the American Cancer Society and American Lung Association 4. The executive directors of the Area Health Education Center and the National Commission for Health Education Credentialing

3. Determine the ecological level(s) for the program focus

The implementation of a program requires a variety of skills and knowledge. When implementing a program or intervention, which item below IS NOT a skill necessary for program implementation? 1. Supervise progress toward meeting program objectives 2. Manage data collection and program records 3. Determine the ecological level(s) for the program focus 4. Content delivery and adherence to timelines

2. Electioneering

There are a variety of advocacy strategies a health education specialist can use. Which item below includes contributing to the campaign of a candidate supportive of public health and health education? 1. Direct lobbying 2. Electioneering 3. Voting behavior 4. Media advocacy

2. The epidemiological model, the public health model, the asset model, the social model, and the rapid model

There are five models for a health education specialist to use when conducting a needs assessment. These five models include: 1. The process model, the resource model, the consumer orientation model, the resource management model, and the community building model 2. The epidemiological model, the public health model, the asset model, the social model, and the rapid model 3. Community awareness model, the service delivery model, the community organization model, the community capacity model, and grassroots participation model 4. The community health model, the service model, the needs model, the community support model, and the decision making model

1. Governmental laws, agency rules and regulations, operational decisions & protocols, and judicial decisions

What are the four forms of policies? 1. Governmental laws, agency rules and regulations, operational decisions & protocols, and judicial decisions 2. Instructions, orders, rulings, and directives from the federal and state governments 3. Codes of behavior, codes of ethics, professional procedures and protocols, and professional guidelines 4. Federal, state, county and local laws and regulations

2. Gather information, select the best material, make changes, preliminary test/review, and pilot test

What are the steps the health education specialist needs to take to adapt materials or programs in order to improve the "fit" with the age or culture of the population being served? 1. Pre-test the current material(s) with the priority population, analyze the results, make needed changes to suit the priority population, and distribute the revised material(s) 2. Gather information, select the best material, make changes, preliminary test/review, and pilot test 3. Check the website's purpose and appropriateness, determine the accuracy of the information, seek permission to modify the material for the population, and modify the material(s) 4. Determine the reading level and cultural competence of the priority population, gather the information, revise the material(s), and distribute the material(s)

3. When there is stable leadership and long-range strategic planning occurs

What is an evolutionary approach to organizational change? 1. When a new leadership team is hired after a long-time leader retires or resigns 2. When leadership changes in an organization every 2-3 years years 3. When there is stable leadership and long-range strategic planning occurs 4. When a crisis occurs and the current leadership team weathers the storm

2. Server crashes occur, but the risk of data entry errors is dramatically reduced.

What is correct about electronic data collection? 1. It is difficult to correctly download and import into statistical software programs. 2. Server crashes occur, but the risk of data entry errors is dramatically reduced. 3. Compared to paper surveys, it is expensive to administer, but the response rate is extremely high. 4. It is difficult and/or inconvenient for participants to complete.

2. To objectively evaluate the potential health effects of a project or policy before it is developed or implemented.

What is the purpose of a Health Impact Assessment? 1. To objectively define the quality of life (problems and priorities) of those in the priority population in an assessment of their own needs and aspirations. 2. To objectively evaluate the potential health effects of a project or policy before it is developed or implemented. 3. To match appropriate strategies and interventions with projected changes and outcomes identified in earlier health assessments. 4. To use data to identify and rank the health goals or problems that may contribute to or interact with problems identified by earlier assessments.

1. Utilizing tailored messages to the participant using Facebook, Twitter, texts, and email

When a health education specialist incorporates health communication strategies into an intervention, it could include: 1. Utilizing tailored messages to the participant using Facebook, Twitter, texts, and email 2. Advocating the enforcement of immunization laws for all citizens 3. Lessons and presentations that incorporate role play, panel discussion, and case studies 4. Involvement in coalitions, lobbying, and community building activities

2. Activities that enhance the resources of individuals, organizations, and communities to improve their effectiveness in taking action.

When a health education specialist is facilitating capacity-building in the community, it includes: 1. A dedicated effort to understand a priority population prior to developing an intervention and then keeping this knowledge at the center of all program planning decisions. 2. Activities that enhance the resources of individuals, organizations, and communities to improve their effectiveness in taking action. 3. Activities designed to create conditions of economic and social progress for the whole community to actively participate in the community's initiative. 4. The individual, organizational and community resources that enable a community to acknowledge a problem among the population.

1. Work to impress the audience with your audiovisual skills and depth of subject knowledge

When a health education specialist is planning to conduct an effective presentation, which of the following steps should NOT be included in the planning process? 1. Work to impress the audience with your audiovisual skills and depth of subject knowledge 2. End the presentation with an effective review and respond to the audience's questions 3. Understand the presentation setting and prepare for the presentation setting 4. Open the presentation with information to interest the audience and use effective delivery skills

2. Restrictions on how funds can be used, data release/sharing, accounting, and reporting requirements

When a health education specialist writes a grant or requests money or resources to implement a program or intervention, s/he must review laws, rules, and guidance documents to understand how money and resources can be used. For what type of restrictions or laws should the health education specialist be looking? 1. Restrictions on the type of advertising materials (advertising—print, electronic, and social media) used for proposed health programs prior to implementation 2. Restrictions on how funds can be used, data release/sharing, accounting, and reporting requirements 3. Federal agencies to make health websites and electronic and other materials available to all interested individuals 4. Governmental clearance to apply for CDC, NIH, Department of Education, or DHHS grants

1. Description of the pilot testing procedures

When collecting data, which of the following is not included in in the informed consent agreement? 1. Description of the pilot testing procedures 2. Nature and purpose of the program/research 3. Expected benefits of participation 4. Explanation of risks, dangers, and possible discomfort

2. The things health professionals believe the priority population must have or be able to do in order to resolve the problem

When conducting a needs assessment, the Health Education Specialist identifies and measures gaps between what is and what ought to occur in the community. Which of the following is an example of service needs among the priority population? 1. The things people in the priority population say they must have or be able to do in order to resolve the problem 2. The things health professionals believe the priority population must have or be able to do in order to resolve the problem 3. The conditions in which people in the priority population are born, live, work play, and age that affect their health risks, health, daily functioning and quality of life 4. The measure of actual and potential individual, group, and community resources that can be used for health maintenance and enhancement of people in the priority population

4. Identifying planning models and survey methods

When implementing a program or intervention, which item below IS NOT a component of the program health education specialists must monitor? 1. Content delivery and adherence to timelines 2. Data collection and maintenance of records 3. Progress toward objectives and use of financial resources 4. Identifying planning models and survey methods

1. It should include goals, objectives, activities, timelines, evaluation, and staff responsibilities.

When preparing to implement health education and promotion programs, the health education specialist should first develop a project plan or a work plan. Which of the following statements is correct about the project plan? 1. It should include goals, objectives, activities, timelines, evaluation, and staff responsibilities. 2. It is a comprehensive plan with all of the action steps listed for the entire project. 3. It should include the needs assessment, the rationale for the program, and the budget for all materials and supplies needed during implementation. 4. It should list the written job descriptions of all the people and a list of all facilities and supplies needed for implementation.

3. Explain the immediate value of the new knowledge and skills.

When presenting information to adult learners, which of the following suggestions should the health education specialist remember? 1. Adults will be most engaged if the lesson is not tied to their past experiences. 2. Use a lecture-based teaching method because adults learn best from hearing information. 3. Explain the immediate value of the new knowledge and skills. 4. Avoid making relationships with the session content and the participant's job or work.

1. High changeability and high importance

When the health education specialist must prioritize health needs of the priority population in order to determine which of several interventions should be implemented, which one should be selected? The one that has/is: 1. High changeability and high importance 2. Low changeability and high importance 3. High changeability and less importance 4. Low changeability and less importance

3. Self-actualization

When the health education specialist offers training to challenges the learner or teaches skills for the learner to make progress towards his/her personal long-term goals, what level of Mazlow's Hierarchy of Needs is being met? 1. Esteem 2. Physiological 3. Self-actualization 4. Safety

1. The strategies and interventions focusing on building capacities and well-being within groups and organizations to achieve maximum effectiveness and efficiency

When you interviewed for a community health specialist position at the health department, they said they were in the process of organizational development. You nodded and smiled because you know organizational development is: 1. The strategies and interventions focusing on building capacities and well-being within groups and organizations to achieve maximum effectiveness and efficiency 2. A general focus of the program to understand a group of diverse organizations and constituencies who efficiently work together across cultures toward a common goal. 3. A broad re-definition of organizational purpose to change and update its focus to endure over time amidst the current cultural and technological changes. 4. Clearly understanding the conditions in which people are born, live, work, play, and age that affect their health risks, health, daily functioning, and quality of life.

3. Determination

Which of the following IS NOT a factor that influences public perceptions about health-related messages? 1. Perceived susceptibility 2. Personal beliefs 3. Determination 4. Ease of solution and immediate results

1. Research Quarterly

Which of the following IS NOT one of the leading professional journals in the field of health education research and practice? 1. Research Quarterly 2. Health Promotion Practice 3. American Journal of Health Promotion 4. Health Education & Behavior

1. Coalitions are a formal alliance of community members who work toward a common goal.

Which of the following statements about coalitions is correct? 1. Coalitions are a formal alliance of community members who work toward a common goal. 2. Coalition members bring together a homogeneous group of community representatives. 3. Coalitions are hired representatives from diverse organizations working toward a common goal. 4. Coalitions are formed and operated in the same manner across the US.

1. Maintaining the privacy and security of health information associated with the electronic transmission of health records in the US

Which of the following answers is correct about the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act? 1. Maintaining the privacy and security of health information associated with the electronic transmission of health records in the US 2. The requirement for all employees of federal, state, and local departments of health to be CPR-certified and for CPR masks and gloves to be in an accessible area of the building for use within 3 minutes of onset of an incident 3. The public policy on issues arising at the interface of medicine, law, technology, and ethics including the withholding and withdrawing of life-sustaining treatment, assisted reproductive technologies, organ transplantation, dietary supplements, assisted suicide, genetic testing, and the allocation of ventilators in an influenza pandemic. 4. Personal decisions by an individual to appoint a family member or close friend to make health care decisions if the individual loses this ability

Responsibility in Leadership and Management

Which of the following articles is not included in The Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession? Responsibility to the Public Responsibility in the Delivery of Health Education Responsibility in Leadership and Management Responsibility to Employers

1. Values, behavioral norms, thought and behavioral patterns, and symbols and rituals

Which of the following aspects contribute to organizational culture? 1. Values, behavioral norms, thought and behavioral patterns, and symbols and rituals 2. Vision, mission, goals, objectives, and action steps 3. Best practices, best processes, decisional balance, fidelity, and functionality 4. Networking, norming, strategic planning, proprietary standards, and reinforcing factors

1. Program effectiveness and efficiency

Which of the following can be easily measured by the use of a logic model? 1. Program effectiveness and efficiency 2. Involvement and participation by the priority population 3. The cost-benefit analysis of the proposed program 4. The purpose or mission of the proposed program

4. Writing a concise program rationale and/or talking points

Which of the following communication strategies will be the most likely methods a health education specialist will use when presenting a program justification to funders, lawmakers, and other policy makers? 1. Conducting community forums and nominal group process sessions 2. Leading interviews and Delphi surveys 3. Writing newspaper articles and letters to the editor 4. Writing a concise program rationale and/or talking points

1. Autonomy framework - personal right to self-determination and choice

Which of the following ethical frameworks correctly provides a rationale for the needs assessment to the health education specialist? 1. Autonomy framework - personal right to self-determination and choice 2. Resource sensitive - the greatest good for the greatest number of people 3. Utilitarian framework - equal opportunity to meet one's own needs 4. Needs-based framework - all persons have equal value

1. Claiming more experience on your resume than you actually have.

Which of the following examples is an act of commission? 1. Claiming more experience on your resume than you actually have. 2. Warning program participants about the potential danger(s) of the program. 3. Failure to notify the authorities when a child has obvious pattern bruises. 4. Not maintaining appropriate financial accounts for a grant-funded program.

4. Universities and hospitals

Which of the following institutions/organizations are required to establish an Institutional Review Board? 1. Private K-12 academies and schools 2. Businesses and worksites with more than 100 employees 3. Non-profit and non-governmental organizations 4. Universities and hospitals

1. Encouraging program participants to write letters to the editor and vote their conscience

Which of the following is a community mobilization strategy the health education specialist could use? 1. Encouraging program participants to write letters to the editor and vote their conscience 2. Advocating for smoke-free cities and states 3. Providing health fairs and free health tests and screenings to the priority population 4. Providing an active hands-on learning environment in the classroom

2. Introduction, literature review, methodology, results, summary

Which of the following is the correct order for a research report or an executive summary of research? 1. Abstract, introduction, methodology, summary, recommendations 2. Introduction, literature review, methodology, results, summary 3. Abstract, discussion, methodology, summary, recommendations 4. Summary, methodology, literature review, results, recommendations

3. Leadership/political support and funding stability

Which of the following options are elements a health education specialist would consider as elements of sustainability? 1. Service demand of the priority population 2. Successful needs assessment and program planning for a new initiative 3. Leadership/political support and funding stability 4. Memorandums of agreement or memorandums of understanding with other organizations

1. Health Educators accurately communicate the potential benefits, risks and or consequences associated with the services and programs they provide.

Which of the following section of the Code of Ethics for the Health Education Profession relates to applying ethical principles to the implementation process? 1. Health Educators accurately communicate the potential benefits, risks and or consequences associated with the services and programs they provide. 2. Health Educators maintain competence in their areas of professional practice. 3. Health Educators remain informed of the latest advances in health education theory, research and practice. 4. Health Educators encourage and accept responsible critical discourse to protect and enhance the profession.

3. Creating a rationale and providing the references used in the rationale

Which of the following set of items IS NOT the steps a health education specialist would use in designing and completing a survey? 1. Pre-testing the questionnaire, revising the questionnaire, and administering the questionnaire 2. Entering, tabulating, and analyzing data 3. Creating a rationale and providing the references used in the rationale 4. Planning the survey, designing the survey, and collecting the data.

3. Data can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of services, programs and policies.

Which of the following statements is correct about data? 1. Data should not be organized prior to coding and entering it onto SPSS. 2. There is no need to monitor, nor manage data to ensure its optimal utility. 3. Data can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of services, programs and policies. 4. Data cannot be used to investigate or track progress toward program objectives or policies.

4. An individual acting as a private citizen can participate in any level of advocacy or lobbying.

Which of the following statements is correct about lobbying for a health education policy? 1. One responsibility of a certified health education specialist is to lobby for a health policy or work to influence any organizational decision maker, regardless of whether on or off the job. 2. Only a certified health education specialist can participate in any level of advocacy or lobbying. 3. Outside of their daily role, health education specialists working for certain state and federal agencies should use employer resources when lobbying as a private citizen. 4. An individual acting as a private citizen can participate in any level of advocacy or lobbying.

2. Logic models help determine if activities are producing intended outputs and outcomes.

Which of the following statements is correct about logic models? 1. Logic models can accurately determine the long-term outcomes of a program/intervention. 2. Logic models help determine if activities are producing intended outputs and outcomes. 3. The inputs listed in a logic model are helpful in tracking the program's overall progress. 4. If logic models are utilized, objectives for the intervention are unnecessary.

2. Present organized information that builds from simple to complex ideas.

Which of the following statements is correct about providing optimal educational effectiveness? 1. Participants do not respond well to repetition of information. Do not repeat concepts. 2. Present organized information that builds from simple to complex ideas. 3. Passive participants are more likely to absorb and retain information because they can focus on taking notes and making needed diagrams. 4. Participants learn well and are unlikely to become bored when the information is delivered at a rapid pace.

4. Attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction

Which of the following terms accurately describes the acronyms in the ARCS Motivation Model? 1. Ability, repetition, challenging, and selective 2. Accurate, rehearsed, coordinated, and sensible 3. Accessible, responsive, comfortable, and sequential 4. Attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction

3. The Foundation Center

Which of the following websites would be the best to consult if the health education specialist were looking for requests for proposals (RFPs) and information about the most compatible potential source for grant funding? 1. The Aspen Institute 2. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation 3. The Foundation Center 4. Partnership for Prevention

2. Research the potential partner organization's mission

Your agency/organization is considering forming a simple partnership with another community organization in order to enhance the joint health education efforts of both organizations. What is the logical first step to be taken? 1. Re-brand your agency's logo to include the new partner organization 2. Research the potential partner organization's mission 3. Establish clear goals, tasks, and communication methods to be established by the partners 4. Ask around the community "grapevine" to obtain some background information on the organization

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